Exemple #1
    // Collision Detection / Force Feedback

    #region Collision

    // Called when this object enters the collider of another object
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        if (this.touchedObject == null)
            SenseGlove_Material     material     = col.GetComponent <SenseGlove_Material>();
            SenseGlove_Interactable interactable = col.GetComponent <SenseGlove_Interactable>();
            if (material || interactable)
                // SenseGlove_Debugger.Log("Touching " + col.name + "; material = " + (material != null) + ", interactable = " + (interactable != null));
                this.touchedObject   = col.gameObject;
                this.touchedScript   = interactable;
                this.touchedMaterial = material;
                this.touchedDeform   = col.GetComponent <SenseGlove_MeshDeform>();

                if (this.handModel.forceFeedback == ForceFeedbackType.Simple && material)
                    this.motorLevel = material.maxForce;
                else if (this.handModel.forceFeedback == ForceFeedbackType.MaterialBased)
                    this.motorLevel = 0; //still 0 since OP == EO

                if (material && material.hapticFeedback)
                    this.buzzLevel = material.hapticMagnitude;
                    this.buzzTime  = material.hapticDuration;
    // Called when this object enters the collider of another object
    protected virtual void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        if (this.touchedObject == null && this.handModel != null)
            GameObject          gObj     = col.attachedRigidbody != null ? col.attachedRigidbody.gameObject : col.gameObject;
            SenseGlove_Material material = gObj.GetComponent <SenseGlove_Material>();
            if (material)

                if (this.handModel.forceFeedback == ForceFeedbackType.Simple && material)
                    this.motorLevel = material.maxForce;
                else if (this.handModel.forceFeedback == ForceFeedbackType.MaterialBased)
                    this.motorLevel = 0; //still 0 since OP == EO
                if (material && material.hapticFeedback)
                    this.buzzLevel = material.hapticMagnitude;
                    this.buzzTime  = material.hapticDuration;
 /// <summary> Convert a SenseGlove_Material into a MaterialProps, which can be passed between scripts or stored later on. </summary>
 /// <param name="material"></param>
 public MaterialProps(SenseGlove_Material material)
     this.maxForce     = material.maxForce;
     this.maxForceDist = material.maxForceDist;
     this.yieldDist    = material.yieldDistance;
     this.hapticForce  = material.hapticMagnitude;
     this.hapticDur    = material.hapticDuration;
    /// <summary> Attach a material script to this feedback script. </summary>
    /// <param name="material"></param>
    public void Attach(SenseGlove_Material material)
        this.touchedMaterial = material;
        this.touchedObject   = material.gameObject;
        //this.touchedScript = this.touchedObject.GetComponent<SenseGlove_Interactable>();
        this.touchedDeform = this.touchedObject.GetComponent <SenseGlove_MeshDeform>();

        Collider[] cols = this.touchedObject.GetComponents <Collider>();
        if (cols.Length > 0)
            this.touchedCollider = cols[0]; //one of the colliders as a refrence. Assumed that if one of them is disabled, all of the are.
Exemple #5
    // Monobehaviour

    #region Monobehaviour

    // Use this for initialization
    protected virtual void Start()
        this.wholeDeform   = this.wholeObject.GetComponent <SenseGlove_MeshDeform>();
        this.wholeMaterial = this.wholeObject.GetComponent <SenseGlove_Material>();
        this.wholeMaterial.MaterialBreaks += WholeMaterial_MaterialBreaks;

        if (this.brokenObject)
            this.brokenDeform   = this.brokenObject.GetComponent <SenseGlove_MeshDeform>();
            this.brokenMaterial = this.brokenObject.GetComponent <SenseGlove_Material>();

Exemple #6
    // Called during a physics update.
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (touch != null)
            touch.isTrigger = true;
        }                                              //ensure the touch collider is always kinematic.

        if (this.touchedObject != null && !this.touchedObject.activeInHierarchy)
            this.touchedObject   = null;
            this.touchedMaterial = null;
            this.touchedDeform   = null;
            this.motorLevel      = 0;
            this.dist            = 0;
    /// <summary> Detach the connected bject and its force feedback </summary>
    public void Detach()
        if (this.touchedDeform != null)

        this.touchedObject   = null;
        this.touchedMaterial = null;
        this.touchedDeform   = null;
        this.touchedCollider = null;

        this.motorLevel = 0;
        this.buzzLevel  = 0;
        this.dist       = 0;
Exemple #8
        // Class Methods

        /// <summary> Set uo the script refrences and material properties. </summary>
        protected void Setup()
            this.eggCount = this.LoadCount();

            this.eggMaterial = this.checkEgg.wholeObject.GetComponent <SenseGlove_Material>();
            if (eggMaterial != null)
                eggMaterial.MaterialBreaks += EggCounter_MaterialBreaks;

                this.eggForce     = eggMaterial.maxForce;
                this.eggForceDist = eggMaterial.maxForceDist;
                this.eggFingers   = eggMaterial.minimumFingers;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary> Set the object at the specified index active or inactive. </summary>
        /// <param name="i"></param>
        /// <param name="active"></param>
        private void SetObject(int i, bool active)
            if (index >= 0 && index < this.objectsToSwap.Count)
                SenseGlove_Material mat = this.objectsToSwap[i].GetComponent <SenseGlove_Material>();
                if (mat)

                SenseGlove_Breakable breakable = this.objectsToSwap[i].GetComponent <SenseGlove_Breakable>();
                if (breakable)
Exemple #10
    // Collision Detection / Force Feedback

    // Called when this object enters the collider of another object
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        SenseGlove_Material     material     = col.GetComponent <SenseGlove_Material>();
        SenseGlove_Interactable interactable = col.GetComponent <SenseGlove_Interactable>();

        if (material || interactable)
            //if (!this.IsTouching(col.gameObject))
            //    //touching a new object!
            this.touchedObject = col.gameObject;
            if (this.handModel.forceFeedback == ForceFeedbackType.Simple)
                if (this.handModel.forceFeedback == ForceFeedbackType.Simple)
                    if (material)
                        this.motorLevel = material.passiveForce;
                        this.motorLevel = SenseGlove_Material.defaultPassiveForce;
            else if (this.handModel.forceFeedback == ForceFeedbackType.MaterialBased)
                this.entryPos = this.touch.transform.position;
                Vector3 closest = col.ClosestPoint(this.entryPos); //if something went wrong with ClosestPoint, it returns the entryPos.
                if (!closest.Equals(this.entryPos))
                    this.entryPoint = closest;
                    //  Debug.Log("WARNING: ClosestPoint == Origin, resulting in a DIV0 exception. Use an alterantive method?");
                    this.entryPoint = closest;
                this.motorLevel = 0; //still 0 since OP == EO
Exemple #11
    /// <summary> Calculate the force feedback levels based on material properties. </summary>
    /// <param name="col"></param>
    /// <remarks>Placed in a separate method so that one can control when it is called in Unity's execution order.</remarks>
    private void CalculateMaterialBased(GameObject obj, SenseGlove_Material material, SenseGlove_Interactable interactable, bool showLines = false)
        Vector3 O = obj.transform.TransformPoint(this.entryOrigin);  //O origin of collider on touch
        Vector3 E = obj.transform.TransformPoint(this.entryPoint);   //E point where the collider touched the object
        Vector3 P = this.transform.position;                         //P current collider position

        if (showLines)
            Debug.DrawLine(O, E);
            Debug.DrawLine(O, P);

        Vector3 OE = (E - O).normalized;
        Vector3 OP = P - O;

        if (OP.magnitude > 0 && OE.magnitude > 0)
            float cos = Vector3.Dot(OE, OP) / (/*OE.magnitude */ OP.magnitude); //removed OE.magnitude since it is normalized now.
            this.dist = OP.magnitude * cos;
            this.dist = 0;

        //we have calculated the distance, now for the material (if any is present)
        if (material != null)
            this.motorLevel = material.CalculateForce(this.dist, this.scriptIndex);

            if (dist > 0 && this.touchedDeform != null)
                Vector3 deformPoint = this.transform.position;
                if (dist > this.touchedDeform.maxDisplacement)
                    deformPoint = O + (OE * this.touchedDeform.maxDisplacement);
                this.touchedDeform.AddDeformation(-OE, deformPoint, this.dist);
    /// <summary> Calculates the force on the finger based on material properties. </summary>
    /// <param name="displacement"></param>
    /// <param name="fingerIndex"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public int CalculateForce(float displacement, int fingerIndex)
        if (this.breakable)
            if (!this.isBroken)
                //  SenseGlove_Debugger.Log("Disp:\t" + displacement + ",\t i:\t"+fingerIndex);
                if (!this.mustBeGrabbed || (this.mustBeGrabbed && this.myInteractable.IsInteracting()))
                    // SenseGlove_Debugger.Log("mustBeGrabbed = " + this.mustBeGrabbed + ", isInteracting: " + this.myInteractable.IsInteracting());

                    if (fingerIndex >= 0 && fingerIndex < 5)
                        bool shouldBreak = displacement >= this.yieldDistance;
                        if (shouldBreak && !this.raisedBreak[fingerIndex])
                        else if (!shouldBreak && this.raisedBreak[fingerIndex])
                        this.raisedBreak[fingerIndex] = shouldBreak;

                        // SenseGlove_Debugger.Log(displacement + " --> raisedBreak[" + fingerIndex + "] = " + this.raisedBreak[fingerIndex]+" --> "+this.brokenBy);
                        if (this.brokenBy >= this.minimumFingers && (!this.requiresThumb || (this.requiresThumb && this.raisedBreak[0])))
        return((int)SenseGloveCs.Values.Wrap(SenseGlove_Material.CalculateResponseForce(displacement, this.maxForce, this.maxForceDist), 0, this.maxForce));
Exemple #13
    // Called every FixedUpdate while this collider is inside another collider.
    void OnTriggerStay(Collider col)
        if (this.IsTouching(col.gameObject)) //Check if we're still on the same object?
            //any object that we are touching has either an Interactable and/or a material

            //Calculate Motor Level
            SenseGlove_Material     material     = col.GetComponent <SenseGlove_Material>();
            SenseGlove_Interactable interactable = col.GetComponent <SenseGlove_Interactable>();

            if (this.handModel.forceFeedback == ForceFeedbackType.Simple)
                if (material)
                    this.motorLevel = material.passiveForce;
                else if (interactable)
                    this.motorLevel = SenseGlove_Material.defaultPassiveForce;
            else if (this.handModel.forceFeedback == ForceFeedbackType.MaterialBased)
                //transform the position of the SenseGlove_Touch to the

                //O touch point when it was created
                //E touch point on the collider
                //P current finger position

                Vector3 OE = this.entryPoint - this.entryPos;
                Vector3 OP = this.transform.position - this.entryPos;

                Debug.DrawLine(this.entryPos, this.transform.position);
                Debug.DrawLine(this.entryPos, this.entryPoint);

                if (OE.magnitude == 0) // If OE.magnitude is 0, then something went wrong with Collider.ClosestPoint, which returns O.
                    //check if we are outside of the collider now...
                    Vector3 thisPos  = this.transform.position;
                    Vector3 clostest = col.ClosestPoint(thisPos);
                    if (!thisPos.Equals(clostest))
                        this.entryPoint = clostest;
                        this.entryPos   = thisPos;
                    return; //try again next frame

                if (OP.magnitude == 0) // If OP.magnitude is 0, then then 0 == P, meaning we are back onto the entry position. in that case this.dist = 0.
                    this.dist = 0;
                    float cos = Vector3.Dot(OE, OP) / (OE.magnitude * OP.magnitude);;
                    this.dist = OP.magnitude * cos;

                if (material)
                    this.motorLevel = material.CalculateForce(this.dist);
                else if (interactable)
                    this.motorLevel = SenseGlove_Material.CalculateDefault(this.dist);