private void EditAgency_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { portionBindingSource.DataSource = Agency.Portions; portionBindingSource.ResetBindings(false); if (tripGridView.Rows.Count > 0) { tripGridView.Rows[0].Selected = true; } SendButt.Hide(); }
private void SaveAgency_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Agency == null) { Agency = new Agency(); } //Validation. bool flag = true; ValidateItems(DescriptionBox); if (DescriptionBox.Text.Length > 50 || DescriptionBox.Text.Length < 11) { MessageBox.Show("Inappropriate length for the Description. Description should be longer than 10 less than 50 (letters)"); DescriptionBox.BackColor = Color.MediumSeaGreen; MessageBox.Show("Fill in the blank space,please!"); DescriptionBox.Text = string.Empty; DescriptionBox.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(253, 236, 138); flag = false; } Agency.Description = DescriptionBox.Text; ValidateItems(NameBox); if (NameBox.Text.Length > 20 || NameBox.Text.Length < 4) { MessageBox.Show("Inappropriate length for the name. Name should be longer than 4 less than 20 (letters)"); NameBox.BackColor = Color.MediumSeaGreen; NameBox.Text = string.Empty; NameBox.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(253, 236, 138); flag = false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < NameBox.Text.Length; i++) { if (NameBox.Text[i] >= '0' && NameBox.Text[i] <= '9') { NameBox.BackColor = Color.MediumSeaGreen; MessageBox.Show("Name contains numbers"); NameBox.Text = string.Empty; NameBox.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(253, 236, 138); flag = false; break; } } } Agency.Name = NameBox.Text; Agency.Image = imageBox.Image; bool SuchAgencyExists = false; if (Agency.Image == null) { imageBox.BackColor = Color.MediumSeaGreen; MessageBox.Show("You didn`t choose the picture!"); imageBox.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(253, 236, 138); flag = false; } foreach (Agency a in Store.Agencies) { if (a.Name == Agency.Name && OldAgency == false) { SuchAgencyExists = true; break; } else { SuchAgencyExists = false; } } if (SuchAgencyExists == true) { MessageBox.Show("Agency with such name already exists!"); NameBox.BackColor = Color.MediumSeaGreen; NameBox.Text = string.Empty; NameBox.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(253, 236, 138); flag = false; } if (Agency.Portions.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Add some trips! It`s impossible to send agency without any trips to the client!"); flag = false; } else { Agency.Portions = new List <Portion>(); Agency.Portions = (List <Portion>)portionBindingSource.DataSource; foreach (Portion p in Agency.Portions) { p.AgencyName = Agency.Name; } Agency.AmountOfTrips = Agency.Portions.Count; portionBindingSource.DataSource = Agency.Portions; portionBindingSource.ResetBindings(false); } if (Agency.Name == "Hello" || Agency.Description == "I`m going to hell" || Agency.Image == null || Agency.Portions.Count == 0 || SuchAgencyExists == true) { flag = false; } if (flag == true) { SendButt.Show(); SaveAgency.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("You missed something!"); SaveAgency.Show(); SendButt.Hide(); } }