public void TestIfSchoolAddCorrectListOfCoursesOnSchoolCreation() { List<Course> courses = new List<Course>( ){new Course("math")}; School school = new School("8-mo osnovno", courses); Assert.AreEqual(courses, school.Courses, string.Format("Expeted to receive first name of courses name math. Received {0}", courses[0].Name)); }
static void Main() { //some tests Student go6o = new Student("Go6o", 1245); Student to6o = new Student("To6o", 2345); to6o.AddComment("YOU SHAL NOT PAAAAASSS!!!"); to6o.AddComment("To be expelled"); Discipline borringStuff = new Discipline("Borring Stuff", 100, 1); List<Discipline> profesorovDisciplines = new List<Discipline>() { borringStuff }; Teacher profesorov = new Teacher("Profesorov", profesorovDisciplines); //create class List<Student> class1AStudents = new List<Student>() { to6o, go6o }; List<Teacher> class1ATeachers = new List<Teacher>() { profesorov }; List<SchoolClass> TUClasses2 = new List<SchoolClass>() { new SchoolClass(class1AStudents, "Class 1-A", class1ATeachers) }; School TU = new School(TUClasses2); }
public void TestRegistringAValidStudentNotToThrow() { var testStudent = new Student("Andy", 10000); var testSchool = new School("The Academy"); testSchool.RegisterStudent(testStudent); }
public void TestIfSchoolNameIfSetCorrectlyAfterCourseCreation() { School school = new School("8-mo osnovno"); school.Name = "PMG osnovno"; Assert.AreEqual("PMG osnovno", school.Name, string.Format("Expected school name on school creation PMG osnovno. Received {0}", school.Name)); }
public void Test_RegisterStudentReturnsCorrectStudent() { var school = new School(); var student = school.RegisterStudent("pesho"); Assert.AreEqual("pesho", student.Name); }
public void TestToAddCourse() { School telerik = new School("TelerikAcademy"); telerik.SetOfCourses.Add(new Course("C#")); Assert.AreEqual(1, telerik.SetOfCourses.Count); }
public static void Main() { Student student1 = new Student("Aaaa Bbb", 1); Student student2 = new Student("Cccc Ddd", 2); Student student3 = new Student("Eeee Fff", 3, "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"); Teacher teacher1 = new Teacher("Zzzz yyyy"); Teacher teacher2 = new Teacher("Xxxx wwww"); Discipline oop = new Discipline("oop", 12, 10, "AAAAAAAA"); Discipline csharp = new Discipline("Csharp", 20, 14); Discipline java = new Discipline("Java", 15, 16); teacher1.AddDisicipline(oop); teacher1.AddDisicipline(csharp); teacher2.AddDisicipline(oop); teacher1.ListOfDisciplines.Add(java); School mySchool = new School(); ClassInSchool myClass = new ClassInSchool("MyClassName"); myClass.AddStudent(student1); myClass.AddStudent(student2); myClass.AddStudent(student3); myClass.RemoveStudent(student1); myClass.AddTeacher(teacher1); myClass.AddTeacher(teacher2); mySchool.AddClass(myClass); System.Console.WriteLine(myClass); }
public void School_AddCourseTest() { Course java = new Course("Java"); School myTestSchool = new School(); myTestSchool.AddCourse(java); Assert.AreEqual(java.CourseName, myTestSchool.Courses[0].CourseName); }
public void TestSchoolName() { School telerik = new School("TelerikAcademy"); string expected = "TelerikAcademy"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, telerik.Name); }
public void TestAddDuplicateStudentId() { School school = new School(); school.AddStudent(new Student("Pesho", 50000)); school.AddStudent(new Student("Pesho", 50000)); }
public void RemoveNonExistingCourseTest() { List<Course> courses = new List<Course>(); School school = new School(courses); Course javaScript = new Course("JavaScript"); school.RemoveCourse(javaScript); }
private static void Main() { try { Student pesho = new Student("Pesho Georgiev"); Student gosho = new Student("Gosho Ivanov"); Student misho = new Student("Misho Cekov"); Student sasho = new Student("Sasho Kostov"); Course telerikAcademy = new Course("Telerik Academy"); Course webProgramming = new Course("Web Programming"); webProgramming.AddStudent(sasho); telerikAcademy.AddStudent(pesho); telerikAcademy.AddStudent(gosho); telerikAcademy.AddStudent(misho); telerikAcademy.RemoveStudent(gosho); Console.WriteLine(gosho.ToString() + " was removed from course."); Console.WriteLine("Courses:"); Console.WriteLine(telerikAcademy); School freeSchool = new School("School of Computer Sciences"); freeSchool.AddCourse(webProgramming); freeSchool.AddCourse(telerikAcademy); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
static void Main() { //Student test //Console.WriteLine("Student test"); List<Student> studentsList = new List<Student>(); studentsList.Add(new Student("Vesi", 1231532)); studentsList.Add(new Student("Natalia", 462346)); studentsList.Add(new Student("Mitko", 0982374)); //Console.WriteLine(studentsList.Print()); //Teacher test //Console.WriteLine("Teacher test"); List<Teacher> teachersList = new List<Teacher>(); teachersList.Add(new Teacher("prof. Petrov")); teachersList.Add(new Teacher("doc. Hristov")); teachersList.Add(new Teacher("as. Doneva")); teachersList[0].AddDiscipline("Computer sciense", 4, 5); teachersList[0].AddDiscipline("Hardware basics", 3, 2); teachersList[1].AddDiscipline("C# Basics", 4, 4); teachersList[1].AddDiscipline("C# OOP", 5, 5); teachersList[2].AddDiscipline("Operating Systems", 3, 2); //Console.WriteLine(teachersList.Print()); //Class test //Console.WriteLine("Class test"); Class classA = new Class('A', teachersList, studentsList); //Console.WriteLine(classA.ToString()); Class classB = new Class('B', teachersList, studentsList); classB.Comments = "This is class B"; //School test Console.WriteLine("School test:"); School TUES = new School(); TUES.AddClass(classA); TUES.AddClass(classB); Console.WriteLine(TUES.ToString()); }
public void SchoolShouldThrowExceptionWhenAddingExistingStudent() { var school = new School("Telerik Academy"); var student = new Student("John", "Doe", 12345); school.AddStudent(student); school.AddStudent(student); }
public void SetValue_ForInt32_ChangesCurrentValue() { var propMetadata = modelForType.GetPropertyMetadata(typeof(School).GetProperty("Rating")); var inst = new School() { Rating = 7 }; propMetadata.SetValue(inst, 8); Assert.AreEqual(8, inst.Rating); }
public void SchoolShouldAddCourseCorrectly() { var school = new School("Telerik Academy"); var course = new Course("C#"); school.AddCourse(course); Assert.AreSame(course, school.Courses.First()); }
public void SchoolShouldAddStudentCorrectly() { var school = new School("Telerik Academy"); var student = new Student("John", "Doe", 12345); school.AddStudent(student); Assert.AreSame(student, school.Students.First()); }
public void AddingCourseThatAlreadyExistsShouldThrow() { School school = new School("Hogwards"); Course course = new Course("BatCourse"); school.AddCourse(course); school.AddCourse(course); }
public void AddingStudentShouldNotThrow() { School school = new School("Hogwards"); Student student = new Student("Stamat", 10000); school.AddStudent(student); }
public void RemoveNullCourse_RemoveNullCourseFromShool_ShouldThrowArgumentNullException() { var school = new School("HR.Smirnenski"); Course course = null; school.AddCourse(course); school.RemoveCourse(course); }
public void AddingCourseShouldNotThrow() { School school = new School("Hogwards"); Course course = new Course("BatCourse"); school.AddCourse(course); }
public void AddTheSameCourse_AddTheSameCourseInShool_ShouldThrowNullException() { var school = new School("HR.Smirnenski"); var course = new Course(); school.AddCourse(course); school.AddCourse(course); }
public void AddingNewStudentShouldWorkCorrectly() { var school = new School("Greendale"); var student = new Student("Britta Perry", 10002); school.AddStudent(student); Assert.ReferenceEquals(student, school.Students.First()); }
public void AddingExistingStudentShouldThrow() { var school = new School("Greendale"); var studentOne = new Student("Peshkata", 10000); school.AddStudent(studentOne); school.AddStudent(studentOne); }
public void AddingNewCourseShouldWorkCorrectly() { var school = new School("Greendale"); var course = new Course("Grifting"); school.AddCourse(course); Assert.AreSame(course, school.Courses.First()); }
static void Main() { Class firstClass = new Class("8b"); School school = new School("My school"); school.Classes.Add(firstClass); //Console.WriteLine(school.ToString()); firstClass.FillWithStudents(); Teacher Joreto = new Teacher("Joreto"); Joreto.Disciplines.Add(new Discipline("Math", 1, 1)); Joreto.Disciplines.Add(new Discipline("Physic", 2, 3)); Joreto.Disciplines.Add(new Discipline("Drawing", 3, 3)); Teacher Pesho = new Teacher("Pesho"); Pesho.Disciplines.Add(new Discipline("Math", 1, 1)); Pesho.Disciplines.Add(new Discipline("Physic", 2, 3)); firstClass.Teachers.Add(Joreto); firstClass.Teachers.Add(Pesho); Console.WriteLine("Teacher"); Console.WriteLine(firstClass.Teachers.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(firstClass.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("end of haha"); Console.WriteLine(school.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(school.Classes[0].Teachers[0].ToString()); }
public void SchoolShouldThrowInvalidOperationExceptionWhenTryingToAddAStudentTwice() { var school = new School("Gosho school"); var student = new Student("Gosho", 99999); school.AddStudent(student); school.AddStudent(student); }
public void School_Create_Exists() { var school = new School(TestSchoolName); Assert.AreEqual(TestSchoolName, school.Name, "School name doesn't exist. Something is wrong with School creation"); }
public void RemoveCourse_ThrowsExceptionWhenParameterNull() { List<Course> courses = new List<Course>(); School school = new School(courses); Course javascript = new Course("Javascript"); school.RemoveCourse(javascript); }
public void AddTheSameStudent_AddTheSameStudentInShool_ShouldThrowNullException() { var school = new School("HR.Smirnenski"); Student student = new Student("Anna MAriq", 9); school.AddStudent(student); school.AddStudent(student); }
public async Task InsertSchool(School school) { //await _schoolRepository.Add(school); await _schoolRepository.SchoolRepository.Add(school); }
// GET api/School/5 public IHttpActionResult GetSchool(int id) { School school = db.Schools.Where(s => s.SchoolID == id).FirstOrDefault(); return(Json(school)); }
public CastInfo(Type type, School school) { m_SpellType = type; m_School = school; }
protected override bool Allow(OccupationNames value) { School school = CareerManager.GetStaticCareer(value) as School; return(school != null); }
public GroupsModel(School injectedContext) { db = injectedContext; }
public static async void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { var context = serviceProvider.GetService <ApplicationDbContext>(); context.Database.Migrate(); if (!context.Roles.Any()) { string[] roles = { "Eigenaar", "Schooladmin", "Leraar" }; var roleStore = new RoleStore <IdentityRole>(context); foreach (string role in roles) { IdentityRole identityRole = new IdentityRole { Name = role, NormalizedName = role.ToUpper() }; await roleStore.CreateAsync(identityRole); } } if (!context.Schools.Any()) { School maSchool = new School { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Ods Meester Aafjes", Email = "*****@*****.**", PostCode = "4194 RR Meteren", Street = "J.H. Lievense van Herwaardenstraat 2", Telephone = "0345 581 158", Url = "" }; School oeSchool = new School { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Obs Est", Email = "*****@*****.**", PostCode = "4185 NA EST", Street = "Dorpsstraat 3", Telephone = "0345-569481", Url = "" }; context.Schools.Add(maSchool); context.Schools.Add(oeSchool); context.SaveChanges(); } var schools = context.Schools.ToList(); if (!context.ApplicationUserGroups.Any()) { string[] maGroups = { "Groep 1/2a", "Groep 1/2b", "Groep 1/2c", "Groep 1/2d", "Groep 3a", "Groep 3b", "Groep 4a", "Groep 4b", "Groep 5a", "Groep 5b", "Groep 6a", "Groep 6b", "Groep 7a", "Groep 7b","Groep 8a", "Groep 8b", "Directie" }; string[] oeGroups = { "Groep 1-2-3", "Groep 4-5-6", "Groep 7-8" }; foreach (string group in maGroups) { context.ApplicationUserGroups.Add(new ApplicationUserGroup { GroupName = group, School = schools.First(s => s.Name == "Ods Meester Aafjes") }); context.SaveChanges(); } foreach (string group in oeGroups) { context.ApplicationUserGroups.Add(new ApplicationUserGroup { GroupName = group, School = schools.First(s => s.Name == "Obs Est") }); context.SaveChanges(); } context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.ConversationTypes.Any()) { var con1 = new ConversationType { ConversationDuration = 15, ConversationName = "Voortgangsgesprek", School = schools.First(s => s.Name == "Ods Meester Aafjes") }; var con2 = new ConversationType { ConversationDuration = 10, ConversationName = "Rapportgesprek", School = schools.First(s => s.Name == "Ods Meester Aafjes") }; context.ConversationTypes.Add(con1); context.ConversationTypes.Add(con2); context.SaveChanges(); var groupList1 = new List <ApplicationUserGroup> { context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 5), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 2), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 7) }; var groupList2 = new List <ApplicationUserGroup> { context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 15), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 13), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 9), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 4) }; foreach (var groupList in groupList1) { context.ConversationTypeClaims.Add(new ConversationTypeClaim { ConversationType = con1, Group = groupList }); } foreach (var groupList in groupList2) { context.ConversationTypeClaims.Add(new ConversationTypeClaim { ConversationType = con2, Group = groupList }); } } if (!context.ConversationPlanDates.Any()) { DateTime[] startDates = { new DateTime(2017, 5, 28), new DateTime(2017, 6, 2), new DateTime(2017, 6, 7), new DateTime(2017, 6, 20) }; DateTime[] endDates = { new DateTime(2017, 6, 8), new DateTime(2017, 6, 19), new DateTime(2017, 6, 29), new DateTime(2017, 7, 5) }; var groupList = new List <List <ApplicationUserGroup> >(); groupList.Add(new List <ApplicationUserGroup> { context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 4), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 7) }); groupList.Add(new List <ApplicationUserGroup> { context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 5), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 2), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 7) }); groupList.Add(new List <ApplicationUserGroup> { context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 15), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 13), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 9), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 4) }); groupList.Add(new List <ApplicationUserGroup> { context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 9), context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.Id == 8) }); for (int i = 0; i < startDates.Length; i++) { var planDate = new ConversationPlanDate { StartDate = startDates[i], EndDate = endDates[i], School = schools.First(s => s.Name == "Ods Meester Aafjes") }; context.ConversationPlanDates.Add(planDate); foreach (var group in groupList[i]) { context.ConversationPlanDateClaims.Add(new ConversationPlanDateClaim { ConversationPlanDate = planDate, Group = group }); } } } if (!context.Users.Any()) { var password = new PasswordHasher <ApplicationUser>(); var userStore = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(context); UserManager <ApplicationUser> _userManager = serviceProvider.GetService <UserManager <ApplicationUser> >(); string hashed; var owner = new ApplicationUser { Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", SecurityStamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D") }; owner.NormalizedEmail = owner.Email.ToUpper(); owner.NormalizedUserName = owner.UserName.ToUpper(); hashed = password.HashPassword(owner, "Dalton"); owner.PasswordHash = hashed; await userStore.CreateAsync(owner); await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(owner, "Eigenaar"); var schoolAdminMA = new ApplicationUser { Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", SecurityStamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"), School = schools.First(s => s.Name == "Ods Meester Aafjes") }; schoolAdminMA.NormalizedEmail = schoolAdminMA.Email.ToUpper(); schoolAdminMA.NormalizedUserName = schoolAdminMA.UserName.ToUpper(); hashed = password.HashPassword(schoolAdminMA, "Dalton"); schoolAdminMA.PasswordHash = hashed; await userStore.CreateAsync(schoolAdminMA); await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(schoolAdminMA, "Schooladmin"); var schoolAdminOE = new ApplicationUser { Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", SecurityStamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"), School = schools.First(s => s.Name == "Obs Est") }; schoolAdminOE.NormalizedEmail = schoolAdminOE.Email.ToUpper(); schoolAdminOE.NormalizedUserName = schoolAdminOE.UserName.ToUpper(); hashed = password.HashPassword(schoolAdminOE, "Dalton"); schoolAdminOE.PasswordHash = hashed; await userStore.CreateAsync(schoolAdminOE); await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(schoolAdminOE, "Schooladmin"); var teacher = new ApplicationUser { Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******", SecurityStamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"), Group = context.ApplicationUserGroups.First(g => g.GroupName == "Groep 6b"), School = schools.First(s => s.Name == "Ods Meester Aafjes") }; teacher.NormalizedEmail = teacher.Email.ToUpper(); teacher.NormalizedUserName = teacher.UserName.ToUpper(); hashed = password.HashPassword(teacher, "Dalton"); teacher.PasswordHash = hashed; await userStore.CreateAsync(teacher); await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(teacher, "Leraar"); } await context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public TeacherWrapperModel(User user, Teacher teacher, School okul) { this.user = user; this.teacher = teacher; this.okul = okul; }
public void Update(School school) { db.Entry(school).State = EntityState.Modified; }
public ActionResult Profile(tbl_schoolValidation sa) { School school = new School(); try { //loginTable l = new loginTable(); int userid = Convert.ToInt32((Session["school"])); var l = db.loginTables.FirstOrDefault(t => t.UserId == userid); if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (sa != null) { if (l != null) { Session["schoolName"] = sa.School_Name; l.UserId = userid; l.Name = sa.School_Name; l.Password = sa.Password; l.Email = sa.School_Email; l.RoleID = 2; db.Entry(l).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sa.UserImageFIle.FileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(sa.UserImageFIle.FileName); filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmssff") + extension; school.School_Image = "~/Content/img/users/" + filename; school.School_Name = sa.School_Name; school.School_Email = sa.School_Email; school.Password = sa.Password; school.School_Id = userid; if (extension.ToLower() == ".jpg" || extension.ToLower() == ".jpeg" || extension.ToLower() == ".png") { if (sa.UserImageFIle.ContentLength <= 1000000) { db.Entry(school).State = EntityState.Modified; string oldImgPath = Request.MapPath(Session["imgPath"].ToString()); if (db.SaveChanges() > 0) { filename = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/img/users/"), filename); sa.UserImageFIle.SaveAs(filename); if (System.IO.File.Exists(oldImgPath)) { System.IO.File.Delete(oldImgPath); } ViewBag.Message = "Data Updated"; return(RedirectToAction("Profile")); } } else { ViewBag.msg = "File Size must be Equal or less than 1mb"; } } else { ViewBag.msg = "Inavlid File Type"; } } //} else { school.School_Image = Session["imgPath"].ToString(); if (l != null) { Session["schoolName"] = sa.School_Name; l.UserId = userid; l.Name = sa.School_Name; l.Password = sa.Password; l.Email = sa.School_Email; l.RoleID = 2; db.Entry(l).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } school.School_Name = sa.School_Name; school.School_Email = sa.School_Email; school.Password = sa.Password; school.School_Id = userid; db.Entry(school).State = EntityState.Modified; if (db.SaveChanges() > 0) { ViewBag.Message = "Data Updated"; return(RedirectToAction("Profile")); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Message = "Not Updated"; return(View()); } return(View()); }
public void Delete(int id) { School school = db.Schools.Find(id); db.Schools.Remove(school); }
public bool UserOpinionExists(int userId, School school) => school != null?school.Opinions.Any(o => o.UserId == userId) : false;
public void Insert(School school) { db.Schools.Add(school); }
public SchoolModel(School model) : base(model) { LoadFromModel(model); }
public void School_ConstructorTest() { School myTestSchool = new School(); Assert.IsNotNull(myTestSchool); }
public void TestSchool() { School academy = new School(); Assert.AreEqual(this.RetutnInfo(0, 0), academy.ShowInformationAboutSchool()); }
private void CreateData() { if (this._userData == null) { return; } User user = this._userData.user; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._userData.Activity) || this._userData.AdminLevel > 1) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem() { Items = new List <ProfileInfoItem>() { (ProfileInfoItem) new StatusItem((IProfileData)this._userData) } }); } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList1 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.bdate)) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new BirthdayItem(this._userData)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.home_town)) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new HomeTownItem(user.home_town)); } Occupation occupation = user.occupation; if (occupation != null) { string str =; if (occupation.type == && user.universities != null) { University university = (University)Enumerable.FirstOrDefault <University>(user.universities, (Func <University, bool>)(u => ==; if (university != null && university.graduation > 0) { str = string.Format("{0} '{1:00}",, (university.graduation % 100)); } } else if (occupation.type == && user.schools != null) { List <School> .Enumerator enumerator = user.schools.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { School current = enumerator.Current; long result; if (long.TryParse(, out result) && result == && current.year_graduated > 0) { str = string.Format("{0} '{1:00}",, (current.year_graduated % 100)); } } } finally { enumerator.Dispose(); } } = str; profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem)OccupationItem.GetOccupationItem(occupation, this._userData.occupationGroup)); } if (this._userData.user.relation != 0) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new RelationshipItem(this._userData)); } if (user.personal != null && !((IList)user.personal.langs).IsNullOrEmpty()) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new LanguagesItem(this._userData)); } if (user.relatives != null && user.relatives.Count > 0) { List <Relative> relatives1 = user.relatives; List <User> relatives2 = this._userData.relatives; List <Relative> list1 = (List <Relative>)Enumerable.ToList <Relative>(Enumerable.Where <Relative>(relatives1, (Func <Relative, bool>)(r => r.type == RelativeType.grandparent))); if (!((IList)list1).IsNullOrEmpty()) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new GrandparentsItem((IEnumerable <Relative>)list1, relatives2)); } List <Relative> list2 = (List <Relative>)Enumerable.ToList <Relative>(Enumerable.Where <Relative>(relatives1, (Func <Relative, bool>)(r => r.type == RelativeType.parent))); if (!((IList)list2).IsNullOrEmpty()) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new ParentsItem((IEnumerable <Relative>)list2, relatives2)); } List <Relative> list3 = (List <Relative>)Enumerable.ToList <Relative>(Enumerable.Where <Relative>(relatives1, (Func <Relative, bool>)(r => r.type == RelativeType.sibling))); if (!((IList)list3).IsNullOrEmpty()) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new SiblingsItem((IEnumerable <Relative>)list3, relatives2)); } List <Relative> list4 = (List <Relative>)Enumerable.ToList <Relative>(Enumerable.Where <Relative>(relatives1, (Func <Relative, bool>)(r => r.type == RelativeType.child))); if (!((IList)list4).IsNullOrEmpty()) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new ChildrenItem((IEnumerable <Relative>)list4, relatives2)); } List <Relative> list5 = (List <Relative>)Enumerable.ToList <Relative>(Enumerable.Where <Relative>(relatives1, (Func <Relative, bool>)(r => r.type == RelativeType.grandchild))); if (!((IList)list5).IsNullOrEmpty()) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new GrandchildrenItem((IEnumerable <Relative>)list5, relatives2)); } } if (profileInfoItemList1.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem() { Items = profileInfoItemList1 }); } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList2 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>(); profileInfoItemList2.AddRange((IEnumerable <ProfileInfoItem>)PhoneItem.GetPhones(this._userData)); if ( != null) { profileInfoItemList2.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CityItem(; } profileInfoItemList2.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new VKSocialNetworkItem((IProfileData)this._userData)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { profileInfoItemList2.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new SkypeSocialNetworkItem(; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.facebook)) { profileInfoItemList2.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new FacebookSocialNetworkItem(user.facebook, user.facebook_name)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.twitter)) { profileInfoItemList2.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new TwitterSocialNetworkItem(user.twitter)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.instagram)) { profileInfoItemList2.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new InstagramSocialNetworkItem(user.instagram)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { profileInfoItemList2.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new SiteItem(; } if (profileInfoItemList2.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_ContactInformation) { Items = profileInfoItemList2 }); } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList3 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>(); profileInfoItemList3.AddRange((IEnumerable <ProfileInfoItem>)UniversityItem.GetUniversities(user.universities, this._userData.universityGroups)); profileInfoItemList3.AddRange((IEnumerable <ProfileInfoItem>)SchoolItem.GetSchools(user.schools, this._userData.schoolGroups)); if (profileInfoItemList3.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Education.ToUpperInvariant()) { Items = profileInfoItemList3 }); } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList4 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>(); UserPersonal personal = user.personal; if (personal != null) { if (personal.political > 0 && personal.political <= 9) { profileInfoItemList4.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new PoliticalViewsItem(personal.political)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(personal.religion)) { profileInfoItemList4.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new WorldViewItem(personal.religion)); } if (personal.life_main > 0 && personal.life_main <= 8) { profileInfoItemList4.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new PersonalPriorityItem(personal.life_main)); } if (personal.people_main > 0 && personal.people_main <= 6) { profileInfoItemList4.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new ImportantInOthersItem(personal.people_main)); } if (personal.smoking > 0 && personal.smoking <= 5) { profileInfoItemList4.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new BadHabitsItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_ViewsOnSmoking, personal.smoking)); } if (personal.alcohol > 0 && personal.alcohol <= 5) { profileInfoItemList4.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new BadHabitsItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_ViewsOnAlcohol, personal.alcohol)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(personal.inspired_by)) { profileInfoItemList4.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_InspiredBy, personal.inspired_by, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } } if (profileInfoItemList4.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Beliefs) { Items = profileInfoItemList4 }); } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList5 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.activities)) { profileInfoItemList5.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Activities, user.activities, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.interests)) { profileInfoItemList5.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Interests, user.interests, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { profileInfoItemList5.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Music,, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.movies)) { profileInfoItemList5.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Movies, user.movies, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { profileInfoItemList5.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_TV,, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.books)) { profileInfoItemList5.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Books, user.books, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { profileInfoItemList5.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Games,, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.quotes)) { profileInfoItemList5.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Quotes, user.quotes, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.about)) { profileInfoItemList5.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_About, user.about, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (profileInfoItemList5.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_PersonalInfomation) { Items = profileInfoItemList5 }); } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList6 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>(); if (!((IList)user.military).IsNullOrEmpty()) { profileInfoItemList6.AddRange((IEnumerable <ProfileInfoItem>)MilitaryItem.GetMilitaryItems(user.military, this._userData.militaryCountries)); if (profileInfoItemList6.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_MilitaryService) { Items = profileInfoItemList6 }); } } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList7 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>(); CareerData careerData = this._userData.careerData; if (careerData != null && !((IList)careerData.Items).IsNullOrEmpty()) { profileInfoItemList7.AddRange((IEnumerable <ProfileInfoItem>)CareerItem.GetCareerItems(careerData.Items, careerData.Cities, careerData.Groups)); if (profileInfoItemList7.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Career) { Items = profileInfoItemList7 }); } } if (this.InfoSections.Count <= 0) { return; } ((ProfileInfoSectionItem)Enumerable.Last <ProfileInfoSectionItem>(this.InfoSections)).DividerVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }
public void GetDropDowns(School school = null) { }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //01 School school = new School(); school.num_students = 108; school.num_boys = 60; school.num_girls = 48; school.num_Junior = 42; school.num_Middle = 36; school.num_Senior = 30; school.boysMuch_Middle = 4; school.boysMuch_Senior = 0; //02 Work_02(ref school); //03 Book black = new Book(); black.cost_Junior = 1900; black.cost_Middle = 1900; black.cost_Senior = 1900; Book white = new Book(); white.cost_Junior = 2500; white.cost_Middle = 2200; white.cost_Senior = 2000; //04 Travel travel = new Travel(); = black; travel.white = white; Work_04(ref school, ref travel); //05 Weapon redSword = new Weapon() { color = "red", name = "RedSward", length = 20, width = 4, attack = 80, defend = 20 }; Weapon blueShield = new Weapon() { color = "blue", name = "BlueShield", length = 15, width = 15, attack = 30, defend = 90 }; //06 int a = AreaWeapon(ref redSword) + AreaWeapon(ref blueShield); Debug.Log("面积之和:" + a + "平方寸"); //07 RedLightAttack(1000, ref redSword, ref blueShield); //08 Bottle_Price bp = new Bottle_Price(); bp.generation_Price = new int[14]; bp.generation_Price[0] = 4000; bp.generation_Price[1] = 4000 / 2; bp.generation_Price[2] = 4000 / 2 * 10; bp.generation_Price[3] = 4000 / 2 * 10; //09 Work_09(ref bp); //10 Work_10(ref school, ref travel, ref bp); }
public void Add(School s) { context.Schools.Add(s); context.SaveChanges(); }
public async Task ImportExcelToDatabase(string filePath) { // store excel data in datatable DataTable data = ExcelToDatatable(filePath); // storage for failed rows DataTable failedRows = new DataTable(); // store error messages in a list List <string> failedErrorMsgs = new List <string>(); // set column headers for failedRows foreach (DataColumn column in data.Columns) { failedRows.Columns.Add(column.ColumnName, column.DataType); } await _context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync(); int successful = 0; int duplicate = 0; int failed = 0; foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows) { try { // add Faculty Information Faculty faculty = new Faculty(); faculty.Name = row["Availability Owning Org Unit Name"].ToString(); //Above COlumn does not exists in the excel provided and exception is thrown //faculty.Name = row["Faculty"].ToString(); int latestFacultyId; if (!_context.Faculty.Any(x => x.Name == faculty.Name)) { _context.Faculty.Add(faculty); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); latestFacultyId = faculty.Id; } else { latestFacultyId = _context.Faculty.ToList <Faculty>().Find(x => x.Name.Equals(faculty.Name)).Id; } // Add school information School school = new School(); school.Faculty = latestFacultyId; school.Name = row["Availability Teaching Parent Org Unit Name"].ToString(); int latestSchoolId; if (!_context.School.Any(x => x.Name == school.Name)) { _context.School.Add(school); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); latestSchoolId = school.Id; } else { latestSchoolId = _context.School.ToList <School>().Find(x => x.Name.Equals(school.Name)).Id; } // Add Department information Department department = new Department(); department.School = latestSchoolId; department.Name = row["Availability Teaching Org Unit Name"].ToString(); int latestDepartmentId; if (!_context.Department.Any(x => x.Name == department.Name)) { _context.Department.Add(department); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); latestDepartmentId = department.Id; } else { latestDepartmentId = _context.Department.ToList <Department>().Find(x => x.Name.Equals(department.Name)).Id; } // Add Unit information. Unit unit = new Unit(); unit.Department = latestDepartmentId; unit.UnitCode = row["Study Package Code"].ToString(); unit.UnitName = row["Unit Title"].ToString(); unit.UnitLink = row["Unit Link"].ToString(); int latestUnitId; if (!_context.Unit.Any(x => x.UnitCode == unit.UnitCode)) { _context.Unit.Add(unit); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); latestUnitId = unit.Id; } else { latestUnitId = _context.Unit.ToList <Unit>().Find(x => x.UnitCode.Equals(unit.UnitCode)).Id; } // Add Class information. Class aClass = new Class(); aClass.UnitId = latestUnitId; aClass.ClassType = row["Activities Activity Type"].ToString(); aClass.Location = row["Activities Location"].ToString(); aClass.Year = row["Activities Availability Year"].ToString(); aClass.StudyPeriod = row["Activities Study Period"].ToString(); aClass.DayOfWeek = row["Activities Class Start Day"].ToString(); CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("es-ES"); aClass.StartDate = DateTime.Parse(row["Activities Class Start Date"].ToString(), culture); aClass.StartTimeScheduled = TimeSpan.Parse(row["Activities Class Start Time"].ToString()); aClass.EndTimeScheduled = TimeSpan.Parse(row["Activities Class Session Class End Time"].ToString()); aClass.roomDetails = row["Activities Class Building Id"].ToString() + row["Activities Class Room Id"].ToString(); // Duplicate entry check. If this row already exist in the database, skip this row. if (!_context.Class.Any(x => x.UnitId == aClass.UnitId && x.ClassType == aClass.ClassType && x.Location == aClass.Location && x.Year == aClass.Year && x.StudyPeriod == aClass.StudyPeriod && x.DayOfWeek == aClass.DayOfWeek && x.StartDate == aClass.StartDate && x.StartTimeScheduled == aClass.StartTimeScheduled && x.EndTimeScheduled == aClass.EndTimeScheduled && x.roomDetails == aClass.roomDetails)) { _context.Class.Add(aClass); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); successful++; } else { duplicate++; } } catch (Exception ex) { failedRows.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray); failed++; failedErrorMsgs.Add(ex.Message); } } TempData["StatusMessage"] = successful + " rows entered successfully, " + duplicate + " duplicate entries ignored, " + failed + " failed."; if (failed > 0) // used to set link to download failed data { var fileName = FailedDataToExcel(failedRows, failedErrorMsgs); TempData["FileName"] = fileName; } }
public static new SchoolViewData Create(School school) { return(new SchoolViewData(school)); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); School.MainWindow = this; School.LoadAll(); }
// GET: Studentdetails public IActionResult Index() { return(View(School.GetStudentInfoByEmailAddress(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name))); }
public ActionResult CreateForDivisionFast([Bind(Include = "SchoolId,SchoolName,ParticipantName,DivisionId,TournamentId")] FastParticipant fastParticipant) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fastParticipant.ParticipantName) || (fastParticipant.SchoolId == Guid.Empty && string.IsNullOrEmpty(fastParticipant.SchoolName))) { return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Divisions", new { id = fastParticipant.DivisionId })); } var tournament = db.Tournaments.Include(t => t.Schools).Include(t => t.Participants).Where(t => t.TournamentId == fastParticipant.TournamentId).FirstOrDefault(); School school = null; if (fastParticipant.SchoolId == Guid.Empty) { school = tournament.Schools.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name.Equals(fastParticipant.SchoolName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (school == null) { school = new School { Name = fastParticipant.SchoolName, SchoolId = Guid.NewGuid(), Tournament = tournament, TournamentId = fastParticipant.TournamentId }; tournament.Schools.Add(school); } ; } else { school = db.Schools.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SchoolId == fastParticipant.SchoolId); } var participant = new Participant { Name = fastParticipant.ParticipantName, School = school, SchoolId = school.SchoolId, Tournament = tournament, TournamentId = fastParticipant.TournamentId, Dummy = false, ParticipantId = Guid.NewGuid() }; school.Participants.Add(participant); tournament.Participants.Add(participant); db.SaveChanges(); var transferDivision = db.Divisions.Find(fastParticipant.DivisionId); if (transferDivision != null) { var maxOrderID = transferDivision.ParticipantDivisionInts.Any() ? transferDivision.ParticipantDivisionInts.Max(pdi => pdi.OrderId) : 0; transferDivision.ParticipantDivisionInts.Add(new ParticipantDivisionInt() { ParticipantDivisionIntId = Guid.NewGuid(), ParticipantId = participant.ParticipantId, DivisionId = fastParticipant.DivisionId, OrderId = maxOrderID + 1 }); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Divisions", new { id = fastParticipant.DivisionId })); }
public void Remove(School obj) { _schools.Remove(obj); }
protected SchoolViewData(School school) : base(school) { StudyCenterEnabledTill = school.StudyCenterEnabledTill; IsMessagingDisabled = school.IsMessagingDisabled; IsAssessmentEnabled = school.IsAssessmentEnabled; }
public static School AddStudent(this School sc, Student stud) { sc.Students.Add(stud); return(sc); }
public IActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { School.RemoveStudent(id); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public static School AddLocation(this School sc, string location) { sc.Location = location; return(sc); }
public void Add(School obj) { _schools.Add(obj); }