public ActionResult Start(GroupInfoModel gim, ShoppingCart cart, BrowseHistory bh) { string approxtime = string.Empty; string mysAddress = gim.Address + " " + gim.ZipCode; string[] s = base.GetAddressCityState(gim.Address); ViewBag.ValidateAddress = string.Empty; List <BizInfo> lb = new List <BizInfo>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gim.Address) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(gim.ZipCode) || gim.ZipCode.Length != 5 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(s[0]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(s[1]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(s[2])) { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you address. Please check it and try again."; } else { bh.Address = s[0]; bh.City = s[1]; bh.State = s[2]; bh.Zip = gim.ZipCode; bh.AddressCityState = s[0] + ", " + s[1] + ", " + s[2]; List <BizInfo> lbi = BizInfoRepository.GetBizInfoByZip(gim.ZipCode, true); foreach (var b in lbi) { decimal st = SearchFilter.GetDistance(mysAddress, b.BizAddressString, out approxtime); if (st >= 0 && st <= b.DeliveryRadius && b.Delivery) { lb.Add(b); } } bh.GroupBizOption = lb; } gim.LBizInfo = lb; gim.Cart = cart; return(PartialView(gim)); }
public ActionResult Join(GroupGuestModel ggm, BrowseHistory bh) { string approxtime = string.Empty; ViewBag.ValidateAddress = string.Empty; ViewBag.gid = ggm.GroupId; ViewBag.lname = ggm.LableName; List <BizInfo> lb = new List <BizInfo>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ggm.GroupId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ggm.LableName)) { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with your input. Please check it and try again."; } else if (GroupCart.GroupCarts.ContainsKey(ggm.GroupId) == false) { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, Group ID is not correct. Please check it and try again."; } else { List <BizInfo> lbi = BizInfoRepository.GetBizInfoByZip(GroupCart.GroupCarts[ggm.GroupId].PartyZip, true); foreach (var b in lbi) { decimal st = SearchFilter.GetDistance(GroupCart.GroupCarts[ggm.GroupId].PartyAddress, b.BizAddressString, out approxtime); if (st >= 0 && st <= b.DeliveryRadius && b.Delivery) { lb.Add(b); } } ViewBag.ValidateAddress = ggm.LableName + ", to join the group ordering, select a restaurant to start."; } return(PartialView(lb)); }
public ActionResult DiscountResult(DeliveryCheckModel dcm, BrowseHistory bh) { ViewBag.success = string.Empty; string[] s = base.GetAddressCityState(dcm.Address); string approxtime = string.Empty; string mysAddress = dcm.Address + " " + dcm.ZipCode; ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you input. Please check it and try again."; if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(dcm.Address) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dcm.ZipCode) || dcm.ZipCode.Length != 5 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(s[0]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(s[1]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(s[2]))) { decimal st = SearchFilter.GetDistance(mysAddress, "1291 Parkside Dr.,Walnut Creek, CA 94596", out approxtime); string xx = approxtime; if (st >= 0.0m) { ViewBag.success = "ok"; ViewBag.ValidateAddress = ""; bh.Address = s[0]; bh.City = s[1]; bh.State = s[2]; bh.Zip = dcm.ZipCode; bh.AddressCityState = dcm.Address; string goList = Url.Action("DiscountList", "Restaurants", new { vCity = s[1], vZip = dcm.ZipCode }); ViewBag.goList = goList; } } return(PartialView(dcm)); }
public ActionResult CheckDeliveryOKResult(DeliveryCheckModel dcm) { BizInfo bi = BizInfoRepository.GetBizInfoById(dcm.BizInfoId); string approxtime = string.Empty; string mysAddress = dcm.Address + ", " + dcm.ZipCode; ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you input. Please check it and try again."; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dcm.Address) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dcm.ZipCode) || dcm.ZipCode.Length != 5) { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you input. Please check it and try again."; } else { decimal st = SearchFilter.GetDistance(mysAddress, bi.BizAddressString, out approxtime); string xx = approxtime; if (st < 0.0m) { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you input. Please check it and try again."; } else if (st > bi.DeliveryRadius && bi.Delivery) { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Sorry, your address is beyond the area this restaurant deliveries to. Try other restaurants or you may need change your location to try again."; } else { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Yes, " + dcm.BizName + " delivers to your area : " + mysAddress + "."; } } return(PartialView(dcm)); }
public ActionResult ValidateAddress(string address, string zipcode, BrowseHistory bh) { string approxtime = string.Empty; bh.AddressCityState = address; bh.Zip = zipcode; decimal st = SearchFilter.GetDistance(address + " " + zipcode, "1291 Parkside Dr.,Walnut Creek, CA 94596", out approxtime); string xx = approxtime; string result = "OK"; if (st < 0.0m) { result = "failed"; } return(Json(new { resp = result, xxx = approxtime })); }
public ActionResult GroupCheckoutConfirmation(GroupCheckoutModel gcm, ShoppingCart cart) { HandleCart(cart); TempData["valid"] = ""; ViewBag.ValidateAddress = string.Empty; ViewBag.ScheduleOK = "OK"; ViewBag.Restaurant = string.Empty; ViewBag.LabelName = string.Empty; gcm.GroupCheckoutCart = GroupCart.GroupCarts[cart.CartKey]; List <BizInfo> lb = new List <BizInfo>(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { string mysAddress = gcm.AddressLine + ", " + gcm.City + ", " + gcm.State + " " + gcm.ZipCode; Dictionary <int, string> l = new Dictionary <int, string>(); foreach (var g in GroupCart.GroupCarts[cart.CartKey].PartyCart.Keys) { int i = GroupCart.GroupCarts[cart.CartKey].PartyCart[g].BizId; if (l.ContainsKey(i) == false) { l.Add(i, g); BizInfo biz = BizInfoRepository.GetBizInfoById(i); lb.Add(biz); } } foreach (var b in l.Keys) { BizInfo bi = BizInfoRepository.GetBizInfoById(b); if (SearchFilter.IsOpenAt(bi, cart.ScheduleDate == "Tomorrow" ? 2 : 1, cart.ScheduleTime) == false) { ViewBag.ScheduleOK = "NO"; ViewBag.Restaurant = bi.BizTitle; ViewBag.LabelName = l[b]; break; } string approxtime = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gcm.AddressLine) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(gcm.City) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(gcm.State) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(gcm.ZipCode)) { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you address. Please check it and try again."; break; } else { decimal st = SearchFilter.GetDistance(mysAddress, bi.BizAddressString, out approxtime); string nouse = approxtime; if (st < 0.0m) { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you address. Please check it and try again."; break; } else if (st > bi.DeliveryRadius && bi.Delivery) { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Sorry, your address is beyond the area the restaurant deliveries. Please try other restaurants. ( Order person: " + l[b] + " | Order restaurant: " + bi.BizTitle + " )"; break; } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.ValidateAddress) && ViewBag.ScheduleOK == "OK") { base.CurrentCreditCard = new CreditCard(); base.CurrentCreditCard.CreditCardId = 0; // base.CurrentCreditCard.CreditCardID=any base.CurrentCreditCard.UserName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) ? gcm.BillFirstName + " " + gcm.BillLastName : UserName; base.CurrentCreditCard.CreditCardTypeId = int.Parse(gcm.CardType); base.CurrentCreditCard.FirstName = gcm.BillFirstName; base.CurrentCreditCard.LastName = gcm.BillLastName; /* * base.CurrentCreditCard.AddressLine = cm.BillAddressLine; * base.CurrentCreditCard.AddressLine2 = ""; * base.CurrentCreditCard.City = cm.BillCity; * * base.CurrentCreditCard.State = cm.BillState; * base.CurrentCreditCard.ZipCode = cm.BillZipCode; * base.CurrentCreditCard.Country = "US"; */ base.CurrentCreditCard.Phone = gcm.Phone; base.CurrentCreditCard.Email = gcm.Email; base.CurrentCreditCard.CreditCardNumber = gcm.CardNumber; base.CurrentCreditCard.ExpirationMonth = int.Parse(gcm.ExpirationMonth); base.CurrentCreditCard.ExpirationYear = int.Parse(gcm.ExpirationYear); base.CurrentCreditCard.SecurityCode = int.Parse(gcm.SecurityCode); base.CurrentCreditCard.AddedDate = DateTime.Now; base.CurrentCreditCard.AddedBy = string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) ? gcm.BillFirstName + " " + gcm.BillLastName : UserName;; base.CurrentCreditCard.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; base.CurrentCreditCard.UpdatedBy = string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) ? gcm.BillFirstName + " " + gcm.BillLastName : UserName;; base.CurrentCreditCard.Active = true; base.CurrentOrder = new Order(); base.CurrentOrder.FirstName = gcm.FirstName; base.CurrentOrder.LastName = gcm.LastName; base.CurrentOrder.RoomNumber = gcm.RoomNumber; base.CurrentOrder.Street = gcm.AddressLine; base.CurrentOrder.City = gcm.City; base.CurrentOrder.State = gcm.State; base.CurrentOrder.ZipCode = gcm.ZipCode; base.CurrentOrder.LogonName = UserName; base.CurrentOrder.IsLoggedUser = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated; base.CurrentOrder.CustomerMessage = gcm.Instructions; base.CurrentOrder.IsDelivery = gcm.GroupCheckoutCart.IsPartyDelivery; base.CurrentOrder.ServiceCharge = gcm.GroupCheckoutCart.PartyServiceCharge; base.CurrentOrder.DeliveryCharge = gcm.GroupCheckoutCart.PartyDeliveryFee(); base.CurrentOrder.DriverTip = gcm.GroupCheckoutCart.PartyDriverTip(); base.CurrentOrder.IpAddress = base.CurrentUserIP; base.CurrentOrder.Phone = gcm.Phone; base.CurrentOrder.Email = gcm.Email; base.CurrentOrder.ScheduleDate = gcm.GroupCheckoutCart.PartyScheduleDate; base.CurrentOrder.ScheduleTime = gcm.GroupCheckoutCart.PartyScheduleTime; base.CurrentOrder.CouponChoice = gcm.GroupCheckoutCart.PartyCouponChoice; base.CurrentOrder.OrderTax = gcm.GroupCheckoutCart.PartyTax(); base.CurrentOrder.SubTotal = gcm.GroupCheckoutCart.PartySubTotal(); base.CurrentOrder.OrderTotal = gcm.GroupCheckoutCart.PartyTotal(); base.CurrentOrder.BizInfoId = cart.BizId; } } else { ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you address. Please check it and try again."; TempData["valid"] = "check input and try again."; } gcm.LBizForGoogleMap = lb; ViewBag.servicephone = ServicePhone; //ViewBag.maplink = GoogleMapLink(cm.BizInfo); return(PartialView(gcm)); }