Exemple #1
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey = null)
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.ForDatabaseAccess();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from teachers where lower(teacherfname) like lower(@key) or lower(teacherlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) like lower(@key)";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Teachers
            List <Teacher> listTeacher = new List <Teacher> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int      teacherid      = (int)ResultSet["teacherid"];
                string   teacherfname   = ResultSet["teacherfname"].ToString();
                string   teacherlname   = ResultSet["teacherlname"].ToString();
                string   employeenumber = ResultSet["employeenumber"].ToString();
                DateTime?hiredate       = Convert.ToDateTime(ResultSet["hiredate"].ToString());
                decimal? salary         = Convert.ToDecimal(ResultSet["salary"].ToString());

                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();
                NewTeacher.teacherid      = teacherid;
                NewTeacher.teacherfname   = teacherfname;
                NewTeacher.teacherlname   = teacherlname;
                NewTeacher.employeenumber = employeenumber;
                NewTeacher.hiredate       = hiredate;
                NewTeacher.salary         = salary;

                //Add the Teachers Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of teachers names