private Schematic ProcessShaderPatina(Schematic schematic)
            using (ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar())
                int          index        = 0;
                List <Voxel> allVoxels    = schematic.GetAllVoxels();
                int          colorChanged = 0;
                foreach (Voxel voxel in allVoxels)
                    if (Grows(schematic, voxel))
                        uint newColor = GetCrowColor(schematic, voxel);
                        if (voxel.Color != newColor)
                            schematic.ReplaceVoxel(voxel, newColor);

                    progressBar.Report(index++ / (float)(allVoxels.Count));
                Console.WriteLine("COLOR CHANGED: " + colorChanged);

                if (colorChanged == 0)
                    mShouldBreak = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("[INFO] NO COLORS CHANGED, BREAK");

Exemple #2
        public async Task <Schematic> CreateSchematicAsync(Schematic schematic, string forkedFrom, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var definition = _StringSerializer.Serialize(schematic);

            var results = await DefineCommand(
                "INSERT INTO Schematics (SchematicName, ForkedFrom, InitialState, Schematic) " +
                "VALUES (@SchematicName, @ForkedFrom, @InitialState, @Schematic);" +
                "\r\n\r\n" +
                "SELECT * FROM Schematics WHERE SchematicName = @SchematicName")
                          .WithResultsAs <SchematicRecord>()
                          .ExecuteAsync(DatabaseManagerPool.DatabaseManager, new
                ForkedFrom = forkedFrom,
                Schematic = definition
            }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var schematicRecord = results.Single();

            var schematicResult = _StringSerializer.Deserialize <Schematic>(schematicRecord.Schematic);

        private uint GetCrowColor(Schematic schematic, Voxel voxel)
            float distance = MinDistanceToWall(schematic, voxel, mShaderPatina.Thickness);
            float index    = mShaderPatina.TargetColorIndex + mShaderPatina.AdditionalColorRange * (distance / MathF.Sqrt(MathF.Pow(mShaderPatina.Thickness, 2) * 3));

        protected HashSet <Voxel> FillHoles(uint[,,] blocks, Schematic schematic)
            Console.WriteLine("[LOG] Started to fill holes...");
            int max   = schematic.Width * schematic.Height * schematic.Length * 2;
            int index = 0;

            using (ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar())
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    for (ushort y = 0; y < schematic.Height; y++)
                        for (ushort z = 0; z < schematic.Length; z++)
                            for (ushort x = 0; x < schematic.Width; x++)
                                if (blocks[x, y, z] == 0 && x > 0 && x <= schematic.Width && y > 0 && y <= schematic.Height && z > 0 && z <= schematic.Length)
                                    blocks = Check1X1X1Hole(blocks, x, y, z);
                                    blocks = Check1X2X1Hole(blocks, x, y, z);
                                    blocks = Check2X1X1Hole(blocks, x, y, z);
                                    blocks = Check1X1X2Hole(blocks, x, y, z);

                                progressBar.Report(index / (float)max);

            Console.WriteLine("[LOG] Done.");
Exemple #5
        public Schematic WriteSchematic()
            Schematic finalSchematic = new Schematic();

            if (mSchematic != null)
                finalSchematic = new Schematic(mSchematic.GetAllVoxels());

            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Count steps: " + mHeightmapData.Steps.Length);
            for (int index = 0; index < mHeightmapData.Steps.Length; index++)
                Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Start parse heightmap for step : " + index);
                HeightmapStep step = mHeightmapData.Steps[index];

                Bitmap bitmap      = new Bitmap(new FileInfo(step.TexturePath).FullName);
                Bitmap bitmapColor = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(step.ColorTexturePath))
                    bitmapColor = new Bitmap(new FileInfo(step.ColorTexturePath).FullName);

                Schematic schematicStep = ImageUtils.WriteSchematicFromImage(bitmap, bitmapColor, step);
                finalSchematic = SchematicMerger.Merge(finalSchematic, schematicStep, step);

        //For now we're assuming (probably ignorantly) that schematics don't have the same block count issues as structures.
        //If this gives weird counts, then we need to refactor the nbt reading to take the things in those straight brackets as properties
        //and turn them into structure style blocks. Then we need to use the structure version of determine block count.
        private Dictionary <int, int> SetBlockCounts(Schematic schematic, Dictionary <int, int> itemDictionary)
            foreach (int block in schematic.BlockData)
                var blockPalette = schematic.Palette.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SchemBlockId == block);

                string blockMinecraftId = null;
                if (blockPalette != null)
                    blockMinecraftId = blockPalette.MinecraftId;

                if (blockMinecraftId == null)

                var blockId = blockMinecraftId.GetItemId();
                var palette = schematic.Palette.First(x => x.SchemBlockId == block);

                if (blockMinecraftId.Contains("slab") && !palette.Properties.Values.Contains("top"))
                    var truth = "Her I am";

                itemDictionary = ParsePropertyBasedCounts(itemDictionary, palette, blockId);

        protected HashSet <Voxel> FixLonelyVoxels(uint[,,] blocks, Schematic schematic)
            Console.WriteLine("[LOG] Started to delete lonely voxels...");
            int max   = schematic.Width * schematic.Height * schematic.Length * 2;
            int index = 0;

            using (ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar())
                for (ushort y = 0; y < schematic.Height; y++)
                    for (ushort z = 0; z < schematic.Length; z++)
                        for (ushort x = 0; x < schematic.Width; x++)
                            if (blocks[x, y, z] != 0 && x > 0 && x < schematic.Width && y > 0 && y < schematic.Height && z > 0 && z < schematic.Length)
                                if (blocks[x - 1, y, z] == 0 && blocks[x + 1, y, z] == 0 && blocks[x, y - 1, z] == 0 && blocks[x, y + 1, z] == 0 && blocks[x, y, z - 1] == 0 && blocks[x, y, z + 1] == 0)
                                    blocks[x, y, z] = 0;

                            progressBar.Report(index / (float)max);
            Console.WriteLine("[LOG] Done.");
Exemple #8
        private static bool SchematicToVox(AbstractToSchematic converter)
            Schematic schematic = converter.WriteSchematic();

            Console.WriteLine($"[INFO] Vox Width: {schematic.Width}");
            Console.WriteLine($"[INFO] Vox Length: {schematic.Length}");
            Console.WriteLine($"[INFO] Vox Height: {schematic.Height}");

            if (schematic.Width > Schematic.MAX_WORLD_WIDTH || schematic.Length > Schematic.MAX_WORLD_LENGTH || schematic.Height > Schematic.MAX_WORLD_HEIGHT)
                Console.WriteLine("[ERROR] Model is too big ! MagicaVoxel can't support model bigger than 2000x2000x1000");

            VoxWriter writer = new VoxWriter();

            if (INPUT_PALETTE_FILE != null)
                PaletteSchematicConverter converterPalette = new PaletteSchematicConverter(INPUT_PALETTE_FILE);
                schematic = converterPalette.ConvertSchematic(schematic);
                return(writer.WriteModel(FormatOutputDestination(OUTPUT_PATH), converterPalette.GetPalette(), schematic));

            if (INPUT_SHADER_FILE != null)
                JsonToSchematic jsonParser = new JsonToSchematic(INPUT_SHADER_FILE, schematic);
                schematic = jsonParser.WriteSchematic();

            return(writer.WriteModel(FormatOutputDestination(OUTPUT_PATH), null, schematic));
Exemple #9
        private void viewDXF(string source)
            DXFFile fileRep = new DXFFile(source);

            drawing = new Schematic(fileRep, this, mainCanvas);
        public override Schematic WriteSchematic()
            List <Voxel> list      = Quantization.ApplyQuantization(mSchematic.GetAllVoxels(), ColorLimit);
            Schematic    schematic = new Schematic(list);

 protected void AddMultipleBlocks(ref Schematic schematic, int minZ, int maxZ, int x, int y, Color color)
     for (int z = minZ; z < maxZ; z++)
         AddBlock(ref schematic, new Voxel((ushort)x, (ushort)z, (ushort)y, color.ColorToUInt()));
Exemple #12
        private Schematic Convert(List <VoxelDTO> voxels)
            int minX = voxels.Min(x => x.X);
            int minY = voxels.Min(x => x.Y);
            int minZ = voxels.Min(x => x.Z);

            Schematic schematic = new Schematic();

            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Started to write schematic from qb...");
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Qb Width: " + schematic.Width);
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Qb Length: " + schematic.Length);
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Qb Height: " + schematic.Height);
            using (ProgressBar progressbar = new ProgressBar())
                for (var index = 0; index < voxels.Count; index++)
                    VoxelDTO voxel = voxels[index];
                    voxel.X -= minX;
                    voxel.Y -= minY;
                    voxel.Z -= minZ;
                    ushort x = (ushort)voxel.X;
                    ushort y = (ushort)voxel.Y;
                    ushort z = (ushort)voxel.Z;

                    schematic.AddVoxel(x, y, z, FctExtensions.ByteArrayToUInt(voxel.R, voxel.G, voxel.B, 1));
                    progressbar.Report((index / (float)voxels.Count));
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Done.");

Exemple #13
        public SchematicIterator(ConstructionArea area, string schematicName, Schematic.Rotation rotation)
            this.area = area;

            positionMin = area.Minimum;
            positionMax = area.Maximum;

            iterationChunkLocation = positionMin;
            cursor = positionMin;

            SchematicName = schematicName;

            if (SchematicReader.TryGetSchematic(SchematicName, area.Owner.ColonyID, iterationChunkLocation, out var schematic))
                BuilderSchematic = schematic;

                if (rotation >= Schematic.Rotation.Right)

                if (rotation >= Schematic.Rotation.Back)

                if (rotation >= Schematic.Rotation.Left)
        public override Schematic WriteSchematic()
            float minX = _blocks.MinBy(t => t.X).X;
            float minY = _blocks.MinBy(t => t.Y).Y;
            float minZ = _blocks.MinBy(t => t.Z).Z;

            float maxX = _blocks.MaxBy(t => t.X).X;
            float maxY = _blocks.MaxBy(t => t.Y).Y;
            float maxZ = _blocks.MaxBy(t => t.Z).Z;

            Schematic schematic = new Schematic()
                Length = (ushort)(Math.Abs(maxZ - minZ)),
                Width  = (ushort)(Math.Abs(maxX - minX)),
                Heigth = (ushort)(Math.Abs(maxY - minY)),
                Blocks = new HashSet <Block>()

            LoadedSchematic.LengthSchematic = schematic.Length;
            LoadedSchematic.WidthSchematic  = schematic.Width;
            LoadedSchematic.HeightSchematic = schematic.Heigth;
            List <Block> list = Quantization.ApplyQuantization(_blocks);

            list.ApplyOffset(new Vector3(minX, minY, minZ));
            HashSet <Block> hashSet = list.ToHashSet();

            //RemoveHoles(ref hashSet, schematic);
            schematic.Blocks = hashSet;

        /// <summary>
        /// BitmapをSchematicに変換
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmap"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TagCompound ToSchematic(Bitmap bitmap)
            var schematic = new Schematic(bitmap.Width, 1, bitmap.Height);
            var result    = Convert(bitmap);

            for (var y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; x++)
                    var blockColor = result[x, y];

                        var block = AnvilImprovedDataProvider.Instance.GetBlock("minecraft:" + blockColor.BlockName);
                        schematic.SetBlock(x, 0, y, block.DefaultBlockSet);
                    catch (Exception)

Exemple #16
        public async Task BulkCreateMachineFromSchematicAsync()
            // Arrange
            var schematic = new Schematic <string, string>
                SchematicName = "schematic name",
                InitialState  = "initial state",
                States        = new[] { new State <string, string> {
                                            Value = "initial state"
                                        } }
            var schematicBytes     = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(schematic, ContractlessStandardResolver.Instance);
            var metadataEnumerable = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
            var firstKey           = "first key";
            var firstValue         = "first value";
            var firstMetadataEntry = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { firstKey, firstValue }
            var secondKey           = "second key";
            var secondValue         = "second value";
            var secondMetadataEntry = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { secondKey, secondValue }


            .Setup(_ => _.BulkCreateMachineFromSchematicAsync <string, string>(
                       It.Is <Schematic <string, string> >(it => it.SchematicName == schematic.SchematicName),
                       It.IsAny <IEnumerable <IDictionary <string, string> > >(),
                       It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
                         new BulkCreateMachineResponse
                MachineIds = new[] { "a", "b" }

            // Act
            var response = await _stateMachineServiceMock.Object
                           .BulkCreateMachineFromSchematicAsync(new BulkCreateMachineFromSchematicRequest
                SchematicBytes = schematicBytes,
                Metadata       = metadataEnumerable

            // Assert
            // Note: first parameter has to be checked for It.Is, other parameters CANNOT or the verify will fail
                expression: _ => _.BulkCreateMachineFromSchematicAsync(
                    It.Is <Schematic <string, string> >(it => it.SchematicName == schematic.SchematicName),
                times: Times.Once());

            Assert.Collection(response.MachineIds, Assert.NotNull, Assert.NotNull);
            Assert.Collection(response.MachineIds, machineId => Assert.Equal("a", machineId), machineId => Assert.Equal("b", machineId));
Exemple #17
        public Schematic ApplyShader(Schematic schematic, ShaderStep shaderStep)
            List <Voxel> allVoxels = schematic.GetAllVoxels();

            int index = 0;

            using (ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar())
                foreach (Voxel voxel in allVoxels)
                    int x = voxel.X;
                    int y = voxel.Y;
                    int z = voxel.Z;

                    if (x == 0 || y == 0 || z == 0)

                    if (schematic.GetColorAtVoxelIndex(x - 1, y, z) == 0 &&
                        schematic.GetColorAtVoxelIndex(x + 1, y, z) == 0 &&
                        schematic.GetColorAtVoxelIndex(x, y - 1, z) == 0 &&
                        schematic.GetColorAtVoxelIndex(x, y + 1, z) == 0 &&
                        schematic.GetColorAtVoxelIndex(x, y, z - 1) == 0 &&
                        schematic.GetColorAtVoxelIndex(x, y, z + 1) == 0)
                        schematic.RemoveVoxel(x, y, z);

                    progressBar.Report(index++ / (float)allVoxels.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Done.");
Exemple #18
        public async Task GetSchematicAsync()
            // Arrange
            var schematicName = "schematic name";
            var schematic     = new Schematic <string, string> {
                SchematicName = "schematic name"
            var schematicBytes = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(schematic, ContractlessStandardResolver.Instance);

            .Setup(_ => _.GetSchematicAsync <string, string>(
                       It.Is <string>(it => it == schematicName),
                       It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .ReturnsAsync(new GetSchematicResponse
                SchematicBytes = schematicBytes

            // Act
            var response = await _stateMachineServiceMock.Object
                           .GetSchematicAsync(new GetSchematicRequest
                SchematicName = schematicName

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(schematicBytes, response.SchematicBytes);
        public Schematic ConvertSchematic(Schematic schematic)
            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Started to convert all colors of blocks to match the palette");
            Schematic              newSchematic      = new Schematic(GetPaletteUint());
            List <uint>            colors            = schematic.UsedColors;
            Dictionary <uint, int> paletteDictionary = new Dictionary <uint, int>();

            foreach (uint color in colors)
                int index = ColorComparison.CompareColorRGB(_colors, color.UIntToColor());
                paletteDictionary[color] = index;

            using (ProgressBar progressbar = new ProgressBar())
                int          i         = 0;
                List <Voxel> allVoxels = schematic.GetAllVoxels();
                foreach (Voxel block in allVoxels)
                    newSchematic.AddVoxel(block.X, block.Y, block.Z,
                    progressbar.Report(i++ / (float)allVoxels.Count);

            Console.WriteLine("[INFO] Done.");
Exemple #20
 private void AddMultipleBlocks(ref Schematic schematic, int minZ, int maxZ, int x, int y, Color color)
     for (int z = minZ; z < maxZ; z++)
         AddBlock(ref schematic, new Block((short)x, (short)z, (short)y, color.ColorToUInt()));
        public override Schematic WriteSchematic()
            float minX = _blocks.MinBy(t => t.X).X;
            float minY = _blocks.MinBy(t => t.Y).Y;
            float minZ = _blocks.MinBy(t => t.Z).Z;

            Schematic schematic = new Schematic();

            List <Voxel> list = Quantization.ApplyQuantization(_blocks, _colorLimit);

            list.ApplyOffset(new Vector3(minX, minY, minZ));
            HashSet <Voxel> hashSet = list.ToHashSet();

            if (_holes)
                hashSet = FillHoles(hashSet.To3DArray(schematic), schematic);
            if (_flood)
                hashSet = FillInvisiblesVoxels(hashSet.To3DArray(schematic), schematic);
            if (_lonely)
                hashSet = FixLonelyVoxels(hashSet.To3DArray(schematic), schematic);
            schematic.Blocks = hashSet;

Exemple #22
        private static void SchematicToVox(AbstractToSchematic converter, string outputPath)
            Schematic schematic = converter.WriteSchematic();

            Console.WriteLine($"[INFO] Vox Width: {schematic.Width}");
            Console.WriteLine($"[INFO] Vox Length: {schematic.Length}");
            Console.WriteLine($"[INFO] Vox Height: {schematic.Height}");

            if (schematic.Width > MAX_WORLD_WIDTH || schematic.Length > MAX_WORLD_LENGTH || schematic.Height > MAX_WORLD_HEIGHT)
                Console.WriteLine("[ERROR] Voxel model is too big ! MagicaVoxel can't support model bigger than 2000^3");

            VoxWriter writer = new VoxWriter();

            if (_inputPaletteFile != null)
                PaletteSchematicConverter converterPalette = new PaletteSchematicConverter(_inputPaletteFile, _colorLimit);
                schematic = converterPalette.ConvertSchematic(schematic);
                writer.WriteModel(_chunkSize, outputPath + ".vox", converterPalette.GetPalette(), schematic);
                writer.WriteModel(_chunkSize, outputPath + ".vox", null, schematic);
        private Schematic GetSchematic()
            int width           = Math.Min(Math.Max(TerrainEnvironment.Instance.WorldTerrainData.Width, TerrainEnvironment.Instance.WorldTerrainData.Length), 2000);
            int chunkXZDistance = width / 2;
            int chunkYDistance  = 1000 / 2;

            int visibleXMin = -chunkXZDistance;
            int visibleXMax = chunkXZDistance - 1;

            int visibleZMin = -chunkXZDistance;
            int visibleZMax = chunkXZDistance - 1;

            int visibleYMin = -chunkYDistance;
            int visibleYMax = chunkYDistance - 1;

            uint[,,] voxels = TerrainEnvironment.Instance.GetVoxels(new Vector3(visibleXMin, visibleYMin, visibleZMin), new Vector3(visibleXMax, visibleYMax, visibleZMax));
            Schematic schematic = new Schematic();

            for (int y = 0; y < voxels.GetLength(0); y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < voxels.GetLength(1); z++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < voxels.GetLength(2); x++)
                        if (voxels[y, z, x] != 0)
                            schematic.Blocks.Add(new Voxel((ushort)x, (ushort)y, (ushort)z, voxels[y, z, x]));

Exemple #24
        public string PreviewDiagram(Schematic schematic)
            var machine = _stateMachineFactory
                          .ConstructFromConfiguration(_apiKey, null, schematic);

        private float DistanceAverage(Schematic schematic, Voxel currentVoxel, List <Voxel> voxels)
            float sum = voxels.Where(v => v != null).Aggregate <Voxel, float>(0, (current, voxel) => current + Distance(schematic.GetPaletteIndex(currentVoxel.Color), schematic.GetPaletteIndex(voxel.Color)));

            sum /= voxels.Count(v => v != null);
Exemple #26
        public Schematic ApplyShader(Schematic schematic, ShaderStep shaderStep)
            ShaderFill shaderFill = shaderStep as ShaderFill;

            if (shaderFill.TargetColorIndex == -1)
                schematic = ProcessSchematicInDeleteMode(schematic, shaderFill);
                switch (shaderFill.RotationMode)
                case RotationMode.X:
                    schematic = ProcessSchematicInXAxis(schematic, shaderFill);

                case RotationMode.Y:
                    schematic = ProcessSchematicInYAxis(schematic, shaderFill);

                case RotationMode.Z:
                    schematic = ProcessSchematicInZAxis(schematic, shaderFill);

Exemple #27
        private float MinDistanceToWall(Schematic schematic, Voxel voxel, int distance)
            float minDistance = distance + 1;

            for (int x = -distance; x <= distance; x++)
                for (int y = -distance; y <= distance; y++)
                    for (int z = -distance; z <= distance; z++)
                        if (schematic.GetVoxel(voxel.X + x, voxel.Y + y, voxel.Z + z, out Voxel foundVoxel))
                            if (!IsGrowColor(schematic, foundVoxel))
                                float d = MathF.Sqrt(MathF.Pow(x, 2) + MathF.Pow(y, 2) + MathF.Pow(z, 2));
                                if (minDistance > d)
                                    minDistance = d;

Exemple #28
        private Schematic ProcessSchematicInXAxis(Schematic schematic, ShaderFill shaderFill)
            int  min   = shaderFill.Limit;
            uint color = schematic.GetColorAtPaletteIndex(shaderFill.TargetColorIndex);

            for (int y = 0; y < schematic.Height; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < schematic.Length; z++)
                    if (shaderFill.FillDirection == FillDirection.PLUS)
                        for (int x = min; x < schematic.Width; x++)
                            schematic.AddVoxel(x, y, z, color, shaderFill.Replace);
                        for (int x = min; x >= 0; x--)
                            schematic.AddVoxel(x, y, z, color, shaderFill.Replace);

Exemple #29
        private bool GrowsDown(Schematic schematic, Voxel voxel)
            if (schematic.GetVoxel(voxel.X, voxel.Y + 1, voxel.Z, out Voxel foundVoxel) && IsGrowColor(schematic, foundVoxel))

            if (schematic.GetVoxel(voxel.X + 1, voxel.Y, voxel.Z, out foundVoxel) && IsGrowColor(schematic, foundVoxel))

            if (schematic.GetVoxel(voxel.X - 1, voxel.Y, voxel.Z, out foundVoxel) && IsGrowColor(schematic, foundVoxel))

            if (schematic.GetVoxel(voxel.X, voxel.Y, voxel.Z - 1, out foundVoxel) && IsGrowColor(schematic, foundVoxel))

            if (schematic.GetVoxel(voxel.X, voxel.Y, voxel.Z + 1, out foundVoxel) && IsGrowColor(schematic, foundVoxel))

        private Schematic WriteSchematicFromBinvox()
            using (LineReader lineReader = new LineReader(File.Open(_path, FileMode.Open), Encoding.UTF8))
                Schematic schematic = new Schematic();

                int xmult = (int)(mDimensions.Z * mDimensions.Y);
                int zmult = (int)(mDimensions.Z);

                for (int Y = 0; Y < mDimensions.Y; Y++)
                    for (int Z = 0; Z < mDimensions.Z; Z++)
                        for (int X = 0; X < mDimensions.X; X++)
                            int index = X * xmult + Z * zmult + Y;
                            if (mVoxels[index] == 1)
                                schematic.Blocks.Add(new Voxel((ushort)X, (ushort)Y, (ushort)Z, Color.Wheat.ColorToUInt()));

Exemple #31
    //builds from schema
    public Transform createActor(Schematic schema)
        if (schema == null)
            return null;

        if ( < 1)
            return null;

        Transform core = createPart (schema.getPart (0));

        if (core == null)
            return null;

        assembleActor (core, schema, 0);
        return core;
Exemple #32
    public void assembleActor(Transform parentPart, Schematic schema, int index)
        //reads node data to create child parts
        Part thisPart = schema.getPart (index);
        if (thisPart == null)
        else {
            for(int i=0; i<thisPart.nodes.Length; i+=1) {

                Node thisNode = thisPart.getNode(i);
                if(thisNode == null) continue;

                if(thisNode.equipped) {
                    PartTag attachedTag = thisNode.getPartTag ();

                    if (attachedTag == null)
                        continue; //nothing attached

                    Part attachedPart = schema.getPart (attachedTag.index);

                    //now that we pulled the data we need..
                    Transform partObject = createPart(attachedPart);
                    if(partObject) {
                        partObject.localPosition.Set (thisNode.localPosition.x,thisNode.localPosition.y,thisNode.localPosition.z);
                        partObject.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(thisNode.localRotation.x,thisNode.localRotation.y,thisNode.localRotation.z);
                        assembleActor(partObject, schema, attachedTag.index);
                    else Debug.Log("Gag! no part!");


 private void GenerateLayoutCode(Eagle.eagle eagle, Schematic.TestBench TestBench_obj)
     // write layout file
     string layoutFile = Path.Combine(this.mainParameters.OutputDirectory, "layout-input.json");
     new Layout.LayoutGenerator(eagle.drawing.Item as Eagle.schematic, TestBench_obj, Logger).Generate(layoutFile);
Exemple #34
        public MainForm()
            this.schematic = new Schematic();

Exemple #35
 public OutputForm()
     this.schematic = new Schematic();
Exemple #36
        public void BuildSchematic(string schmaticpath)
            int maxl = 0;
            int maxlw = 0;
            foreach (var i in Methods)
                if (i.Value.Count > maxl)
                    maxl = i.Value.Count;
                foreach (var iyy in i.Value)
                    var iz = iyy;
                    if (iz.StartsWith("|"))
                        iz = iz.TrimStart('|');
                        maxlw += int.Parse(iz + 2); // 2 exstra repeaters to give script time


            Schematic s = new Schematic();
            s.Height = 1;
            s.Width = (short)((Methods.Count * 2) + maxlw + 5) ;
            s.Length = (short)(maxl * 2 + 2 + 5);
            int x = 0;
            foreach (var ii in Methods)
                int z = 1;
                s.SetBlock(x, 0, 0, new Block() { ID = 93, Metta = 2 });
                foreach (var iyy in ii.Value)
                    var i = iyy;

                    if (i.StartsWith("|"))
                        i = i.TrimStart('|');
                        for (int iu = 0; iu < int.Parse(i); iu++)
                            s.SetBlock(x, 0, z, new Block() { ID = 93, Metta = 14 }); // full tic repeater

                        int b = 2;
                        if (!i.StartsWith("/"))
                            b = 6;
                        if (i.StartsWith("#"))
                            i = i.TrimStart('#');
                            s.SetBlock(x, 0, z + 1, new Block() { ID = 149, Metta = 2 });
                            s.SetBlock(x, 0, z + 1, new Block() { ID = 93, Metta = b });
                        s.SetBlock(x, 0, z, new Block() { ID = 137, Metta = 0, Command = i });
                        z += 2;
                s.SetBlock(x, 0, z, new Block() { ID = 137, Metta = 0, Command = "/setblock ~ ~ ~-" + (z + 1) + " minecraft:air" });
                x += 2;