Exemple #1
    private static int currentSaveIndex = 0;                 //< The current index in the Saves list to save games to
    //private static GameManager gameManager;    //< Reference to the gameManager which speaks with the TowerManager

     * Creates a Save object and stores the object in the list of saves
    public static void SaveGame()
        Save currentTurn = new Save();

        // Loop through every tower and save that data in the currentTurn's save
        foreach (TowerBase tower in GameManager.Instance.GetTowerList())
            // General Tower Info that all towers must save
            float[] position = new float[3];
            position[0] = tower.transform.position.x;
            position[1] = tower.transform.position.y;
            position[2] = tower.transform.position.z;

            float[] rotation = new float[3];
            rotation[0] = tower.transform.rotation.x;
            rotation[1] = tower.transform.rotation.y;
            rotation[2] = tower.transform.rotation.z;

            // Determine the type of Tower we are saving and save its data accordingly to our Save structure
            if (tower is AnglerTower)
                AnglerTower towerScript = tower.GetComponent <AnglerTower>();


                float[] catchRates = new float[3];
                catchRates[0] = towerScript.smallCatchRate;
                catchRates[1] = towerScript.mediumCatchRate;
                catchRates[2] = towerScript.largeCatchRate;
            else if (tower is RangerTower)
                RangerTower towerScript = tower.GetComponent <RangerTower>();


                float[] regulationRates = new float[3];
                regulationRates[0] = towerScript.slowdownEffectSmall;
                regulationRates[1] = towerScript.slowdownEffectMedium;
                regulationRates[2] = towerScript.slowdownEffectLarge;
            else if (tower is SealionTower)
                SealionTower towerScript = tower.GetComponent <SealionTower>();


                float[] catchRates = new float[2];
                catchRates[0] = towerScript.maleCatchRate;
                catchRates[1] = towerScript.femaleCatchRate;
            else if (tower is Dam)

                currentTurn.damPlaced = 1;
            else if (tower is DamLadder)

                currentTurn.ladderType = 0;

        // Save the current generation of salmon
        List <FishGenome> allFish = GameManager.Instance.school.GetFish();
        // Find all the male and female fish
        List <FishGenome> females = FishGenomeUtilities.FindFemaleGenomes(allFish);
        List <FishGenome> males   = FishGenomeUtilities.FindMaleGenomes(allFish);

        // Count and save each size / gender pair
        currentTurn.smallMale    = FishGenomeUtilities.FindSmallGenomes(males).Count;
        currentTurn.mediumMale   = FishGenomeUtilities.FindMediumGenomes(males).Count;
        currentTurn.largeMale    = FishGenomeUtilities.FindLargeGenomes(males).Count;
        currentTurn.smallFemale  = FishGenomeUtilities.FindSmallGenomes(females).Count;
        currentTurn.mediumFemale = FishGenomeUtilities.FindMediumGenomes(females).Count;
        currentTurn.largeFemale  = FishGenomeUtilities.FindLargeGenomes(females).Count;

        //Push the currentTurn's data to the list of saves
        saves.Insert(currentSaveIndex, currentTurn);
Exemple #2
     * Loads the game state of the turn in the list of saves to revert the game to
    public static void LoadGame()
        // The turn number from the Pause Menu UI slider that we want to revert the game to
        int turn = (int)GameManager.Instance.pauseMenu.turnSlider.value;

        // List counters for each kind of tower we are loading in
        int currentAngler  = 0;
        int currentRanger  = 0;
        int currentSealion = 0;
        int currentTower   = 0;

        // Clear all the existing towers
        foreach (TowerBase tower in GameManager.Instance.GetTowerList())

        // Grab the save from turn - 1 as we start at turn 0, but the pause menu slider starts at 1
        Save loadSave = saves[turn - 1];

        // Loop through each saved tower and load them back into the scene appropriately
        foreach (int towerType in loadSave.towerTypes)
            // NOTE: This can also be accomplished with a Swicth statement, but this seems more readable for little loss of performance
            // Angler
            if (towerType == 0)
                GameObject  angler      = Instantiate(GameManager.Instance.GetTowerPrefabs()[0]);
                AnglerTower towerScript = angler.GetComponent <AnglerTower>();
                angler.transform.position   = new Vector3(loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][0], loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][1], loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][2]);
                angler.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][0], loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][1], loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][2]);
                towerScript.turnPlaced      = loadSave.anglerPlaced[currentAngler];
                towerScript.fishCaught      = loadSave.caughtFish[currentAngler];
                towerScript.smallCatchRate  = loadSave.anglerCatchRates[currentAngler][0];
                towerScript.mediumCatchRate = loadSave.anglerCatchRates[currentAngler][1];
                towerScript.largeCatchRate  = loadSave.anglerCatchRates[currentAngler][2];
            // Ranger
            else if (towerType == 1)
                GameObject  ranger      = Instantiate(GameManager.Instance.GetTowerPrefabs()[1]);
                RangerTower towerScript = ranger.GetComponent <RangerTower>();
                ranger.transform.position        = new Vector3(loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][0], loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][1], loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][2]);
                ranger.transform.rotation        = Quaternion.Euler(loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][0], loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][1], loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][2]);
                towerScript.turnPlaced           = loadSave.rangerPlaced[currentRanger];
                towerScript.slowdownEffectSmall  = loadSave.rangerRegulateRates[currentRanger][0];
                towerScript.slowdownEffectMedium = loadSave.rangerRegulateRates[currentRanger][1];
                towerScript.slowdownEffectLarge  = loadSave.rangerRegulateRates[currentRanger][2];
            // Sealion
            else if (towerType == 4)
                GameObject   sealion     = Instantiate(GameManager.Instance.GetTowerPrefabs()[4]);
                SealionTower towerScript = sealion.GetComponent <SealionTower>();
                sealion.transform.position  = new Vector3(loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][0], loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][1], loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][2]);
                sealion.transform.rotation  = Quaternion.Euler(loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][0], loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][1], loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][2]);
                towerScript.turnPlaced      = loadSave.sealionAppeared[currentSealion];
                towerScript.maleCatchRate   = loadSave.sealionCatchRates[currentSealion][0];
                towerScript.femaleCatchRate = loadSave.sealionCatchRates[currentSealion][1];
            // Dam
            else if (towerType == 2)
                GameObject dam         = Instantiate(GameManager.Instance.GetTowerPrefabs()[2]);
                Dam        towerScript = dam.GetComponent <Dam>();
                dam.transform.position = new Vector3(loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][0], loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][1], loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][2]);
                dam.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][0], loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][1], loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][2]);
                towerScript.turnPlaced = loadSave.damPlaced;
            // Ladder
            else if (towerType == 3)
                GameObject ladder      = Instantiate(GameManager.Instance.GetTowerPrefabs()[3]);
                DamLadder  towerScript = ladder.GetComponent <DamLadder>();
                ladder.transform.position = new Vector3(loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][0], loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][1], loadSave.towerPositions[currentTower][2]);
                ladder.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][0], loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][1], loadSave.towerRotations[currentTower][2]);
                towerScript.turnPlaced    = loadSave.ladderType;

        // Load in the generation of fish from this turn
        List <FishGenome> revertGeneration = new List <FishGenome>();

         * This is lengthy. The gist is we COULD just grab the list via GetFish in FishSchool, but then the save
         * would not be potentially serializable if we want that in the future. So instead, we are reconstructing the
         * appropriate generation based on the counts of small, medium, and large fish (both male and female) we saved
         * at the place stage of that turn.

        // Small Male Fish
        FishGenePair[] SMgenes = new FishGenePair[FishGenome.Length];
        FishGenePair   sexPair;

        sexPair.momGene = FishGenome.X;
        sexPair.dadGene = FishGenome.Y;
        FishGenePair sizePair;

        sizePair.momGene = FishGenome.b;
        sizePair.dadGene = FishGenome.b;
        SMgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Sex]  = sexPair;
        SMgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Size] = sizePair;
        FishGenome smallMGenome = new FishGenome(SMgenes);

        for (int i = 0; i < loadSave.smallMale; i++)

        // Medium Male Fish
        FishGenePair[] MMgenes = new FishGenePair[FishGenome.Length];
        sizePair.momGene = FishGenome.b;
        sizePair.dadGene = FishGenome.B;
        MMgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Sex]  = sexPair;
        MMgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Size] = sizePair;
        FishGenome mediumMGenome = new FishGenome(MMgenes);

        for (int i = 0; i < loadSave.mediumMale; i++)

        // Large Male Fish
        FishGenePair[] LMgenes = new FishGenePair[FishGenome.Length];
        sizePair.momGene = FishGenome.B;
        sizePair.dadGene = FishGenome.B;
        LMgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Sex]  = sexPair;
        LMgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Size] = sizePair;
        FishGenome largeMGenome = new FishGenome(LMgenes);

        for (int i = 0; i < loadSave.largeMale; i++)

        // Small Female Fish
        FishGenePair[] SFgenes = new FishGenePair[FishGenome.Length];
        sexPair.dadGene = FishGenome.X;
        SFgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Sex] = sexPair;
        sizePair.momGene = FishGenome.b;
        sizePair.dadGene = FishGenome.b;
        SFgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Size] = sizePair;
        FishGenome smallFGenome = new FishGenome(SFgenes);

        for (int i = 0; i < loadSave.smallFemale; i++)

        // Medium Female Fish
        FishGenePair[] MFgenes = new FishGenePair[FishGenome.Length];
        sizePair.momGene = FishGenome.B;
        sizePair.dadGene = FishGenome.b;
        MFgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Sex]  = sexPair;
        MFgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Size] = sizePair;
        FishGenome mediumFGenome = new FishGenome(MFgenes);

        for (int i = 0; i < loadSave.mediumFemale; i++)

        // Large Female Fish
        FishGenePair[] LFgenes = new FishGenePair[FishGenome.Length];
        sizePair.momGene = FishGenome.B;
        sizePair.dadGene = FishGenome.B;
        LFgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Sex]  = sexPair;
        LFgenes[(int)FishGenome.GeneType.Size] = sizePair;
        FishGenome largeFGenome = new FishGenome(LFgenes);

        for (int i = 0; i < loadSave.largeFemale; i++)
        GameManager.Instance.school.nextGenerationGenomes = revertGeneration;

        // Remove future turns we reverted over and set the UI slider in the pause menu appropriately
        GameManager.Instance.pauseMenu.turnSlider.maxValue = turn;
        GameManager.Instance.pauseMenu.turnSlider.value    = turn;
        GameManager.Instance.Turn = turn;
        GameManager.Instance.SetState(new PlaceState());
        currentSaveIndex = turn;