public virtual async Task TM_SectorWorlds(string sector = null) { EmbedBuilder msg = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sector) || sector == "?") { await SendHelpMessage($"Usage: {BotConfiguration.thisBotConfig.CommandIndicator}sector-worlds spin", "This command will return a sectors worlds information", $"{BotConfiguration.thisBotConfig.CommandIndicator}sector-worlds <sector>"); return; } string txt = $"Here is the world data for the {sector} sector:-"; try { string data = GetResponse(mapService.TravellerMapAPI[Enums.TravellerAPIMapEnums.Sector].Replace("/sector", $"/{sector}")); SectorSurvey sectorSurvey = new SectorSurvey(data); msg = GetMsg(defaultColor, $"{sectorSurvey.Title} Worlds", txt); msg.AddField("Coords", sectorSurvey.Coords, true); int cnt = 0; int tcnt = 0; foreach (WorldSurvey world in sectorSurvey.Worlds) { msg.AddField($"{world.Name}", $"{world.Hex} - {world.UWP} - {world.Z}\n", true); cnt++; tcnt++; if (cnt == 20) { cnt = 0; await SendMessageAsync(msg, null, $"{tcnt}/{sectorSurvey.Worlds.Count} continued..."); msg = GetMsg(defaultColor, $"{sectorSurvey.Title} Worlds...", null, null, "...continued"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = GetErrorMsg($"Error:\n{ex.Message}", Context.User); } await SendMessageAsync(msg); }
public virtual async Task TM_Sector(string sector = null) { EmbedBuilder msg = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sector) || sector == "?") { await SendHelpMessage($"Usage: {BotConfiguration.thisBotConfig.CommandIndicator}sector spin", "This command will return a sectors information", $"{BotConfiguration.thisBotConfig.CommandIndicator}sector <sector>"); return; } string txt = $"Here is the data for the {sector} sector:-"; if (mapService != null) { try { string data = GetResponse(mapService.TravellerMapAPI[Enums.TravellerAPIMapEnums.Sector].Replace("/sector", $"/{sector}")); SectorSurvey sectorSurvey = new SectorSurvey(data); msg = GetMsg(defaultColor, $"{sectorSurvey.Title} Survey", txt); msg.AddField("Coords", sectorSurvey.Coords, true); msg.AddField("Names", sectorSurvey.GetNames()); msg.AddField("Subsectors", sectorSurvey.GetSubSectors()); msg.AddField("Allegancies", sectorSurvey.GetAlegancies()); msg.AddField("Worlds", sectorSurvey.Worlds.Count, true); } catch (Exception ex) { msg = GetErrorMsg($"Error:\n{ex.Message}", Context.User); } } else { msg = GetErrorMsg("Service does not use Traveller API", Context.User); } await SendMessageAsync(msg); }