Exemple #1
        public void OpenSequenceViewer(SequenceViewerViewModel sequenceViewerViewModel)
            var control = new SequenceViewer {
                DataContext = sequenceViewerViewModel
            var window = new Window {
                Content = control

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the SpectrumPlotViewModel class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dialogService">Dialog service for opening dialogs from ViewModel.</param>
        /// <param name="fragSeqVm">Gets or sets the view model for the fragmentation sequence (fragment ion generator)</param>
        /// <param name="multiplier">How much padding should be before the lowest peak and after the highest peak?</param>
        /// <param name="autoZoomXAxis">Should this view model automatically zoom the plot?</param>
        public SpectrumPlotViewModel(IMainDialogService dialogService, IFragmentationSequenceViewModel fragSeqVm, double multiplier, bool autoZoomXAxis = true)
            this.dialogService             = dialogService;
            FragmentationSequenceViewModel = fragSeqVm;
            this.autoZoomXAxis             = autoZoomXAxis;
            errorMapViewModel        = new ErrorMapViewModel(dialogService);
            ShowUnexplainedPeaks     = true;
            ShowFilteredSpectrum     = false;
            ShowDeconvolutedSpectrum = false;
            AutoAdjustYAxis          = true;
            Title = string.Empty;
            XAxis = new LinearAxis
                Title        = "m/z",
                StringFormat = "0.###",
                Position     = AxisPosition.Bottom,
            PlotModel = new AutoAdjustedYPlotModel(XAxis, multiplier)
                IsLegendVisible = false,
                YAxis           =
                    Title        = "Intensity",
                    StringFormat = "0e0"

            SequenceViewerViewModel = new SequenceViewerViewModel();

            ions = new LabeledIonViewModel[0];

            // When Spectrum updates, clear the filtered spectrum, deconvoluted spectrum, and filtered+deconvoluted spectrum
            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Spectrum)
            .Subscribe(spectrum =>
                spectrumDirty                = true;
                filteredSpectrum             = null;
                deconvolutedSpectrum         = null;
                filteredDeconvolutedSpectrum = null;

            // If deconvolution option has changed, the X Axis should change.
            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ShowDeconvolutedSpectrum)
            .Subscribe(_ => spectrumDirty = true);

            // When Spectrum or ions change, or deconvoluted or filtered spectrum are selected, update spectrum plot
                x => x.Spectrum,
                x => x.FragmentationSequenceViewModel.LabeledIonViewModels,
                x => x.ShowDeconvolutedSpectrum,
                x => x.ShowDeconvolutedIons,
                x => x.ShowFilteredSpectrum,
                x => x.ShowUnexplainedPeaks,
                x => x.ShowOnlyTop20Peaks)
            .Where(x => x.Item1 != null && x.Item2 != null)
            .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(400), RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler)
            .SelectMany(async x =>
                var vms = await FragmentationSequenceViewModel.GetLabeledIonViewModels();
                               ion =>
                                                 ShowDeconvolutedSpectrum || ShowDeconvolutedIons))));
            .Subscribe(dataPoints =>
                ions = FragmentationSequenceViewModel.LabeledIonViewModels;

                if (FragmentationSequenceViewModel is FragmentationSequenceViewModel model)
                    SequenceViewerViewModel.FragmentationSequence = model;
                    SequenceViewerViewModel.SelectedSpectrum      = Spectrum as ProductSpectrum;
            });           // Update plot when data changes

            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Spectrum).Where(spectrum => spectrum == null).Subscribe(
                _ =>

            // Update ions when relative intensity threshold changes.
            IcParameters.Instance.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PrecursorRelativeIntensityThreshold).Subscribe(precursorRelInt =>
                if (FragmentationSequenceViewModel is PrecursorSequenceIonViewModel precursorFragVm)
                    precursorFragVm.RelativeIntensityThreshold = precursorRelInt;

            // Update plot when settings change
            IcParameters.Instance.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ProductIonTolerancePpm, x => x.IonCorrelationThreshold)
            .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(400), RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler)
            .SelectMany(async x => await Task.WhenAll(ions.Select(ion => ion.GetPeaksAsync(GetSpectrum(), ShowDeconvolutedSpectrum, false))))

            // When AutoAdjustYAxis changes, update value in plot model.
            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.AutoAdjustYAxis)
            .Subscribe(autoAdjust =>
                PlotModel.AutoAdjustYAxis     = autoAdjust;
                PlotModel.YAxis.IsZoomEnabled = !autoAdjust;
                PlotModel.YAxis.IsPanEnabled  = !autoAdjust;

                if (autoAdjust)

            // Update plot axes when FeaturePlotXMin, YMin, XMax, and YMax change
            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.XMinimum, x => x.XMaximum)
            .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler)
            .Where(x => !xAxis.ActualMinimum.Equals(x.Item1) || !xAxis.ActualMaximum.Equals(x.Item2))
            .Subscribe(x =>
                xAxis.Zoom(x.Item1, x.Item2);
            this.WhenAnyValue(y => y.YMinimum, y => y.YMaximum)
            .Throttle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler)
            .Where(y => !PlotModel.YAxis.ActualMinimum.Equals(y.Item1) || !PlotModel.YAxis.ActualMaximum.Equals(y.Item2))
                y =>
                PlotModel.YAxis.Zoom(y.Item1, y.Item2);

            // Update X min and max properties when x axis is panned or zoomed
            xAxis.AxisChanged += (o, e) =>
                XMinimum = Math.Round(xAxis.ActualMinimum, 3);
                XMaximum = Math.Round(xAxis.ActualMaximum, 3);

            // Update Y min and max properties when Y axis is panned or zoomed
            PlotModel.YAxis.AxisChanged += (o, e) =>
                YMinimum = Math.Round(PlotModel.YAxis.ActualMinimum, 3);
                YMaximum = Math.Round(PlotModel.YAxis.ActualMaximum, 3);

            // Save As Image Command requests a file path from the user and then saves the spectrum plot as an image
            SaveAsImageCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(SaveAsImageImplementation);

            // Error map command opens a new error map window and passes it the most abundant isotope peak data points
            // and the current sequence.
            OpenErrorMapCommand      = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => dialogService.OpenErrorMapWindow(errorMapViewModel));
            OpenScanSelectionCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(OpenScanSelectionImplementation);
            SaveAsTsvCommand         = ReactiveCommand.Create(SaveAsTsvImplementation);
            SaveToClipboardCommand   = ReactiveCommand.Create(SaveToClipboardImplementation);
Exemple #3
 public void OpenSequenceViewer(SequenceViewerViewModel sequenceViewerViewModel)
     throw new NotImplementedException();