public void perceptron_should_learn_all_except_xor_nor( [ValueSource("Backends")] string backend, [ValueSource("Targets")] float[] y, [Values(false, true)] bool useBias) { KerasSharp.Backends.Current.Switch(backend); var model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Dense(1, input_dim: 2, kernel_initializer: new GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer: new GlorotUniform(), use_bias: useBias, activation: new Sigmoid())); model.Compile(loss: new MeanSquareError(), optimizer: new SGD(lr: 1), metrics: new[] { new Accuracy() });, y, epochs: 1000, batch_size: y.Length); Array yy = model.predict(x, batch_size: y.Length)[0]; float[] pred = MatrixEx.Round(yy.To <float[, ]>()).GetColumn(0); if ((useBias && (y == xor)) || (!useBias && (y == xor || y == nor || y == and))) { Assert.AreNotEqual(y, pred); } else { Assert.AreEqual(y, pred); } }
public void mlp_should_learn_all( [ValueSource("Backends")] string backend, [ValueSource("Targets")] float[] y, [Values(false, true)] bool useBias) { KerasSharp.Backends.Current.Switch(backend); var model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Dense(5, input_dim: 2, kernel_initializer: new GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer: new GlorotUniform(), use_bias: useBias, activation: new Sigmoid())); model.Add(new Dense(1, kernel_initializer: new GlorotUniform(), bias_initializer: new GlorotUniform(), use_bias: useBias, activation: new Sigmoid())); model.Compile(loss: new MeanSquareError(), optimizer: new SGD(lr: 1), metrics: new[] { new Accuracy() });, y, epochs: 1000, batch_size: y.Length); double[] pred = Matrix.Round(model.predict(x, batch_size: y.Length)[0].To <double[, ]>()).GetColumn(0); Assert.AreEqual(y, pred); }
private List <MLFoundPoint> Test(List <Candle> candles) { Log.Info("Running test"); try { var ret = new List <MLFoundPoint>(); var x = new List <float>(); var xpoints = 0; for (var i = 20; i < candles.Count; i++) { var z = _dataGenerator.GetMLPointXData(candles, i); if (xpoints == 0) { xpoints = z.Count; } x.AddRange(z); } var inX = np.array(x.ToArray()); var countIn = (int)(x.Count / (decimal)xpoints); inX = inX.reshape(countIn, xpoints); var outY = _model.predict(inX, countIn); for (var i = 0; i < countIn; i++) { var values = outY[0][i].ToArray <float>(); if (values.Any(v => v > 1F || v < 0F)) { throw new ApplicationException("Test values is <0 or >1"); } var buy = values[0]; var sell = values[1]; if (buy > 0.95F) { ret.Add(new MLFoundPoint(candles[i].CloseTimeTicks, TradeDirection.Long, (decimal)candles[i].CloseBid)); } if (sell > 0.95F) { ret.Add(new MLFoundPoint(candles[i].CloseTimeTicks, TradeDirection.Short, (decimal)candles[i].CloseBid)); } } Log.Info($"Test complete - {ret.Count} points found"); return(ret); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Failing to run test", ex); return(null); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var model = new Sequential(); var dense = new Dense(units: 5, input_dim: 5, kernel_initializer: new Constant(Matrix.Identity(5)), bias_initializer: new Constant(0)); model.Add(dense); float[,] input = Vector.Range(25).Reshape(5, 5).ToSingle(); float[,] output = MatrixEx.To <float[, ]>(model.predict(input)[0]); }
public void DoSomeWork(double[][] myoData) { using (var session = new TFSession()) { float[,] x = myoData.ToMatrix().ToSingle(); float[] y = myoData.GetColumn(0).ToSingle(); var inputDim = x.GetLength(1); KerasSharp.Backends.Current.Switch("KerasSharp.Backends.TensorFlowBackend"); // Create the model var model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Dense(512, input_dim: inputDim, activation: new ReLU())); model.Add(new Dense(8, activation: new Softmax())); // Compile the model (for the moment, only the mean square // error loss is supported, but this should be solved soon) model.Compile(loss: new CategoricalCrossEntropy(), optimizer: new SGD(), metrics: new[] { new Accuracy() }); // Fit the model for 150 epochs, y, epochs: 150, batch_size: 32); // Use the model to make predictions float[] pred = model.predict(x)[0].To <float[]>(); // Evaluate the model double[] scores = model.evaluate(x, y); Console.WriteLine($"{model.metrics_names[1]}: {scores[1] * 100}"); } /* * using (var session = new TFSession()) * { * var graph = session.Graph; * * var a = graph.Const(2); * var b = graph.Const(3); * * TFTensor addingTensor = session.GetRunner().Run(graph.Add(a, b)); * object TResVal = addingTensor.GetValue(); * * } */ }
public double act(Array state) { Random random = new Random(); if (np.random.rand() < this.exploration_rate) { int actionindex = random.Next(0, this.action_space); return(actionindex); } //var model = new Sequential(); Array[] pred = model.predict(state); return(np.argmax(pred[0])); }
public void conv_bias(string backend) { KerasSharp.Backends.Current.Switch(backend); var model = new Sequential(); var dense = new Dense(units: 5, input_dim: 5, kernel_initializer: new Constant(Matrix.Identity(5)), bias_initializer: new Constant(42)); model.Add(dense); float[,] input = Vector.Range(25).Reshape(5, 5).ToSingle(); float[,] output = MatrixEx.To <float[, ]>(model.predict(input)[0]); Assert.IsTrue(input.Add(42).IsEqual(output, 1e-8f)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { GradientEngine.UseEnvironmentFromVariable(); TensorFlowSetup.Instance.EnsureInitialized(); // this allows SIREN to oversaturate channels without adding to the loss var clampToValidChannelRange = PythonFunctionContainer.Of <Tensor, Tensor>(ClampToValidChannelValueRange); var siren = new Sequential(new object[] { new GaussianNoise(stddev: 1f / (128 * 1024)), new Siren(2, Enumerable.Repeat(256, 5).ToArray()), new Dense(units: 4, activation: clampToValidChannelRange), new GaussianNoise(stddev: 1f / 128), }); siren.compile( // too slow to converge //optimizer: new SGD(momentum: 0.5), // lowered learning rate to avoid destabilization optimizer: new Adam(learning_rate: 0.00032), loss: "mse"); if (args.Length == 0) { siren.load_weights("sample.weights"); Render(siren, 1034 * 3, 1536 * 3, "sample6X.png"); return; } foreach (string imagePath in args) { using var original = new Bitmap(imagePath); byte[,,] image = ToBytesHWC(original); int height = image.GetLength(0); int width = image.GetLength(1); int channels = image.GetLength(2); Debug.Assert(channels == 4); var imageSamples = PrepareImage(image); var coords = ImageTools.Coord(height, width).ToNumPyArray() .reshape(new[] { width *height, 2 }); var upscaleCoords = ImageTools.Coord(height * 2, width * 2).ToNumPyArray(); var improved = ImprovedCallback.Create((sender, eventArgs) => { if (eventArgs.Epoch < 10) { return; } ndarray <float> upscaled = siren.predict( upscaleCoords.reshape(new[] { height *width * 4, 2 }), batch_size: 1024); upscaled = (ndarray <float>)upscaled.reshape(new[] { height * 2, width * 2, channels }); using var bitmap = ToImage(RestoreImage(upscaled)); bitmap.Save("sample4X.png", ImageFormat.Png); siren.save_weights("sample.weights"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("saved!"); });, imageSamples, epochs: 100, batchSize: 16 * 1024, shuffleMode: TrainingShuffleMode.Epoch, callbacks: new ICallback[] { improved }); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { /* # Example from # # from keras.models import Sequential # from keras.layers import Dense # import numpy # # fix random seed for reproducibility # numpy.random.seed(7) # # load pima indians dataset # dataset = numpy.loadtxt("pima-indians-diabetes.csv", delimiter=",") # split into input (X) and output (Y) variables # X = dataset[:,0:8] # Y = dataset[:,8] # # create model # model = Sequential() # model.add(Dense(12, input_dim=8, activation='relu')) # model.add(Dense(8, activation='relu')) # model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) # # Compile model # model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) # # Fit the model #, Y, epochs=150, batch_size=10) # # evaluate the model # scores = model.evaluate(X, Y) # print("\n%s: %.2f%%" % (model.metrics_names[1], scores[1]*100)) */ //KerasSharp.Backends.Current.Switch("KerasSharp.Backends.TensorFlowBackend"); KerasSharp.Backends.Current.Switch("KerasSharp.Backends.CNTKBackend"); // Load the Pima Indians Data Set var pima = new Accord.DataSets.PimaIndiansDiabetes(); float[,] x = pima.Instances.ToMatrix().ToSingle(); float[] y = pima.ClassLabels.ToSingle(); // Create the model var model = new Sequential(); model.Add(new Dense(12, input_dim: 8, activation: new ReLU())); model.Add(new Dense(8, activation: new ReLU())); model.Add(new Dense(1, activation: new Sigmoid())); // Compile the model (for the moment, only the mean square // error loss is supported, but this should be solved soon) model.Compile(loss: new MeanSquareError(), optimizer: new Adam(), metrics: new[] { new Accuracy() }); // Fit the model for 150 epochs, y, epochs: 150, batch_size: 10); // Use the model to make predictions float[] pred = model.predict(x)[0].To <float[]>(); // Evaluate the model double[] scores = model.evaluate(x, y); Console.WriteLine($"{model.metrics_names[1]}: {scores[1] * 100}"); Console.ReadLine(); }