public void AssertThat_RangeWithContinuousInclude_IsNotInterrupted()
            var range = new FloorRangeSpec(new[] {
                new FloorRangeIncludeSpec("id", new NormallyDistributedValue(20, 20, 20, 10), false, true, new[] {
                    new KeyValuePair <float, KeyValuePair <string, string>[]>(1, new [] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("key", "continuous") })
                }, new ConstantValue(1)),
                new FloorRangeIncludeSpec("id", new NormallyDistributedValue(20, 30, 40, 10), false, false, new[] {
                    new KeyValuePair <float, KeyValuePair <string, string>[]>(1, new [] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("key", "interrupt") })
                }, new ConstantValue(1))

            var r        = new Random();
            var d        = new NamedBoxCollection();
            var selected = range.Select(r.NextDouble, d, (a, b) => ScriptReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(TestScript), Guid.NewGuid(), string.Join(",", a))).ToArray();

            //Flatten runs into floors
            var floors = selected.SelectMany(a => a.Selection);

            //Find the first continuous floor, then check that the next 20 floors are all "continuous"
            Assert.IsTrue(floors.SkipWhile(a => a.Script.Name != "continuous").Take(20).All(a => a.Script.Name == "continuous"));
        public void TestMethod1()
            var b = BuildingDesigner.Deserialize(new StringReader(@"
  - &residential_floor_count !NormalValue
    Min: 5
    Max: 10
  - &FloorHeight !UniformValue
    Min: 2
    Max: 5
    Vary: true

    # Penthouse facade
    - Tags: { 1: { tag: BlankFacade } }
      Bottom: !Id { Id: Penthouse }
      Top: !Id { Id: Penthouse, Inclusive: true }
    # Skylobby facades
    - Tags: { 1: { tag: BlankFacade } }
      Bottom: !Id { Id: Skylobby }
      Top: !Id { Id: Skylobby, Inclusive: true, Search: Up, Filter: First }
    # Residential facades
    - Tags: { 1: { tag: BlankFacade } }
      Bottom: !Id { Id: Residential }
      Top: !Id { Id: Residential, Inclusive: true, Search: Up, Filter: Longest, NonOverlapping: true }
    # Ground entrances
    - Tags: { 1: { tag: BlankFacade } }
      Bottom: !Num { N: 0 }
      Top: !Num { N: 0, Inclusive: true }
      #Constraints: [ !Access { Type: Road } ]
    - Tags: { 1: { tag: BlankFacade } }
      Bottom: !Num { N: 0 }
      Top: !Num { N: 0 }
  # First lift from ground->lowest skylobby
  - Tags: { 1: { tag: HollowVertical } }
    Bottom: !Num { N: 0 }
    Top: !Num { N: 5 }

  - !Floor
    Id: Penthouse
    Tags: { 50: { tag: SolidFloor }, 50: null }

  - !Footprint
    - !Shrink { Distance: 5 }
    - !Twist { Angle: 15 }
    - !Clip {}

  - !Repeat
    Count: !NormalValue
      Min: 1
      Max: 5

      - !Footprint
        - !Shrink { Distance: 5 }
        - !Twist { Angle: 15 }
        - !Clip {}

      - !Floor
        Id: Skylobby
        Tags: { 1: { tag: SolidFloor } }
      - !Repeat
        Count: *residential_floor_count
        Vary: true
            - !Floor
              Tags: { 1: { tag: SolidFloor } }
              Id: Residential

  - !Footprint
    - !Shrink { Distance: 1 }
    - !Twist { Angle: 15 }
    - !Clip {}

  - !Floor
    Tags: { 1: { tag: SolidFloor } }
    Height: *FloorHeight

  - !Ground []



            Func <IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> >, Type[], ScriptReference> finder = (tags, types) => ScriptReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(TestScript), Guid.NewGuid(), string.Join(",", tags));

            var lot = new Vector2[] {
                new Vector2(-30, -30),
                new Vector2(-30, 30f),
                new Vector2(30, 30f),
                new Vector2(30, -30f)

            Random r         = new Random(10);
            var    d         = new NamedBoxCollection();
            var    selection = b.Internals(r.NextDouble, d, finder).Externals(r.NextDouble, d, finder, new BuildingSideInfo[] {
                new BuildingSideInfo(lot[0], lot[1], new BuildingSideInfo.NeighbourInfo[0]),
                new BuildingSideInfo(lot[1], lot[2], new BuildingSideInfo.NeighbourInfo[0]),
                new BuildingSideInfo(lot[2], lot[3], new BuildingSideInfo.NeighbourInfo[0]),
                new BuildingSideInfo(lot[3], lot[0], new BuildingSideInfo.NeighbourInfo[0]),

            Assert.AreEqual(selection.Floors.Count(), selection.Floors.GroupBy(a => a.Index).Count());

            var v = selection.Verticals;
            Func <int, string> prefix = (floor) => new string(v.Select(a => a.Bottom <= floor && a.Top >= floor ? '|' : ' ').ToArray());

            foreach (var item in selection.Floors.OrderByDescending(a => a.Index))
                var pre = prefix(item.Index);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2:##.##}m", pre, item.Script.Name, item.Height);
        public void AssertThat_RangeWithSingleInclude_OutputsNothing_WhenIncludeIsNull()
            var range = new FloorRangeSpec(new[] {
                new FloorRangeIncludeSpec("id", new NormallyDistributedValue(2, 3, 4, 1), false, true, new[] { new KeyValuePair <float, KeyValuePair <string, string>[]>(1, null) }, new ConstantValue(1))

            var selected = range.Select(() => 0.5, new NamedBoxCollection(), (a, b) => ScriptReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(TestScript), Guid.NewGuid(), string.Join(",", a)));

            //Flatten runs into floors
            var floors = selected.SelectMany(a => a.Selection);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, floors.Count());
        public void AssertThat_RangeWithSingleInclude_RepeatsSingleItemInIncludeCorrectNumberOfTimes()
            var range = new FloorRangeSpec(new[] {
                new FloorRangeIncludeSpec("id", new NormallyDistributedValue(2, 3, 4, 1), false, true, new[] { new KeyValuePair <float, KeyValuePair <string, string>[]>(1, new [] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("tag", "tag") }) }, new ConstantValue(1))

            var selected = range.Select(() => 0.5, new NamedBoxCollection(), (a, b) => ScriptReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(TestScript), Guid.NewGuid(), string.Join(",", a)));

            //Flatten runs into floors
            var floors = selected.SelectMany(a => a.Selection);

            Assert.IsTrue(2 <= floors.Count() && floors.Count() <= 3);
        public void AssertThat_BlockSpec_SelectsTightestConstraintsForParcel()
            Parcel p = new Parcel(new Parcel.Edge[] {
                new Parcel.Edge {
                    Start = new Vector2(0, 0), End = new Vector2(100, 0), Resources = new [] { "road" }
                new Parcel.Edge {
                    Start = new Vector2(100, 0), End = new Vector2(100, -100), Resources = new [] { "road" }
                new Parcel.Edge {
                    Start = new Vector2(100, -100), End = new Vector2(0, -100), Resources = new [] { "road" }
                new Parcel.Edge {
                    Start = new Vector2(0, -100), End = new Vector2(0, 0), Resources = new [] { "road" }

            var selected = _spec.SelectLot(p, () => 1, new NamedBoxCollection(), (a, b) => ScriptReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(TestScript), Guid.NewGuid(), string.Join(",", a)));

            Assert.AreEqual("[a, c]", selected.Name);
Exemple #6
        public void TestMethod1()
            var rnd      = new Random(3);
            var random   = (Func <double>)rnd.NextDouble;
            var metadata = new NamedBoxCollection();

            var designer = FloorDesigner.Deserialize(new StringReader(@"
# root node

# tags for this floorplan
  Type: Residential
  Style: None
# Aliases block is just a list of items, not used by the system. Handy place to define objects which will be used later in the markup
    # A single room, with a set of constraints
    - &office !Room
      Id: Office
      Walkthrough: false
        1: { Office }
#      Constraints: []
#         - { Strength: 1,    Req: !ExteriorWindow { } }
#         - { Strength: 0.5,  Req: !ExteriorDoor { Deny: true } }
#         - { Strength: 0.5,  Req: !Area { Min: 11 } }

    # A group of rooms
    - &office_group !Group
      Id: Offices
        - *office
        - *office

    SeedSpacing: !NormalValue { Min: 2.5, Mean: 5, Max: 6.5, Vary: true }
    SeedChance: 0.75
    IntersectionContinuationChance: 0.3
        Length: 1
        Width: 3.5
        Angle: 15
        Weight: 0.4
        Threshold: 0.5
        Weight: 0.3
        Threshold: 0.5
        Weight: 0.3
        Threshold: 45
        Cutoff: 5
    Width: 1

    - !Repeat
      Count: !NormalValue { Min: 1, Max: 100 }
      Space: *office_group

            Func <IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> >, Type[], ScriptReference> finder = (tags, types) =>
                var tagsClean = from tag in tags
                                let k                 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Key)
                                                let v = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Value)
                                                        where !k || !v
                                                        select(!k && !v) ? (tag.Key + ":" + tag.Value) : (k ? tag.Value : tag.Key);

                return(ScriptReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(TestScript), Guid.NewGuid(), string.Join(",", tagsClean)));

            ////Corner shape
            //var shape = new[] {
            //    new Vector2(9, 5), new Vector2(9, -6), new Vector2(0, -6), new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(-4, 0), new Vector2(-4, 5)
            //var sections = new[] {
            //    new Subsection[] { new Subsection(0, 1, Subsection.Types.Window) },
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[] { new Subsection(0, 1, Subsection.Types.Window) },
            //    new Subsection[0]

            //Diagonal bend shape
            var shape = new[] {
                new Vector2(10, 10), new Vector2(20, 0), new Vector2(23, 0), new Vector2(33, 10), new Vector2(43, 0),
                new Vector2(28, -15), new Vector2(15, -15), new Vector2(0, 0)
            var sections = new[] {
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0]
            var verticals = new Vector2[][] {

            ////Actual office floorplan
            //var shape = new[] {
            //    new Vector2(-25, 17),
            //    new Vector2(0, 17),
            //    new Vector2(3, 15),
            //    new Vector2(33, 15),
            //    new Vector2(38, 0),
            //    new Vector2(-25, -25)
            //var sections = new[] {
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0]
            //var verticals = new[] {
            //    new[] {
            //        new Vector2(0, 0),
            //        new Vector2(7, 0),
            //        new Vector2(7, -7),
            //        new Vector2(0, -7),
            //    }

            //var shape = new[] {
            //    new Vector2(9, 0),
            //    new Vector2(9, -6),
            //    new Vector2(0, -6),
            //    new Vector2(0, 0)
            //var sections = new[] {
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],

            var plan = new GeometricFloorplan(shape);

            designer.Design(random, metadata, finder, plan, sections, 0.175f, verticals, new List <ConstrainedVerticalSelection>());

            Console.WriteLine(SvgRoomVisualiser.FloorplanToSvg(plan, 55, basic: false));
        public void AssertThat_FloorSpec_SelectsNothing_FromNull()
            FloorSpec spec = new FloorSpec(new[] {
                new KeyValuePair <float, KeyValuePair <string, string>[]>(1, null)
            }, new NormallyDistributedValue(1, 2, 3, 1).Transform(vary: false));

            var selected = spec.Select(() => 0.5, new NamedBoxCollection(), (a, b) => ScriptReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(TestScript), Guid.NewGuid(), string.Join(",", a)));

            var floors = selected.SelectMany(a => a.Selection);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, floors.Count());
        public void AssertThat_FloorSpec_SelectsSingleItem_FromSingleChoice()
            FloorSpec spec = new FloorSpec(new[] {
                new KeyValuePair <float, KeyValuePair <string, string>[]>(1, new [] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("key", "tag") })
            }, new NormallyDistributedValue(1, 2, 3, 1).Transform(vary: false));

            var selected = spec.Select(() => 0.5, new NamedBoxCollection(), (a, b) => ScriptReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(TestScript), Guid.NewGuid(), string.Join(",", a.Select(t => t.Value))));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, selected.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("tag", selected.Single().Selection.Single().Script.Name);