public SearchReturn Expand(String searchText, String includeTypes, int offset, int numResults, DictionaryType dictionary, Language language)
            log.DebugFormat("Enter searchText( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} ).", searchText, includeTypes, offset, numResults, dictionary, language);

            SearchReturn ret;

                InputValidator.ValidateExpand(dictionary, language);

                DictionaryManager mgr = new DictionaryManager();
                ret = mgr.Expand(searchText, includeTypes, offset, numResults, dictionary, language, API_VERSION);

                log.DebugFormat("Returning {0} results.", ret.Result.Count());
            // If there was a problem with the inputs for this request, fail with
            // an HTTP status message and an explanation.
            catch (DictionaryValidationException ex)
                WebOperationContext ctx = WebOperationContext.Current;
                ret = new SearchReturn()
                    Meta = new SearchReturnMeta()
                        Messages = new string[] { ex.Message }

        /// <summary>
        /// Common code for building the results data structure from Search and Expand.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="results"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SearchReturn BuildSearchResultsStructure(SearchResults results, Language language, AudienceType audience, int offset)
            List <String> messages = new List <string>();

            int resultCount = results.MatchCount;

            // Report the count in a human-readable format.
            String message = String.Format("Found {0} results.", resultCount);


            // Retrieve results.  We already know the number of results, so let's preset the
            // list to the size we know we're going to need.  (Use the number of rows in the results
            // since MatchCount/resultCount is conceivably much larger than we need and might even be int.MaxValue.)
            List <DictionarySearchResultEntry> foundTerms = new List <DictionarySearchResultEntry>(results.Data.Rows.Count);

            foreach (DataRow row in results.Data.Rows)
                    int    id        = row.Field <int>("termID");
                    string matchName = row.Field <string>("TermName");
                    string detail    = row.Field <string>("object");
                    detail = RewriteMediaFileLocations(detail);
                    foundTerms.Add(new DictionarySearchResultEntry(id, matchName, detail));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Debug("Error retrieving search results.", ex);

            // Populate return metadata structure
            SearchReturnMeta meta = new SearchReturnMeta()
                Language    = language.ToString(),
                Audience    = audience.ToString(),
                Offset      = offset,
                ResultCount = resultCount,
                Messages    = messages.ToArray()

            // Combine meta and results to create the final return object.
            SearchReturn srchReturn = new SearchReturn()
                Result = foundTerms.ToArray(),
                Meta   = meta

        public SearchReturn SearchThruProducts(string term, string[] searchCategories)
            using (var db = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
                var searchResults = new SearchReturn();

                var sql            = @"SELECT p.*, FORMAT (p.Price / 100.00, 'C') as MoneyPrice ,u.BusinessName, c.Name as CategoryName, t.Type as TypeName
                            FROM [Product] p
                            JOIN [User] u
                            on p.SellerId = u.Id
                            JOIN [Category] c
                            on p.CategoryId = c.Id
                            JOIN [ProductType] t
                            on p.TypeId = t.Id";
                var whereStatement = "";
                var regex          = "%";
                if (searchCategories.Length != 0)
                    whereStatement = @" WHERE p.categoryId in @searchCategories";
                if (term != null)
                    char[] charArr = term.ToCharArray();
                    foreach (char ch in charArr)
                        regex += "[" + ch + "]";
                    regex += "%";
                    if (searchCategories.Length == 0)
                        whereStatement = " WHERE ([Title] LIKE @regex OR [BusinessName] LIKE @regex)";
                        whereStatement = @" WHERE ([Title] LIKE @regex OR [BusinessName] LIKE @regex)
                                        AND p.categoryId in @searchCategories";

                sql += whereStatement;
                var parameters           = new { regex, searchCategories };
                var productsSearched     = db.Query <Product>(sql, parameters);
                var categoryTotalResults = _categoryRepo.GetProductsInCategories(regex);
                searchResults.Products             = productsSearched;
                searchResults.TotalProducts        = productsSearched.Count();
                searchResults.TotalForEachCategory = categoryTotalResults;
Exemple #4
        // For search demonstration purposes only.

        public HomeSeerAPI.SearchReturn[] Search(string SearchString, bool RegEx)
            System.Collections.Generic.List <SearchReturn> colRET = new System.Collections.Generic.List <SearchReturn>();
            SearchReturn RET;

            //So let's pretend we searched through all of the plug-in resources (triggers, actions, web pages, perhaps zone names, songs, etc.)
            // and found a few matches....

            //   The matches can be returned as just the string value...:
            RET = new SearchReturn();


Exemple #5
        public HomeSeerAPI.SearchReturn[] Search(string SearchString, bool RegEx)//TODO add search
            // Not yet implemented in the Sample
            // Normally we would do a search on plug-in actions, triggers, devices, etc. for the string provided, using
            //   the string as a regular expression if RegEx is True.
            List <SearchReturn> colRET = new List <SearchReturn>();
            SearchReturn        RET;

            //So let's pretend we searched through all of the plug-in resources (triggers, actions, web pages, perhaps zone names, songs, etc.)
            // and found a few matches....

            //   The matches can be returned as just the string value...:
            RET              = new SearchReturn();
            RET.RType        = eSearchReturn.r_String_Other;
            RET.RDescription = "Found in the zone description for zone 4";
            RET.RValue       = Zone[4];
            //   The matches can be returned as a URL:
            RET        = new SearchReturn();
            RET.RType  = eSearchReturn.r_URL;
            RET.RValue = Util.IFACE_NAME + Util.Instance;
            // Could have put something such as /DeviceUtility?ref=12345&edit=1     to take them directly to the device properties of a device.
            //   The matches can be returned as an Object:
            //   This will be VERY infrequently used as it is restricted to object types that can go through the HomeSeer-Plugin interface.
            //   Normal data type objects (Date, String, Integer, Enum, etc.) can go through, but very few complex objects such as the
            //       HomeSeer DeviceClass will make it through the interface unscathed.
            RET              = new SearchReturn();
            RET.RType        = eSearchReturn.r_Object;
            RET.RDescription = "Found in a device.";
            RET.RValue       = Util.hs.DeviceName(OneOfMyDevices.get_Ref(Util.hs));
            //Returning a string in the RValue is optional since this is an object type return
            RET.RObject = OneOfMyDevices;

        public ActionResult SearchResultReturn(SearchReturn SearchReturn)
            SearchResultOneWay result = new SearchResultOneWay();

            result.cb = new List <ChuyenBay>();
            DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(SearchReturn.ReturnDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            //người lớn và trẻ em thì cho ngồi ghế còn trẻ sơ  sinh thì người lớn bế
            int soluonghanhkhach  = SearchReturn.adultNo + SearchReturn.childNo;
            List <ChuyenBay> temp = new List <ChuyenBay>();

            result.cb = new F_DanhSachChuyenBay().DS_ChuyenBay.Where(x => x.DiemDi == SearchReturn.arvAirport && x.DiemDen == SearchReturn.depAirport && x.Ngay == dt).ToList();
            //kiểm tra thử còn chỗ không trên các chuyến bay với ngày đã chọn
            foreach (ChuyenBay item in temp)
                int a = new AirLineDbContext().KhachHang_ChuyenBay.Where(x => x.MaChuyenBay == item.MaChuyenBay && x.NgayBay == item.Ngay).ToList().Count();
                if (item.SoCho - a >= soluonghanhkhach)
            result.departAirport      = SearchReturn.arvAirport;
            result.arrivedAirport     = SearchReturn.depAirport;
                 = null;
            result.rtndate            = SearchReturn.ReturnDate;
            result.adultNo            = SearchReturn.adultNo;
            result.childNo            = SearchReturn.childNo;
            result.infantNo           = SearchReturn.infantNo;
            ViewBag.MaChuyenBayLuotDi = SearchReturn.MaChuyenBayLuotDi;
            var session1 = (UserLogin)Session[CommonSession.USER_SESSION];

            if (session1 != null)
                TempData["layout"] = "logged in";
        public IHttpActionResult SearchPost(SearchData sd)
            int perpage             = 20;
            List <SearchReturn> srd = new List <SearchReturn>();

            using (var db = new oucfreetalkEntities())
                var search_post = (from it in db.posts
                                   join it2 in db.students on it.owner equals
                                   where it.state == true && (it.title.Contains(sd.searchtext) || it.contenttext.Contains(sd.searchtext))
                                   select new
                    stuid =
                for (int i = 0; i < search_post.Count; i++)
                    SearchReturn srtemp = new SearchReturn();
                    srtemp.srtype     = 2;                               //类型2帖子
                    srtemp.postid     = search_post[i].id.ToString();    //帖子id
                    srtemp.postname   = search_post[i].title.ToString(); //贴子标题
                    srtemp.createtime = search_post[i].updatetime;       //帖子最后更新时间
                    srtemp.stuid      = search_post[i].stuid;
                    srtemp.nikename   = search_post[i].nikename;
                    srtemp.replytext  = search_post[i].contenttext;

                var search_post_s = (from it in db.postc
                                     join it2 in db.posts on it.ownpost equals
                                     join it3 in db.students on it.owner equals
                                     where it.state == true && it.body.Contains(sd.searchtext)
                                     select new
                    postname = it2.title,
                    postid =,
                    nikename = it3.nikename,
                    stuid =
                for (int i = 0; i < search_post_s.Count; i++)
                    SearchReturn srtemp = new SearchReturn();
                    srtemp.srtype     = 3;
                    srtemp.postid     = search_post_s[i].postid.ToString();
                    srtemp.stuid      = search_post_s[i].stuid;
                    srtemp.nikename   = search_post_s[i].nikename;
                    srtemp.replytext  = search_post_s[i].body;
                    srtemp.commentsid = search_post_s[i].id.ToString();
                    srtemp.postname   = search_post_s[i].postname;
                    srtemp.createtime = search_post_s[i].createtime;

                var dd = (from it in db.students
                          where it.nikename == sd.searchtext
                          select it).ToList();
                srd.OrderByDescending(a => a.createtime);
                for (int i = 0; i < dd.Count; i++)
                    SearchReturn srtemp = new SearchReturn();
                    srtemp.srtype   = 1;
                    srtemp.ico      = dd[i].pic;
                    srtemp.nikename = dd[i].nikename;
                    srtemp.stuid    = dd[i].id;
                    srd.Insert(0, srtemp);
                int allcount = srd.Count;
                int allpage  = allcount / perpage;
                if (allcount % perpage != 0)
                var search = srd.Skip((sd.index - 1) * perpage).Take(perpage);

                return(Ok(new { search, allpage }));
Exemple #8
 public HomeSeerAPI.SearchReturn[] Search(string SearchString, bool RegEx)
     SearchReturn[] result = new SearchReturn[0];
 private string SearchReturnConditionReturn(SearchReturn returnData)
     string ConditionReturn = "";
     if (returnData.txtreturnedID != null)
         ConditionReturn += " AND PropertyReturn.ReturnID = @txtreturnedID ";
     if (returnData.txtreturnedDateStart != null && returnData.txtreturnedDateeEnd != null)
         ConditionReturn += " AND PropertyReturn.ReturnDate BETWEEN @txtreturnedDateStart AND @txtreturnedDateeEnd ";
     if (returnData.txtgetgoodsBy != null)
         ConditionReturn += " AND StaffDatabase.StaffName like @txtgetgoodsBy ";
     if (returnData.txtrestationeryID != null)
         ConditionReturn += " AND PropertyReturn.PropertyID = @txtrestationeryID ";
     if (returnData.txtrestationeryName != null)
         ConditionReturn += " AND PropertyDatabase.PropertyName like @txtrestationeryName ";
     StaffDataBase sDB = new StaffDataBase();
     List<string> UserFile = sDB.getStaffDataName(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
     if (int.Parse(_StaffhaveRoles[4]) == 0 && UserFile[1].Length > 0)
         ConditionReturn += " AND PropertyReturn.Unit =" + UserFile[2] + " ";
     return ConditionReturn;
 public string[] SearchReturnCount(SearchReturn returnData)
     string[] returnValue = new string[2];
     returnValue[0] = "0";
     returnValue[1] = "0";
     DataBase Base = new DataBase();
     string ConditionReturn = this.SearchReturnConditionReturn(returnData);
     using (SqlConnection Sqlconn = new SqlConnection(Base.GetConnString()))
             StaffDataBase sDB = new StaffDataBase();
             List<string> CreateFileName = sDB.getStaffDataName(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
             string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PropertyReturn " +
                         "INNER JOIN PropertyDatabase ON PropertyReturn.PropertyID=PropertyDatabase.PropertyID AND PropertyDatabase.isDeleted=0 " +
                         "INNER JOIN StaffDatabase ON PropertyReturn.OutputTransactor=StaffDatabase.StaffID AND StaffDatabase.isDeleted=0 " +
                         "WHERE PropertyReturn.isDeleted=0 " + ConditionReturn;
             SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, Sqlconn);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtreturnedID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoIntFunction(returnData.txtreturnedID);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtreturnedDateStart", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoDateFunction(returnData.txtreturnedDateStart);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtreturnedDateeEnd", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoDateFunction(returnData.txtreturnedDateeEnd);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtgetgoodsBy", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + Chk.CheckStringFunction(returnData.txtgetgoodsBy) + "%";
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtrestationeryID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoIntFunction(returnData.txtrestationeryID);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtrestationeryName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + Chk.CheckStringFunction(returnData.txtrestationeryName) + "%";
             returnValue[0] = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
         catch (Exception e)
             returnValue[0] = "-1";
             returnValue[1] = e.Message.ToString();
     return returnValue;
 public List<CreateReturn> SearchReturn(int indexpage, SearchReturn returnData)
     List<CreateReturn> returnValue = new List<CreateReturn>();
     DataBase Base = new DataBase();
     string ConditionReturn = this.SearchReturnConditionReturn(returnData);
     using (SqlConnection Sqlconn = new SqlConnection(Base.GetConnString()))
             StaffDataBase sDB = new StaffDataBase();
             List<string> CreateFileName = sDB.getStaffDataName(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
             string sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY PropertyReturn.ReturnDate DESC, PropertyReturn.ID DESC) " +
                          "AS RowNum, PropertyReturn.*,PropertyDatabase.PropertyName,PropertyDatabase.ItemUnit,StaffDatabase.StaffName AS receiveByName FROM PropertyReturn " +
                          "INNER JOIN PropertyDatabase ON PropertyReturn.PropertyID=PropertyDatabase.PropertyID AND PropertyDatabase.isDeleted=0 " +
                          "INNER JOIN StaffDatabase ON PropertyReturn.OutputTransactor=StaffDatabase.StaffID AND StaffDatabase.isDeleted=0 " +
                          "WHERE PropertyReturn.isDeleted=0 " + ConditionReturn + " ) " +
                          "AS NewTable " +
                          "WHERE RowNum >= (@indexpage-" + PageMinNumFunction() + ") AND RowNum <= (@indexpage)";
             SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, Sqlconn);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@indexpage", SqlDbType.Int).Value = indexpage;
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtreturnedID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoIntFunction(returnData.txtreturnedID);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtreturnedDateStart", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoDateFunction(returnData.txtreturnedDateStart);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtreturnedDateeEnd", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoDateFunction(returnData.txtreturnedDateeEnd);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtgetgoodsBy", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + Chk.CheckStringFunction(returnData.txtgetgoodsBy) + "%";
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtrestationeryID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoIntFunction(returnData.txtrestationeryID);
             cmd.Parameters.Add("@txtrestationeryName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + Chk.CheckStringFunction(returnData.txtrestationeryName) + "%";
             SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
             while (dr.Read())
                 CreateReturn addValue = new CreateReturn();
                 addValue.rID = dr["ID"].ToString();
                 addValue.returnedID = dr["ReturnID"].ToString();
                 addValue.returnedDate = DateTime.Parse(dr["ReturnDate"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                 addValue.getgoodsDate = DateTime.Parse(dr["OutputDate"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                 addValue.getgoodsByID = dr["OutputTransactor"].ToString();
                 addValue.getgoodsByName = dr["receiveByName"].ToString();
                 addValue.restationeryID = dr["PropertyID"].ToString();
                 addValue.Unit = dr["Unit"].ToString();
                 addValue.returnedQuantity = dr["Quantity"].ToString();
                 addValue.returnedReason = dr["Reason"].ToString();
                 addValue.restationeryName = dr["PropertyName"].ToString();
                 addValue.restationeryUnit = dr["ItemUnit"].ToString();
         catch (Exception e)
             CreateReturn addValue = new CreateReturn();
             addValue.checkNo = "-1";
             addValue.errorMsg = e.Message.ToString();
     return returnValue;
 public string[] SearchReturnDataCount(SearchReturn returnData)
     OtherDataBase sDB = new OtherDataBase();
     if (int.Parse(sDB._StaffhaveRoles[3]) == 1)
         return sDB.SearchReturnCount(returnData);
         return new string[2] { _noRole, _errorMsg };
 public List<CreateReturn> SearchReturnData(int index, SearchReturn returnData)
     OtherDataBase sDB = new OtherDataBase();
     return sDB.SearchReturn(index, returnData);