protected void TestCanSearchWithSynonyms()
            SearchServiceClient searchClient = Data.GetSearchServiceClient();

            const string SynonymMapName = "names";
            var          synonymMap     = new SynonymMap(name: SynonymMapName, synonyms: "luxury,fancy");


            SearchIndexClient client = GetClientForQuery();
            Index             index  = searchClient.Indexes.Get(client.IndexName);

            index.Fields.First(f => f.Name == "hotelName").SynonymMaps = new[] { SynonymMapName };


            // When this test runs live, it runs against a free service that has 3 replicas.
            // Sometimes the synonym map update doesn't make it to the replica that handles
            // the query below, causing a test failure. We wait here to increase the odds of
            // consistency and decrease the likelihood of spurious test failures.

            var searchParameters =
                new SearchParameters()
                QueryType    = QueryType.Full,
                SearchFields = new[] { "hotelName" },
                Select       = new[] { "hotelName", "rating" }

            DocumentSearchResult <Hotel> response =
                client.Documents.Search <Hotel>("luxury", searchParameters);

            var expectedDoc = new Hotel()
                HotelName = "Fancy Stay", Rating = 5

            Assert.Equal(1, response.Results.Count);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDoc, response.Results.First().Document);