public ListBox () : base() { items = CreateItemCollection (); item_height = -1; selected_indices = new SelectedIndexCollection (this); selected_items = new SelectedObjectCollection (this); requested_height = bounds.Height; InternalBorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; //BackColor = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindow; /* Vertical scrollbar */ //TODO: add scroll event handler /* Horizontal scrollbar */ //TODO: add scroll event handler /* Events */ SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint, false); #if NET_2_0 custom_tab_offsets = new IntegerCollection (this); #endif }
public ListView () { background_color = Color.White;//ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindow; groups = new ListViewGroupCollection (this); items = new ListViewItemCollection (this); items.Changed += new CollectionChangedHandler (OnItemsChanged); checked_indices = new CheckedIndexCollection (this); checked_items = new CheckedListViewItemCollection (this); columns = new ColumnHeaderCollection (this); foreground_color = SystemColors.WindowText; selected_indices = new SelectedIndexCollection (this); selected_items = new SelectedListViewItemCollection (this); items_location = new Point [16]; items_matrix_location = new ItemMatrixLocation [16]; reordered_items_indices = new int [16]; item_tooltip = new ToolTip (); item_tooltip.Active = false; insertion_mark = new ListViewInsertionMark (this); InternalBorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; header_control = new HeaderControl (this); header_control.Visible = false; Controls.AddImplicit (header_control); item_control = new ItemControl (this); Controls.AddImplicit (item_control); h_marker = v_marker = 0; keysearch_tickcnt = 0; // scroll bars are disabled initially h_scroll.Visible = false; //h_scroll.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(HorizontalScroller); v_scroll.Visible = false; //v_scroll.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(VerticalScroller); // event handlers base.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(ListView_KeyDown); SizeChanged += new EventHandler (ListView_SizeChanged); //GotFocus += new EventHandler (FocusChanged); //LostFocus += new EventHandler (FocusChanged); //MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(ListView_MouseWheel); //MouseEnter += new EventHandler (ListView_MouseEnter); Invalidated += new InvalidateEventHandler (ListView_Invalidated); BackgroundImageTiled = false; this.SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.StandardClick | ControlStyles.UseTextForAccessibility , false); }
private void DownButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedIndexCollection idc = kujiListView.SelectedIndices; if (idc.Count > 0 && idc[0] < (kujiListView.Items.Count - 1)) { int idx = idc[0]; KujiData temp = KujiSettings.KujiDatas[idx + 1]; KujiSettings.KujiDatas[idx + 1] = KujiSettings.KujiDatas[idx]; KujiSettings.KujiDatas[idx] = temp; RenderList(); kujiListView.Items[idx + 1].Selected = true; kujiListView.Items[idx + 1].Focused = true; kujiListView.Focus(); } }
private void UpdateFontStyle() { SelectedIndexCollection selectedIndexes = listViewItems.SelectedIndices; if (selectedIndexes.Count > 0) { int index = selectedIndexes[0]; TextStyle textStyle = (TextStyle)fastColoredTextBoxSample.Styles[index]; textStyle.FontStyle = (checkBoxBold.Checked ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular) | (checkBoxItalic.Checked ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Regular) | (checkBoxUnderline.Checked ? FontStyle.Underline : FontStyle.Regular); fastColoredTextBoxSample.OnTextChanged(); } }
private void menuCopyServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedIndexCollection selectCollection = lvServers.SelectedIndices; if (selectCollection.Count < 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < selectCollection.Count; i++) { if (ConfigHandler.CopyServer(ref config, selectCollection[i]) < 0) { break; } } //刷新 RefreshServers(); }
private void btnDelTeacher_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.IsAdd) { MessageBox.Show("尚未添加完成"); return; } else if (this.IsEdit) { MessageBox.Show("尚未编辑完成"); return; } if (this.lvTeacher.SelectedItems.Count <= 0 && this.lvTeacherSel.SelectedItems.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("需要先选中教师才能删除。"); return; } SelectedIndexCollection selectedItems = null; List <Teacher> teacherList = null; if (this.lvTeacher.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { selectedItems = this.lvTeacher.SelectedIndices; teacherList = this.TeacherList; } else if (this.lvTeacherSel.SelectedIndices.Count > 0) { selectedItems = this.lvTeacherSel.SelectedIndices; teacherList = this.TeacherSelList; } string[] teacherIDs = new string[selectedItems.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < selectedItems.Count; i++) { teacherIDs[i] = teacherList[selectedItems[i]].Id; } this.ITeacherFormReq.DelTeachersByIds(teacherIDs); this.initData(); this.initView(); }
private void btTraspasar2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedIndexCollection seleccionIndices = lboxLista2.SelectedIndices; for (int i = 0; i < seleccionIndices.Count; i++) { int id = seleccionIndices[i]; if (id > lboxLista1.Items.Count) { id = lboxLista1.Items.Count; } lboxLista1.Items.Insert(id, lboxLista2.Items[seleccionIndices[i]]); } for (int i = seleccionIndices.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { lboxLista2.Items.RemoveAt(seleccionIndices[i]); } lbl1.Text = lboxLista1.Items.Count + ""; toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.lboxLista2, "Hay " + lboxLista2.Items.Count + " elementos"); }
private void UpdateFontStyle(FontStyle fontStyle, Boolean addFontStyle) { SelectedIndexCollection selectedIndexes = listViewItems.SelectedIndices; if (selectedIndexes.Count > 0) { int index = selectedIndexes[0]; TextStyle textStyle = (TextStyle)fastColoredTextBoxSample.Styles[index]; if (addFontStyle) { textStyle.FontStyle |= fontStyle; } else { textStyle.FontStyle &= ~fontStyle; } fastColoredTextBoxSample.OnTextChanged(); } }
private void menuVmessExport2ClipBoard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedIndexCollection selectCollection = lvServers.SelectedIndices; if (selectCollection.Count < 0) { return; } List <string> urls = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < selectCollection.Count; i++) { string url = ConfigHandler.GetVmessQRCode(config, selectCollection[i]); urls.Add(url); } if (urls.Count > 0) { string result = String.Join(" ", urls.ToArray()); Utils.SetClipboardData(result); UI.Show("链接已复制到剪切板"); } }
private void menuRemoveServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedIndexCollection selectCollection = lvServers.SelectedIndices; if (selectCollection.Count < 0) { return; } if (UI.ShowYesNo("是否确定移除所选服务器?") == DialogResult.No) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < selectCollection.Count; i++) { if (ConfigHandler.RemoveServer(ref config, selectCollection[i] - i) < 0) { break; } } //刷新 RefreshServers(); LoadV2ray(); }
private void btnDelCourse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /*if (this.IsAdd) * { * MessageBox.Show("尚未添加完成"); * return; * } * else*/if (this.IsEdit) { MessageBox.Show("尚未编辑完成"); return; } SelectedIndexCollection selectedItems = this.lvCourse.SelectedIndices; string[] courseIDs = new string[selectedItems.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < selectedItems.Count; i++) { courseIDs[i] = this.CourseList[selectedItems[i]].Id; } this.ICourseFormReq.DelCourseByIds(courseIDs); this.initData(); }
protected override void RefreshItems() { ObjectCollection itemsCollection = this.itemsCollection; this.itemsCollection = null; this.selectedIndices = null; if (base.IsHandleCreated) { this.NativeClear(); } object[] destination = null; if ((base.DataManager != null) && (base.DataManager.Count != -1)) { destination = new object[base.DataManager.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < destination.Length; i++) { destination[i] = base.DataManager[i]; } } else if (itemsCollection != null) { destination = new object[itemsCollection.Count]; itemsCollection.CopyTo(destination, 0); } if (destination != null) { this.Items.AddRangeInternal(destination); } if (this.SelectionMode != System.Windows.Forms.SelectionMode.None) { if (base.DataManager != null) { this.SelectedIndex = base.DataManager.Position; } else if (itemsCollection != null) { int count = itemsCollection.Count; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { if (itemsCollection.InnerArray.GetState(j, SelectedObjectCollection.SelectedObjectMask)) { this.SelectedItem = itemsCollection[j]; } } } } }
/// <devdoc> /// Creates a new enumerator that will enumerate over the given state. /// </devdoc> public SelectedIndexEnumerator(SelectedIndexCollection items) { this.items = items; this.current = -1; }
/// <include file='doc\ListBox.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListBox.RefreshItems"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// Reparses the objects, getting new text strings for them. /// </devdoc> /// <internalonly/> protected override void RefreshItems() { // Store the currently selected object collection. // ObjectCollection savedItems = itemsCollection; // Clear the items. // itemsCollection = null; selectedIndices = null; if (IsHandleCreated) { NativeClear(); } object[] newItems = null; // if we have a dataSource and a DisplayMember, then use it // to populate the Items collection // if (this.DataManager != null && this.DataManager.Count != -1) { newItems = new object[this.DataManager.Count]; for(int i = 0; i < newItems.Length; i++) { newItems[i] = this.DataManager[i]; } } else if (savedItems != null) { newItems = new object[savedItems.Count]; savedItems.CopyTo(newItems, 0); } // Store the current list of items // if (newItems != null) { Items.AddRangeInternal(newItems); } // Restore the selected indices if SelectionMode allows it. // if (SelectionMode != SelectionMode.None) { if (this.DataManager != null) { // put the selectedIndex in [....] w/ the position in the dataManager this.SelectedIndex = this.DataManager.Position; } else { if (savedItems != null) { int cnt = savedItems.Count; for(int index = 0; index < cnt; index++) { if (savedItems.InnerArray.GetState(index, SelectedObjectCollection.SelectedObjectMask)) { SelectedItem = savedItems[index]; } } } } } }
public ReorderEventArgs(DragEventArgs in_args, int in_iDropIndex, SelectedIndexCollection in_selIndices) : base(in_args.Data, in_args.KeyState, in_args.X, in_args.Y, in_args.AllowedEffect, in_args.Effect) { m_iDropIndex = in_iDropIndex; m_selIndices = in_selIndices; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new enumerator that will enumerate over the given state. /// </summary> public SelectedIndexEnumerator(SelectedIndexCollection items) { _items = items; _current = -1; }
public ListBox () { items = CreateItemCollection (); selected_indices = new SelectedIndexCollection (this); selected_items = new SelectedObjectCollection (this); requested_height = bounds.Height; InternalBorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; BackColor = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindow; /* Vertical scrollbar */ vscrollbar = new ImplicitVScrollBar (); vscrollbar.Minimum = 0; vscrollbar.SmallChange = 1; vscrollbar.LargeChange = 1; vscrollbar.Maximum = 0; vscrollbar.ValueChanged += new EventHandler (VerticalScrollEvent); vscrollbar.Visible = false; /* Horizontal scrollbar */ hscrollbar = new ImplicitHScrollBar (); hscrollbar.Minimum = 0; hscrollbar.SmallChange = 1; hscrollbar.LargeChange = 1; hscrollbar.Maximum = 0; hscrollbar.Visible = false; hscrollbar.ValueChanged += new EventHandler (HorizontalScrollEvent); Controls.AddImplicit (vscrollbar); Controls.AddImplicit (hscrollbar); /* Events */ MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler (OnMouseDownLB); MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler (OnMouseMoveLB); MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler (OnMouseUpLB); MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler (OnMouseWheelLB); KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler (OnKeyUpLB); GotFocus += new EventHandler (OnGotFocus); LostFocus += new EventHandler (OnLostFocus); SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint, false); #if NET_2_0 custom_tab_offsets = new IntegerCollection (this); #endif }
public SelectedIndexEnumerator(SelectedIndexCollection items) { this.items = items; current = -1; }
// Constructor public ListBox() { this.vertScrollbar = new VScrollBar(); this.vertScrollbar.Dock = DockStyle.None; this.Controls.Add(this.vertScrollbar); this.horizScrollbar = new HScrollBar(); this.horizScrollbar.Dock = DockStyle.None; this.Controls.Add(this.horizScrollbar); this.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; this.internalDataSource = this.CreateItemCollection(); base.dataSource = this.internalDataSource; this.mtextBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.WindowText); this.backgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.Window); this.disabledBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.Control); this.selectedIndices = new SelectedIndexCollection(this); this.prevSelectedIndices = new SelectedIndexCollection(null); this.selectedItems = new SelectedObjectCollection(this); this.PositionControls(); this.CalculateScrollbars(); this.vertScrollbar.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(this.OnVScroll); this.vertScrollbar.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnVValueChanged); this.horizScrollbar.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(this.OnHScroll); this.horizScrollbar.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnHValueChanged); BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.StandardClick, false); }
// Make a copy of this collection into copy. public void Copy(SelectedIndexCollection copy) { copy.Clear(); foreach(object o in list) copy.Add(o); }
public SelectedObjectCollection(ListBox owner) { this.owner = owner; this.indices = owner.selectedIndices; }