protected void LinkButton1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Orders"] != null) { if (Session["DioSell_OrderFP"] != null) { Sell_OrderFPService mailSer = new Sell_OrderFPService(); var model = mailSer.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(Session["DioSell_OrderFP"])); txtFPNo.Text = model.FPNo; txtPOName.Text = model.POName; txtPONo.Text = model.PONo; txtSupplier.Text = model.GuestName; lblPID.Text = model.Id.ToString(); Sell_OrderFPsService sonSer = new Sell_OrderFPsService(); var sonList = sonSer.GetListArray(" ID=" + Session["DioSell_OrderFP"]); List <Sell_OrderFPBacks> POOrders = new List <Sell_OrderFPBacks>(); foreach (var m in sonList) { Sell_OrderFPBacks fpModel = new Sell_OrderFPBacks(); fpModel.Good_Model = m.Good_Model; fpModel.GoodName = m.GoodName; fpModel.GoodNo = m.GoodNo; fpModel.GoodNum = m.GoodNum; fpModel.GoodPrice = m.GoodPrice; fpModel.GoodRemark = model.Remark; fpModel.GoodSellPrice = m.GoodSellPrice; fpModel.GoodSellPriceTotal = m.GoodSellPriceTotal; fpModel.GoodSpec = m.GoodSpec; fpModel.GoodTypeSmName = m.GoodTypeSmName; fpModel.GoodUnit = m.GoodUnit; fpModel.GooId = m.GooId; fpModel.FPId = m.Ids; fpModel.SellOutPONO = ""; fpModel.Total = m.Total; POOrders.Add(fpModel); } Session["Orders"] = POOrders; Session["Sell_OrderOutHousesViewSession"] = null; gvList.DataSource = POOrders; gvList.DataBind(); } } }
protected void gvMain_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "select") { var pono = DBHelp.ExeScalar("select pono from Sell_OrderFP where id=" + e.CommandArgument); CG_POOrderService orderSer = new CG_POOrderService(); string sql = string.Format("select sum(Total) from Sell_OrderFP where pono='{0}' and Status='通过'", pono); try { lblTotal.Text = DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { lblTotal.Text = "0"; } var list = orderSer.GetOrder_ToInvoice_1(string.Format(" PONo='{0}'", pono)); if (list.Count > 0) { lblPOTotal.Text = "项目(" + pono + ")---" + (list[0].POTotal - list[0].TuiTotal).ToString(); } else { lblPOTotal.Text = "0"; } List <Sell_OrderFPs> orders = ordersSer.GetListArray(" 1=1 and" + e.CommandArgument); ViewState["Orders"] = orders; gvList.DataSource = orders; gvList.DataBind(); } else if (e.CommandName == "ReEdit") { //是否是此单据的申请人 var model = POSer.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)); if (Session["currentUserId"].ToString() != model.CreateUserId.ToString()) { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('必须由原单据申请人 重新发起,其他人不能重新提交编辑!');</script>"); return; } //首先单子要先通过 if (model != null && model.Status == "执行中") { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('此单据还在执行中不能编辑!');</script>"); return; } //string check = string.Format("select count(*) from Sell_OrderFPBack where FPNo in ( select FPNo from Sell_OrderFP where id={0})", model.Id); //if (Convert.ToInt32(DBHelp.ExeScalar(check)) > 0) //{ // base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('发票签回单需要删除!');</script>"); // return; //} // check = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_ToInvoice where FPId={0}", model.Id); //if (Convert.ToInt32(DBHelp.ExeScalar(check)) > 0) //{ // base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('此单据已经被用款单使用!');</script>"); // return; //} string type = "销售发票"; if (model.NowGuid != "") { type = "销售发票修改"; } string sql = string.Format("select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='{0}'", type); string efromId = string.Format("select id from tb_EForm where alle_id={0} and proId=(select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='{1}')", e.CommandArgument, type); string url = "~/JXC/WFSell_OrderFP.aspx?ProId=" + DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql) + "&allE_id=" + e.CommandArgument + "&EForm_Id=" + DBHelp.ExeScalar(efromId) + "&&ReAudit=true"; Response.Redirect(url); } else if (e.CommandName == "Del") { //是否是此单据的申请人 var model = POSer.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)); if (Session["currentUserId"].ToString() != model.CreateUserId.ToString()) { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('必须由原单据申请人 重新发起,其他人不能重新提交编辑!');</script>"); return; } //首先单子要先通过 if (model != null && model.Status == "执行中") { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('此单据还在执行中不能编辑!');</script>"); return; } string check = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_ToInvoice where FPId={0} AND State<>'不通过'", model.Id); if (Convert.ToInt32(DBHelp.ExeScalar(check)) > 0) { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('有到款记录,请先删除到款!');</script>"); return; } check = string.Format(" select count(*) from TB_ToInvoice where FPNo = '{0}' AND State<>'不通过'", model.FPNo); if (Convert.ToInt32(DBHelp.ExeScalar(check)) > 0) { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('有到款记录,请先删除到款!');</script>"); return; } //string check = string.Format("select count(*) from Sell_OrderFPBack where FPNo in ( select FPNo from Sell_OrderFP where id={0})", model.Id); //if (Convert.ToInt32(DBHelp.ExeScalar(check)) > 0) //{ // base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('发票签回单需要删除!');</script>"); // return; //} // check = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_ToInvoice where FPId={0}", model.Id); //if (Convert.ToInt32(DBHelp.ExeScalar(check)) > 0) //{ // base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('此单据已经被用款单使用!');</script>"); // return; //} string type = "销售发票"; if (model.NowGuid != "") { type = "销售发票修改"; } string sql = string.Format("select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='{0}'", type); string efromId = string.Format("select id from tb_EForm where alle_id={0} and proId=(select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='{1}')", e.CommandArgument, type); var id = DBHelp.ExeScalar(efromId).ToString(); var aa = DBHelp.ExeScalar(string.Format("select top 1 id from tb_EForm where allE_id={0} and proId=37", model.Id)); if (aa != null && aa != DBNull.Value) { id = aa.ToString(); } string url = "~/JXC/WFSell_OrderFP.aspx?ProId=37&allE_id=" + e.CommandArgument + "&EForm_Id=" + id + "&&IsDelete=true"; Response.Redirect(url); } }
protected void gvMain_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "select") { var pono = DBHelp.ExeScalar("select pono from Sell_OrderFP where id=" + e.CommandArgument); CG_POOrderService orderSer = new CG_POOrderService(); string sql = string.Format("select sum(Total) from Sell_OrderFP where pono='{0}' and Status='通过'", pono); try { lblTotal.Text = DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { lblTotal.Text = "0"; } var list = orderSer.GetOrder_ToInvoice_1(string.Format(" PONo='{0}'", pono)); if (list.Count > 0) { lblPOTotal.Text = "项目(" + pono + ")---" + (list[0].POTotal - list[0].TuiTotal).ToString(); } else { lblPOTotal.Text = "0"; } List <Sell_OrderFPs> orders = ordersSer.GetListArray(" 1=1 and" + e.CommandArgument); ViewState["Orders"] = orders; gvList.DataSource = orders; gvList.DataBind(); } else if (e.CommandName == "ReEdit") { //是否是此单据的申请人 var model = POSer.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)); if (Session["currentUserId"].ToString() != model.CreateUserId.ToString()) { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('必须由原单据申请人 重新发起,其他人不能重新提交编辑!');</script>"); return; } //首先单子要先通过 if (model != null && model.Status == "通过") { } else { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('此单据必须已经审批通过才能重新编辑!');</script>"); return; } string check = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_ToInvoice where FPId={0}", model.Id); if (Convert.ToInt32(DBHelp.ExeScalar(check)) > 0) { base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('此单据已经被用款单使用!');</script>"); return; } string sql = "select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='销售发票'"; string efromId = string.Format("select id from tb_EForm where alle_id={0} and proId=(select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='销售发票')", e.CommandArgument); string url = "~/JXC/WFSell_OrderFP.aspx?ProId=" + DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql) + "&allE_id=" + e.CommandArgument + "&EForm_Id=" + DBHelp.ExeScalar(efromId) + "&&ReAudit=true&Tui=true"; Response.Redirect(url); //没有做过检验单 } }