Exemple #1
        private async Task <MetadataBLOBPayload> DeserializeAndValidateBlobAsync(string rawBLOBJwt, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rawBLOBJwt))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rawBLOBJwt));

            var jwtParts = rawBLOBJwt.Split('.');

            if (jwtParts.Length != 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("The JWT does not have the 3 expected components");

            var blobHeaderString = jwtParts[0];

            using var blobHeaderDoc = JsonDocument.Parse(Base64Url.Decode(blobHeaderString));
            var blobHeader = blobHeaderDoc.RootElement;

            string blobAlg = blobHeader.TryGetProperty("alg", out var algEl)
                ? algEl.GetString() !
                : throw new ArgumentNullException("No alg value was present in the BLOB header.");

            string[] keyStrings = blobHeader.TryGetProperty("x5c", out var x5cEl) && x5cEl.ValueKind is JsonValueKind.Array
                ? x5cEl.ToStringArray()
                : throw new ArgumentNullException("No x5c array was present in the BLOB header.");

            if (keyStrings.Length is 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("No keys were present in the BLOB header.");

            var rootCert  = GetX509Certificate(ROOT_CERT);
            var blobCerts = new X509Certificate2[keyStrings.Length];
            var keys      = new SecurityKey[keyStrings.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < blobCerts.Length; i++)
                var cert = GetX509Certificate(keyStrings[i]);

                blobCerts[i] = cert;

                if (cert.GetECDsaPublicKey() is ECDsa ecdsaPublicKey)
                    keys[i] = new ECDsaSecurityKey(ecdsaPublicKey);
                else if (cert.GetRSAPublicKey() is RSA rsaPublicKey)
                    keys[i] = new RsaSecurityKey(rsaPublicKey);
                    throw new Fido2MetadataException("Unknown certificate algorithm");
            var blobPublicKeys = keys.ToArray(); // defensive copy

            var certChain = new X509Chain();

            certChain.ChainPolicy.RevocationMode = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck;

            var validationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
                ValidateIssuer           = false,
                ValidateAudience         = false,
                ValidateLifetime         = false,
                ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
                IssuerSigningKeys        = blobPublicKeys

            var tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler()
                // 250k isn't enough bytes for conformance test tool
                // https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-identitymodel-extensions-for-dotnet/issues/1097
                MaximumTokenSizeInBytes = rawBLOBJwt.Length

                out var validatedToken);

            if (blobCerts.Length > 1)

            var certChainIsValid = certChain.Build(blobCerts[0]);

            // if the root is trusted in the context we are running in, valid should be true here
            if (!certChainIsValid)
                foreach (var element in certChain.ChainElements)
                    if (element.Certificate.Issuer != element.Certificate.Subject)
                        var cdp     = CryptoUtils.CDPFromCertificateExts(element.Certificate.Extensions);
                        var crlFile = await DownloadDataAsync(cdp, cancellationToken);

                        if (CryptoUtils.IsCertInCRL(crlFile, element.Certificate))
                            throw new Fido2VerificationException($"Cert {element.Certificate.Subject} found in CRL {cdp}");

                // otherwise we have to manually validate that the root in the chain we are testing is the root we downloaded
                if (rootCert.Thumbprint == certChain.ChainElements[^ 1].Certificate.Thumbprint &&
                    // and that the number of elements in the chain accounts for what was in x5c plus the root we added
                    certChain.ChainElements.Count == (keyStrings.Length + 1) &&
                    // and that the root cert has exactly one status listed against it
                    certChain.ChainElements[^ 1].ChainElementStatus.Length == 1 &&
                    // and that that status is a status of exactly UntrustedRoot
                    certChain.ChainElements[^ 1].ChainElementStatus[0].Status == X509ChainStatusFlags.UntrustedRoot)
                    // if we are good so far, that is a good sign
                    certChainIsValid = true;
                    for (var i = 0; i < certChain.ChainElements.Count - 1; i++)
                        // check each non-root cert to verify zero status listed against it, otherwise, invalidate chain
                        if (0 != certChain.ChainElements[i].ChainElementStatus.Length)
                            certChainIsValid = false;

            if (!certChainIsValid)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Failed to validate cert chain while parsing BLOB");

            var blobPayload = ((JwtSecurityToken)validatedToken).Payload.SerializeToJson();

            var blob = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <MetadataBLOBPayload>(blobPayload) !;

            blob.JwtAlg = blobAlg;