private void RunAutomatedDeviceCodeFlow(DeviceCodeResult deviceCodeResult, LabUser user, bool isAdfs = false)
                var fields = new UserInformationFieldIds(user);

                Trace.WriteLine("Browser is open. Navigating to the Device Code url and entering the code");

                string codeId     = isAdfs ? "userCodeInput" : "code";
                string continueId = isAdfs ? "confirmationButton" : "continueBtn";

                // Device Code Flow web ui is undergoing A/B testing and is sometimes different - use 2 IDs
                .FindElement(SeleniumExtensions.ByIds("otc", codeId))

                IWebElement continueBtn = _seleniumDriver.WaitForElementToBeVisibleAndEnabled(
                    SeleniumExtensions.ByIds(fields.AADSignInButtonId, continueId));

                _seleniumDriver.PerformLogin(user, Prompt.SelectAccount, isAdfs);

                Trace.WriteLine("Authentication complete");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine("Browser automation failed " + ex);