public async Task <IActionResult> AdvanceCreatureManaCurve() { ScryfallDAL dl = new ScryfallDAL(); string identity = FindPlayerType(); AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = OpenSession(); string assistedDeckJSON = ""; assistedDeck.CurvePosition++; //Checks if all points on the mana curve have been filled out. Once they have, creatures portion of deck //being true should now be true, so f converted t at position 5, and information is returned to index. this will //update the button status from red to green and indicate that this portion is taken care of. if (assistedDeck.CurvePosition >= assistedDeck.CurveData.Count()) { assistedDeck.DeckStatus = assistedDeck.DeckStatus.Substring(0, 4) + "t"; assistedDeckJSON = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(assistedDeck); HttpContext.Session.SetString("AssistedDeck", assistedDeckJSON); return(View("Index", assistedDeck)); } ; assistedDeck.ErrorMessage = $"You need to select exactly {assistedDeck.CurveData[assistedDeck.CurvePosition]} creatures of this mana level."; assistedDeck.CardSearch = await dl.GetSearch($"id:{identity.ToLower()}+t:\"Creature\"+cmc={assistedDeck.CurvePosition+2}{RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(assistedDeck.DeckName)}", FindPlayerBudget()); assistedDeck.Creatures = assistedDeck.CurveData[assistedDeck.CurvePosition]; assistedDeckJSON = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(assistedDeck); HttpContext.Session.SetString("AssistedDeck", assistedDeckJSON); return(View("FindCreatures", assistedDeck)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> StartCreatures() { //This List displays how many creatures should be chosen at each mana value along a mana curve. List <int> cardCurveData = new List <int>() { 5, 8, 7, 5, 4, 2 }; //Opens session, stores card curve data, then re-serializes as assistedDeckJSON. This assisted deck is then passed to the view AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = OpenSession(); assistedDeck.CurveData = cardCurveData; assistedDeck.ErrorMessage = $"You need to select exactly {assistedDeck.CurveData[assistedDeck.CurvePosition]} creatures of this mana level."; //Reserialize the session, so that the information can be saved. string assistedDeckJSON = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(assistedDeck); HttpContext.Session.SetString("AssistedDeck", assistedDeckJSON); //Taps into the DAL inorder to connect to scryfall endpoints for returning creatures that cost 2 mana ScryfallDAL dl = new ScryfallDAL(); string identity = FindPlayerType(); assistedDeck.CardSearch = await dl.GetSearch($"id:{identity.ToLower()}+t:\"Creature\"+cmc={assistedDeck.CurvePosition+2}{RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(assistedDeck.DeckName)}", FindPlayerBudget()); return(View("FindCreatures", assistedDeck)); }
public async void AddCardsToCardsTable(string assistedCardId) { Thread.Sleep(100); CardsTable cardTable = new CardsTable(); if (_context.CardsTable.Where(x => x.CardId == assistedCardId).FirstOrDefault() == null) { Cardobject cardItem = await ScryfallDAL.GetApiResponse <Cardobject>("cards", assistedCardId, "", ""); if (cardItem.image_uris != null) { cardTable.CardArtUrl = cardItem.image_uris.normal; } else { cardTable.CardArtUrl = ""; } cardTable.CardId =; cardTable.Cmc = cardItem.cmc; cardTable.ManaCost = cardItem.mana_cost; cardTable.Name =; cardTable.OracleText = cardItem.oracle_text; cardTable.TypeLine = cardItem.type_line; cardTable.EdhrecRank = cardItem.edhrec_rank; if (cardItem.prices.usd == null) { cardItem.prices.usd = "0.00"; } cardTable.CardPrice = decimal.Parse(cardItem.prices.usd); if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("B")) { cardTable.Black = "B"; } if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("U")) { cardTable.Blue = "U"; } if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("W")) { cardTable.White = "W"; } if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("G")) { cardTable.Green = "G"; } if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("R")) { cardTable.Red = "R"; } _context.CardsTable.Add(cardTable); _context.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> FindDraw(AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck) { AssistedDeckViewModel session = OpenSession(); string identity = FindPlayerType(); ScryfallDAL dl = new ScryfallDAL(); assistedDeck.CardSearch = await dl.GetSearch($"id:{identity.ToLower()}+o:draw{RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(session.DeckName)}", FindPlayerBudget()); assistedDeck.ErrorMessage = "You need to select exactly 10 card draw sources."; return(View(assistedDeck)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> FindSingleRemoval(AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck) { AssistedDeckViewModel session = OpenSession(); ScryfallDAL dl = new ScryfallDAL(); string identity = FindPlayerType(); assistedDeck.CardSearch = await dl.GetSearch($"id:{identity.ToLower()}+o:\"destroy\"+t:\"instant\"ort:\"sorcery\"{RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(session.DeckName)}", FindPlayerBudget()); assistedDeck.ErrorMessage = "You need to select exactly 5 single target removal."; return(View(assistedDeck)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> FindRamp(AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck) { AssistedDeckViewModel session = OpenSession(); string identity = FindPlayerType(); ScryfallDAL dl = new ScryfallDAL(); assistedDeck.CardSearch = await dl.GetSearch($"id:{identity.ToLower()}+produces<={FindPlayerType()}c+-t:\"Land\"{RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(session.DeckName)}", FindPlayerBudget()); assistedDeck.ErrorMessage = "You need to select exactly 10 sources of ramp."; //ramp goes to draw from the view return(View(assistedDeck)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddCard(CardsTable cId, DecksTable dName) { var userId = FindUserId(); string id = cId.CardId; if (_context.CardsTable.Where(x => x.CardId == id).FirstOrDefault() == null) { Cardobject cardItem = await ScryfallDAL.GetApiResponse <Cardobject>("cards", id, "", "" + RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(dName.DeckName)); cId.CardArtUrl = cardItem.image_uris.normal; cId.CardId =; cId.Cmc = cardItem.cmc; cId.ManaCost = cardItem.mana_cost; cId.Name =; cId.OracleText = cardItem.oracle_text; cId.TypeLine = cardItem.type_line; cId.EdhrecRank = cardItem.edhrec_rank; if (cardItem.prices.usd == null) { cardItem.prices.usd = "0.00"; } cId.CardPrice = decimal.Parse(cardItem.prices.usd); if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("B")) { cId.Black = "B"; } if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("U")) { cId.Blue = "U"; } if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("W")) { cId.White = "W"; } if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("G")) { cId.Green = "G"; } if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("R")) { cId.Red = "R"; } _context.CardsTable.Add(cId); _context.SaveChanges(); } //if the card the user is adding exists in the decks table, return to deckview with an error //otherwise, add the card //find ID of the card in the cards table var idCollection = (from x in _context.CardsTable where id == x.CardId select x.Id).FirstOrDefault(); //find if the card exists in the decks table for this user and this deck var cardExists = (from d in _context.DecksTable where idCollection == d.CardId && FindUserId() == d.AspUserId && dName.DeckName == d.DeckName select d).FirstOrDefault(); //if the linq statement returns null, the card doesn't exist and needs to be added. if (cardExists == null || cardExists.CardId == 5633 || cardExists.CardId == 5634 || cardExists.CardId == 5635 || cardExists.CardId == 5636 || cardExists.CardId == 5637) { if (cId.ManaCost != null) { string colorId = FindColorId(cId); dName.ColorIdentity = colorId; } else { dName.ColorIdentity = "L"; } dName.CardId = idCollection; dName.Quantity = 1; if (userId != null) { dName.AspUserId = userId; } _context.DecksTable.Add(dName); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("DeckList", dName)); } //else redirect to the decklist else { dName.errorMessage = "The card you've added already exists in your deck!"; return(RedirectToAction("DeckList", dName)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> CardManaCost(string manaCost) { Cardobject cardItem = await ScryfallDAL.GetApiResponse <Cardobject>("cards", "order?cmc=", "", manaCost); return(View(cardItem)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CardPricing(string money) { Prices cardItem = await ScryfallDAL.GetApiResponse <Prices>("cards", "order?usd=", "", money); return(View(cardItem)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CardColorList(string cardColor) { Cardobject cardItem = await ScryfallDAL.GetApiResponse <Cardobject>("cards", "search?order=", "", cardColor); return(View(cardItem)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CardList(string cardName, DecksTable dName) { CardsTable cardTable = new CardsTable(); ScryfallDAL dl = new ScryfallDAL(); List <CardsTable> cardList = new List <CardsTable>(); CombinedDeckViewModel combo = new CombinedDeckViewModel(); var cardId = _context.CardsTable.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(cardName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (cardId == null) { CardSearchObject cardItem = await dl.GetListOfCards($"{cardName}+{ RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(dName.DeckName)}"); if ( != null) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i].image_uris == null) { cardTable.CardArtUrl = ""; } else { cardTable.CardArtUrl =[i].image_uris.normal; } cardTable.CardId =[i].id; cardTable.Cmc =[i].cmc; cardTable.ManaCost =[i].mana_cost; cardTable.Name =[i].name; cardTable.OracleText =[i].oracle_text; cardTable.TypeLine =[i].type_line; cardTable.EdhrecRank =[i].edhrec_rank; if ([i].prices == null) {[i].prices.usd = "0.00";[i].prices.eur = "0.00";[i].prices.usd_foil = "0.00";[i].prices.tix = "0.00"; } else if ([i].prices.usd == null) {[i].prices.usd = "0.00"; } cardTable.CardPrice = decimal.Parse([i].prices.usd); if ([i].color_identity.Contains("B")) { cardTable.Black = "B"; } if ([i].color_identity.Contains("U")) { cardTable.Blue = "U"; } if ([i].color_identity.Contains("W")) { cardTable.White = "W"; } if ([i].color_identity.Contains("G")) { cardTable.Green = "G"; } if ([i].color_identity.Contains("R")) { cardTable.Red = "R"; } cardTable.Id = 0; _context.CardsTable.Add(cardTable); _context.SaveChanges(); } } else { dName.errorMessage = "Unable to find the requested card"; return(RedirectToAction("DeckList", dName)); } } //now that the card exists in the card table //we need to get the card from the cards table and save //first to the cardList then to the combo List <DecksTable> deckList = new List <DecksTable>(); combo.Search = cardList; combo.deckObject = deckList; cardList = (from c in _context.CardsTable where c.Name.Contains(cardName) select c).ToList(); deckList.Add(dName); for (int i = 0; i < cardList.Count; i++) { combo.Search.Add(cardList[i]); } combo.deckObject = deckList; return(View(combo)); }