Exemple #1
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            const string input  = @"../../../Test Data/cantus firmus.xml";
            const string output = @"../../../Test Data/output.xml";

            ScorePartwise.Serialize(output, ScorePartwise.Deserialize(input));

            var score = ScorePartwise.Deserialize(input);
            var list  = new List <int>();

            foreach (var part in score.Parts)
                Console.WriteLine("Part " + part.Id);

                list.AddRange(from measure in part.Measures
                              from note in measure.Notes.Where(note => note.Staff == "1")
                              select MidiMapping.MidiLookUp(note.Pitch));

            foreach (var i in list)
                Console.Write(i + " ");

            Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\npress any key to continue...");
Exemple #2
        public void ConvertTo_part_deserialize_success()
            var target = new Parser();

            var xml = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC '-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 2.0 Partwise//EN' 'http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd'>
  <part id='1'>

            var actual = target.Parse(xml);

            var expected = new ScorePartwise()
                Parts = new ElementCollection <Part>()
                    new Part()
                        Id       = "1",
                        Measures = new ElementCollection <Measure>()
                            new Measure(),
                            new Measure(),

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #3
        //todo: properties with public getter and private setter for the Pages/Lines/Measures

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the WPFRendering component
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fontSize">The size of the font to use</param>
        public WPFRendering(ScorePartwise originalScore, double fontSize)
            FontSize  = fontSize;
            ScoreSize = new Size(Application.Current.MainWindow.Width, Application.Current.MainWindow.Height);

            // keep a copy of the original score
            _originalScore = originalScore;
        //todo: properties with public getter and private setter for the Pages/Lines/Measures
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the WPFRendering component
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fontSize">The size of the font to use</param>
        public WPFRendering(ScorePartwise originalScore, double fontSize)
            FontSize = fontSize;
            ScoreSize = new Size(Application.Current.MainWindow.Width, Application.Current.MainWindow.Height);

            // keep a copy of the original score
            _originalScore = originalScore;
        private string ParseToXml(ScorePartwise spw)
            StringWriter  tw         = new StringWriter();
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MusicXmlSchema.ScorePartwise));

            serializer.Serialize(tw, spw);
            var musicXml = tw.ToString();

            musicXml = ReplaceHeader(musicXml);
        //Reads the top level score
        static public ScoreProperties ReadScore(ScorePartwise scorePartwise)
            //get the top level properties of the score
            ScoreProperties i = new ScoreProperties();

            if (scorePartwise.getWork() != null)
                i.WorkTitle = scorePartwise.getWork().getWorkTitle();
            if (scorePartwise.getMovementTitle() != null)
                i.MovementTitle = scorePartwise.getMovementTitle();

            if (scorePartwise.getIdentification().getEncoding().getEncodingDateOrEncoderOrSoftware().get(0) != null)
                javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement x = (javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement)scorePartwise.getIdentification().getEncoding().getEncodingDateOrEncoderOrSoftware().get(0);
                i.EncodingSoftware = x.getValue().ToString();
            if (scorePartwise.getCredit().size() > 0)
                Credit credit = (Credit)scorePartwise.getCredit().get(0);
                if (credit.getCreditTypeOrLinkOrBookmark().get(0) is FormattedText)
                    FormattedText ft = (FormattedText)credit.getCreditTypeOrLinkOrBookmark().get(0);
                    i.CreditWords = ft.getValue();
            PartList partlist = scorePartwise.getPartList();

            if (partlist.getPartGroupOrScorePart().get(0) is ScorePart)
                ScorePart scorepart = (ScorePart)partlist.getPartGroupOrScorePart().get(0);
                i.ScorePartID      = scorepart.getId();
                i.PartDisplayName  = scorepart.getPartName().getValue();
                i.PartAbbreviation = scorepart.getPartAbbreviation() is PartName?scorepart.getPartAbbreviation().getValue() : "";

                ScoreInstrument scoreinstrument = (ScoreInstrument)scorepart.getScoreInstrument().get(0);
                i.InstrumentID   = scoreinstrument.getId();
                i.InstrumentName = scoreinstrument.getInstrumentName();
                if (scorepart.getMidiDeviceAndMidiInstrument().get(0) is MidiInstrument)
                    MidiInstrument midiinstrument = (MidiInstrument)scorepart.getMidiDeviceAndMidiInstrument().get(0);
                    i.MidiChannel = midiinstrument.getMidiChannel();
                    i.MidiProgram = midiinstrument.getMidiProgram();
            if (scorePartwise.getPart().size() > 0)
                i.Part = (ScorePartwise.Part)scorePartwise.getPart().get(0);
Exemple #7
        public void ConvertTo_success()
            var target = new Parser();

            var xml = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC '-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 2.0 Partwise//EN' 'http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd'>
<score-partwise version=''>

            var actual = target.Parse(xml);

            var expected = new ScorePartwise()
                Work    = new Work(),
                Credits = new ElementCollection <Credit>()
                    new Credit(),
                    new Credit()
                Defaults       = new Defaults(),
                Identification = new Identification(),
                MovementNumber = "",
                MovementTitle  = "",
                PartList       = new PartList(),
                Parts          = new ElementCollection <Part>()
                    new Part(),
                    new Part(),
                Version = ""

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public static ScorePartwise EditScorePartwise(ScorePartwise spw, ScoreProperties editedprop)
            ScoreProperties scoreprop = ReadDS.ReadScore(spw);

            //if the edited properties are other than the default than assign them to the scoreprop

            scoreprop.WorkTitle        = editedprop.WorkTitle == ""?scoreprop.WorkTitle:editedprop.WorkTitle;
            scoreprop.MovementTitle    = editedprop.MovementTitle == "" ? scoreprop.MovementTitle : editedprop.MovementTitle;
            scoreprop.EncodingSoftware = editedprop.EncodingSoftware == "" ? scoreprop.EncodingSoftware : editedprop.EncodingSoftware;
            scoreprop.Creator          = editedprop.Creator == "" ? scoreprop.Creator : editedprop.Creator;
            scoreprop.CreditWords      = editedprop.CreditWords == "" ? scoreprop.CreditWords : editedprop.CreditWords;
            scoreprop.PartDisplayName  = editedprop.PartDisplayName == "" ? scoreprop.PartDisplayName : editedprop.PartDisplayName;
            scoreprop.PartAbbreviation = editedprop.PartAbbreviation == "" ? scoreprop.PartAbbreviation : editedprop.PartAbbreviation;
            scoreprop.ScorePartID      = editedprop.ScorePartID == "" ? scoreprop.ScorePartID : editedprop.ScorePartID;
            scoreprop.InstrumentID     = editedprop.InstrumentID == "" ? scoreprop.InstrumentID : editedprop.InstrumentID;
            scoreprop.InstrumentName   = editedprop.InstrumentName == "" ? scoreprop.InstrumentName : editedprop.InstrumentName;
            scoreprop.MidiChannel      = editedprop.MidiChannel == new Integer(0) ? scoreprop.MidiChannel : editedprop.MidiChannel;
            scoreprop.MidiProgram      = editedprop.MidiProgram == new Integer(0) ? scoreprop.MidiProgram : editedprop.MidiProgram;

        public string KeyboardTilesToMusicXML(List <KeyboardTile> keyboardTiles, int frameCount)
            // Downloaded youtube videos always have a fps of 23.98
            int videoLength = frameCount / 24;

            int measureCount = videoLength / 2;

            ScorePartwisePartMeasure[] measures = new ScorePartwisePartMeasure[measureCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < measureCount; i++)
                measures[i]        = new ScorePartwisePartMeasure();
                measures[i].Number = i.ToString();

            Dictionary <Note, int> NoteFrameDict = new Dictionary <Note, int>();

            foreach (var keyboardTile in keyboardTiles)
                foreach (var press in keyboardTile.TilePresses)
                    var startFrame = press.Item1;
                    var endFrame   = press.Item2;

                    Pitch keyboardPitch = new Pitch();
                    keyboardPitch.Octave = keyboardTile.Octave.ToString();
                    keyboardPitch.Step   = NotesToMusicXMLStep[keyboardTile.Note];
                    keyboardPitch.Alter  = NoteToAlter(keyboardTile.Note);
                    double startSec     = startFrame / 24;
                    int    measureIndex = (int)(startSec / 2);
                    var    measure      = measures[measureIndex];
                    Note   pressNote    = new Note();
                    pressNote.Pitch = keyboardPitch;
                    pressNote.Type  = DurationToNodeType(press);
                    NoteFrameDict.Add(pressNote, startFrame);

            for (int i = 0; i < measures.Length; i++)
                var measure = measures[i];

                Note[] notes        = new Note[measure.Note.Count];
                var    notesOrdered = notes.OrderBy(x => NoteFrameDict[x]).Select(x => x);

                measure.Note.CopyTo(notes, 0);

                while (measure.Note.Count > 0)

                foreach (var note in notesOrdered)

                var lastFrame = 0;

                foreach (var note in measure.Note)
                    var startFrame = NoteFrameDict[note];

                    if (lastFrame == startFrame)
                        note.Chord = new Empty();

                    lastFrame = startFrame;

            ScorePartwise spw       = new ScorePartwise();
            PartList      partList  = new PartList();
            ScorePart     scorePart = new ScorePart();
            PartName      partName  = new PartName();

            partName.Value     = "NotesheetR";
            scorePart.PartName = partName;
            scorePart.Id       = "1";
            partList.ScorePart = scorePart;
            ScorePartwisePart part = new ScorePartwisePart();

            part.Id = "1";

            foreach (var measure in measures)

            spw.PartList = partList;
Exemple #10
        //***************************************** Create Object Factory *******************************************//
        //The Object Factory, Used to create the elements of the score as required

        //***************************************** ScorePartwise *******************************************//
        // Create the top level Partwise Score Element

        public static ScorePartwise CreateScorePartwise(ScoreProperties i)
            ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();

            //Create a scorepart
            ScorePartwise.Part part;
            ///////////////////// Following are the main components required for the Score in Phase 1

            //***************************************** ScorePartwise *******************************************//
            ScorePartwise scorePartwise = factory.createScorePartwise();

            // Set the version of MusicXML

            //***************************************** Set Work and Movement Titles *******************************************//
            // Create the work element and set its title
            Work work = factory.createWork();


            //Setting some properties of the root element.

            //Set the work title of the scorepartwise

            //***************************************** Create and set Identification Element *******************************************//

            //Create identification and set its properties
            Identification identification = factory.createIdentification();

            com.audiveris.proxymusic.Encoding encoding = factory.createEncoding();

            //set the software used for encoding

            // set the encoding

            //***************************************** Set the Credit words *******************************************//

            Credit        credit         = factory.createCredit();
            FormattedText creditwordtext = new FormattedText();


            //***************************************** Create a PartList *******************************************//

            PartList partlist = factory.createPartList();

            // create a scorepart
            ScorePart scorepart = factory.createScorePart();

            ////////////////////////Some Properties of the scorepart
            PartName partname = factory.createPartName();


            //set part abbreviation

            //set the scorepart id

            // set the scorepart instrument
            ScoreInstrument scoreinstrument = factory.createScoreInstrument();



            //set the midi device parameters
            MidiInstrument midiinstrument = factory.createMidiInstrument();

            //set midi instrument Id

            //set midi channel
            java.lang.Integer midichannel = i.MidiChannel; //channel number

            //set midi program
            java.lang.Integer midiprogram = i.MidiProgram; //program number


            // add the scorepart to the partlist
            partlist.getPartGroupOrScorePart().add(scorepart); //Ambiguity


            //***************************************** Create a Part *******************************************//
            if (i.Part == null)
                part = factory.createScorePartwisePart();
                part = i.Part;
            //set part id

            // Add the part to the score

Exemple #11
 public WPFRendering(ScorePartwise originalScore, Size size, double fontSize) : this(originalScore, fontSize)
     ScoreSize = size;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the notes are according to the timesignature
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scorePartwise"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ScorePartwise CheckAndReAlign(ScorePartwise scorePartwise)
            double DivPerMeasure = 16;

            for (int i = 0; i < scorePartwise.getPart().size(); i++)
                //for each part in the score
                ScorePartwise.Part part       = (ScorePartwise.Part)scorePartwise.getPart().get(i);
                Queue <Note>       ExtraNotes = new Queue <Note>();

                for (int j = 0; j < part.getMeasure().size(); j++)
                    //for each measure in a part

                    int DSum = 0;
                    ScorePartwise.Part.Measure measure = (ScorePartwise.Part.Measure)part.getMeasure().get(j);
                    //ScorePartwise.Part.Measure TempMeasure = CreateDS.CreateMeasure(j.ToString());
                    AttributeProperties attprop;
                    //check if timesignature is updated this measure or not
                    if (ReadDS.ReadAttributes(measure) != null)
                        attprop       = ReadDS.ReadAttributes(measure);
                        DivPerMeasure = (attprop.divisions != 0 & attprop.BeatsPerMeasure != "" & attprop.BeatType != "") ?
                                        int.Parse(attprop.BeatsPerMeasure) * 4 * attprop.divisions / int.Parse(attprop.BeatType) : DivPerMeasure;

                    //check if there are any notes from the previous measure to be added to this measure
                    //and add them to the start of the current measure
                    int max = ExtraNotes.Count;
                    for (int k = 0; k < max; k++)
                        measure.getNoteOrBackupOrForward().add(k, ExtraNotes.Dequeue());

                    //check if the notes do not fit in this measure then remove them from the current measure
                    //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Initial Number of notes in the measure: " + EditDS.getNotesperMeasure(measure).ToString());
                    int numNotes       = EditDS.getNotesperMeasure(measure);
                    int thresholdIndex = -1;
                    for (int k = 1; k <= numNotes; k++)
                        NoteProperties noteprop = ReadDS.ReadNote(k, measure);

                        if (DSum + noteprop.duration > DivPerMeasure)
                            // if the note is too big to fit a measure
                            if (noteprop.duration > DivPerMeasure)
                            thresholdIndex = k;
                            DSum += noteprop.duration;
                    if (thresholdIndex != -1)
                        //first queue the extra notes
                        for (int l = thresholdIndex; l <= numNotes; l++)
                            ExtraNotes.Enqueue((Note)(measure.getNoteOrBackupOrForward().get(EditDS.getnoteindex(l, measure))));
                        //then remove from the current measure
                        for (int l = thresholdIndex; l <= numNotes; l++)
                            measure.getNoteOrBackupOrForward().remove(EditDS.getnoteindex(thresholdIndex, measure));

                        List <int> RestDurations = new List <int>();
                        int        DivLeft       = (int)DivPerMeasure - DSum; //number of divisions left empty in this measure
                        int        power         = 0;
                        while (DivLeft != 0)
                            if ((DivLeft & 1) != 0)            //check the leftmost bit
                                RestDurations.Add(1 << power); //rest durations in powers of two
                            DivLeft = DivLeft >> 1;

                        foreach (int dur in RestDurations)
                            NoteProperties restprop = new NoteProperties();
                            restprop.rest     = true;
                            restprop.duration = dur;

                    //set the measure in the part
                    part.getMeasure().set(j, measure);

                //After all the measures in the part are finished and the queue still have notes

                while (ExtraNotes.Count != 0)
                    ScorePartwise.Part.Measure measure = CreateDS.CreateMeasure("2");
                    int DSum = 0;
                    while (DSum < DivPerMeasure)
                        if (ExtraNotes.Count == 0)
                        if ((DSum + ((BigDecimal)ExtraNotes.Peek().getDuration()).intValue()) > DivPerMeasure)
                            DSum += ((BigDecimal)ExtraNotes.Peek().getDuration()).intValue();

Exemple #13
        public void ConvertTo_measure_deserialize_success()
            var target = new Parser();

            var xml = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC '-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 2.0 Partwise//EN' 'http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd'>
  <part id='1'>
    <measure number='1' implicit='yes' non-controlling='no' width='123.45'>

            var actual = target.Parse(xml);

            var expected = new ScorePartwise()
                Parts = new ElementCollection <Part>()
                    new Part()
                        Id       = "1",
                        Measures = new ElementCollection <Measure>()
                            new Measure()
                                Number                  = "1",
                                Implicit                = YesNo.Yes,
                                ImplicitSpecified       = true,
                                NonControlling          = YesNo.No,
                                NonControllingSpecified = true,
                                Width          = 123.45,
                                WidthSpecified = true,
                                Attributes     = new ElementCollection <Attributes>()
                                    new Attributes()
                                Backups = new ElementCollection <Backup>()
                                    new Backup()
                                Barlines = new ElementCollection <Barline>()
                                    new Barline()
                                Bookmarks = new ElementCollection <Bookmark>()
                                    new Bookmark()
                                Directions = new ElementCollection <Direction>()
                                    new Direction()
                                FiguredBasses = new ElementCollection <FiguredBass>()
                                    new FiguredBass()
                                Forwards = new ElementCollection <Forward>()
                                    new Forward()
                                Groupings = new ElementCollection <Grouping>()
                                    new Grouping()
                                Harmonies = new ElementCollection <Harmony>()
                                    new Harmony()
                                Links = new ElementCollection <Link>()
                                    new Link()
                                Notes = new ElementCollection <Note>()
                                    new Note()
                                Prints = new ElementCollection <Print>()
                                    new Print()
                                Sounds = new ElementCollection <Sound>()
                                    new Sound()

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void ParseSimpleOneNoteStringTest()
            String testString1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n" +
                                "<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC\n" +
                                "\"-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.0 Partwise//EN\"\n" +
                                "\"http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd\">\n" +
                                "<score-partwise version=\"3.0\">\n" +
                                "<part-list><score-part id=\"P1\"><part-name>Music</part-name></score-part></part-list>" +
                                "<part id=\"P1\"><measure number=\"1\"><attributes><divisions>1</divisions><key>" +
                                "<fifths>0</fifths></key><time><beats>4</beats><beat-type>4</beat-type></time>" +
                                "<clef><sign>G</sign><line>2</line></clef></attributes>" +
                                "<note><pitch><step>C</step><octave>4</octave></pitch><duration>4</duration>" +
            // create the expected structure
            Note n = new Note()
                type = new NoteType { Value = NoteTypeValue.whole },
                stem = new Stem { Value = stemvalue.up },
                Items = new object[] { new Pitch { step = Step.C, octave = "4" }, new decimal(4) },
                ItemsElementName = new[] { ItemsChoiceType1.pitch, ItemsChoiceType1.duration }

            ScorePartwisePartMeasure m = new ScorePartwisePartMeasure()
                number = "1",
                Items = new object[]{
                    new Attributes()
                        divisions = 1,
                        key = new[]
                            new Key
                                Items = new object[]
                                ItemsElementName = new[]
                        time = new[]
                            new Time { Beats = "4", BeatType = "4"}
                        clef = new[]
                            new Clef
                                sign = ClefSign.G,
                                line = "2"

            // set expected
            ScorePartwise expected = new ScorePartwise { version = "3.0", part = new ScorePartwisePart[1] };

            // measure part and information
            expected.part[0] = new ScorePartwisePart { measure = new ScorePartwisePartMeasure[1] };
            expected.part[0].measure[0] = m;
            expected.part[0].id = "P1";

            // part list
            expected.partList = new PartList() { scorepart = new ScorePart() { id = "P1", partName = new PartName { Value = "Music" } } };

            ScorePartwise actual = ScorePartwise.Deserialize(testString1);
            CompareProperties(actual.GetType(), actual, expected);
 public WPFRendering(ScorePartwise originalScore, Size size, double fontSize)
     : this(originalScore, fontSize)
     ScoreSize = size;
Exemple #16
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                String testString1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n" +
                                     "<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC\n" +
                                     "\"-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.0 Partwise//EN\"\n" +
                                     "\"http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd\">\n" +
                                     "<score-partwise version=\"3.0\">\n" +
                                     "<part-list><score-part id=\"P1\"><part-name>Music</part-name></score-part></part-list>" +
                                     "<part id=\"P1\"><measure number=\"1\">" +
                                     "<note><pitch><step>C</step><octave>4</octave></pitch><duration>4</duration><type>whole</type><stem>up</stem></note>" +
                                     "<attributes><divisions>1</divisions><key>" +
                                     "<fifths>0</fifths></key><time><beats>4</beats><beat-type>4</beat-type></time>" +
                                     "<clef><sign>G</sign><line>2</line></clef></attributes>" +

                bool onlyRenderOne = true; //todo: remove for regular debugging

                ScorePartwise sp = ScorePartwise.Deserialize(XMLStringFetcher.GetXMLFile("00-BasicPitches.xml"));
                Note          v  = sp.part[0].measure[0].Items[1] as Note;

                //ScorePartwise sp = ScorePartwise.Deserialize(XMLStringFetcher.GetXMLFile("BrahWiMeSample.xml"));
                //ScorePartwise sp = ScorePartwise.Deserialize(XMLStringFetcher.GetXMLFile("01a-Pitches-Pitches.xml"));
                //ScorePartwise sp = ScorePartwise.LoadFromFile(@"C:\Users\nathan\Documents\GitHub\NETScoreTranscription\NETScoreTranscription\NETScoreTranscriptionLibrary\MusicXMLSamples\BrahWiMeSample.xml");
                //ScorePartwise sp = ScorePartwise.LoadFromFile("");
                //ScorePartwise sp = ScorePartwise.Deserialize(testString1);

                WPFRendering     wpfmrLarge = new WPFRendering(sp, new Size(400, 900), 100);
                FrameworkElement largeGrid  = wpfmrLarge.RenderMeasure(sp.part[0].measure[0]);
                v.color   = "#00FF00"; //todo: remove
                largeGrid = wpfmrLarge.RenderLine();
                //todo: figure out how to refresh without having to redraw everything
                WPFRendering wpfmrBase;
                WPFRendering wpfmrSmall;
                WPFRendering wpfmrSmallest;

                FrameworkElement baseGrid     = new FrameworkElement();
                FrameworkElement smallGrid    = new FrameworkElement();
                FrameworkElement smallestGrid = new FrameworkElement();
                if (!onlyRenderOne)
                    wpfmrBase = new WPFRendering(sp, Constants.MusicFonts.DEFAULT_SIZE);
                    baseGrid  = wpfmrBase.RenderLine();

                    wpfmrSmall = new WPFRendering(sp, 50);
                    smallGrid  = wpfmrSmall.RenderLine();

                    wpfmrSmallest = new WPFRendering(sp, 25);
                    smallestGrid  = wpfmrSmallest.RenderLine();
                // put content on screen and into a grid
                Grid contentGrid = new Grid();
                contentGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
                contentGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
                contentGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
                contentGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());

                Grid.SetRow(largeGrid, 0);
                if (!onlyRenderOne)
                    Grid.SetRow(baseGrid, 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(smallGrid, 2);
                    Grid.SetRow(smallestGrid, 3);

                if (!onlyRenderOne)

                //set window stuff
                this.Content = contentGrid;
                this.Height  = 900;
                this.Left    = 0;
                this.Top     = 0;
            catch (Exception ex)