public IEnumerable <SearchResultItem> Search(
            string query, int pageSize, long pageIndex,
            out long totalFound, string searchFrom = null)
            var textService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.TextService;
            var culture     = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

            var result = new List <SearchResultItem>();
            var nodes  = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "1", textService.Localize("ordersMenu", culture) },
                { "2", textService.Localize("productsMenu", culture) },
                { "3", textService.Localize("categoriesMenu", culture) },

            foreach (var item in nodes)
                if (item.Value.ToLower().Contains(query.ToLower()))
                    var res = new SearchResultItem()
                        ParentId = -1,
                        Icon     = "icon-presentation",
                        Id       = item.Key,
                        Name     = item.Value,
                        Score    = 1,
            totalFound = result.Count;
            return(result.Skip((int)pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize));
        public override void Search(object term)
            YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri);

            //query.VQ = searchString;
            query.Query   = term.ToString();
            query.OrderBy = "relevance";
            query.Categories.Add(new QueryCategory("Music", QueryCategoryOperator.AND));

            YouTubeFeed vidr = Youtube2MP.service.Query(query);

            foreach (YouTubeEntry entry in vidr.Entries)
                SearchResultItem item = new SearchResultItem();
                item.Id       = entry.VideoId;
                item.Label    = entry.Title.Text;
                item.Provider = this;
                item.MetaData.Add("entry", entry);
            IsBusy = false;
            if (SearchDone != null)
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a search view model according to the runtime type of <paramref name="searchResultItem"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public SearchResultItemModel GetTypedSearchResultItemModel(SearchResultItem <BaseInfo> searchResultItem)
            var fields = searchResultItem.Fields;
            var data   = (dynamic)searchResultItem.Data;

            return(GetViewModelForSearchItem(fields, data));
        public static IAddress ToAddress(this SearchResultItem result)
            if (result != null)
                var Address = new Models.Address();

                string FormattedAddress;

                FormattedAddress = result.FieldItems.TryGetValue("FULL_ADDRESS");

                var Index = Math.Max(0, FormattedAddress.IndexOf(result.FieldItems.TryGetValue("STREET") + ","));

                Address.Uprn = long.Parse(result.FieldItems.TryGetValue("UPRN") ?? null);
                //Address.Usrn = long.Parse(result.FieldItems.TryGetValue("USRN") ?? null);
                //Address.Organisation = result.FieldItems.TryGetValue("ORGANISATION");
                Address.Property = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FormattedAddress) ? FormattedAddress.Substring(0, Index) : String.Empty).Trim().TrimEnd(',');
                Address.Street   = result.FieldItems.TryGetValue("STREET");
                Address.Locality = result.FieldItems.TryGetValue("LOCALITY");
                Address.Town     = result.FieldItems.TryGetValue("TOWN");
                Address.Area     = result.FieldItems.TryGetValue("POSTTOWN");
                Address.PostCode = result.FieldItems.TryGetValue("POSTCODE");

        protected override async Task <CrawlingResult> CrawleInnerAsync(CrawlingRequest request)
            CrawlingResult result = null;
            string         url    = string.Format("{0}?q={1}", BaseUrl, request.QueryWord);

            string resultHtml = null;

            using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url);

                resultHtml = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                var document = new HtmlDocument();

                var htmlNodes = document.DocumentNode.CssSelect("#b_results li h2 a");

                result = new CrawlingResult();

                var hodeArray = htmlNodes.ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < request.Take; i++)
                    var htmlNode = hodeArray[i];
                    var item     = new SearchResultItem();
                    item.SearchEngine = ESearchEngine.Bing;
                    item.Title        = htmlNode.InnerText;
 private SearchResultItemViewModel(SearchResultItem item)
     RegisterName            = item.RegisterName;
     RegisterDescription     = item.RegisterDescription;
     RegisterItemName        = item.RegisterItemName;
     RegisterItemDescription = item.RegisterItemDescription;
     RegisterID                = item.RegisterID;
     SystemID                  = item.SystemID;
     Discriminator             = item.Discriminator;
     RegisterSeoname           = item.RegisterSeoname;
     RegisterItemSeoname       = item.RegisterItemSeoname;
     DocumentOwner             = item.DocumentOwner;
     Submitter                 = item.Submitter;
     Shortname                 = item.Shortname;
     RegisteItemUrl            = item.RegisteItemUrl;
     SubregisterUrl            = item.SubregisterUrl;
     subregisterItemUrl        = item.subregisterItemUrl;
     ParentRegisterName        = item.ParentRegisterName;
     ParentRegisterDescription = item.ParentRegisterDescription;
     ParentRegisterUrl         = item.ParentRegisterUrl;
     RegisteItemUrlDataset     = item.RegisteItemUrlDataset;
     RegisteItemUrlDocument    = item.RegisteItemUrlDocument;
     ObjektkatalogUrl          = item.ObjektkatalogUrl;
     Type           = item.Type;
     currentVersion = item.currentVersion;
        public SearchResultCafeItemModel(SearchResultItem resultItem, Cafe cafe)
            : base(resultItem, cafe)
            var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext);

            Url = urlHelper.Action("Index", "Cafes");
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a Poco into a strongly typed Item descending from
        /// IStandardTemplateItem. Will return null if there is no class
        /// defined for the Item's TemplateID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="poco">The SearchResultItem</param>
        /// <typeparam name="TItem">The Type of object to create, must descend from IStandardTemplateItem.</typeparam>
        /// <returns>An instance of TItem or null if conversion fails.</returns>
        public static TItem As <TItem>(this SearchResultItem poco)
            where TItem : class, IStandardTemplate
            var item = poco.GetItem();

            return(item.As <TItem>());
Exemple #9
 public override void handleSelection(SearchResultItem item)
     try {
         FileInfo fInfo = (FileInfo)item.Value;
     } catch { }
        public void PerformSearch(SearchProvider provider)
            SearchResults           epResults       = provider.Search();
            List <SearchResultItem> collectionItems = epResults.Items.FindAll((item) => { return(item.WrapperType == "collection"); });

            foreach (SearchResultItem item in epResults.Items.Except(collectionItems))
                this.episodeList.Add(new FileMetaDataInfo(item));

            if (collectionItems.Count > 0)
                SearchResultItem seasonItem = collectionItems[0];
                this.seasonName = seasonItem.CollectionName;
                this.showName   = seasonItem.ArtistName;
                Regex seasonNumberMatcher = new Regex(@".*(\d).*");
                if (seasonNumberMatcher.IsMatch(seasonName))
                    this.seasonNumber = int.Parse(seasonNumberMatcher.Matches(seasonName)[0].Groups[1].Value);

                // Look for the 600x600 pixel artwork. This is a hack, and
                // may not work properly forever.
                this.DownloadArtwork(seasonItem.ArtworkUrl.Replace("100x100", "600x600"));
        public override void FormatResult(SearchResultItem item, ISearchResult formattedResult)
            var contentItem = item.GetItem();

            formattedResult.Title       = FieldRenderer.Render(contentItem, Templates.HasPageContent.Fields.Title.ToString());
            formattedResult.Description = FieldRenderer.Render(contentItem, Templates.HasPageContent.Fields.Summary.ToString());
 public static ISearchResult Create(SearchResultItem result)
     var item = result.GetItem();
     var formattedResult = new SearchResult(item);
     FormatResultUsingFirstSupportedProvider(result, item, formattedResult);
     return formattedResult;
Exemple #13
 public SearchResultProductItemModel(SearchResultItem resultItem, SKUTreeNode page, ProductCatalogPrices priceDetail, IPageUrlRetriever pageUrlRetriever)
     : base(resultItem, page, pageUrlRetriever)
     Description      = page.DocumentSKUDescription;
     ShortDescription = HTMLHelper.StripTags(page.DocumentSKUShortDescription, false);
     PriceDetail      = priceDetail;
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            if (Item != null)
                var itemDatabase = Item.Database.Name;
                var itemPath     = Item.Paths.Path;
                var indexable    = new SitecoreIndexableItem(Item);

                foreach (var index in WildcardFilter(Name, ContentSearchManager.Indexes, index => index.Name))
                    if (!index.Crawlers.Any(
                            c => c is SitecoreItemCrawler && ((SitecoreItemCrawler)c).Database.Is(itemDatabase)))

                    RefreshItem(index, indexable, itemPath);
            else if (SearchResultItem != null)
                var itemPath  = SearchResultItem.Path;
                var indexable = new SitecoreIndexableItem(SearchResultItem.GetItem());
                var indexname = SearchResultItem.Fields["_indexname"].ToString();

                foreach (
                    var index in WildcardFilter(indexname, ContentSearchManager.Indexes, index => index.Name))
                    RefreshItem(index, indexable, itemPath);
 public SearchResult(double score, Actor actor)
     Score = score;
     Node  = new SearchResultItem {
         Instance = actor
Exemple #16
        private void listBox1_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SearchResultItem item = listBox1.SelectedItem as SearchResultItem;

            if (item == null)

            if (File.Exists(item.Path))
                if (item.Path != lblfilepath.Text)
                    richTextBox1.Text = File.ReadAllText(item.Path, code);
                    lblfilepath.Text             = item.Path;
                    richTextBox1.SelectionStart  = richTextBox1.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(item.Line);
                    richTextBox1.SelectionLength = 0;
                catch { }
 public SearchResult(double score, Movie movie)
     Score = score;
     Node  = new SearchResultItem {
         Instance = movie
 public void FormatResult(SearchResultItem item, ISearchResult formattedResult)
   var contentItem = item.GetItem();
   formattedResult.Title = FieldRenderer.Render(contentItem, Templates.Person.Fields.Name.ToString());
   formattedResult.Description = FieldRenderer.Render(contentItem, Templates.Person.Fields.Summary.ToString());
   formattedResult.ViewName = "~/Views/Person/EmployeeSearchResult.cshtml";
        public SearchResultItem GetSearchResultItem(SearchGroup searchGroup, SearchItem searchResultItem)
            var result = new SearchResultItem
                Name       = searchResultItem.Title,
                Additional = new Dictionary <string, object>
                        WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath(GetImage(searchResultItem.EntityType), ProductEntryPoint.ID)
                URL = GetItemPath(searchResultItem.EntityType, searchResultItem.ID, searchGroup.ProjectID)

            if (searchResultItem.EntityType != EntityType.Project)
                result.Additional.Add("ProjectName", searchGroup.ProjectTitle);
                result.Date        = searchResultItem.CreateOn;
                result.Description = searchResultItem.Description;

        public static StringBuilder OneHotelTourRecord(SearchResultItem si, bool isAlternatingRecord)
            var ht = si.Hotels[0];
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendFormat(@"<tr {0}>", isAlternatingRecord ? @"class='TFS_TAltRow'" : String.Empty);
            var dates = si.Date.Year == si.DateTourEnd.Year && si.Date.Year == DateTime.Now.Year
                ? String.Format(@"{0:dd.MM}&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;{1:dd.MM}", si.Date, si.DateTourEnd)
                : String.Format(@"{0:dd.MM.yy}&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;{1:dd.MM.yy}", si.Date, si.DateTourEnd);

            sb.AppendFormat(@"<td>{0}</td>", dates);
            sb.AppendFormat(@"<td>{0}</td>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ht.ResortName));
            sb.AppendFormat(@"<td>{0}</td>", GetLinkNameHtml(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ht.Name), ht.Url, "HotelName", true));
            sb.AppendFormat(@"<td>{0}</td>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ht.Stars));
            sb.AppendFormat(@"<td>{0}<br/>{1}</td>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ht.RoomName),
            sb.AppendFormat(@"<td>{0}</td>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ht.AccomodationName));
            sb.AppendFormat(@"<td>{0}</td>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ht.PansionName));
            sb.AppendFormat(@"<td>{0}</td>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ht.NightsCount));
            sb.AppendFormat(@"<td class='CellPrice'>{0}</td>", GetSimpleBasketLinkHtml(si.PriceInRates, si.PriceKey, si.FilterRateCode, si.IsPriceForRoom, si.Date, true));
                            GetLinkNameHtml(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(si.TourName), si.TourUrl, "TourName", true),
                            GetComplexAspxLinkHtml(si.FlightCityKeyFrom == null ? 0 : si.FlightCityKeyFrom.Value, si.CountryKey, si.TourKey, si.HotelKey, si.Date, si.FilterRateCode, true),
                            GetTourDetailsHtml(si.TourHasDescription, si.TourKey));
            sb = GetHotelQuotasHtml(sb, si.Hotels[0].QuotaState, 0);
            //todo: вынести список классов авиоперелетов в конфиг
            sb = GetAviaQuotasHtml(sb, 0, si.DirectFlightsInfo, si.BackFlightsInfo, si.FlightCityKeyFrom, si.FlightCityKeyTo,
                                   si.Date, si.DateTourEnd);
Exemple #21
        private void Search_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            DataList = new ObservableCollection <SearchResultItem>();
            var searchHandler = new SearchHandler(clientContext);
            var result        = searchHandler.Search(SearchTextBox.Text.ToString());

            foreach (var item in result.Value)
                foreach (var res in item.ResultRows)
                        var searchItem = new SearchResultItem()
                            Title       = res["Title"].ToString(),
                            Description = res["Description"].ToString(),
                            ParentUrl   = res["ParentLink"].ToString(),
                    catch (Exception)
            searchListGrid.ItemsSource = DataList;
        protected override async Task <CrawlingResult> CrawleInnerAsync(CrawlingRequest request)
            string url = string.Format("{0}?q={1}", BaseUrl, request.QueryWord);

            var httpRequest = createHttpRequest(url);

            var httpResponse   = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            var streamResponse = httpResponse.GetResponseStream();
            var streamRead     = new StreamReader(streamResponse);
            var htmlString     = await streamRead.ReadToEndAsync();

            var document = new HtmlDocument();


            var htmlNodes = document.DocumentNode.CssSelect(".g h3").ToArray();

            var result = new CrawlingResult();

            for (int i = 0; i < request.Take; i++)
                var htmlNode = htmlNodes[i];
                var item     = new SearchResultItem();
                item.SearchEngine = ESearchEngine.Google;
                item.Title        = htmlNode.InnerText;

Exemple #23
        public SearchResultHomeItemModel(SearchResultItem resultItem, CMS.DocumentEngine.Types.DancingGoatMvc.Home home, IHomeRepository homeRepository, IPageUrlRetriever pageUrlRetriever)
            : base(resultItem, home, pageUrlRetriever)
            var homeSections = homeRepository.GetHomeSections(home.NodeAliasPath);

            Content = string.Join(" ", homeSections.Select(section => HTMLHelper.StripTags(section.HomeSectionText, false)));
Exemple #24
        public static IList <SearchResultItem> ConvertCalcTourToNoSql(this MtMainDbDataContext mainDc, MtSearchDbDataContext searchDc, int tourKey)
            var     result = new List <SearchResultItem>();
            string  hashOut;
            var     tours = searchDc.GetTPToursByKeys(new[] { tourKey }, out hashOut);
            TP_Tour tpTour;

            if (tours != null && tours.Count == 1)
                tpTour = tours[0];
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Неправильный параметр tourKey"));

            var tourString = searchDc.GetTourStringsByKeys(new [] { tpTour.TO_Key }, out hashOut);
            var tpPrices   = mainDc.TP_Prices.Where(t => t.TP_TOKey == tourKey && t.TP_Gross != null).ToList();

            foreach (var tpPrice in tpPrices)
                var item = new SearchResultItem();
                // будет заполнен при выдаче результата в поиск
                item.PriceInRates = null;
                item.PriceKey     = tpPrice.TP_Key;
                item.Price        = tpPrice.TP_Gross.Value;
                item.RateCode     = tpTour.TO_Rate;
                item.Date         = tpPrice.TP_DateBegin;
                item.PriceFor     = tpTour.TO_PriceFor == 0 ? PriceForType.PerMen : PriceForType.PerRoom;
                item.CountryKey   = tpTour.TO_CNKey;
Exemple #25
        private static void FormatResultUsingFirstSupportedProvider(SearchResultItem result, Item item, ISearchResult formattedResult)
            var formatter = FindFirstSupportedFormatter(item) ?? IndexingProviderRepository.DefaultSearchResultFormatter;

            formattedResult.ContentType = formatter.ContentType;
            formatter.FormatResult(result, formattedResult);
Exemple #26
        public IEnumerable <SearchResultItem> Search(string query)
            query = (query ?? "").ToLower().Trim();
            if (query.Length < 3)
                yield break;
            string[] words = query.Split(_separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Distinct().ToArray();

            foreach (var item in _cache)
                var response = new SearchResultItem
                    Page = item.Page,
                    MatchOnTitleWeight = item.TitleLowerCase.Contains(query) ? 20 : 0,
                    Hits = item.Content.Split(new string[] { query }, StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1
                if (response.Hits < 0)
                    response.Hits = 0;
                response.Hits *= 2;
                foreach (var word in words)
                    response.MatchOnTitleWeight += item.Title.Contains(word) ? 5 : 0;
                    response.Hits += item.Content.Split(new string[] { word }, StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1;
                if (response.Weight > 0)
                    yield return(response);
Exemple #27
        public async Task <SearchResultItem> CreateAsync(SearchResultItem item)
                using (var dbConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
                    var parameters = new
                        Title          = item.Title,
                        SearchEngineId = (int)item.SearchEngine,
                        EnteredDate    = item.EnteredDate.ToString()

                    var dbItems = await dbConnection.QueryAsync <DbSearchResultItem>(
                        sql : "SearchResultsInsert",
                        param : parameters,
                        commandType : CommandType.StoredProcedure

                    var dbItem = dbItems.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (dbItem == null)

            catch (Exception ex)
        public override void Play(SearchResultItem resultItem)
            YouTubeEntry entry = resultItem.MetaData["entry"] as YouTubeEntry;

            YoutubeGUIBase.SetLabels(entry, "NowPlaying");
            Youtube2MP.NowPlayingEntry = entry;
            VideoInfo info = new VideoInfo();

            g_Player.PlayVideoStream(Youtube2MP.StreamPlaybackUrl(entry, info));
            if (g_Player.Playing)
                if (Youtube2MP._settings.ShowNowPlaying)

            if (!g_Player.Playing)
                GUIDialogOK dlgOK = (GUIDialogOK)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_OK);
                if (dlgOK != null)
                    dlgOK.SetLine(1, "Unable to playback the item ! ");
                    dlgOK.SetLine(2, "");
        public void Should_Map_IPublishedContent_With_Template_To_Custom_Model_If_Something_Found()
            var searchResults = new List <SearchResult> {
                new SearchResult {
                    Id = 123
            var mappedIpubishedContentResults = new List <IPublishedContent> {
                new Mock <IPublishedContent>().Object
            var searchResultItem = new SearchResultItem {
                Heading = "Heading", Description = "Description"
            var mappedToCustomResults = new List <SearchResultItem> {

            _siteSearchService.Setup(y => y.GetRawResults(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>())).Returns(searchResults);
            _siteSearchService.Setup(x => x.ConvertSearchResultToPublishedContentWithTemplate(searchResults, _contentCache.Object, UmbracoContext.Current))
            _siteSearchService.Setup(x => x.MapToCustomResults(mappedIpubishedContentResults))

            _controller = GetController(true);

            var          result            = _controller.GetResult(Keyword, null, TopKeywords) as PartialViewResult;
            SiteSearchVm vm                = (SiteSearchVm)result.Model;
            var          firstMappedResult = vm.SearcResults.First();

            _siteSearchService.Verify(x => x.MapToCustomResults(mappedIpubishedContentResults), Times.Once);
            Assert.AreEqual(firstMappedResult.Heading, searchResultItem.Heading);
            Assert.AreEqual(firstMappedResult.Description, searchResultItem.Description);
        public void When_creating_search_results_item_if_the_url_has_no_scheme_included_the_link_remains_unchanged()
            var expectedUrl = "";
            var item        = new SearchResultItem("test", expectedUrl, "Google");

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, item.Link);
Exemple #31
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            if (Item != null)
                var itemPath  = Item.Paths.Path;
                var indexable = new SitecoreIndexableItem(Item);

                foreach (var index in WildcardFilter(Name, ContentSearchManager.Indexes, index => index.Name))
                    if (IndexIsValidForItem(index, Item))
                        ProcessIndexable(index, indexable, itemPath);
            else if (SearchResultItem != null)
                var itemPath  = SearchResultItem.Path;
                var indexable = new SitecoreIndexableItem(SearchResultItem.GetItem());
                var indexname = SearchResultItem.Fields["_indexname"].ToString();

                foreach (
                    var index in WildcardFilter(indexname, ContentSearchManager.Indexes, index => index.Name))
                    ProcessIndexable(index, indexable, itemPath);
Exemple #32
        public SearchResultAboutUsItemModel(SearchResultItem resultItem, AboutUs aboutUs, AboutUsRepository aboutUsRepository, IPageUrlRetriever pageUrlRetriever)
            : base(resultItem, aboutUs, pageUrlRetriever)
            var sideStories = aboutUsRepository.GetSideStories(aboutUs.NodeAliasPath);

            Content = string.Join(" ", sideStories.Select(story => HTMLHelper.StripTags(story.AboutUsSectionText, false)));
        public void When_creating_search_results_item_the_urls_scheme_is_removed_when_its_http()
            var expectedUrl = "";
            var item        = new SearchResultItem("test", $"http://{expectedUrl}", "Google");

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedUrl, item.Link);
 public void FetchImage(SearchResultItem item)
     using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) {
         var bytes = client.DownloadData (new Uri (item.ImageUrl));
         Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
         item.Image = bitmap;
 public void FormatResult(SearchResultItem item, ISearchResult formattedResult)
   var contentItem = item.GetItem();
   if (contentItem != null)
     formattedResult.Title = FieldRenderer.Render(contentItem, Templates.NewsArticle.Fields.Title.ToString());
     formattedResult.Description = FieldRenderer.Render(contentItem, Templates.NewsArticle.Fields.Summary.ToString());
     formattedResult.ViewName = "~/Views/News/NewsSearchResult.cshtml";
Exemple #36
 private void appendFiles(DirectoryInfo dInfo)
     foreach (FileInfo fInfo in dInfo.GetFiles()) {
         SearchResultItem item = new SearchResultItem(fInfo.Name.Replace(".lnk", ""), fInfo.FullName, fInfo);
     foreach (DirectoryInfo childDInfo in dInfo.GetDirectories()) {
Exemple #37
        public void SearchService(string name, string type)
            new Uri("?string=" + name + "&type=" + type +
                (IsContainsMethod.IsChecked != null && IsContainsMethod.IsChecked.Value ? "&method=contains" : ""),
            .RequestString(result =>
                                   XElement xResults = XElement.Parse(result);

                                   foreach(var item in xResults.Elements())
                                       var searchItem = new SearchResultItem { Content = item.Element("name").Value, X = item };
                                       searchItem.Click += (sender1, e1) =>
                                                   var searchItemSender = sender1 as SearchResultItem;
                                                   search = false;
                                                   nameText.Text = searchItemSender.X.Element("name").Value;
                                                   Reflected.ItemName = nameText.Text;
												   if (NameSet != null) NameSet();
                                                   Reflected.Id = searchItemSender.X.Attribute(SNames.rdfabout).Value;
                                                   if(!(searchItemSender.Selected = !searchItemSender.Selected))
                                       if(item.Element("name") != null)
                                   var newSearchItem = new SearchResultItem { Content = "создать" };
                                   newSearchItem.Click += (sender1, e1) =>
                                           if(NewCreate != null) NewCreate();

Exemple #38
 public void Add(SearchResultItem item)
 public override void handleSelection(SearchResultItem item)
 public override void FormatResult(SearchResultItem item, ISearchResult formattedResult)
Exemple #41
 public void handleSelection(SearchResultItem item, String searchValue)
     SearchContext sContext = this.getSearchContext(searchValue);
     if (sContext.provider == null) { return; }
     log.Debug("handleSelection - " + searchValue + " with " + sContext.provider.ToString());
Exemple #42
 private void handleSelection(SearchResultItem item)
     lMessage.Content = "ausgewählter Eintrag wird aufgerufen";
     this.Providers.handleSelection(item, txtSearch.Text);
     this.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
     lMessage.Content = String.Empty;
Exemple #43
 protected void OnItemFound(Object sender, SearchResultItem item)
     base.OnAlive(this, new EventArgs());
     if (ItemFound != null) {
         ItemFound(sender, item);
 ///   Highlights the search result.
 private static void HighlightSearchResult(Image bm, SearchResultItem searchResultItem, Page page)
     using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm))
         double[] rectangle;
         SearchResultRegion region = page.TransformRegion(searchResultItem.Region, bm.Width, bm.Height, renderingSettings);
         foreach (double[] item in region.Blocks)
             rectangle = item;
             PointF[] points = new PointF[rectangle.Length / 2];
             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                 points[i] = new PointF((float)rectangle[i * 2], (float)rectangle[(i * 2) + 1]);
             gr.FillPolygon(markBrush, points);
        private void ProcessResultRecordForRecall(SearchResultItem data, Dictionary<string, SearchResultMapData> list)
            var check = data.DistributionPattern;
            var states = Enum.GetNames(typeof (States)).
            var nationwide = check.ToLower().

            foreach (var state in states)
                var stateEnum = Enum.Parse(typeof (States), state);
                var stateName = Utilities.GetEnumDescription(stateEnum);
                var stateCoords = Utilities.GetEnumCoordinates(stateEnum);

                if (check.Contains(state) || check.ToUpper().
                                                   Contains(stateName.ToUpper()) || nationwide)
                    SearchResultMapData listCheck = null;

                    if (list.ContainsKey(state))
                        listCheck = list[state];
                        listCheck = new SearchResultMapData
                                        State = state,
                                        Latitude = stateCoords.Latitude.ToString(),
                                        Longitude = stateCoords.Longitude.ToString()

                        list.Add(state, listCheck);

                    var tooltip = string.Concat(data.Classification, " {0}");

                    switch (data.Classification.ToLower())
                        case "class i":

                            tooltip = string.Format(tooltip, " Class-1");
                            listCheck.IconSet = listCheck.IconSet | IconSet.Class1;

                        case "class ii":

                            tooltip = string.Format(tooltip, " Class-2");
                            listCheck.IconSet = listCheck.IconSet | IconSet.Class2;

                        case "class iii":

                            tooltip = string.Format(tooltip, " Class-3");
                            listCheck.IconSet = listCheck.IconSet | IconSet.Class3;

                    if (!listCheck.Tooltip.Contains(tooltip))
                        if (listCheck.Tooltip.Length > 0)
                            listCheck.Tooltip += ", ";

                        listCheck.Tooltip += tooltip;

                    // Get the Rank
                    var rank = 9;
                    switch (data.Rank.ToLower())
                        case "classi":
                            rank = 1;
                        case "classii":
                            rank = 2;
                        case "classiii":
                            rank = 3;
                        case "events":
                            rank = 4;
                        case "device event":
                            rank = 5;
                            rank = 5;

                    if (listCheck.Rank > rank)
                        listCheck.Rank = rank;

                    list[state] = listCheck;
Exemple #46
        private SearchResultItem GetResultFromSchedule(FileInfo file, string phrase)
            var result = new SearchResultItem();
            result.Title = "Schedule";
            result.Description = string.Format("... {0} ... ", phrase);
            result.Link = string.Format("<a href='Schedule?name={0}'>{1}</a>", file.Name, file.Name);

            return result;
Exemple #47
        private SearchResultItem GetResultFromPage(FileInfo file, string title, string phrase)
            var result = new SearchResultItem();
            result.Title = title;
            result.Description = string.Format("... {0} ...", phrase);
            result.Link = string.Format("<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>", file.Name, title);

            return result;
Exemple #48
        private SearchResultItem GetResultFromCourse(Course course)
            var result = new SearchResultItem();
            result.Title = "Courses";
            result.Description = string.Format("Nume curs {0}, an {1}, semestru {2}, materie {3}. ", course.Name, course.Year, course.Semester, course.Subject);
            result.Link = string.Format("<a href='Courses?id={0}'>{1}</a>", course.Id, course.Name);

            return result;
 public abstract void FormatResult(SearchResultItem item, ISearchResult formattedResult);
 public override void FormatResult(SearchResultItem item, ISearchResult formattedResult)
     formattedResult.Title = $"[{item.Name}]";
       formattedResult.Description = $"[This item is indexed but has no content provider: {item.Path}]";
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets a detailed list of issues. Issues are enforcements (Recalls) of food, drug and device (identified by
        ///     classification) and events of drug and devices
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyWord"></param>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        /// <returns>FDA Result object</returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public FdaResult GetFdaResult(string keyWord, string state)
            var dataYearsBack = 1;

            var searchResultLocal = new FdaResult()
                                        Keyword = keyWord,
                                        Results = new List<SearchResultItemBase>()

            var mapList = new Dictionary<string, SearchResultMapData>();
            var graphData = new ReportData();

            var tmp = GetRecallInfo(keyWord, state);

            var dateInit = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-dataYearsBack);

            // Initialize graph data
            for (var i = 1; i <= 12*dataYearsBack; i++)
                dateInit = dateInit.AddMonths(1);


            // Reconstruct recall data as searchresultitem object
            foreach (var itm in tmp) // should be in order by newest date
                var newItemDate = DateTime.ParseExact(itm.Recall_Initiation_Date, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                var tmpReportDate = DateTime.ParseExact(itm.Report_Date, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                var tmpSearchResultItem = new SearchResultItem()
                                              City = itm.City,
                                              DateStarted = newItemDate.ToString("ddMMMyyyy"),
                                              Content = string.Format("{0} {1}", itm.Reason_For_Recall, itm.Code_info),
                                              DistributionPattern = itm.Distribution_Pattern,
                                              ProductDescription = itm.Product_Description,
                                              State = itm.State,
                                              Status = itm.Status,
                                              Country = itm.Country,
                                              RecallNumber = itm.Recall_Number,
                                              ProductQuantity = itm.Product_Quantity,
                                              EventId = itm.Event_Id,
                                              RecallingFirm = itm.Recalling_Firm,
                                              ReportDate = tmpReportDate.ToString("ddMMMyyyy"),
                                              CodeInfo = itm.Code_info,
                                              Classification = itm.Classification,
                                              Voluntary = itm.Voluntary_Mandated


            // Lets Get the Events And Mix them In.
            var drugee = new OpenFda();

            //Get Drug Events
            var drugs = drugee.GetDrugEventsByDrugName(keyWord);

            //Get Device Events
            drugs = drugee.GetDeviceEventByDescription(keyWord);

            //'Sort for most recient at the top of the list

            // searchResultLocal.Results cannot be sorted because
            searchResultLocal.Results = ((from el in searchResultLocal.Results
                                          select el).OrderByDescending(el => el.SortDate)).ToList();

            // Now that the data is combined and sorted, Process data for maps and graphs
            foreach (var itm in searchResultLocal.Results)
                var classification = string.Empty;
                var reportDate = string.Empty;

                // Map Processing first
                switch (itm.GetType().
                    case "ShopAware.Core.DataObjects.SearchResultItem":
                        ProcessResultRecordForRecall((SearchResultItem) itm, mapList);
                        classification = ((SearchResultItemBase) itm).Classification;
                        reportDate = ((SearchResultItemBase) itm).ReportDate;

                    case "ShopAware.Core.DataObjects.SearchResultDrugEvent":
                        ProcessResultRecordForDrugEvent((SearchResultDrugEvent) itm, mapList);
                        classification = ((SearchResultItemBase) itm).Classification;
                        reportDate = ((SearchResultItemBase) itm).ReportDate;

                // Now process graph data
                var tmpReportDate = DateTime.ParseExact(reportDate, "ddMMMyyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                var dateForReport = tmpReportDate.ToString("MMM-yyyy");
                var found = false;

                switch (classification)
                    case "Class I":

                        for (var i = 0; i <= graphData.Labels.Count - 1; i++)
                            if (graphData.Labels[i] == dateForReport)
                                found = true;
                                graphData.Data1[i] += 1;


                        if (!found)
                            graphData.Labels.Insert(0, dateForReport);
                            graphData.Data1.Insert(0, 1);
                            graphData.Data2.Insert(0, 0);
                            graphData.Data3.Insert(0, 0);
                            graphData.DataE.Insert(0, 0);

                    case "Class II":

                        for (var i = 0; i <= graphData.Labels.Count - 1; i++)
                            if (graphData.Labels[i] == dateForReport)
                                found = true;
                                graphData.Data2[i] += 1;

                        if (!found)
                            graphData.Labels.Insert(0, dateForReport);
                            graphData.Data1.Insert(0, 0);
                            graphData.Data2.Insert(0, 1);
                            graphData.Data3.Insert(0, 0);
                            graphData.DataE.Insert(0, 0);

                    case "Class III":

                        for (var i = 0; i <= graphData.Labels.Count - 1; i++)
                            if (graphData.Labels[i] == dateForReport)
                                found = true;
                                graphData.Data3[i] += 1;

                        if (!found)
                            graphData.Labels.Insert(0, dateForReport);
                            graphData.Data1.Insert(0, 0);
                            graphData.Data2.Insert(0, 0);
                            graphData.Data3.Insert(0, 1);
                            graphData.DataE.Insert(0, 0);

                    case "Device Event":
                    case "Drug Event":
                    case "Event":

                        for (var i = 0; i <= graphData.Labels.Count - 1; i++)
                            if (graphData.Labels[i] == dateForReport)
                                found = true;
                                graphData.DataE[i] += 1;

                        if (!found)
                            graphData.Labels.Insert(0, dateForReport);
                            graphData.Data1.Insert(0, 0);
                            graphData.Data2.Insert(0, 0);
                            graphData.Data3.Insert(0, 0);
                            graphData.DataE.Insert(0, 1);

            searchResultLocal.MapObjects = ConvertDictionaryMapObjectsToSearchResult(mapList);
            searchResultLocal.GraphObjects = graphData;

            return searchResultLocal;
Exemple #52
 public abstract void handleSelection(SearchResultItem item);
        public void addItem(SearchResultItem item)
            UISearchResultItem itemUI = new UISearchResultItem();
            itemUI.Opened = this.IsShowToolBar;
            itemUI.Selected = false;
            itemUI.DataContext = item;
            itemUI.MouseDown += delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {

            itemUI.MouseDoubleClick += delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
                this._selectedItem = item;
                if (this.ItemSelected != null) {
                    this.ItemSelected(this, new EventArgs());
                this._selectedItem = null;
 private static void FormatResultUsingFirstSupportedProvider(SearchResultItem result, Item item, ISearchResult formattedResult)
     var formatter = FindFirstSupportedFormatter(item) ?? IndexContentProviderRepository.Default;
     formattedResult.ContentType = formatter.ContentType;
     formatter.FormatResult(result, formattedResult);
 private UISearchResultItem getItemUI(SearchResultItem item)
     foreach (UIElement uiElem in stackResults.Children) {
         UISearchResultItem itemUI = (UISearchResultItem)uiElem;
         if (itemUI.DataContext.Equals(item)) {
             return itemUI;
     return null;
Exemple #56
 private void ucSearchResult_updateItem(SearchResultItem item)
     if (this.Dispatcher.Thread != System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread) {
         ucSearchResult_updateItem_Callback bR = new ucSearchResult_updateItem_Callback(ucSearchResult_updateItem);
         this.Dispatcher.Invoke(bR, new Object[] { item });
 public void updateItem(SearchResultItem item)
     UISearchResultItem itemUI = this.getItemUI(item);
     if (itemUI == null) { return; }
     itemUI.DataContext = item;
     //if (item.ImageUri != null) {
     //    ucCoverFlow.Items.Add(new BitmapImage(item.ImageUri));
 public override void FormatResult(SearchResultItem item, ISearchResult formattedResult)
   var contentItem = item.GetItem();
   formattedResult.Title = FieldRenderer.Render(contentItem, Templates.HasPageContent.Fields.Title.ToString());
   formattedResult.Description = FieldRenderer.Render(contentItem, Templates.HasPageContent.Fields.Summary.ToString());
        public void PropertiesGetSetTest()
            var vm = new SearchResultItem(new SearchResultElement(), null, new long(), 140, GetType());
