Exemple #1
        public void Parse(SelectContext ctx)
            //var result = new SelectContext();

            //if (ctx == null)
            //    result.ContextType = ContextType.Program;


            foreach (var atom in Select_atoms)
                var a = new SelectAtomContext();
                ctx.Unions.Add(new UnionContext() { Context = a });

            for (var index = 0; index < this.Union_types.Count; index++)
                ctx.Unions[index].UnionType = Union_types[index].Parse();

            //result.ParentContext = ctx;

            //return result;
Exemple #2
            DependencyProperty.Register("ExclusiveItems", typeof(Collection <object>), typeof(EnumTypeSelector), new UIPropertyMetadata(null)); // NOXLATE


        protected override void UpdateContexts(IEnumerable <DynamicValue> validValueItemHint)
            if (this.Contexts.Count > 0)
            SelectContext context = CreateContext(this.EnumType, RuleEditingContext, this, this.SelectContextName, ExclusiveItems);

Exemple #3
 public ReWriteResult(IQueryable <T> originalQueryable, IQueryable <T> reWriteQueryable, int?skip, int?take, IEnumerable <PropertyOrder> orders, SelectContext selectContext, GroupByContext groupByContext)
     OriginalQueryable = originalQueryable;
     ReWriteQueryable  = reWriteQueryable;
     Skip           = skip;
     Take           = take;
     Orders         = orders;
     SelectContext  = selectContext;
     GroupByContext = groupByContext;
        public async Task ProcessAsync_SelectedAttributeExplicitlySet_IgnoresModelExpression()
            // Arrange
            var modelValue    = "bar";
            var modelExplorer = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider().GetModelExplorerForType(typeof(Model), new Model()
                SimpleProperty = modelValue
            var viewContext     = new ViewContext();
            var modelExpression = nameof(Model.SimpleProperty);

            var modelHelper = new Mock <IModelHelper>();

            modelHelper.Setup(mock => mock.GetModelValue(viewContext, modelExplorer, modelExpression)).Returns(modelValue);

            var selectContext = new SelectContext(aspFor: new ModelExpression(modelExpression, modelExplorer));

            var context = new TagHelperContext(
                tagName: "govuk-select-item",
                allAttributes: new TagHelperAttributeList(),
                items: new Dictionary <object, object>()
                { typeof(SelectContext), selectContext }
                uniqueId: "test");

            var output = new TagHelperOutput(
                attributes: new TagHelperAttributeList(),
                getChildContentAsync: (useCachedResult, encoder) =>
                var tagHelperContent = new DefaultTagHelperContent();
                tagHelperContent.AppendHtml(new HtmlString("Item text"));
                return(Task.FromResult <TagHelperContent>(tagHelperContent));

            var tagHelper = new SelectItemTagHelper(modelHelper.Object)
                Selected    = false,
                Value       = modelValue,
                ViewContext = viewContext

            // Act
            await tagHelper.ProcessAsync(context, output);

            // Assert
                item =>
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a drop down list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TProperty">The type of the property.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="property">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="items">The items.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedItem">The selected item.</param>
        /// <param name="htmlAttributes">The HTML attributes.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual MvcHtmlString DropdownFor <TProperty>(Expression <Func <TModel, TProperty> > property,
                                                             IEnumerable <SelectListItem> items,
                                                             object selectedItem = null, object htmlAttributes = null)
            var ctx           = CreateInputContext(property, htmlAttributes);
            var context       = new SelectContext(ctx, null, items);
            var builder       = _tagBuilderFactory.Create("select");
            var generatedTags = builder.Generate(context);

            return(InvokeFormItemAdapters(context.Metadata, generatedTags).ToMvcString());
         *      public virtual MvcHtmlString DropdownFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> property,
         *                                                                      IEnumerable<TProperty> items,
         *                                                                      object selectedItem = null,
         *                                                                      object htmlAttributes = null)
         *          where TFormatter : ISelectItemFormatter, new()
         *      {
         *          var ctx = CreateInputContext(property, htmlAttributes);
         *          var context = new SelectContext(ctx, new TFormatter(), items);
         *          var generatedTags = _selectGenerator.Generate(context);
         *          return InvokeFormItemAdapters(context.Metadata, generatedTags).ToMvcString();
         *      }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Dropdowns for.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TProperty">The type of the property.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="property">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="htmlAttributes">The HTML attributes.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual MvcHtmlString DropdownFor <TProperty>(Expression <Func <TModel, TProperty> > property,
                                                             object htmlAttributes = null)
            where TProperty : struct, IConvertible, IFormattable, IComparable
            var ctx           = CreateInputContext(property, htmlAttributes);
            var context       = new SelectContext(ctx, null, null);
            var builder       = _tagBuilderFactory.Create("select");
            var generatedTags = builder.Generate(context);

            return(InvokeFormItemAdapters(context.Metadata, generatedTags).ToMvcString());
Exemple #7
        private IExpression GetExpression(SelectContext context, AssociationClassCallExp association)
            switch (association.Source)
            case VariableExp variableRef:
                var variable       = variableRef.ReferredVariable.Name;
                var associationEnd = association.ReferredAssociationEnds;
                var alias          = variable + "_" + associationEnd.Association;
                context.Body.Joins.Add(new Join
                    Left      = false,
                    RightItem = new Table
                        Name  = associationEnd.Association,
                        Alias = new Alias {
                            Name = alias
                    OnExp = new EqualsToExpression
                        LeftExp = new Column
                            Table = new Table
                                Name  = context.Variables[variable],
                                Alias = new Alias {
                                    Name = variable
                            Name = context.Variables[variable] + "_id",
                        RightExp = new Column
                            Table = new Table
                                Name  = associationEnd.Association,
                                Alias = new Alias {
                                    Name = alias
                            Name = associationEnd.Opp.Name,
                context.LastJoin = Tuple.Create(variable, associationEnd);

                throw new NotSupportedException();
        public SelectResult Merge(SelectResult[] partitionResults)
            SelectContext localContext = SafeGetContext(null);

            if (localContext.Pass1Results != null)
                if (localContext.Pass1Results.Details.Succeeded == false || localContext.Pass1Results.CountReturned == 0)

        public SelectResult Compute(Partition p)
            SelectContext localContext = SafeGetContext(p);

            if (localContext.Pass1Results != null)
                if (localContext.Pass1Results.Details.Succeeded == false || localContext.Pass1Results.CountReturned == 0)

Exemple #10
        private IExpression GetExpression(SelectContext context, IteratorExp iterator)
            GetExpression(context, (dynamic)iterator.Source);
            var alias = iterator.Iterator[0].Name;

            if (iterator.Source is OperationCallExp operationCall && operationCall.ReferredOperation == Operator.AllInstances)
                var table = context.Body.FromItem as Table;
                table.Alias = new Alias
                    Name = alias
                context.Variables.Add(alias, table.Name);
Exemple #11
 private IExpression GetExpression(SelectContext context, BooleanLiteralExp booleanLiteral)
     return(new EqualsToExpression
         LeftExp = new LongValue
             Value = 1
         RightExp = new LongValue
             Value = booleanLiteral.BooleanValue.GetValueOrDefault() ? 1 : 0
Exemple #12
            private static ushort[] GetLIDsToReturnSparse(Partition p, SelectContext context, SelectResult result, ShortSet whereSet)
                // Get the set of matching IDs
                ushort[] lids = whereSet.Values;

                // Lame - store the total to return here so we don't have to compute again
                result.Total = (uint)(lids.Length);

                // Compute the count to return - the count or the number left after skipping
                int countToReturn = Math.Min(context.Count, (int)(lids.Length));

                // Get the values for all matches in the Order By column and IDs by the order by values
                Array orderByValues = p.Columns[context.OrderByColumn].GetValues(lids);

                Array.Sort(orderByValues, lids);

                // Walk in ascending or descending order and return the matches
                int count = 0;

                ushort[] lidsToReturn = new ushort[countToReturn];
                if (countToReturn == 0)

                int index, end, step;

                if (context.OrderByDescending)
                    index = (int)(lids.Length - 1);
                    end   = index - countToReturn;
                    step  = -1;
                    index = 0;
                    end   = index + countToReturn;
                    step  = 1;

                for (; index != end; index += step)
                    lidsToReturn[count] = lids[index];

        public void SetLabel_AlreadyGotItem_ThrowsInvalidOperationException()
            // Arrange
            var context = new SelectContext(aspFor: null);

            context.AddItem(new SelectItem()
                Content = new HtmlString("Option")

            // Act
            var ex = Record.Exception(() => context.SetLabel(false, null, new HtmlString("Error")));

            // Assert
            Assert.IsType <InvalidOperationException>(ex);
            Assert.Equal("<govuk-select-label> must be specified before <govuk-select-item>.", ex.Message);
Exemple #14
        private SelectContext SafeGetContext(Partition p)
            SelectContext ctx = _context;

            if (ctx == null)
                // This case should only happen for unit tests
                ctx = new SelectContext(this);
                if (p != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OrderByColumn))
                    ctx.OrderByColumn     = p.IDColumn.Name;
                    ctx.OrderByDescending = true;

        public async Task ProcessAsync_AddItemsToContext()
            // Arrange
            var selectContext = new SelectContext(aspFor: null);

            var context = new TagHelperContext(
                tagName: "govuk-select-item",
                allAttributes: new TagHelperAttributeList(),
                items: new Dictionary <object, object>()
                { typeof(SelectContext), selectContext }
                uniqueId: "test");

            var output = new TagHelperOutput(
                attributes: new TagHelperAttributeList(),
                getChildContentAsync: (useCachedResult, encoder) =>
                var tagHelperContent = new DefaultTagHelperContent();
                tagHelperContent.AppendHtml(new HtmlString("Item text"));
                return(Task.FromResult <TagHelperContent>(tagHelperContent));

            var tagHelper = new SelectItemTagHelper()
                Disabled = true,
                Selected = true,
                Value    = "value"

            // Act
            await tagHelper.ProcessAsync(context, output);

            // Assert
                item =>
                Assert.Equal("Item text", item.Content.RenderToString());
                Assert.Equal("value", item.Value);
Exemple #16
        public static bool TryVisitSelect(this MethodCallExpression node, SelectExpressionsCollection options, MemberContext context, out MemberContext newContext)
            newContext = null;
            bool result = node.Method.DeclaringType == typeof(Queryable) && node.Method.Name == Select;

            if (result)
                Expression arg = node.Arguments[1];

                if (arg.NodeType == ExpressionType.Quote)
                    LambdaExpression lambda = (LambdaExpression)node.Arguments[1].StripQuotes();

                    if (lambda.Body is NewExpression selectMember)
                        newContext = new SelectContext(selectMember, context);

                    if (lambda.Body is MemberInitExpression memberInit)
                        newContext = new SelectContext(memberInit, context);

                    if (lambda.Body is ParameterExpression)
                        newContext = context;

                    if (newContext != null)
                        SelectFieldsVisitor visitor = new SelectFieldsVisitor(context, options);


                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to translate '{Select}' method.");

Exemple #17
            private static ushort[] GetLIDsToReturnDense(Partition p, SelectContext context, SelectResult result, ShortSet whereSet)
                // Get the sorted IDs, *if available*
                IList <ushort>   sortedLIDs;
                int              sortedLIDsCount;
                IColumn <object> orderByColumn = p.Columns[context.OrderByColumn];

                if (!orderByColumn.TryGetSortedIndexes(out sortedLIDs, out sortedLIDsCount))
                    return(GetLIDsToReturnSparse(p, context, result, whereSet));

                // Determine how many to return. Stop if none.
                int countToReturn = Math.Min(context.Count, (int)(result.Total));

                ushort[] lidsToReturn = new ushort[countToReturn];
                if (countToReturn == 0)

                // Enumerate matches in OrderBy order and return the requested columns for them
                ushort countAdded  = 0;
                int    sortedIndex = (context.OrderByDescending ? orderByColumn.Count - 1 : 0);
                int    lastIndex   = (context.OrderByDescending ? -1 : orderByColumn.Count);
                int    step        = (context.OrderByDescending ? -1 : 1);

                // Return the next 'count' matches
                for (; sortedIndex != lastIndex; sortedIndex += step)
                    ushort lid = sortedLIDs[sortedIndex];
                    if (whereSet.Contains(lid))
                        lidsToReturn[countAdded] = lid;
                        if (++countAdded == countToReturn)

Exemple #18
        private IExpression GetAllInstances(SelectContext context, IEntity referredType)
            var table = new Table
                Name = referredType.Name,

            if (context.Body.FromItem == null)
                context.Body.FromItem = table;
                context.Body.Joins.Add(new Join
                    RightItem = table
Exemple #19
        public SelectStatement ToSql(IOclExpression expression)
            var context = new SelectContext {
                Body = new PlainSelect()
            var result = GetExpression(context, (dynamic)expression);
            var body   = context.Body;

            body.SelItems.Add(new SelectItem
                Exp   = result,
                Alias = new Alias
                    Name = "res"
            Complete(body, context);
            return(new SelectStatement
                SelectBody = body
Exemple #20
        public SelectResult Merge(SelectResult[] partitionResults)
            SelectContext localContext = SafeGetContext(null);

            if (localContext.Pass1Results != null)
                if (localContext.Pass1Results.Details.Succeeded == false || localContext.Pass1Results.CountReturned == 0)

            SelectResult result = localContext.Merge(partitionResults);

            if (localContext.Pass1Results != null)
                // If this isn't the first pass, use the total from the first pass
                result.Total = localContext.Pass1Results.Total;

Exemple #21
        private IExpression GetExpression(SelectContext context, PropertyCallExp propertyCall)
            switch (propertyCall.Source)
            case VariableExp variableRef:
                var table = context.Variables[variableRef.ReferredVariable.Name];
                return(new Column
                    Table = new Table
                        Name = table,
                        Alias = new Alias
                            Name = variableRef.ReferredVariable.Name
                    Name = propertyCall.ReferredProperty.Name

                throw new NotSupportedException();
 private static async Task _enumerate(AsyncEnumerator <TResult> .Yield yield, SelectContext <TSource, TResult> context)
         while (await context.Source.MoveNextAsync(yield.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
             await yield.ReturnAsync(context.Selector(context.Source.Current)).ConfigureAwait(false);
         if (context.DisposeSource)
 private void SetSelect(SelectContext select, string name, string varName)
     if (select != null)
         var                    dq              = new DataCube(name, DataStatement.SELECT, varName);
         FieldsContext          fields          = select.fields();
         FilterconditionContext Filtercondition = select.filtercondition();
         SortstatementContext   sortStatement   = select.sortstatement();
         if (fields != null)
             StringltrContext[] fieldStrings = fields.stringltr();
             if (fieldStrings != null)
                 foreach (StringltrContext sc in fieldStrings)
                     if (sc.strings() != null)
                         var ss = sc.strings().GetText();
                         if (ss.IndexOf(":") > 0)
                             var sf = ss.Split(':');
                             dq.SelectStatement.AddField(new State.Field.StringField(sf[0], sf[1]));
                             dq.SelectStatement.AddField(new State.Field.StringField(ss, ss));
                     else if (sc.datefunction() != null)
                         DatefunctionContext df = sc.datefunction();
                         dq.SelectStatement.AddField(new State.Field.DateField(df.WORD().GetText(), sc.WORD().GetText())
                             Function = getDateFunction(df.DATEFUNCTION().GetText())
                     else if (sc.dateadvancefunction() != null)
                         DateadvancefunctionContext df = sc.dateadvancefunction();
                         var dfield = GetDateField(df);
                         dfield.AliasName = sc.WORD().GetText();
                     else if (sc.numberfunction() != null)
                         NumberfunctionContext nf = sc.numberfunction();
                         State.Field.NumberField.FunctionType nft = getNumFunction(nf.NUMBERUDF().GetText());
                         string fm = "";
                         if (nft == State.Field.NumberField.FunctionType.NUMBERFORMAT || nft == State.Field.NumberField.FunctionType.ROUND)
                             //  fm = nf.dataformat().INT().GetText().ToString();
                         dq.SelectStatement.AddField(new State.Field.NumberField(nf.WORD().GetText(), sc.WORD().GetText())
                             Function = getNumFunction(nf.NUMBERUDF().GetText()), Format = fm
                     else if (sc.numberformat() != null)
                         NumberformatContext nf = sc.numberformat();
                         State.Field.NumberField.FunctionType nft = getNumFunction(nf.NUMBERUDF().GetText());
                         string fm = "";
                         if (nft == State.Field.NumberField.FunctionType.NUMBERFORMAT || nft == State.Field.NumberField.FunctionType.ROUND)
                             fm = nf.INT().GetText().ToString();
                         dq.SelectStatement.AddField(new State.Field.NumberField(nf.WORD().GetText(), sc.WORD().GetText())
                             Function = getNumFunction(nf.NUMBERUDF().GetText()), Format = fm
                     else if (sc.stringfunction() != null)
                         StringfunctionContext df = sc.stringfunction();
                         State.Field.StringField.FunctionType nft = getStringFunction(df.STRINGUDF().GetText());
                         //string fm = "";
                         //if (nft == State.Field.StringField.FunctionType.FORMAT)
                         //    fm = df.dataformat().INT().GetText().ToString();
                         dq.SelectStatement.AddField(new State.Field.StringField(df.WORD().GetText(), sc.WORD().GetText())
                             Function = getStringFunction(df.STRINGUDF().GetText()), Format = ""
                     else if (sc.stringformat() != null)
                         StringformatContext df = sc.stringformat();
                         State.Field.StringField.FunctionType nft = State.Field.StringField.FunctionType.FORMAT;
                         string fm = "";
                         if (nft == State.Field.StringField.FunctionType.FORMAT)
                             fm = df.TEXT().GetText();
                         dq.SelectStatement.AddField(new State.Field.StringField(df.WORD().GetText(), sc.WORD().GetText())
                             Function = nft, Format = fm
         if (Filtercondition != null)
             ConditionContext condition = Filtercondition.condition();
             var search = new State.Search(condition.children[0].GetText(), condition.children[1].GetText(), condition.children[2].GetText());
         if (sortStatement != null)
             OrderContext order = sortStatement.order();
             dq.SelectStatement.AddOrder(new State.SortBy(order.ORDERBY()[0].GetText(), order.fields()[0].GetText()));
Exemple #24
 private IExpression GetExpression(SelectContext context, VariableExp variableExp)
     return(CreateColumn(context.Variables[variableExp.ReferredVariable.Name], variableExp.ReferredVariable.Name));
Exemple #25
 public QueryAstBuilder()
     _selectContext = new SelectContext(this);
     _returnContext = new ReturnContext(this);
 public QuerySelectDiscoverVisitor(SelectContext selectContext)
     _selectContext = selectContext;
 private static async Task _enumerate(AsyncEnumerator <TResult> .Yield yield, SelectContext <TSource, TResult> context)
     using (var enumerator = await context.Source.GetAsyncEnumeratorAsync(yield.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
         while (await enumerator.MoveNextAsync(yield.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
             await yield.ReturnAsync(context.Selector(enumerator.Current)).ConfigureAwait(false);