public Result SearchTrip(QueryBuilder queryTrip)
            // Error! Search range cannot be a negative number!
            if (queryTrip.Range < 0)
                SearchTripError error = new SearchTripError();
                error.Comment = "Search range must be a non-negative number!";
                return error;

            /** Check if the current node is the nearest node to the departure location. */
            string targetNode = NearestNodeToDeparture(queryTrip.DepartureName);

            if (!targetNode.Equals(NodeName))
                Console.WriteLine("Decision: sending SearchTripCommand to : {0}", targetNode);
                ForwardRequiredResult forwardRequest = new ForwardRequiredResult();
                forwardRequest.RequestID = serviceImpl.generateGUID();
                forwardRequest.Destination = baseForwardAddress + targetNode;

                return forwardRequest;

            // The Search has no range criteria. We can perform a simple search or
            // a simple forward request.
            if (queryTrip.Range == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Testing Range 0");
                List<Trip> matchingTrip = GetTripZeroRange(queryTrip);

                SearchTripResult searchResult = new SearchTripResult(matchingTrip);
                searchResult.OriginalQueryID = queryTrip.ID;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Trip(s) were found in {2}", serviceImpl.LogTimestamp, matchingTrip.Count, NodeName);

                return searchResult;

            // The client specified a range for search: we need to do a more complex search
            // and potentially a multiple forwarding.

                Location departureLoc = GMapsAPI.addressToLocation(queryTrip.DepartureName);
                LocationRange departureLocRange = new LocationRange(departureLoc.Latitude, departureLoc.Longitude, queryTrip.Range);

                List<Trip> matchingTrip = GetTripWithRange(queryTrip, departureLocRange);

                SearchTripResult searchResult = new SearchTripResult(matchingTrip);
                searchResult.OriginalQueryID = queryTrip.ID;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Trip(s) were found in {2}", serviceImpl.LogTimestamp, matchingTrip.Count, NodeName);

                /** Check if there are other neighbour nodes within the range of search. */
                string[] targetNeighbours = NeighbourNodesInRange(departureLocRange);
                if (targetNeighbours.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string n in targetNeighbours)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is in range.", n);

                    return new NullResult();

                    //Console.WriteLine("No neighbour is in range.");
                    return searchResult;


        public Result SearchTrip(QueryBuilder queryTrip)
            // Error! Search range cannot be a negative number!
            if (queryTrip.Range < 0)
                SearchTripError error = new SearchTripError();
                error.Comment = "Search range must be a non-negative number!";

            /** Check if the current node is the nearest node to the departure location. */
            string targetNode = NearestNodeToDeparture(queryTrip.DepartureName);

            if (!targetNode.Equals(NodeName))
                Console.WriteLine("Decision: sending SearchTripCommand to : {0}", targetNode);
                ForwardRequiredResult forwardRequest = new ForwardRequiredResult();
                forwardRequest.RequestID   = serviceImpl.generateGUID();
                forwardRequest.Destination = baseForwardAddress + targetNode;


            // The Search has no range criteria. We can perform a simple search or
            // a simple forward request.
            if (queryTrip.Range == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Testing Range 0");
                List <Trip> matchingTrip = GetTripZeroRange(queryTrip);

                SearchTripResult searchResult = new SearchTripResult(matchingTrip);
                searchResult.OriginalQueryID = queryTrip.ID;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Trip(s) were found in {2}", serviceImpl.LogTimestamp, matchingTrip.Count, NodeName);

            // The client specified a range for search: we need to do a more complex search
            // and potentially a multiple forwarding.
                Location      departureLoc      = GMapsAPI.addressToLocation(queryTrip.DepartureName);
                LocationRange departureLocRange = new LocationRange(departureLoc.Latitude, departureLoc.Longitude, queryTrip.Range);

                List <Trip> matchingTrip = GetTripWithRange(queryTrip, departureLocRange);

                SearchTripResult searchResult = new SearchTripResult(matchingTrip);
                searchResult.OriginalQueryID = queryTrip.ID;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Trip(s) were found in {2}", serviceImpl.LogTimestamp, matchingTrip.Count, NodeName);

                /** Check if there are other neighbour nodes within the range of search. */
                string[] targetNeighbours = NeighbourNodesInRange(departureLocRange);
                if (targetNeighbours.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string n in targetNeighbours)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is in range.", n);

                    return(new NullResult());
                    //Console.WriteLine("No neighbour is in range.");
        }//End SearchTrip