Exemple #1
    //called when the player dies
    public void cleanLoadLevel(RestartFrom respawning, string lvl)
        string level = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;

        //clean anything that needs resetting in Xa
        xa.carryingStars     = 0;
        Time.timeScale       = 1;
        xa.playerAirSwording = false;
        ScreenShakeCamera.screenshakeAmount  = 0;
        ScreenShakeCamera.screenshakeDelay   = 0;
        ScreenShakeCamera.screenshakeTimeSet = 0;

        //if not respawning, reset some extra the .xa variables
        if (respawning == RestartFrom.RESTART_FROM_MENU || respawning == RestartFrom.RESTART_FROM_START)
            fa.teleportedOnJumpingMassacre = false;
            xa.realScore       = 0;
            xa.displayScore    = 0;
            xa.checkpointScore = 0;

            xa.lastSpawnPoint             = Vector3.zero;
            xa.deathCountThisLevel        = 0;
            xa.checkpointedStarsThisLevel = 0;
            xa.hasCheckpointed            = false;


        switch (respawning)
        case RestartFrom.RESTART_FROM_MENU:

        case RestartFrom.RESTART_FROM_CHECKPOINT:
            if (xa.hasCheckpointed)
                Setup.callFadeOutFunc(level, true, level);
                // Respawn from the beginning of the level. Reset kills and deaths
                //	if (LevelInfo.restartMusicOnLevelRestart(level))
                //	xa.bard.audio.time = 0;
                //		if (level == "Boss_run1") xa.bard.audio.time = 106;
                //	}
                xa.deathCountThisLevel = 0;
                fa.ResetSpeedrun();                        //reset speed run time because you haven't checkpointed
                Setup.callFadeOutFunc(level, true, level);

        case RestartFrom.RESTART_FROM_START:
            //Load the current level from the start
            //if (LevelInfo.restartMusicOnLevelRestart(level))
            //	xa.bard.audio.time = 0;
            //	if (level == "Boss_run1") xa.bard.audio.time = 106;
            Setup.callFadeOutFunc(level, true, level);
        // Setup.GC_DebugLog("Deaths: " + xa.deathCountThisLevel);
Exemple #2
    public void SwordUpdate()
        if (Controls.GetInputDown(Controls.Type.Jump, novaPlayerScript.playerNumber) && !xa.playerHasJetpack)
            //Debug.Log("PRESSED JUMP WHILE AIRSWORDING");
            storedJump = true;

        switch (swordState)
        case SwordState.Setup:
            hitDeadlyBoxCollider = false;
            swordDir             = Vector3.zero;
            if (xa.playerControlsHeldDir < 0)
                swordDir.x = -1;
            if (xa.playerControlsHeldDir >= 0)
                swordDir.x = 1;
            swordState = SwordState.Charge;

            //play sound effect


            previousTime         = Time.timeScale;
            Time.timeScale       = timeSlowEffect;
            xa.playerAirSwording = true;
            //gotBoost = false;

        case SwordState.Charge:
            float dist = swordSpeed * fa.deltaTime;

            //raycast for blocks

            LayerMask  swordMask = 1 << 19 | 1 << 21;                           //Only hits hitboxes on the NovaBlock layer
            Ray        ray       = new Ray();
            RaycastHit hit1      = new RaycastHit();
            RaycastHit hit2      = new RaycastHit();
            RaycastHit hit3      = new RaycastHit();
            ray.direction = swordDir;
            float   tempSpeed            = swordSpeed;
            bool    hitSomething         = false;
            bool    raycastsHitSomething = false;
            float   half = (novaPlayerScript.plHeight * 0.5f);                          // + 0.1f;//ghx
            Vector3 v1   = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 v2   = Vector3.zero;

            float raycastLayer = xa.GetLayer(xa.layers.RaycastLayer);
            ray.origin = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, raycastLayer);
            v1         = ray.origin; v1.z = 33;
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit1, dist, swordMask))
                /* v2 = hit1.point; v2.z = 33; Debug.DrawLine(v1, v2, Color.yellow, 5);*/
                raycastsHitSomething = true;

            ray.origin = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + half, raycastLayer);
            v1         = ray.origin; v1.z = 33;
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit2, dist, swordMask))
                /* v2 = hit2.point; v2.z = 33; Debug.DrawLine(v1, v2, Color.yellow, 5);*/
                raycastsHitSomething = true;

            ray.origin = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y - half, raycastLayer);
            v1         = ray.origin; v1.z = 33;
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit3, dist, swordMask))
                /* v2 = hit3.point; v2.z = 33;Debug.DrawLine(v1, v2, Color.yellow, 5); */
                raycastsHitSomething = true;

            if (raycastsHitSomething)
                float    finalDist     = 9999;
                Vector3  finalPoint    = Vector3.zero;
                Collider finalCollider = null;
                int      hitChoice     = 0;
                float    dist1         = 9999;
                float    dist2         = 9999;
                float    dist3         = 9999;

                if (hit1.collider != null)
                    dist1 = hit1.distance;
                if (hit2.collider != null)
                    dist2 = hit2.distance;
                if (hit3.collider != null)
                    dist3 = hit3.distance;

                hitChoice = 3;
                if (dist1 <= dist2 && dist1 <= dist3)
                    hitChoice = 1;
                if (dist2 <= dist1 && dist2 <= dist3)
                    hitChoice = 2;
                if (dist3 <= dist1 && dist3 <= dist2)
                    hitChoice = 3;
                //Debug.Log("Hit choice: " + hitChoice + ", D1: " + dist1 + ", D2: " + dist2 + ", D3: " + dist3);
                if (hitChoice == 1)
                    finalDist = hit1.distance; finalPoint = hit1.point; finalCollider = hit1.collider;
                if (hitChoice == 2)
                    finalDist = hit2.distance; finalPoint = hit2.point; finalCollider = hit2.collider;
                if (hitChoice == 3)
                    finalDist = hit3.distance; finalPoint = hit3.point; finalCollider = hit3.collider;

                //	Debug.Log("HIT SOMETHING");
                tempSpeed    = finalDist;
                hitSomething = true;

                 * //Debug.Log("AirSwordHitSOmething: " + xa.playerBoxWidth + ", " + xa.playerBoxHeight);
                 * Vector3 a1 = transform.position;
                 * a1.z = 33;
                 * Vector2 a2;
                 * //draw up
                 * a2 = new Vector3(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z);
                 * a2.y += xa.playerBoxHeight * 0.5f;
                 * //Debug.DrawLine(a1, a2, Color.green, 5);
                 * //draw down
                 * a2 = new Vector3(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z);
                 * a2.y -= xa.playerBoxHeight * 0.5f;
                 * //Debug.DrawLine(a1, a2, Color.green, 5);
                 * //draw left
                 * a2 = new Vector3(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z);
                 * a2.x -= xa.playerBoxWidth * 0.5f;
                 * //Debug.DrawLine(a1, a2, Color.green, 5);
                 * //draw right
                 * a2 = new Vector3(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z);
                 * a2.x += xa.playerBoxWidth * 0.5f;
                 * Debug.DrawLine(a1, a2, Color.green, 5);
                 * //draw along the top
                 * a2 = new Vector3(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z);
                 * a2.y += xa.playerBoxHeight * 0.5f;
                 * a2.x -= xa.playerBoxWidth * 0.5f;
                 * Debug.DrawLine(a1, a2, Color.green, 5);
                 * //draw along the bottom
                 * a2 = new Vector3(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z);
                 * a2.y -= xa.playerBoxHeight * 0.5f;
                 * a2.x -= xa.playerBoxWidth * 0.5f;
                 * Debug.DrawLine(a1, a2, Color.green, 5);
                 * //draw along the left
                 * a2 = new Vector3(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z);
                 * a2.y += xa.playerBoxHeight * 0.5f;
                 * a2.x += xa.playerBoxWidth * 0.5f;
                 * Debug.DrawLine(a1, a2, Color.green, 5);
                 * //draw along the right
                 * a2 = new Vector3(a1.x, a1.y, a1.z);
                 * a2.y -= xa.playerBoxHeight * 0.5f;
                 * a2.x += xa.playerBoxWidth * 0.5f;
                 * Debug.DrawLine(a1, a2, Color.green, 5);
                Info infoScript = null;
                if (hitChoice == 1)
                    infoScript = hit1.collider.GetComponent <Info>();
                if (hitChoice == 2)
                    infoScript = hit2.collider.GetComponent <Info>();
                if (hitChoice == 3)
                    infoScript = hit3.collider.GetComponent <Info>();
                if (infoScript != null)
                    if (infoScript.killPlayer)
                        hitDeadlyBoxCollider = true;

                HittableByAirsword hittableScript = finalCollider.gameObject.GetComponent <HittableByAirsword>();
                if (hittableScript != null)

                    /*if (hittableScript.giveAirswordBoost)
                     * {
                     *      gotBoost = true;
                     * }*/

            if (hitSomething)
                swordState = SwordState.WrapUp;
                Vector3 swordVel = new Vector3();
                swordVel.x = (swordDir.x * tempSpeed) * fa.deltaTime;
                swordVel.y = (swordDir.y * tempSpeed) * fa.deltaTime;

                int split = 15;
                for (int m = split; m > 0; m--)
                    CheckForItems(dist * 1f, transform.position);
                    transform.Translate(swordVel / split);


            if (!NovaPlayerScript.checkPlayerDeathBox(transform.position) && !novaPlayerScript.ThreeDee)
                novaPlayerScript.hpScript.health = 0;
                swordState = SwordState.WrapUp;

            if (novaPlayerScript.hpScript.health <= 0)
                swordState = SwordState.WrapUp;

        case SwordState.WrapUp:
            if (novaPlayerScript.altTrailPS_Normal != null)
            ScreenShakeCamera.Screenshake(1, 0.25f, ScreenShakeCamera.ScreenshakeMethod.Basic);
            xa.playerAirSwording = false;
            Time.timeScale       = previousTime;                      //1f;
            //Time.timeScale = 0.7f;//previousTime;//1f;
            swordState                         = SwordState.Setup;
            novaPlayerScript.state             = NovaPlayerScript.State.NovaPlayer;
            novaPlayerScript.DidAirSwordImpact = true;
            novaPlayerScript.vel.y             = 0;

            if (hitDeadlyBoxCollider)
                novaPlayerScript.hpScript.health = 0;

            if (novaPlayerScript.hpScript.health <= 0)
                if (novaPlayerScript.hpScript.setPosWhenKilled)

            /*if (gotBoost)
             * {
             *      novaPlayerScript.GotAirswordBoost();
             * }*/

            if (storedJump)
                storedJump = false;
Exemple #3
 void Awake()
     screenSlashObj = this.gameObject;
     self           = this;