public void Test_SignalLowDensity_FilledBelow() { Random rand = new(0); double[] values = ScottPlot.DataGen.Random(rand, pointCount: 10, offset: -.5); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); var sig = plt.AddSignal(values); sig.Color = ScottPlot.Drawing.GDI.Semitransparent(System.Drawing.Color.Red, .5); sig.MarkerSize = 0; sig.LineWidth = 5; sig.FillBelow(System.Drawing.Color.Blue); sig.BaselineY = 0.2; TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
static public void Run(List <double[]> data, string label, double[] values) { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(1280, 720); int pointCount = data[0].Length; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { plt.PlotSignal(data[i], label: label + " = " + values[i].ToString()); } plt.Title("Scores of each generation"); plt.YLabel("Score"); plt.XLabel("Iterations"); plt.Ticks(useExponentialNotation: false, useMultiplierNotation: false); plt.Legend(); plt.SaveFig(label + ".png"); }
public void Test_AutoAxis_ScatterDiagonalLine() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.PlotScatter( xs: new double[] { 1, 2 }, ys: new double[] { 1, 2 } ); plt.AxisAuto(); Console.WriteLine(plt.GetSettings().axes); Assert.IsTrue(plt.GetSettings().axes.x.span > 0); Assert.IsTrue(plt.GetSettings().axes.y.span > 0); //string name = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; //plt.SaveFig(System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(name + ".png")); }
public void Test_Pie_Center() { double[] values = { 778, 43, 283, 76, 184 }; string[] labels = { "C#", "JAVA", "Python", "F#", "PHP" }; var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(800, 300); plt.PlotPie(values, labels, showLabels: false); plt.Legend(); plt.Grid(false); plt.Frame(false); plt.XAxis.Ticks(false); plt.YAxis.Ticks(false); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public string Figure_08_Plotting_Text() { string name = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name.Replace("Figure_", ""); string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath($"{outputFolderName}/{name}.png"); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(width, height); plt.PlotScatter(dataXs, dataSin); plt.PlotScatter(dataXs, dataCos); plt.PlotPoint(25, 0.8); plt.PlotPoint(30, 0.3, color: Color.Magenta, markerSize: 15); plt.PlotText("important point", 25, 0.8); plt.PlotText("more important", 30, .3, fontSize: 16, bold: true); plt.SaveFig(fileName); Console.WriteLine($"Saved: {System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName)}"); return(name + ":" + ScottPlot.Tools.BitmapHash(plt.GetBitmap())); }
public void Test_OHLC_SetWidth() { var ohlcs = new ScottPlot.OHLC[] { // open, high, low, close, time, timeSpan new ScottPlot.OHLC(273, 275, 264, 265, 1, 1), new ScottPlot.OHLC(267, 276, 265, 274, 2.5, 2), new ScottPlot.OHLC(277, 280, 275, 278, 4, 1), }; var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); plt.Grid(false); plt.PlotOHLC(ohlcs, autoWidth: false); plt.SetAxisLimits(xMin: -1, xMax: 5); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
private void BtnLaunchRandomWalk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int pointCount = (int)nudWalkPoints.Value; double[] randomWalkData = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, pointCount); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.AddSignal(randomWalkData); plt.Title($"{pointCount} Random Walk Points"); var plotViewer = new ScottPlot.Eto.PlotViewForm(plt, 500, 300, "Random Walk Data"); plotViewer.PlotView.Configuration.Quality = Control.QualityMode.High; // customize as desired plotViewer.Owner = this; // so it closes if this window closes plotViewer.Show(); // or ShowDialog() for a blocking window }
public void Test_CrossHair_Renders() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); plt.AddSignal(ScottPlot.DataGen.Sin(51)); plt.AddSignal(ScottPlot.DataGen.Cos(51)); plt.Title("Crosshair Demo"); plt.XLabel("Horizontal Axis"); plt.YLabel("Vertical Axis"); plt.AddCrosshair(42, 0.45); // this is outside the data area so should not be rendered plt.AddCrosshair(-5, -1.2); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
static void TestPlotBasic() { int pointCount = 50; double[] dataXs = ScottPlot.DataGen.Consecutive(pointCount); double[] dataSin = ScottPlot.DataGen.Sin(pointCount); double[] dataCos = ScottPlot.DataGen.Cos(pointCount); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.PlotScatter(dataXs, dataSin); plt.PlotScatter(dataXs, dataCos); plt.Title("ScottPlot Quickstart"); plt.XLabel("Time (seconds)"); plt.YLabel("Potential (V)"); plt.SaveFig("./Plots/01a_Quickstart.png"); }
private void btnLaunchRandomWalk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int pointCount = (int)nudWalkPoints.Value; double[] randomWalkData = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, pointCount); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.PlotSignal(randomWalkData); plt.Title($"{pointCount} Random Walk Points"); var plotViewer = new ScottPlot.FormsPlotViewer(plt, 500, 300, "Random Walk Data"); plotViewer.Owner = this; // so it closes if this window closes plotViewer.formsPlot1.Configure(lowQualityWhileDragging: false); // customize as desired plotViewer.Show(); // or ShowDialog() for a blocking window }
public void Test_DataContainsNan_Scatter() { double[] xs = new double[] { 1, double.NaN, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; double[] ys = new double[] { 1, 4, 9, 16, double.NaN, 36 }; var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.PlotScatter(xs, ys); plt.AxisAuto(); plt.Axis(-2, 7, -10, 40); string name = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; string filePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(name + ".png"); plt.SaveFig(filePath); Console.WriteLine($"Saved {filePath}"); }
public void Test_Bar_ShowValuesHorizontal() { double[] xs = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; double[] ys1 = { 10, 15, 12, 6, 8, }; double[] ys2 = { 6, 8, 8, 9, 5 }; var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); plt.PlotBar(xs, ys1, xOffset: -.20, barWidth: 0.3, showValues: true, label: "Series A", horizontal: true); plt.PlotBar(xs, ys2, xOffset: +.20, barWidth: 0.3, showValues: true, label: "Series B", horizontal: true); plt.Grid(lineStyle: ScottPlot.LineStyle.Dot); plt.XAxis.Grid(false); plt.Legend(location: ScottPlot.Alignment.UpperRight); plt.SetAxisLimits(xMin: 0); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_AxisAutoX_Repeated() { double[] xs = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; double[] ys = { 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 }; var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); plt.AddScatter(xs, ys); plt.SetAxisLimits(-5, 10, -15, 40); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { plt.AxisAutoX(); } TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_Render_Html() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); plt.AddSignal(ScottPlot.DataGen.Sin(51)); plt.AddSignal(ScottPlot.DataGen.Cos(51)); string b64 = plt.GetImageBase64(); Assert.Greater(b64.Length, 1000); string img = plt.GetImageHTML(); Assert.Greater(img.Length, b64.Length); TestTools.SaveHtml(img); }
public void Test_GridLines_Disable() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.Grid(color: Color.White); var mean1 = TestTools.MeanPixel(plt.GetBitmap()); // blue grid lines that aren't enabled should look the same as white grid lines plt.Grid(color: Color.Blue); plt.Grid(enable: false); var mean2 = TestTools.MeanPixel(plt.GetBitmap()); Assert.AreEqual(mean2.A, mean1.A); Assert.AreEqual(mean2.R, mean1.R); Assert.AreEqual(mean2.G, mean1.G); Assert.AreEqual(mean2.B, mean1.B); }
public void Test_Bar_NegativeOnly() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(600, 400); string[] labels = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" }; int barCount = labels.Length; Random rand = new Random(0); double[] xs = ScottPlot.DataGen.Consecutive(barCount); double[] ys = ScottPlot.DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, barCount, -50, 10); double[] yError = ScottPlot.DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, barCount, 5, 2); plt.AddBar(xs, ys, yError); plt.XTicks(xs, labels); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_Colormap_LayoutCanBeReset() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); plt.Style(figureBackground: System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#dadada")); var bmpOriginal = new MeanPixel(plt.GetBitmap()); var cb = plt.AddColorbar(); var bmpWithColorbar = new MeanPixel(plt.GetBitmap()); plt.Remove(cb); plt.YAxis2.ResetLayout(); var bmpWithColorbarRemoved = new MeanPixel(plt.GetBitmap()); Assert.AreNotEqual(bmpOriginal, bmpWithColorbar); Assert.AreEqual(bmpOriginal, bmpWithColorbarRemoved); }
public void Test_Annotation_Coordinates() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); // negative coordinates snap text to the lower or right edges plt.PlotAnnotation("Top Left", 10, 10); plt.PlotAnnotation("Lower Left", 10, -10); plt.PlotAnnotation("Top Right", -10, 10); plt.PlotAnnotation("Lower Right", -10, -10); // arguments allow customization of style plt.PlotAnnotation("Fancy Annotation", 10, 40, fontSize: 24, fontName: "Impact", fontColor: Color.Red, shadow: true, fill: true, fillColor: Color.White, fillAlpha: 1, lineWidth: 2); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_FontName_IsSettable() { ScottPlot.Plot plt = TestTools.SamplePlotScatter(); string font1 = ScottPlot.Config.Fonts.GetSerifFontName(); string font2 = ScottPlot.Config.Fonts.GetMonospaceFontName(); Assert.That(font1 != font2); plt.Title(sampleLabel, fontName: font1); string hash1 = TestTools.HashedFig(plt, font1); plt.Title(sampleLabel, fontName: font2); string hash2 = TestTools.HashedFig(plt, font2); Assert.That(hash1 != hash2); }
public static void UpdatePackagePlots([TimerTrigger(OncePerDay)] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log) { string connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsStorage", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString); // get all stats CloudTableClient tableClient = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient(); CloudTable statsTable = tableClient.GetTableReference("packageStats"); PackageStat[] allStats = statsTable.CreateQuery <PackageStat>().ToArray().OrderBy(x => x.Timestamp).ToArray(); string[] packageNames = allStats.Select(x => x.Package).Distinct().ToArray(); log.LogInformation($"Found {allStats.Length} total records."); log.LogInformation($"Identified {packageNames.Length} unique packages."); // create individual plots BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(connectionString); BlobContainerClient containerClient = blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient("$web"); foreach (string packageName in packageNames) { // extract unique X/Y points for this package PackageStat[] stats = allStats.Where(x => x.Package == packageName).ToArray(); SaveJsonStats(packageName, stats, containerClient); log.LogInformation($"Package {packageName} has {stats.Length} records."); double[] datetimes = stats.Select(x => x.Timestamp.DateTime.ToOADate()).ToArray(); double[] downloads = stats.Select(x => (double)x.Downloads).ToArray(); var(xs, ys) = UniquePoints(datetimes, downloads); // create the plot with ScottPlot var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(600, 400); plt.Title(packageName); plt.YLabel("Downloads"); plt.PlotStep(xs, ys, lineWidth: 2); plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true); // Save the output as a Bitmap in blob storage string filePath = $"packagestats/{packageName}.png"; BlobClient blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(filePath); Bitmap bmp = plt.GetBitmap(true); using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); bmp.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); blobClient.Upload(memoryStream, overwrite: true); } }
public void Test_PlotPolygon_PosAndNeg() { // generate sample data Random rand = new Random(0); var dataY = ScottPlot.DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000, offset: -10); var dataX = ScottPlot.DataGen.Consecutive(dataY.Length, spacing: 0.025); // create an array with an extra point on each side of the data double baseline = 0; var xs = new double[dataX.Length + 2]; var ys = new double[dataY.Length + 2]; Array.Copy(dataX, 0, xs, 1, dataX.Length); Array.Copy(dataY, 0, ys, 1, dataY.Length); xs[0] = dataX[0]; xs[xs.Length - 1] = dataX[dataX.Length - 1]; ys[0] = baseline; ys[ys.Length - 1] = baseline; // separate the data into two arrays (for positive and negative) double[] neg = new double[ys.Length]; double[] pos = new double[ys.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ys.Length; i++) { if (ys[i] < 0) { neg[i] = ys[i]; } else { pos[i] = ys[i]; } } // now plot the arrays as polygons var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.PlotPolygon(xs, neg, "negative", lineWidth: 1, lineColor: Color.Black, fillColor: Color.Red, fillAlpha: .5); plt.PlotPolygon(xs, pos, "positive", lineWidth: 1, lineColor: Color.Black, fillColor: Color.Green, fillAlpha: .5); plt.Title("Shaded Line Plot (negative vs. positive)"); plt.AxisAuto(0); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_AxisAuto_SignalWithMinMaxIndexSet() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); var sig = plt.PlotSignal(ScottPlot.DataGen.Sin(1000), sampleRate: 10); sig.MinRenderIndex = 450; sig.MaxRenderIndex = 550; plt.AxisAuto(); var limits = plt.GetAxisLimits(); Console.WriteLine($"AutoAxis Limits: {limits}"); Assert.Less(limits.XMin, limits.XMax); Assert.Less(limits.YMin, limits.YMax); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_SmoothExample_PlotCurves() { var lsFolder = SampleData.GreenOverRed(); double[] curve = lsFolder.curveDeltaGoR; double[] curveXs = ScottPlot.DataGen.Consecutive(curve.Length); double[] curveSmooth = ScanAGator.ImageDataTools.GaussianFilter1d(curve, lsFolder.filterPx); double[] curveSmoothXs = ScottPlot.DataGen.Consecutive(curveSmooth.Length); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.PlotScatter(curveXs, curve, lineWidth: 0); plt.PlotScatter(curveSmoothXs, curveSmooth); plt.PlotVLine(lsFolder.filterPx * 2, Color.Red); plt.PlotVLine(curve.Length - lsFolder.filterPx * 2, Color.Red); SaveFigure(plt, "smooth_curve.png"); }
public static void plot(float[] values, string saveFilePath, double sampleRateHz = 1, string title = null, string yLabel = null, string xLabel = null) { double[] values2 = new double[values.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { values2[i] = values[i]; } var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.PlotSignal(values2, sampleRateHz, markerSize: 0); plt.Title(title); plt.YLabel(yLabel); plt.XLabel(xLabel); plt.AxisAuto(0); plt.SaveFig(saveFilePath); Console.WriteLine($"Saved: {System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(saveFilePath)}"); }
public void Test_Plot_WidthAndHeight() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(111, 222); Assert.AreEqual(111, plt.Width); Assert.AreEqual(222, plt.Height); plt.Resize(333, 444); Assert.AreEqual(333, plt.Width); Assert.AreEqual(444, plt.Height); plt.Width = 123; plt.Height = 321; var bmp = plt.GetBitmap(); Assert.AreEqual(123, bmp.Width); Assert.AreEqual(321, bmp.Height); }
public void Test_NotAllXsAscend_ThrowsException() { // generate random, NOT-ALL-ascending, unevenly-spaced data Random rand = new Random(0); int pointCount = 100_000; double[] ys = new double[pointCount]; double[] xs = new double[pointCount]; for (int i = 1; i < ys.Length; i++) { ys[i] = ys[i - 1] + rand.NextDouble() - .5; xs[i] = xs[i - 1] + rand.NextDouble() - .25; // may be <0 } var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(500, 350); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { plt.PlotSignalXY(xs, ys); }); }
public void Test_Frameless_HasNoFrame() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(600, 400); plt.Style(figureBackground: System.Drawing.Color.Magenta); plt.Grid(false); plt.Frameless(); plt.AddSignal(ScottPlot.DataGen.Sin(51), color: System.Drawing.Color.Gray); plt.Margins(0, 0); var bmp = TestTools.GetLowQualityBitmap(plt); TestTools.SaveFig(bmp); var after = new MeanPixel(bmp); Assert.That(after.IsGray()); }
public void Test_PlotTicks_DateTime() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1); DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2020, 12, 25); plt.SetAxisLimits(dt1.ToOADate(), dt2.ToOADate(), dt1.ToOADate(), dt2.ToOADate()); plt.XLabel("Horizontal Axis Label"); plt.YLabel("Vertical Axis Label"); var before = new MeanPixel(plt); plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true, dateTimeY: true); var after = new MeanPixel(plt); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); Assert.That(after.IsDifferentThan(before)); }
public void Test_Radar_ZeroNorm() { // var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); double[,] values = { { 78, 83, 0, 76, 43 }, { 100, 50, 0, 60, 90 } }; double[] maxValues = { 100, 100, 0, 100, 100 }; plt.AddRadar(values, independentAxes: true, maxValues: maxValues); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_DocPlottables_CreateWithHelperMethodAndModify() { double[] xs = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; double[] ys = { 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 }; var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300); var scatter = plt.AddScatter(xs, ys); scatter.Color = Color.Red; scatter.LineWidth = 2; TestTools.SaveFig(plt); string thisHash = ScottPlot.Tools.BitmapHash(plt.Render()); createHash ??= thisHash; Assert.AreEqual(createHash, thisHash); }