Exemple #1
        public ActionResult AddManualLogIndex(SelectClientViewModel vm)
            Log om = new Log();

            om.ClientID = vm.ClientID;
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult AddToWaitlist(SelectClientViewModel vm)
            int?   SiteID      = Session["SiteID"] as int?;
            string queryResult = null;
            // Get max rating from within waitlist for current site
            string sql = String.Format("SELECT MAX(Ranking) FROM waitlist WHERE SiteID = {0}; ", SiteID);

            queryResult = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString();
            int ranking = 1;

            if (queryResult != "")
                ranking = int.Parse(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString()) + 1;
            // Place client on waitlist with next available ranking (max ranking plus 1).
            sql = String.Format(
                "INSERT INTO waitlist (ClientID, SiteID, Ranking) " +
                "VALUES ({0},{1}, {2}); ",
                vm.ClientID, SiteID, ranking

            AddToWaitlistViewModel om = new AddToWaitlistViewModel();

            // Now that update is done, re-query waitlist for client for display purposes
            sql = String.Format(
                "SELECT ClientID, SiteID, Ranking " +
                "FROM waitlist WHERE ClientID = {0} ", vm.ClientID);

            List <object[]> result = SqlHelper.ExecuteMultiSelect(sql, 3);

            if (result != null)
                om.Waitlist = GetWaitListFromQueryResponse(result);

            om.ClientID      = vm.ClientID;
            om.StatusMessage = "Succesfully added to waitlist!";
Exemple #3
        public ActionResult UpdateClient(SelectClientViewModel vm)
            int?SiteID = Session["SiteID"] as int?;

            if (SiteID.HasValue)
                vm.SiteID = SiteID.Value;

            vm.SiteName = Session["SiteName"] as string;

            // Update client attributes based on user input
            string sql = String.Format(
                "UPDATE client SET DescriptiveID = '{0}', " +
                "FirstName = '{1}', " +
                "MiddleName = '{2}', " +
                "LastName = '{3}', " +
                "PhoneNumber = '{4}' " +
                "WHERE ClientID = {5}; ",
                vm.DescriptiveID.ToString(), vm.FirstName.ToString(), vm.MiddleName, vm.LastName.ToString(),
                vm.PhoneNumber.ToString(), vm.ClientID);


            // Query is built up based on what attributes were changed. This becomes a log entry within the log table for the client.
            string  mod_string     = String.Format("Profile updated/edited: ");
            Boolean updateHappened = false;

            if (vm.oldDescriptiveID != vm.DescriptiveID)
                updateHappened = true;
                mod_string    += String.Format("DescriptiveID changed from {0} to {1}; ", vm.oldDescriptiveID, vm.DescriptiveID);
            if (vm.oldFirstName != vm.FirstName)
                updateHappened = true;
                mod_string    += String.Format("First name changed from {0} to {1}; ", vm.oldFirstName, vm.FirstName);
            if (vm.oldMiddleName != vm.MiddleName)
                updateHappened = true;
                mod_string    += String.Format("Middle name changed from {0} to {1}; ", vm.oldMiddleName, vm.MiddleName);
            if (vm.oldLastName != vm.LastName)
                updateHappened = true;
                mod_string    += String.Format("Last name changed from {0} to {1}; ", vm.oldLastName, vm.LastName);
            if (vm.oldPhoneNumber != vm.PhoneNumber)
                updateHappened = true;
                mod_string    += String.Format("Phone Number changed from {0} to {1}; ", vm.oldPhoneNumber, vm.PhoneNumber);

            // Log auto generated message for changing of values
            if (updateHappened)
                // Insert logentry for changing of client attributes
                sql = String.Format(
                    "INSERT INTO clientlogentry (ClientID, SiteName, Description) " +
                    "VALUES ({0}, '{1}', '{2}'); ",
                    vm.ClientID, vm.SiteName, mod_string


            //Add manual log entry if user provided one
            if (vm.LogEntry != null)
                sql = String.Format(
                    "INSERT INTO clientlogentry (ClientID, SiteName, Description) " +
                    "VALUES ({0}, '{1}', '{2}'); ",
                    vm.ClientID, vm.SiteName, vm.LogEntry


            UpdateClientViewModel om = new UpdateClientViewModel();

            if (vm.selectedBunk != null)
                // If Check-in radio button is selected, decrement the selected bunk number from bunklist
                sql = String.Format(
                    "UPDATE shelter SET {0} = {0} - 1 " +
                    "WHERE SiteID = {1}; ",
                    vm.selectedBunk, vm.SiteID);


                // Add logging for check into bunk based on what bunk was selected
                string checkInLogEntry = "Checked into ";
                if (vm.selectedBunk == "MaleBunksAvailable")
                    checkInLogEntry += "male bunk. ";
                else if (vm.selectedBunk == "FemaleBunksAvailable")
                    checkInLogEntry += "female bunk. ";
                    checkInLogEntry += "mixed bunk. ";

                // Add an additional note is provided for bunk check-in
                if (vm.ShelterLogEntry != null)
                    checkInLogEntry += String.Format("Additional Note: {0}", vm.ShelterLogEntry);

                // INsert og entry for bunk check-in
                sql = String.Format(
                    "INSERT INTO clientlogentry (ClientID, ServiceName, SiteName, Description) " +
                    "VALUES ({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}'); ",
                    vm.ClientID, vm.ShelterServiceName, vm.SiteName, checkInLogEntry


            // Add log entry if check in for food pantry occured
            if (vm.FoodPantryCheckIn)
                string food_itemlog = "Provide Food Item(s). ";
                if (vm.FoodPantryLogEntry != null)
                    food_itemlog += String.Format("Additional Note: {0}", vm.FoodPantryLogEntry);
                sql = String.Format(
                    "INSERT INTO clientlogentry (ClientID, ServiceName, SiteName, Description) " +
                    "VALUES ({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}'); ",
                    vm.ClientID, vm.FoodPantryServiceName, vm.SiteName, food_itemlog


            // Add log entry if check in for soup kitchen occured
            if (vm.SoupKitchenCheckIn)
                string soupkitchenlog = "Provide a meal. ";
                if (vm.SoupKitchenLogEntry != null)
                    soupkitchenlog += String.Format("Additional Note: {0}", vm.SoupKitchenLogEntry);
                sql = String.Format(
                    "INSERT INTO clientlogentry (ClientID, ServiceName, SiteName, Description) " +
                    "VALUES ({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}'); ",
                    vm.ClientID, vm.SoupKitchenServiceName, vm.SiteName, soupkitchenlog


            // Get log list with new entry(or entries) to display
            sql = String.Format(
                "SELECT DateTimeStamp, ServiceName, SiteName, Description " +
                "FROM clientlogentry WHERE ClientID = {0} ", vm.ClientID);

            List <object[]> result = SqlHelper.ExecuteMultiSelect(sql, 4);

            if (result != null)
                om.Logs = GetLogListFromQueryResponse(result);
            om.StatusMessage = "Succesfully updated!";

Exemple #4
        public ActionResult SelectClient(SearchClientViewModel vm)
            int?SiteID = Session["SiteID"] as int?;

            if (SiteID.HasValue)
                vm.SiteID = SiteID.Value;
            // Select from client table the client selected via radio button
            string sql = String.Format(
                "SELECT DescriptiveID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, PhoneNumber " +
                "FROM client WHERE ClientID = {0}; ", vm.selectedClient.ToString());
            SelectClientViewModel om = new SelectClientViewModel();

            // run the sql against the db
            object[] result = SqlHelper.ExecuteSingleSelect(sql, 5);

            // To auto generate log based on changes in values the old values have to be saved for later comparison.
            if (result != null)
                om.ClientID         = vm.selectedClient;
                om.DescriptiveID    = result[0].ToString();
                om.FirstName        = result[1].ToString();
                om.MiddleName       = result[2].ToString();
                om.LastName         = result[3].ToString();
                om.PhoneNumber      = result[4].ToString();
                om.oldDescriptiveID = result[0].ToString();
                om.oldFirstName     = result[1].ToString();
                om.oldMiddleName    = result[2].ToString();
                om.oldLastName      = result[3].ToString();
                om.oldPhoneNumber   = result[4].ToString();

                // Get all logs associated with selected client
                string sql2 = String.Format(
                    "SELECT DateTimeStamp, ServiceName, SiteName, Description " +
                    "FROM clientlogentry WHERE ClientID = {0} ", om.ClientID);
                List <object[]> result2 = SqlHelper.ExecuteMultiSelect(sql2, 4);

                // if we got a result, populate the view model fields for log
                if (result2 != null)
                    om.Logs = GetLogListFromQueryResponse(result2);

                // Get all waitlists associated with client
                string sql3 = String.Format(
                    "SELECT ClientID, SiteID, Ranking " +
                    "FROM waitlist WHERE ClientID = {0} ", om.ClientID);
                List <object[]> result3 = SqlHelper.ExecuteMultiSelect(sql3, 3);

                if (result3 != null)
                    om.Waitlist = GetWaitListFromQueryResponse(result3);

                object queryResult = null;
                // Determine whether or not the client is currently waitlist at current session's site.
                // If true, then we cannot add to site's waitlist. If false, then we can.
                queryResult = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(String.Format("SELECT COUNT(ClientID) FROM waitlist WHERE SiteID = {0} AND ClientID = {1} ", SiteID, om.ClientID));

                // Add to waitlist will only appear if client is not currently on waitlist for site
                if (queryResult.ToString() == "0")
                    om.AddClientToWaitlistAllowed = true;
                    om.AddClientToWaitlistAllowed = false;

            //Determine for current site provides services to client
            object queryResult2 = null;

            //Determine if food pantry exists for site
            queryResult2 = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(String.Format("SELECT COUNT(SiteID) FROM foodpantry WHERE SiteID = {0}", SiteID.Value));
            if (queryResult2 != null && int.Parse(queryResult2.ToString()) > 0)
                om.HasFoodPantry = true;
                // Query to extract service name for later logging
                sql    = String.Format("SELECT Description FROM foodpantry WHERE SiteID = {0}", SiteID.Value);
                result = SqlHelper.ExecuteSingleSelect(sql, 1);
                om.FoodPantryServiceName = result[0].ToString();
            //Determine if shelter exists for site
            queryResult2 = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(String.Format("SELECT COUNT(SiteID) FROM shelter WHERE SiteID = {0}", SiteID.Value));
            if (queryResult2 != null && int.Parse(queryResult2.ToString()) > 0)
                om.HasShelter = true;
                // Query to extract service name for later logging
                sql    = String.Format("SELECT Description FROM shelter WHERE SiteID = {0}", SiteID.Value);
                result = SqlHelper.ExecuteSingleSelect(sql, 1);
                om.ShelterServiceName = result[0].ToString();

            //Determine if soup kitchen exists for site
            queryResult2 = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(String.Format("SELECT COUNT(SiteID) FROM soupkitchen WHERE SiteID = {0}", SiteID.Value));
            if (queryResult2 != null && int.Parse(queryResult2.ToString()) > 0)
                om.HasSoupKitchen = true;
                // Query to extract service name for later logging
                sql    = String.Format("SELECT Description FROM soupkitchen WHERE SiteID = {0}", SiteID.Value);
                result = SqlHelper.ExecuteSingleSelect(sql, 1);
                om.SoupKitchenServiceName = result[0].ToString();

            //Get Available bunks
            if (om.HasShelter)
                // Query to extract bunk availability for current session's site to allow for client check-in
                string sql4 = String.Format(
                    "SELECT Description, MaleBunksAvailable, FemaleBunksAvailable, MixedBunksAvailable " +
                    "FROM shelter WHERE SiteID = {0} ", vm.SiteID);

                result = SqlHelper.ExecuteSingleSelect(sql4, 4);

                om.ShelterServiceName = result[0].ToString();
                om.MaleBunks          = int.Parse(result[1].ToString());
                om.FemaleBunks        = int.Parse(result[2].ToString());
                om.MixedBunks         = int.Parse(result[3].ToString());

                // If at least one bunk is found display something within view
                if (om.MaleBunks > 0 || om.FemaleBunks > 0 || om.MixedBunks > 0)
                    om.BunksAvailable = true;
                    om.BunksAvailable = false;
