Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Initializes the solver so that the optimization can be run.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="GraphNotConnectedException">
        /// If not all target nodes are connected to the start node.
        /// </exception>
        public virtual void Initialize()

            // Use SteinerPreprocessor for search space reduction.
            SearchSpace = AllNodes.ToList();
            var variableTargetNodes = SearchSpace.Where(IsVariableTargetNode);
            var preProc             = new SteinerPreprocessor(SearchSpace, TargetNodes, StartNode, variableTargetNodes);
            var result = preProc.ReduceSearchSpace();

            TargetNodes = result.FixedTargetNodes;
            var remainingNodes = result.RemainingNodes;

            SearchSpace   = remainingNodes.Except(TargetNodes).ToList();
            Distances     = result.DistanceLookup;
            ShortestPaths = result.ShortestPathLookup;
            StartNode     = result.StartNode;

            // SkillNode-Ids of the remaining search space may represent more than one node. This
            // information needs to be saved.
            var expansionDict = new IReadOnlyCollection <ushort> [ushort.MaxValue];

            foreach (var node in remainingNodes)
                expansionDict[node.Id] = node.Nodes;
            var inExpansion = new HashSet <ushort>(remainingNodes.SelectMany(n => n.Nodes));

            // Add the remaining nodes as single (unmerged) ones.
            foreach (var node in AllNodes)
                if (!inExpansion.Contains(node.Id))
                    expansionDict[node.Id] = new[] { node.Id };
            NodeExpansionDictionary = expansionDict;

            // The hidden root node and ascendancy nodes do not count for the total node count.
            UncountedNodes = 1 + StartNode.Nodes.Count(n => SkillTree.Skillnodes[n].IsAscendancyNode);

            Debug.WriteLine("Search space dimension: " + SearchSpace.Count);
            Debug.WriteLine("Target node count: " + TargetNodes.Count);

            IsInitialized = true;