Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var engine = new SchoolEngine();

Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var engine = new SchoolEngine();

            var objList    = engine.GetSchoolObjects();
            var listIPlace = from obj in objList
                             where obj is IPlace
                             select(IPlace) obj;

Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += DoEventAction;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (object sender, EventArgs e) => Beep(100, 100, 1);
            var engine = new SchoolEngine();

            PrintTitle("Bienvenidos a la escuela");
            var reporter                = new Reporter(engine.GetObjectsDictionary());
            var evaluationList          = reporter.GetEvaluationsList();
            var subjectList             = reporter.GetSubjectList();
            var evaluationBySubjectList = reporter.GetEvaluationDictionaryBySubject();
            Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <StudentAverage> > averageScoreBySubject = reporter.GetScoreStudentsBySubject();
            var topAveragesPerSubject = reporter.GetTopStudentsBySubjects(averageScoreBySubject);

Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += EventAction;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (o, a) => Printer.Beep(100, 1000, 1);

            var engine = new SchoolEngine();

            Printer.WriteTitle("Welcome to the School");
            //Printer.Beep(10000,500, 10);
            var objectList = engine.GetSchoolObjects();
            // engine.School.CleanPlace();

            Dictionary <int, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            dictionary.Add(10, "Alfredo");
            dictionary.Add(23, "Blue");

            foreach (var key in dictionary)
                WriteLine($"key: {key.Key} Value: {key.Value}");

            Printer.WriteTitle("Dictionary access");
            dictionary[0] = "Moss";

            Printer.WriteTitle("Another dictionary");
            var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dic["Luna"] = "Cuerpo celeste";
            dic["Luna"] = "Main charcater";

            var dictmp = engine.getObjectDictionary();

            engine.PrintDictionary(dictmp, true);
Exemple #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // How to make an event listener. ProcessExit is name of event, EventAction is the callback
            // we can use lambda for the callback
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += EventAction;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (obj, e) => Printer.DrawTitle("Printer Line!");

            // Engine initialization
            var engine = new SchoolEngine();

            Printer.DrawTitle("Welcome to the school!");

            // Print

            // Obtain Core Objects with params to loop conditionally
            var objList = engine.ObtainCoreObjects(
                out int examsCounter,
                out int coursesCounter,
                out int subjectsCounter,
                out int studentsCounter

            // using Linq to obtain list of addresses
            var iAddressList =
                from obj in objList
                where obj is IAddress
                select(IAddress) obj;


            #region Studying dictionaries
            // Dictionary

             * // We can set ket and value pairs like --> <int (key), string (value)>
             * Dictionary<int, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();
             * // Ways to update it:
             * dictionary[0] = "Test 0";
             * dictionary.Add(10, "Test");
             * dictionary.Add(23, "Test 2");
             * Printer.DrawTitle("Dictionaries");
             * // Ways to access the contents
             * foreach (var keyValPair in dictionary)
             * {
             *  // Like this
             *  WriteLine($"Key: {keyValPair.Key}, Value: {keyValPair.Value}");
             * }
             * // Like this
             * WriteLine(dictionary[0]);
             * // We can set the key as a string
             * var otherDic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
             * otherDic["Moon"] = "What we see at the night in the sky... reflecting the sun's light";
             * WriteLine($"Moon: {otherDic["Moon"]}");
             * // Can we change it? No, we can replace it. Keys are UNIQUE
             * otherDic["Moon"] = "Another description";

            // Implementing the dictionary used for the school
            var dictionary = engine.GetObjectsDictionary();
            engine.PrintDictionary(dictionary, true);


             * // Polymorphism tests
             * Printer.DrawLine();
             * Printer.DrawLine();
             * Printer.DrawLine();
             * Printer.DrawTitle("Polymorphism tests:");
             * var studentTest = new Student("Pablito");
             * BaseSchool ob = studentTest;
             * WriteLine("Student: Polymorphism works?");
             * WriteLine($"{studentTest.GetType()}");
             * WriteLine($"{ob.GetType()}");

            // Exams Reporter
            var reporter  = new Reporter(engine.GetObjectsDictionary());
            var examsList = reporter.GetExamsList();

            // Capture Exam
            Exam   myExam;
            string name;
            string student;
            string result;
            Printer.DrawTitle("Capturing exam by the console...");
            WriteLine("Please provide the name of the exam.");
            name = ReadLine();
            WriteLine("Please provide the student name of the exam:");
            student = ReadLine();
            WriteLine("Please provide the result of the exam:");
            result = ReadLine();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(student) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
                throw new ArgumentException("The value provided cannot be empty");

            myExam = new Exam(name, student, double.Parse(result));
            WriteLine($"{myExam.Name}, {myExam.StudentName}, {myExam.Result}");
Exemple #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var engine = new SchoolEngine();

            Printer.WriteTitle("Welcome to the School");

            //Printer.Beep(10000, total:10);

            //School mySchool = new School();
            //var school = new School("My Success Online Academy", 2012, TypeSchool.Primary,
            //country: "Colombia", city: "Medellin");

            //school.Country = "Colombia";
            //school.City = "Medellin";

            //school.typeSchool = TypeSchool.Primary;

            /*var arrayCourses = new Courses[3];
             * arrayCourses[0] = new Courses()
             * {
             *  Name = "101"
             * };
             * var course2 = new Courses()
             * {
             *  Name = "201"
             * };
             * arrayCourses[1] = course2;
             * arrayCourses[2] = new Courses()
             * {
             *  Name = "301"
             * };*/

            //Uso de arreglos:

            /*school.Courses = new Course[]{
             *          new Course() {Name = "101"},
             *          new Course() {Name = "201"},
             *          new Course {Name = "301"}
             * };

            //newCollection.Clear(); //Borra todos los elementos de una colección generica.

             * Course tmp = new Course{Name = "101 Vacations", workingday = TypeWorkingDay.Night};
             * //Las colecciones nos permiten agregar, quitar elemntos, etc.
             * //Adicionar otra lista:
             * school.Courses.AddRange(newCollection);
             * school.Courses.Add(tmp);
             * printSchoolCourses(school);
             * //WriteLine("Course.Hash = " + tmp.GetHashCode()); //Para eliminar el framework mira el HasCode
             * Predicate <Course> myAlgorithm = Predicating;
             * //school.Courses.RemoveAll(myAlgorithm); //Manera de borrar (mirar metodo predicate)
             * //school.Courses.Remove(tmp);
             * school.Courses.RemoveAll(delegate (Course cour) //Creacion de delegado (remueve todos los que tengan 301 en el nombre)
             *                      {
             *                          return cour.Name == "301";
             *                      }); //Los que tengan 301 retorna true y los borra

            //Expresiones lambda:
            //school.Courses.RemoveAll((cour) => cour.Name == "501" && cour.workingday == TypeWorkingDay.Day);


            /*Console.WriteLine(arrayCourses[0].Name + ", " + arrayCourses[0].UniqueId);
             * Console.WriteLine($"{arrayCourses[1].Name}, {arrayCourses[1].UniqueId}");
             * Console.WriteLine("Press intro...");
             * Console.ReadLine();
             * Console.WriteLine(arrayCourses[5]);
             * //Console.WriteLine(course3);

            //school.Courses = new Course[0];