protected override void WndProc(ref Message message) { if (message.Msg == (int)DriverMessage.WM_DEVICE_EVENT) { if (message.WParam.ToInt32() == (Int32)DeviceEvent.FINGER_ON) { StatusBar.Text = "Scanning Finger"; //CAPTURE string m_CaptureFIRText; err = m_SecuBSP.Capture(FIRPurpose.VERIFY); if (err == BSPError.ERROR_NONE) { m_CaptureFIRText = m_SecuBSP.FIRTextData; StatusBar.Text = "Logging In"; DB db = new DB(); DataTable table = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(); db.openConnection(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM `data`", db.getConnection()); MySqlDataReader rdr = command.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { //VERIFYMATCH err = m_SecuBSP.VerifyMatch(m_CaptureFIRText, rdr.GetString(4)); DB.username = rdr.GetString(0); if (err == BSPError.ERROR_NONE) { if (m_SecuBSP.IsMatched) { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("Access Granted", "Caption", 1500); //db.closeConnection(); IsLoggedInDash = true; this.Close(); } else { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("Finger Not recognized", "Login Error", 1000); } } } } } else if (message.WParam.ToInt32() == (Int32)DeviceEvent.FINGER_OFF) { StatusBar.Text = "Scanner Connected"; } } base.WndProc(ref message); }
private void capture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BSPError err; m_SecuBSP.CaptureWindowOption.WindowStyle = (int)WindowStyle.INVISIBLE; m_SecuBSP.CaptureWindowOption.ShowFPImage = true; m_SecuBSP.CaptureWindowOption.FingerWindow = (IntPtr)fingerprintbox.Handle; err = m_SecuBSP.Capture(FIRPurpose.VERIFY); if (err == BSPError.ERROR_NONE) { m_CaptureFIRText = m_SecuBSP.FIRTextData; string con = String.Empty; con = "Server=; SslMode=none; port=3306; Uid=root; Database=project; Password="******"SELECT * FROM register WHERE fingerprint='"+ fingerprintbox + "' "; sql = @"SELECT * FROM register "; using (MySqlConnection sqlcon = new MySqlConnection(con)) { sqlcon.Open(); using (MySqlCommand com = new MySqlCommand(sql, sqlcon)) { using (MySqlDataReader auth = com.ExecuteReader()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CaptureFIRText)) { if (auth.HasRows) { while (auth.Read()) { m_EnrollFIRText = auth["fingerprint"].ToString(); err = m_SecuBSP.VerifyMatch(m_CaptureFIRText, m_EnrollFIRText); if (err == BSPError.ERROR_NONE) { if (m_SecuBSP.IsMatched) { StatusBar.Text = "Fingerprint Matched"; display_student_details(); } else { StatusBar.Text = "Fingerprint Not Matched"; } } else { DisplaySecuBSPErrMsg("VerifyMatch", err); } break; } } } } } DisplaySecuBSPErrMsg("Capture", err); } } }
private void VerifyDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (matricTextBox.Text.Equals("") || matricTextBox.Text.Equals("Input Matric")) { MessageBox.Show("Please Input a Matric Number", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM `data` WHERE `matric`=@user", db.getConnection()); command.Parameters.Add("@user", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = matricTextBox.Text; db.openConnection(); MySqlDataReader rdr = command.ExecuteReader(); f_data = ""; while (rdr.Read()) { f_data = rdr.GetString(4); } rdr.Close(); if (f_data.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Matric Number", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { pdf = new PdfDocument(); OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "PDF document (*.pdf)|*.pdf"; DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { try { string pdfFile = dialog.FileName; List <PdfSignature> signatures = new List <PdfSignature>(); //Open a pdf document and get its all signatures using (PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument()) { pdf.LoadFromFile(pdfFile); PdfFormWidget form = pdf.Form as PdfFormWidget; for (int i = 0; i < form.FieldsWidget.Count; i++) { PdfSignatureFieldWidget field = form.FieldsWidget[i] as PdfSignatureFieldWidget; if (field != null && field.Signature != null) { PdfSignature signature = field.Signature; signatures.Add(signature); } } //Get the first signature PdfSignature signatureOne = signatures[0]; //Detect if the pdf document was modified bool modified = signatureOne.VerifyDocModified(); if (!modified) { PdfDocumentInformation docInfo = pdf.DocumentInformation; err = m_SecuBSP.Capture(FIRPurpose.VERIFY); err = m_SecuBSP.VerifyMatch(f_data, docInfo.Subject); if (err == BSPError.ERROR_NONE) { if (m_SecuBSP.IsMatched) { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("The Document is Authentic", "", 1500); } else { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("The Document is not Authentic", "", 1500); } } } else { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("The Document is not Authentic", "", 1500); } } } catch (Exception exe) { MessageBox.Show("Document is not Authentic", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } } }
private void VerifySC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { err = m_SecuBSP.EnumerateDevice(); pdf = new PdfDocument(); OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "PDF document (*.pdf)|*.pdf"; DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { try { string pdfFile = dialog.FileName; List <PdfSignature> signatures = new List <PdfSignature>(); //Open a pdf document and get its all signatures using (PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument()) { pdf.LoadFromFile(pdfFile); PdfFormWidget form = pdf.Form as PdfFormWidget; for (int i = 0; i < form.FieldsWidget.Count; i++) { PdfSignatureFieldWidget field = form.FieldsWidget[i] as PdfSignatureFieldWidget; if (field != null && field.Signature != null) { PdfSignature signature = field.Signature; signatures.Add(signature); } } //Get the first signature PdfSignature signatureOne = signatures[0]; //Detect if the pdf document was modified bool modified = signatureOne.VerifyDocModified(); //FIND err = m_SecuBSP.EnumerateDevice(); m_SecuBSP.DeviceID = (Int16)DeviceID.AUTO; //OPEN err = m_SecuBSP.OpenDevice(); if (err == BSPError.ERROR_NONE) { if (!modified) { PdfDocumentInformation docInfo = pdf.DocumentInformation; err = m_SecuBSP.Capture(FIRPurpose.VERIFY); if (err == BSPError.ERROR_NONE) { err = m_SecuBSP.VerifyMatch(m_SecuBSP.FIRTextData, docInfo.Subject); if (err == BSPError.ERROR_NONE) { if (m_SecuBSP.IsMatched) { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("The Document is Authentic", "", 1500); } else { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("The Document is not Authentic", "", 1500); } } } } else { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("The Document is not Authentic", "", 1500); } } else { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("No Scanner Detected", "Error!", 1000); } } } catch (Exception exe) { MessageBox.Show("Document is not Authentic", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BSPError err; m_SecuBSP.CaptureWindowOption.WindowStyle = (int)WindowStyle.INVISIBLE; m_SecuBSP.CaptureWindowOption.ShowFPImage = true; m_SecuBSP.CaptureWindowOption.FingerWindow = (IntPtr)captureFingerprint.Handle; err = m_SecuBSP.Capture(FIRPurpose.VERIFY); if (err == BSPError.ERROR_NONE) { m_CaptureFIRText = m_SecuBSP.FIRTextData; string con = String.Empty; con = "Server=; SslMode=none; port=3306; Uid=root; Database=Studentdb; Password="******"SELECT * FROM student_details WHERE course='" + course_cb.Text + "' and Year='" + year_cb.Text + "'"; using (MySqlConnection sqlcon = new MySqlConnection(con)) { sqlcon.Open(); string regNo; using (MySqlCommand com = new MySqlCommand(sql, sqlcon)) { using (MySqlDataReader auth = com.ExecuteReader()) { if (course_cb.Text != "") { if (auth.HasRows) { while (auth.Read()) { m_EnrollFIRText = auth["Student_Fingerprint"].ToString(); err = m_SecuBSP.VerifyMatch(m_CaptureFIRText, m_EnrollFIRText); if (err == BSPError.ERROR_NONE) { if (m_SecuBSP.IsMatched) { StatusBar.Text = "Matched"; regNo = auth["RegistrationNumber"].ToString(); addAttendance(unitAtt_cb.Text, course_cb.Text, regNo); } else { StatusBar.Text = "Not Matched"; } } else { DisplaySecuBSPErrMsg("VerifyMatch", err); } } } } } } DisplaySecuBSPErrMsg("Capture", err); } } }