Exemple #1
    void doAddNewSection()
        SequencerSectionModel model = new SequencerSectionModel();

        model.name        = "section_" + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue).ToString();
        model.commandList = new List <SequencerCommandBase>();
        lastSelectedSection = sequencerData.sections.Count - 1;
    public void export( string fileName,SequencerData sequencerData, int lastSelectedSection)
        currentSection = sequencerData.sections[ lastSelectedSection ];
        string filePath = Application.dataPath + "/" + fileName + ".txt";
        StreamWriter fileStream = new StreamWriter ( filePath);

        //start the section
        string startScene = "label " + currentSection.name ;
        if ( startScene[ startScene.Length-1] != ':')
            startScene += ":";

        fileStream.Write( startScene + "\n" );

        int max = currentSection.commandList.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)

            //if there is a clear followed by a show followed by a modify, its probably (altough not always) a scene command in ren'py
            if ( currentSection.commandList[i] is SC_ClearAll &&
                (i+2<max) &&
                currentSection.commandList[i+1] is SC_VN_Show &&
                currentSection.commandList[i+2] is SC_VN_Modify)
                //target output: scene bg login with fade
                SC_VN_Show showCommand = currentSection.commandList[i+1] as SC_VN_Show;
                SC_VN_Modify modifyCommand = currentSection.commandList[i+2] as SC_VN_Modify;

                //im taking for granted that the modify will be on the expression
                fileStream.Write( "scene " + showCommand.lastSelectedWho + " " + modifyCommand.expressionName + " with fade\n");

                //skip those 3 commands
                i += 3 ;
            // in case its a show followed by modify ( most likely these two commands are a split show in ren'py (altough not always)
            else if ( currentSection.commandList[i] is SC_VN_Show &&
                     (i+1<max) &&
                     currentSection.commandList[i+1] is SC_VN_Modify)
                //target output: show ami normal at center with dissolve
                SC_VN_Show showCommand = currentSection.commandList[i] as SC_VN_Show;
                SC_VN_Modify modifyCommand = currentSection.commandList[i+1] as SC_VN_Modify;

                fileStream.Write( "show " + showCommand.lastSelectedWho + " " + modifyCommand.attireName + " "
                                 + modifyCommand.expressionName + " at " + showCommand.lastSelectedTo
                                 + " with dissolve\n");
                 fileStream.Write( currentSection.commandList[i].toRenpy() );


        Debug.LogWarning("Done, file at: " + filePath);
Exemple #3
    //note this renames all with same name
    void doRenameSection(SequencerSectionModel sectionModel, string newName)
        foreach (SequencerSectionModel model in sequencerData.sections)
            if (sectionModel != model && model.name == newName)
                Debug.LogWarning("Could not rename to " + newName + " because another section is already named that way !");

        sectionModel.name = newName;
    public SequencerSectionModel clone()
        SequencerSectionModel newSection = new SequencerSectionModel();
        newSection.name = name;
        newSection.commandList = new List<SequencerCommandBase>();

        foreach (SequencerCommandBase command in commandList)

        return newSection;
Exemple #5
    void doDuplicateSection(SequencerSectionModel model)
        SequencerSectionModel newModel = model.clone();

        newModel.name += "_" + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue).ToString();
        //TODO make sure this name is unique before continue

        foreach (SequencerCommandBase cmd in newModel.commandList)
            cmd.init(sequencerData.sections.Count, sequencerData);

        lastSelectedSection = sequencerData.sections.Count - 1;
Exemple #6
    public SequencerSectionModel clone()
        SequencerSectionModel newSection = new SequencerSectionModel();

        newSection.name        = name;
        newSection.commandList = new List <SequencerCommandBase>();

        foreach (SequencerCommandBase command in commandList)

Exemple #7
    //note this deletes all found with same name ( in general we dont want duplicates names anyway)
    void doDeleteSection(string sectionName)
        for (int i = sequencerData.sections.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
            if (sectionName == sequencerData.sections [i].name)
                SequencerSectionModel section = sequencerData.sections [i];
                sequencerData.sections.Remove(sequencerData.sections [i]);

                foreach (SequencerCommandBase command in section.commandList)
    public void renpyToSequencer(string text, SequencerData sequencerData, bool createCharacterStubs)
        allowCharacterStubCreation = createCharacterStubs;

        string[] splitFile = text.Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        bool commandWasValid = true;
        for (int i=0; i < splitFile.Length; i++)
            string myString = splitFile [i].Replace('\t', ' ');
            string[] splitString = myString.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string firstWord = (splitString.Length > 0) ? splitString [0] : "EMPTY";

            //for use below
            SequencerTargetModel targetModel;

            commandWasValid = true;
            switch (firstWord)
                case ("label"):
                    currentSection = checkSectionExistsOrCreate(splitString [1], sequencerData);
                case ("scene"):
                    //also add a clearAll automatically ( cause I think ren'py does this on scene switch )
                    SC_ClearAll clear = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_ClearAll)) as SC_ClearAll;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, clear, sequencerData);

                    //bg's are treated like characters cause you can manipulate them and move em around
                    //scene bg park with wipeleft
                    SC_VN_Show show = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_VN_Show)) as SC_VN_Show;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, show, sequencerData);
                    SC_VN_Modify modify = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_VN_Modify)) as SC_VN_Modify;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, modify, sequencerData);

                    if (splitString [1] == " " || splitString.Length < 1)

                    targetModel = checkTargetExistsOrCreate(splitString [1], sequencerData, SequencerTargetTypes.character);

        //                    TODO: use the transition type
        //                    string transitionType;
        //                    if (splitString.Length > 2)
        //                        transitionType = splitString [3];
        //                    else
        //                        transitionType = "instant";

                    show.time = 0;
                    show.useFrom = false;
                    modify.targetName = show.lastSelectedWho = targetModel.nickname;

                    show.lastSelectedTo = checkTargetExistsOrCreate("centerPos", sequencerData, SequencerTargetTypes.positional).nickname;

                    modify.expressionName = splitString [2];
                case ("hide"):
                    SC_VN_Hide hide = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_VN_Hide)) as SC_VN_Hide;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, hide, sequencerData);

                    //TODO: this will only hide in place, but probably inteded to hide in some direction with a transition type

                    if (splitString [1] == " " || splitString [1].Length < 1)

                    targetModel = checkTargetExistsOrCreate(splitString [1], sequencerData, SequencerTargetTypes.positional);
                    hide.lastSelectedWho = targetModel.nickname;
                    hide.useTo = false;
                case ("jump"):
                    SC_Jump jump = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_Jump)) as SC_Jump;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, jump, sequencerData);

                    SequencerSectionModel jumpSection = checkSectionExistsOrCreate(splitString [1], sequencerData);
                    jump.targetSectionName = jumpSection.name;
                    jump.commandIndex = 0;
                    jump.targetCommand = (jumpSection.commandList.Count > 0) ? jumpSection.commandList [0] : null;
                case ("menu:"):
                    SC_VN_Choice choice = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_VN_Choice)) as SC_VN_Choice;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, choice, sequencerData);

                    choice.sectionNameList = new List<string>();
                    choice.commandIndexList = new List<int>();
                    choice.optionTextList = new List<string>();
                    choice.targetCommandList = new List<SequencerCommandBase>();

                    //we will treat options as part of same scene ( more akin to ren'py style )
                    int choiceTabs = splitFile [i].Split('\t').Length - 1;
                    int startLineIndex = i;

                    while (true)
                        i += 1;

                        //check for last line
                        if ( i >= splitFile.Length)

                        string currString = splitFile [i];
                        string currStringCheck = splitFile [i].Replace('\t', ' ');
                        string[] splitStringCheck = currStringCheck.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (splitStringCheck.Length > 0 && splitFile [i].Split('\t').Length - 1 <= choiceTabs)

                        //look for choice lines
                        string[] splitCurrString = currString.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (splitCurrString [splitCurrString.Length - 1].Contains("\":"))
                            int indexOfQuotes = currString.IndexOf("\"");
                            choice.optionTextList.Add(currString.Substring(indexOfQuotes + 1, currString.LastIndexOf(":") - 2 - indexOfQuotes)); // cut out the  :

                    choice.size = choice.commandIndexList.Count;

                    choiceToJumpsDictionary.Add(choice, new List<SC_Jump>());
                    choiceToCurrentResolvedIndex.Add(choice, 0);

                    //reset back to the line we were on
                    i = startLineIndex;
                case ("pause"):
                    SC_Pause pause = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_Pause)) as SC_Pause;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, pause, sequencerData);

                    pause.time = .25f; //? some default time
                    if (splitString.Length > 1)
                        pause.time = float.Parse(splitString [1]);
                case ("play"):
                    //TODO deal with fadein time
                    if (splitString [1] == "music")
                        SC_PlayMusic playMusic = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_PlayMusic)) as SC_PlayMusic;
                        initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, playMusic, sequencerData);
                        int startIndex = myString.IndexOf("\"") + 1;
                        int endIndex = myString.IndexOf(".");
                        playMusic.audioClipName = myString.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

                        if (playMusic.audioClipName.Contains("/"))
                            int endSlashIndex = playMusic.audioClipName.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                            playMusic.audioClipName = playMusic.audioClipName.Substring(endSlashIndex, playMusic.audioClipName.Length - endSlashIndex);
                    } else if (splitString [1] == "sound")
                        SC_PlaySfx playAudio = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_PlaySfx)) as SC_PlaySfx;
                        initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, playAudio, sequencerData);
                        int startIndex = myString.IndexOf("\"") + 1;
                        int endIndex = myString.IndexOf(".");
                        playAudio.audioClipName = myString.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

                        if (playAudio.audioClipName.Contains("/"))
                            int endSlashIndex = playAudio.audioClipName.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                            playAudio.audioClipName = playAudio.audioClipName.Substring(endSlashIndex, playAudio.audioClipName.Length - endSlashIndex);
                case ("show"):
                    show = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_VN_Show)) as SC_VN_Show;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, show, sequencerData);

                    modify = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_VN_Modify)) as SC_VN_Modify;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, modify, sequencerData);

                    //show character attire expression at position with transitiontype
                    //show laura happy at center with dissolve  7
                    //show blu normal at right                  5
                    //show ahri A1 comedyAngry at lr          6
                    //show ryuu B1 neutral at rt              6
                    //show ryuu B1 sexy                      4
                    //show kichihiro angry                    3
                    //show kichiro drop at rt                  5

                    if (splitString [1] == " " || splitString [1].Length < 1)

                    targetModel = checkTargetExistsOrCreate(splitString [1], sequencerData, SequencerTargetTypes.character);
                    show.lastSelectedWho = modify.targetName = targetModel.nickname;

                    List<string> parts = new List<string>();
                    int hadAt = -1;
                    int hadWith = -1;

                    for (int c=2; c < splitString.Length; c++)
                        if (splitString [c] == "at")
                            hadAt = c;
                        else if (splitString [c] == "with")
                            hadWith = c;
                        } else if (hadAt == -1)
                            parts.Add(splitString [c]);

                    string positionTargetName = "";
                    if (hadAt > -1)
                        positionTargetName = splitString [hadAt + 1];

                    //TODO: do something with transition type
                    string transitionType = "";
                    if (hadWith > -1)
                        transitionType = splitString [hadWith + 1];
                    transitionType += ""; //remove me later, just to get rid of warning

                    string attire = "";
                    string expression = "";

                    if (parts.Count > 1)
                        attire = parts [0];
                        expression = parts [1];
                    } else
                        expression = parts [0];

                    show.useFrom = false;

                    //this should just use previous position of this char, so go back and look for one
                    if (positionTargetName == " " || positionTargetName.Length < 1)
                        if (currentSection.commandList.Count > 3)
                            for (int g = currentSection.commandList.Count-3; g > -1; g--)
                                if (currentSection.commandList [g] is SC_VN_Show)
                                    SC_VN_Show temp = (SC_VN_Show)currentSection.commandList [g];
                                    if (temp.lastSelectedWho == show.lastSelectedWho)
                                        positionTargetName = temp.lastSelectedTo;

                        if (positionTargetName == "")
                            positionTargetName = "centerPos";

                    show.lastSelectedTo = checkTargetExistsOrCreate(positionTargetName, sequencerData, SequencerTargetTypes.positional).nickname;
                    modify.attireName = attire;
                    modify.expressionName = expression;
                case ("stop"):
                    SC_StopMusic stopMusic = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_StopMusic)) as SC_StopMusic;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, stopMusic, sequencerData);
                    if (splitString.Length > 2)
                        stopMusic.fadeTime = float.Parse(splitString [3]);
                case ("voice"):
                    SC_PlaySfx playSfx = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_PlaySfx)) as SC_PlaySfx;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, playSfx, sequencerData);
                    playSfx.audioClipName = splitString [1];
                case ("$"):
                    if (myString.Contains("renpy."))
                        if (myString.Contains("renpy.pause"))
                            string[] furtherSplit = splitString [1].Replace("renpy.", "").Split(new char[]{'('}, StringSplitOptions.None);

                            pause = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_Pause)) as SC_Pause;
                            initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, pause, sequencerData);
                            string[] againSplit = furtherSplit [1].Split(new char[]{')'}, StringSplitOptions.None);

                            pause.time = float.Parse(againSplit [0]);
                        } else if (myString.Contains("renpy.input"))
                            SC_InputVariable input = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_InputVariable)) as SC_InputVariable;
                            initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, input, sequencerData);

                            input.variableName = splitString [1];

                            //create variable in sequencer ? this is not always needed since we have runtime variables !
        //                            if( Array.IndexOf( sequencerData.getNamesOfVariables(), input.variableName) == -1 )
        //                            {
        //                                sequencerData.variables.Add( new SequencerVariableModel( input.variableName, "default"));
        //                            }


                        commandWasValid = false;
                        string failLine = string.Join(" ", splitString);

                        //only print out lines that are not empty
                        if (failLine.Length > 0 && failLine != " ")
                            Debug.Log("Line discarded: " + failLine);
                    } else
                        //check for variables
                        SC_SetVariable variable = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_SetVariable)) as SC_SetVariable;
                        initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, variable, sequencerData);

                        variable.variableName = splitString [1];
                        variable.variableValue = string.Join(" ", splitString, 2, splitString.Length - 2);
                        //TODO: does this make sense ? if > or < or ==  bool, if / then float, else + )
                        if (!variable.variableValue.Contains(".") && (variable.variableValue.Contains(">") || variable.variableValue.Contains("<") || variable.variableValue.Contains("==")
                            || variable.variableValue.Contains("+") || variable.variableValue.Contains("-") || variable.variableValue.Contains("*")))
                            variable.typeIndex = 1;
                        } else if (variable.variableValue.Contains(".") || variable.variableValue.Contains("/"))
                            variable.typeIndex = 2;
                        } else
                            variable.typeIndex = 0;

                        //attempt to fix assignments
                        if ( variable.variableValue.Contains("+=") || variable.variableValue.Contains("-=") || variable.variableValue.Contains("*=") || variable.variableValue.Contains("/=") || (variable.variableValue.Contains("=") && !variable.variableValue.Contains("==") ))
                            if( variable.variableValue[0] == '+' || variable.variableValue[0] == '-' || variable.variableValue[0] == '*' || variable.variableValue[0] == '/' || variable.variableValue[0] == '=')
                                variable.variableValue = "[" + variable.variableName + "] " + variable.variableValue.Replace( "=" , " ") ;
                case ( "if"):
                    //TODO deal with "if" / "else" variable case
                    //just going to drop a expression jump here...
                    SC_VN_ExpressionJump expJump = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_VN_ExpressionJump)) as SC_VN_ExpressionJump;
                    initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, expJump, sequencerData);

                    expJump.size = 1;
                    expJump.expressionList = new List<string>();
                    expJump.expressionList.Add(string.Join(" ", splitString, 1, splitString.Length - 1));
                    //Add jumps at end of choices
                    if (splitString.Length > 0 && splitString [splitString.Length - 1].Contains("\":"))
                        // 1 because we skip the first choice
                        for (int f=1; f < choiceCommandList [choiceCommandList.Count - 1].commandIndexList.Count; f++)
                            if (i == choiceCommandList [choiceCommandList.Count - 1].commandIndexList [f])
                                jump = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_Jump)) as SC_Jump;
                                initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, jump, sequencerData);

                                jump.targetSectionName = currentSection.name;

                                choiceToJumpsDictionary [choiceCommandList [choiceCommandList.Count - 1]].Add(jump);

                        commandWasValid = false; // this is valid, but exception so the bottom thing works out
                    //end add jump at end of choices

                    //deal with characters dialogs
                    //target "dialog"
                    if (splitString.Length == 1 && firstWord [0] == '"')
                        SC_VN_Dialog dialogNar = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_VN_Dialog)) as SC_VN_Dialog;
                        initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, dialogNar, sequencerData);

                        SequencerTargetModel narModel = checkTargetExistsOrCreate("narrator", sequencerData, SequencerTargetTypes.character);
                        dialogNar.speakerTargetName = narModel.nickname;
                        dialogNar.text = myString.Substring(1, myString.Length - 2);
                        commandWasValid = true;
                    } else if (splitString.Length > 1 && splitString [1] [0] == '"')
                        SC_VN_Dialog dialog = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(SC_VN_Dialog)) as SC_VN_Dialog;
                        initCommandAndAddToSection(currentSection, dialog, sequencerData);

                        if (firstWord == " " || firstWord.Length < 1)

                        SequencerTargetModel diagModel = checkTargetExistsOrCreate(firstWord, sequencerData, SequencerTargetTypes.character);
                        dialog.speakerTargetName = diagModel.nickname;
                        int startIndex = myString.IndexOf("\"") + 1;
                        int endIndex = myString.LastIndexOf("\"");
                        dialog.text = myString.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
                        commandWasValid = true;
                    //end dialog

                    //just skip the line discarded output for these, cause they are actually used!
                    if (splitString.Length > 0 && splitString [splitString.Length - 1].Contains("\":"))

                    //not found
                    commandWasValid = false;

                    string failLine = string.Join(" ", splitString);

                    //only print out lines that are not empty
                    if (failLine.Length > 0 && failLine != " ")
                        Debug.Log("Line discarded: " + failLine);

            //every time we have made a valid command after a choice line, update the jump index for that choice
            if (commandWasValid && choiceCommandList.Count > 0)
                int currChoiceIndexToResolve = choiceToCurrentResolvedIndex [choiceCommandList [choiceCommandList.Count - 1]];

                //next valid command
                if (choiceCommandList [choiceCommandList.Count - 1].commandIndexList.Count > currChoiceIndexToResolve && i > choiceCommandList [choiceCommandList.Count - 1].commandIndexList [currChoiceIndexToResolve])
                    choiceCommandList [choiceCommandList.Count - 1].commandIndexList [currChoiceIndexToResolve] = currentSection.commandList.Count - 1;
                    choiceCommandList [choiceCommandList.Count - 1].targetCommandList [currChoiceIndexToResolve] = currentSection.commandList [currentSection.commandList.Count - 1];
                    choiceToCurrentResolvedIndex [choiceCommandList [choiceCommandList.Count - 1]] += 1;

            //if we are at the end line for a choice, then complete the jump for the end of that choice
            if (choiceCommandList.Count > 0 && i == choiceEndLineList [choiceEndLineList.Count - 1])
                foreach (SC_Jump jumpCmd in choiceToJumpsDictionary[choiceCommandList [choiceCommandList.Count - 1]])
                    jumpCmd.commandIndex = currentSection.commandList.Count - 1;
                    jumpCmd.targetCommand = currentSection.commandList [currentSection.commandList.Count - 1];
                choiceEndLineList.RemoveAt(choiceEndLineList.Count - 1);
                choiceCommandList.RemoveAt(choiceCommandList.Count - 1);
 //this is for snippets, may not have a scene target, so append to current selected scene!
 public void renpyToSequencer(string text, SequencerData sequencerData, int lastSelectedSection, bool createCharacterStubs)
     currentSection = sequencerData.sections[ lastSelectedSection ];
     renpyToSequencer(text, sequencerData, createCharacterStubs);
Exemple #10
    void initCommandAndAddToSection(SequencerSectionModel sectionModel, SequencerCommandBase command, SequencerData data)
        if ( sectionModel == null)
            Debug.LogWarning( "No Section to add command to ! ");

        command.init(sectionModel.name, data);
Exemple #11
 SequencerSectionModel checkSectionExistsOrCreate(string name, SequencerData data)
     SequencerSectionModel sectionModel;
     if (data.sections.Count == 0)
         sectionModel = new SequencerSectionModel();
         sectionModel.name = name;
         sectionModel.commandList = new List<SequencerCommandBase>();
     } else
         sectionModel = data.getSectionModel(name);
         if (sectionModel.name != name)
             sectionModel = new SequencerSectionModel();
             sectionModel.name = name;
             sectionModel.commandList = new List<SequencerCommandBase>();
     return sectionModel;
    void doRenameSection(SequencerSectionModel renameSectionModel, string newName)
        //cant be blank name
        newName = newName.Trim();
        if (newName == null || newName.Length == 0)
            Debug.Log("Cant rename to blank!");

        //check for unique section name
        foreach (SequencerSectionModel model in sequencerData.sections)
            if (renameSectionModel != model && model.name == newName)
                Debug.LogWarning("Could not rename to " + newName + " because another section is already named that way !");

        int numberOfRefrences = 0;
        //make sure references are updated in all sections
        foreach (SequencerSectionModel sectionModel in sequencerData.sections)
            foreach (SequencerCommandBase command in sectionModel.commandList)
                bool wasUpdated = command.updateSectionReference(renameSectionModel.name, newName);

                if (wasUpdated)
                    numberOfRefrences += 1;

        Debug.Log("Updated " + numberOfRefrences + " to this sections.");

        //do rename
    void doImportSequencerFile()
        string[] splitFile = fileData.text.Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        GameObject newDataHolder = new GameObject("sequencerDataHolderObject");
        SequencerData data = newDataHolder.AddComponent<SequencerData>();

        string currentType = "";
        SequencerSectionModel lastSectionModel = null;
        for (int i=0; i < splitFile.Length; i++)
            if (splitFile [i].Contains("TARGETS:"))
                currentType = "targets";
            } else if (splitFile [i].Contains("VARIABLES:"))
                currentType = "variables";
            } else if (splitFile [i].Contains("SECTIONS:"))
                currentType = "sections";

            string[] splitLine = splitFile [i].Split(new char[] {'╫'});

            if (currentType == "targets")
                SequencerTargetModel targetModel = new SequencerTargetModel();
                targetModel.nickname = splitLine [0];
                targetModel.type = splitLine [2];

                GameObject goalTarget = GameObject.Find(splitLine [1]);
                if (goalTarget != null)
                    targetModel.target = goalTarget;

            } else if (currentType == "variables")
                SequencerVariableModel variableModel = new SequencerVariableModel();
                variableModel.name = splitLine [0];
                variableModel.value = splitLine [1];

            } else if (currentType == "sections")
                if (splitLine [0] == "section:")
                    lastSectionModel = new SequencerSectionModel();
                    lastSectionModel.commandList = new List<SequencerCommandBase>();
                    lastSectionModel.name = splitLine [1];
                } else
                    SequencerCommandBase command = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(splitLine [0]) as SequencerCommandBase;
                    command.init(lastSectionModel.name, data);

        Debug.LogWarning("Done, importing file");
    void doDuplicateSection(SequencerSectionModel model)
        SequencerSectionModel newModel = model.clone();
        newModel.name += "_" + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue).ToString();
        //TODO make sure this name is unique before continue

        foreach (SequencerCommandBase cmd in newModel.commandList)
            cmd.init(newModel.name, sequencerData);

        lastSelectedSection = sequencerData.sections.Count - 1;
 void doAddNewSection()
     SequencerSectionModel model = new SequencerSectionModel();
     model.name = "section_" + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue).ToString();
     model.commandList = new List<SequencerCommandBase>();
     lastSelectedSection = sequencerData.sections.Count - 1;