Exemple #1
    protected void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SearchReportCommon itmsearch = new SearchReportCommon();

        itmsearch.months = "'" + gmonth + "'";
        itmsearch.divs   = "'eva'";
        itmsearch.yr     = src_year.SelectedValue;
        FetchReportdata(itmsearch, 0);
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         SearchReportCommon itmsearch = new SearchReportCommon();
         itmsearch.months = "'" + gmonth + "'";
         itmsearch.divs   = "'eva'";
         FetchReportdata(itmsearch, 1000);
    private void FetchReportdata(SearchReportCommon searchdoctorvisit, int rows)
        DataSet ds = (new RptCallAverageDL()).GetSampleReportDataDynamic(searchdoctorvisit, rows);

        //manage headers as per division
        //String disthead = "";
        //if (searchdoctorvisit.divs.ToLower().Contains("eva") || searchdoctorvisit.divs.ToLower().Contains("concord"))
        //    disthead = "MFSO";

        //if (searchdoctorvisit.divs.ToLower().Contains("phoenix"))
        //    if (disthead != "")
        //        disthead = disthead + "_SO";
        //    else
        //        disthead = "SO";
        //if (searchdoctorvisit.divs.ToLower().Contains("mad"))
        //    if (disthead != "")
        //        disthead = disthead + "_MSR";
        //    else
        //        disthead = "MSR";
        //if (disthead != "")
        //    disthead = disthead + "_HQ";
        //    disthead = "MFSO_HQ";

        //ds.Tables[0].Columns["District"].ColumnName = disthead;

        //ds.Tables[0].Columns["AsmHQ"].ColumnName = "ASM_DSO_HQ";

        //foreach(DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns)
        //    col.ColumnName = col.ColumnName.ToUpper();

        rpt_sample.ReportTitle = "Call Average Report";
        rpt_sample.ReportName  = "CallAverageReport";
        rpt_sample.Visible = true;
Exemple #4
    private void FetchReportdata(SearchReportCommon searchdoctorvisit, int rows)
        DataSet ds = (new RptAgeingTransactionDL()).GetSampleReportDataDynamic(searchdoctorvisit, rows);

        //  ds.Tables[0].Columns.Remove("rptageingtransactionID");
        //foreach(DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns)
        //    col.ColumnName = col.ColumnName.ToUpper();

        rpt_sample.ReportTitle = "Ageing Transaction Report";
        rpt_sample.ReportName  = "AgeingTransactionReport";
        rpt_sample.Visible = true;
Exemple #5
        public DataSet GetSampleReportDataDynamic(SearchReportCommon itmsearch, int rows)

            String sql = @"select [MONTH],[YEAR],[DIVISION],[STATUS],FORMAT(CONVERT(date, [DATE]),'dd-MMM-yyyy') as 'DATE',[ZSMHQ],[RSMHQ],[EMPNAME],[DESIGNATION],[MANAGER],
                        From rpt_ageingtransaction";

            if (rows > 0)
                sql = @"select top " + rows + " [MONTH],[YEAR],[DIVISION],[STATUS],FORMAT(CONVERT(date, [DATE]),'dd-MMM-yyyy') as 'DATE',[ZSMHQ],[RSMHQ],[EMPNAME],[DESIGNATION],[MANAGER]," +
                      " From rpt_ageingtransaction";

            string whsql     = "";
            string strconcat = "";

            if (itmsearch.months != null && itmsearch.months != "")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " month in (" + itmsearch.months + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.yr != null && itmsearch.yr != "")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " year ='" + itmsearch.yr + "'";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.divs != null && itmsearch.divs != "" && itmsearch.divs != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " division in(" + itmsearch.divs + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.zsms != null && itmsearch.zsms != "" && itmsearch.zsms != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " ZSMHQ in(" + itmsearch.zsms + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.rsms != null && itmsearch.rsms != "" && itmsearch.rsms != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " RSMHQ in(" + itmsearch.rsms + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.hqs != null && itmsearch.hqs != "" && itmsearch.hqs != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " AREA in (" + itmsearch.areas + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.emps != null && itmsearch.emps != "" && itmsearch.emps != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " empname in (" + itmsearch.emps + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (whsql != null && whsql != "")
                sql = sql + " where " + whsql;

            SqlCommand cmd         = new SqlCommand(sql, Common.conn);
            DataSet    dsCustomers = new DataSet();

            using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter())
                sda.SelectCommand = cmd;

Exemple #6
        public DataSet GetDocChemMapReportDataDynamic(SearchReportCommon itmsearch, int rows)

            String sql = "select * from rpt_doctorchemistmapping";

            if (rows > 0)
                sql = "select top " + rows + " * from rpt_doctorchemistmapping";

            string whsql     = "";
            string strconcat = "";

            if (itmsearch.months != null && itmsearch.months != "")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " month in (" + itmsearch.months + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.yr != null && itmsearch.yr != "")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " year ='" + itmsearch.yr + "'";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.divs != null && itmsearch.divs != "" && itmsearch.divs != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " division in(" + itmsearch.divs + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.areas != null && itmsearch.areas != "" && itmsearch.areas != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " Area in (" + itmsearch.areas + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.emps != null && itmsearch.emps != "" && itmsearch.emps != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " employee in (" + itmsearch.emps + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            //if (itmsearch.emps != null && itmsearch.emps != "" && itmsearch.emps != "select")
            //    whsql = whsql + strconcat + " EmpName in (" + itmsearch.emps + ")";
            //    strconcat = " and ";

            //if (itmsearch.desigs != null && itmsearch.desigs != "" && itmsearch.desigs != "select")
            //    whsql = whsql + strconcat + " Designation in (" + itmsearch.desigs + ")";
            //    strconcat = " and ";

            //if(itmsearch.asms!=null && itmsearch.asms!="" && itmsearch.asms != "select")
            //    whsql = whsql + strconcat + " AsmHQ in (" + itmsearch.asms + ")";
            //    strconcat = " and ";

            //if (itmsearch.msrs != null && itmsearch.msrs != "" && itmsearch.msrs != "select")
            //    whsql = whsql + strconcat + " MFSOHQ in (" + itmsearch.msrs + ")";
            //    strconcat = " and ";

            if (whsql != null && whsql != "")
                sql = sql + " where " + whsql;

            SqlCommand cmd         = new SqlCommand(sql, Common.conn);
            DataSet    dsCustomers = new DataSet();

            using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter())
                sda.SelectCommand = cmd;

        public DataSet GetSampleReportDataDynamic(SearchReportCommon itmsearch, int rows)

            String sql = "select * from rpt_callaverage";

            if (rows > 0)
                sql = "select top " + rows + " * from rpt_callaverage";

            string whsql     = "";
            string strconcat = "";

            if (itmsearch.months != null && itmsearch.months != "")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " month in (" + itmsearch.months + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.yr != null && itmsearch.yr != "")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " year ='" + itmsearch.yr + "'";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.divs != null && itmsearch.divs != "" && itmsearch.divs != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " division in(" + itmsearch.divs + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.zsms != null && itmsearch.zsms != "" && itmsearch.zsms != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " ZSMHQ in(" + itmsearch.zsms + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.rsms != null && itmsearch.rsms != "" && itmsearch.rsms != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " RSMHQ in(" + itmsearch.rsms + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.hqs != null && itmsearch.hqs != "" && itmsearch.hqs != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " HQ in (" + itmsearch.hqs + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.emps != null && itmsearch.emps != "" && itmsearch.emps != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " empname in (" + itmsearch.emps + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (whsql != null && whsql != "")
                sql = sql + " where " + whsql;

            SqlCommand cmd         = new SqlCommand(sql, Common.conn);
            DataSet    dsCustomers = new DataSet();

            using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter())
                sda.SelectCommand = cmd;

Exemple #8
    protected void btnsearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String separator      = "";
        String monthsearch    = "";
        String divsearch      = "";
        string districtsearch = "";
        string empsearch      = "";

        //string zsmsearch = "";
        //string rsmsearch = "";

        foreach (ListItem itm in src_month4m.Items)
            if (itm.Selected)
                monthsearch = monthsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
                separator   = ",";

        separator = "";
        foreach (ListItem itm in src_div.Items)
            if (itm.Selected)
                divsearch = divsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
                separator = ",";

        separator = "";
        foreach (ListItem itm in src_district.Items)
            if (itm.Selected)
                districtsearch = districtsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
                separator      = ",";

        separator = "";
        foreach (ListItem itm in src_employee.Items)
            if (itm.Selected)
                empsearch = empsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
                separator = ",";

        //separator = "";
        //foreach (ListItem itm in src_zsm.Items)
        //    if (itm.Selected)
        //    {
        //        zsmsearch = zsmsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
        //        separator = ",";
        //    }

        //separator = "";
        //foreach (ListItem itm in src_rsm.Items)
        //    if (itm.Selected)
        //    {
        //        rsmsearch = rsmsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
        //        separator = ",";
        //    }

        SearchReportCommon itmsearch = new SearchReportCommon();

        itmsearch.months = monthsearch;
        itmsearch.divs   = divsearch;
        itmsearch.dists  = districtsearch;
        itmsearch.emps   = empsearch;
        itmsearch.yr     = src_year.SelectedValue;

        FetchReportdata(itmsearch, 0);

        String     curyear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
        StaticData itmstat = (new RptMonthlyAttendanceDL()).GetDropdownData(monthsearch, curyear);

        src_district.DataSource = itmstat.lstdistrict;

        src_employee.DataSource = itmstat.lstemployee;
Exemple #9
    protected void btnsearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String separator   = "";
        String monthsearch = "";
        String divsearch   = "";
        string areasearch  = "";
        string empsearch   = "";
        string zsmsearch   = "";
        string rsmsearch   = "";

        foreach (ListItem itm in src_month4m.Items)
            if (itm.Selected)
                monthsearch = monthsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
                separator   = ",";

        separator = "";
        foreach (ListItem itm in src_div.Items)
            if (itm.Selected)
                divsearch = divsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
                separator = ",";

        separator = "";
        foreach (ListItem itm in src_area.Items)
            if (itm.Selected)
                areasearch = areasearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
                separator  = ",";

        separator = "";
        foreach (ListItem itm in src_employee.Items)
            if (itm.Selected)
                empsearch = empsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
                separator = ",";

        separator = "";
        foreach (ListItem itm in src_zsm.Items)
            if (itm.Selected)
                zsmsearch = zsmsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
                separator = ",";

        separator = "";
        foreach (ListItem itm in src_rsm.Items)
            if (itm.Selected)
                rsmsearch = rsmsearch + separator + "'" + itm.Value + "'";
                separator = ",";

        SearchReportCommon itmsearch = new SearchReportCommon();

        itmsearch.months = monthsearch;
        itmsearch.divs   = divsearch;
        itmsearch.areas  = areasearch;
        itmsearch.emps   = empsearch;
        itmsearch.zsms   = zsmsearch;
        itmsearch.rsms   = rsmsearch;
        itmsearch.yr     = src_year.SelectedValue;

        FetchReportdata(itmsearch, 0);

        String     curyear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
        StaticData itmstat = (new RptTourPlanDL()).GetDropdownData(monthsearch, curyear);      //curyear);

        src_zsm.DataSource = itmstat.lstzsm;

        src_rsm.DataSource = itmstat.lstrsm;

        src_area.DataSource = itmstat.lstarea;

        src_employee.DataSource = itmstat.lstemployee;