/// <summary>
        /// Generates the source code in C# for the specified scripting that represents scene scripting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="globalScripting">The scripting to generate the source code for.</param>
        /// <param name="textWriter">The <see cref="TextWriter"/> for writing the source code of the scene.</param>
        public void GenerateGlobalSceneActor(ScriptingComponent globalScripting, TextWriter textWriter)
            actor  = null;
            writer = textWriter;

            writer.WriteLine("class GlobalSceneActor : Actor");

            writer.WriteLine("public override void InitializeActor()");

            writer.WriteLine("Active = true;");



            writer.WriteLine("public override void InitializeComponents()");

            writer.WriteLine("public override Actor Create()");
            writer.WriteLine("throw new NotImplementedException();");

Exemple #2
        internal void Generate(string outputDirectory)
            if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir))

            outputDir = outputDirectory;

            scriptingComponent     = new ScriptingComponent(null);
            scriptingScreen        = new ScriptingScreen();
            scriptingScreen.State  = scriptingComponent.StateMachines[0].StartingState;
            scriptingScreen.Width  = screenRect.Width;
            scriptingScreen.Height = screenRect.Height;
            image = new Bitmap(screenRect.Width, screenRect.Height);

            // create xml dcument
            doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement root = (XmlElement)doc.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("nodes"));

            // generate nodes info and images
            GenerateNodes(ScriptingNodes.Root, root);

            // save xml document
            doc.Save(Path.Combine(outputDir, "nodes.xml"));
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the source code for initializing actor events from the specified scripting.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scripting">The scripting to get actor events from.</param>
 private void GenerateActorEvents(ScriptingComponent scripting)
     // init events
     foreach (Event scriptEvent in scripting.EventsOut)
         writer.WriteLine(@"events.Add(""{0}"", new EventWrapper());", scriptEvent.Name);
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserialize object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">The <see cref="System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/> to retrieve data.</param>
 /// <param name="ctxt">The source (see <see cref="System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/>) for this deserialization.</param>
 private Scene(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt)
     _name          = info.GetString("Name");
     _paths         = (ObservableIndexedList <Path>)info.GetValue("Paths", typeof(ObservableIndexedList <Path>));
     _layers        = (ObservableIndexedList <Layer>)info.GetValue("Layers", typeof(ObservableIndexedList <Layer>));
     _selectedLayer = (Layer)info.GetValue("SelectedLayer", typeof(Layer));
     _globalScript  = (ScriptingComponent)info.GetValue("GlobalScript", typeof(ScriptingComponent));
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the source code for initializing state machines from the specified scripting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scripting">Scripting to get state machines from.</param>
        private void GenerateStateMachines(ScriptingComponent scripting)
            Debug.Assert(scripting.StateMachines.Count != 0, "One state machine is required.");

            writer.WriteLine("stateMachines = new State[{0}];", scripting.StateMachines.Count);

            Dictionary <State, string> states = new Dictionary <State, string>();

            // init states
            for (int i = 0; i < scripting.StateMachines.Count; ++i)
                Debug.Assert(scripting.StateMachines[i].States.Count != 0, "One state is required.");

                for (int j = 0; j < scripting.StateMachines[i].States.Count; ++j)
                    State state = scripting.StateMachines[i].States[j];
                    states[state] = String.Format("stateMachine{0}state{1}", i, j);

                    writer.WriteLine("State {0} = new State(this, {1});", states[state], i);

                writer.WriteLine("stateMachines[{0}] = {1};", i,
                                 scripting.StateMachines[i].StartingState != null ? states[scripting.StateMachines[i].StartingState] : states[scripting.StateMachines[i].States[0]]);

            // create connections
            for (int i = 0; i < scripting.StateMachines.Count; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < scripting.StateMachines[i].States.Count; ++j)
                    State state = scripting.StateMachines[i].States[j];

                    foreach (Transition transition in state.Transitions)
                        Debug.Assert(state == transition.StateFrom, "Incorrect format of transition.");

                        if (transition.Event != null && transition.StateTo != null)
                            writer.WriteLine(@"{0}.AddTransition(""{1}"", {2});", states[state],
                                             transition.Event.Name, states[transition.StateTo]);

            // create script nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < scripting.StateMachines.Count; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < scripting.StateMachines[i].States.Count; ++j)
                    State state = scripting.StateMachines[i].States[j];

                    GenerateScriptNodes(state, states[state]);
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the source code for initializing actor variables from the specified scripting.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scripting">The scripting to get actor variables from.</param>
 private void GenerateActorVariables(ScriptingComponent scripting)
     // init variables
     foreach (NamedVariable variable in scripting.Variables)
         writer.WriteLine(@"variables.Add(""{0}"", new Variable<{1}>());",
                          variable.Name, GetVariableGameEngineType(variable.VariableType));
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Actor"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="drawableAsset">The drawable asset for the actor.</param>
 /// <param name="position">The position of the actor.</param>
 public Actor(DrawableAsset drawableAsset, Vector2 position)
     _name                = String.Format("Actor {0}", Id);
     _drawableAsset       = drawableAsset;
     _position            = position;
     _physics             = new PhysicsComponent();
     _scripting           = new ScriptingComponent(this);
     _type                = Project.Singleton.ActorTypes.Root;
     _children            = new ChildrenList(this);
     DrawableAssetVisible = true;
        private void GenerateActorScripting(ScriptingComponent scripting)
            // set local variables values
            foreach (NamedVariable variable in scripting.Variables)
                writer.WriteLine(@"GetVariable<{0}>(""{1}"").Value = {2};",
                                 GetVariableGameEngineType(variable.VariableType), variable.Name,

            // generate state machines
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Actor"/> class from the specified <see cref="Actor"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="actor">The actor.</param>
 private Actor(Actor actor)
     _drawableAsset       = actor.DrawableAsset;
     _position            = actor.Position;
     _name                = actor.Name;
     _angle               = actor.Angle;
     _scale               = actor.ScaleFactor;
     _physics             = actor.Physics.Clone();
     _scripting           = actor.Scripting.Clone(this);
     _type                = actor.Type;
     _children            = new ChildrenList(this);
     DrawableAssetVisible = actor.DrawableAssetVisible;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Scene"/> class.
        /// Creates the default layer for the scene.
        /// </summary>
        public Scene()
            _globalScript = new Scripting.ScriptingComponent(null);
            _layers       = new ObservableIndexedList <Layer>();
            _paths        = new ObservableIndexedList <Path>();

            // default layer
            _selectedLayer = new Layer(this)
                Name = "Default"
Exemple #11
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected Actor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt)
     : base(info, ctxt)
     Layer                = (Layer)info.GetValue("Layer", typeof(Layer));
     _parent              = (Actor)info.GetValue("Parent", typeof(Actor));
     _children            = (ChildrenList)info.GetValue("Children", typeof(ChildrenList));
     _position            = (Vector2)info.GetValue("Position", typeof(Vector2));
     _angle               = info.GetSingle("Angle");
     _scale               = (Vector2)info.GetValue("ScaleFactor", typeof(Vector2));
     _type                = (ActorType)info.GetValue("ActorType", typeof(ActorType));
     _drawableAsset       = (DrawableAsset)info.GetValue("DrawableAsset", typeof(DrawableAsset));
     _physics             = (PhysicsComponent)info.GetValue("Physics", typeof(PhysicsComponent));
     _scripting           = (ScriptingComponent)info.GetValue("Scripting", typeof(ScriptingComponent));
     _shapes              = (ObservableList <Shape>)info.GetValue("Shapes", typeof(ObservableList <Shape>));
     DrawableAssetVisible = info.GetBoolean("DrawableAssetVisible");
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the path from the specified scripting.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scripting">The scripting where to start.</param>
 /// <param name="path">Container to store items on the path.</param>
 protected void GetPathFromScripting(ScriptingComponent scripting, List <ItemOnPath> path)
     if (scripting.Actor != null && scripting.Scene == null)
         GetPathFromActor(scripting.Actor, path);
     else if (scripting.Actor == null && scripting.Scene != null)
         path.Add(new ItemOnPath("Scene Scripting", null, scripting));
         Debug.Assert(true, "Not possible combination");
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes the specified named variable from the specified scripting.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="namedVariable">The named variable to delete.</param>
 /// <param name="scripting">The scripting.</param>
 /// <param name="items">Stores items to delete.</param>
 public static void DeleteFromScripting(NamedVariable namedVariable, ScriptingComponent scripting, HashSet <ItemForDeletion> items)
     // all state machines
     foreach (StateMachine stateMachine in scripting.StateMachines)
         // all states
         foreach (State state in stateMachine.States)
             foreach (BaseNode baseNode in state.Nodes)
                 Variable variable = baseNode as Variable;
                 if (variable != null && variable.NamedVariable == namedVariable)
                     items.Add(new ScriptVariableOfNamedVariableForDeletion(variable));
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the specified value of the specified variable type from the specified scripting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variableType">Type of the variable.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
        /// <param name="scripting">The scripting.</param>
        /// <param name="items">Stores items to delete.</param>
        public static void DeleteFromScripting(VariableType variableType, object value, ScriptingComponent scripting, HashSet <ItemForDeletion> items)
            // all variables
            foreach (NamedVariable variable in scripting.Variables)
                // used in variable
                if (variable.VariableType == variableType && variable.Value.GetValue() == value)
                    items.Add(new ScriptNamedVariableForDeletion(variable));

            // all state machines
            foreach (StateMachine stateMachine in scripting.StateMachines)
                // all states
                foreach (State state in stateMachine.States)
                    foreach (BaseNode baseNode in state.Nodes)
                        // all script nodes
                        if (baseNode is Node)
                            Node node = baseNode as Node;

                            foreach (NodeSocket nodeSocket in node.Sockets)
                                // all variable node sockets
                                if (nodeSocket is VariableNodeSocket)
                                    VariableNodeSocket variableNodeSocket = nodeSocket as VariableNodeSocket;

                                    // used in variable node socket
                                    if (variableNodeSocket.VariableType == variableType && variableNodeSocket.Value.GetValue() == value)
                                        items.Add(new ScriptVariableNodeSocketForDeletion(variableNodeSocket));
                        // all script variables
                        else if (baseNode is Variable)
                            Variable variable = baseNode as Variable;

                            // used in script variable
                            if (variable.NamedVariable == null && variable.VariableType == variableType && variable.Value.GetValue() == value)
                                items.Add(new ScriptVariableForDeletion(variable));