private void GenerateSchedule(string scheduleText)
        string[] items = scheduleText.Split("~".ToCharArray());

        if (items == null || items.Length < 4)
            Debug.Log("Failed to generate schedule.");

        int    periodIndex = GetPeriod(items[0]);
        string grade       = items[1];
        string section     = items[2];
        string entry       = items[3];

        Schedule       schedule = GetSchedule(section, grade);
        ScheduleObject target   = GetTarget(section, typeof(StudentClass).ToString());

        if (schedule == null)
            Debug.Log("Failed to create schedule.");
        SetSchedule(new SerializedObject(schedule), target, periodIndex, entry);
 private void GetEntries(string entryText, out Room room, out ScheduleObject title, out string subtitle)
     string[] items = entryText.Split("/".ToCharArray());
     subtitle = items[0].Replace("@empty", "");
     room     = GetRoom(items[1]);
     title    = GetTarget(FilterOutMiddleInitial(items[2]), typeof(Teacher).ToString());
    private void SetSchedule(SerializedObject schedule, ScheduleObject target, int index, string entryText)
        SerializedProperty targetProperty  = schedule.FindProperty("target");
        SerializedProperty periodsProperty = schedule.FindProperty("m_periods");

        targetProperty.objectReferenceValue = target;

        if (index < 0 || index >= periodsProperty.arraySize)

        SerializedProperty prop            = periodsProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
        SerializedProperty entriesProperty = prop.FindPropertyRelative("m_entries");

        if (entriesProperty == null)

        string[] entryPerDay = entryText.Split("|".ToCharArray());

        for (int i = 0; i < entriesProperty.arraySize; i++)
            SerializedProperty entry = entriesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
            Room           room;
            ScheduleObject title;
            string         subtitle;

            GetEntries(entryPerDay[i], out room, out title, out subtitle);
            SetEntry(entry, room, title, subtitle);
Exemple #4
 public void Remove(ScheduleObject schedule)
         new ScheduleDataService(Transaction).Remove(schedule);
         if (IsOwner)
     catch (Exception exception1)
         if (IsOwner)
         Exception innerException = exception1;
         throw new Exception(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, innerException);
         if (IsOwner)
        public bool Remove(ScheduleObject schedule)
            SqlCommand cmd = null;

                ExecuteNonQuery(out cmd, false, "Schedule_DELETE",
                                CreateParameter("@schedID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, schedule.SchedID, ParameterDirection.Input)
            catch (Exception exception1)
                Exception innerException = exception1;
                throw new Exception(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, innerException);
                if (cmd != null)
                cmd = null;
Exemple #6
        private SubjectPosition ConstructSubject(Dictionary <string, object> KeyValueData)
            object CausesOfLossObject;
            HashSet <SymbolicValue> CausesOfLoss = new HashSet <SymbolicValue>();

            if (KeyValueData.TryGetValue("CausesOfLoss", out CausesOfLossObject))

            object ScheduleObject;
            HashSet <SymbolicValue> ScheduleSymbols = new HashSet <SymbolicValue>();

            if (KeyValueData.TryGetValue("Schedule", out ScheduleObject))
            Schedule _Schedule = new Schedule(ScheduleSymbols);

            object ExposureTypesObject;
            HashSet <SymbolicValue> ExposureTypes = new HashSet <SymbolicValue>();

            if (KeyValueData.TryGetValue("ExposureTypes", out ExposureTypesObject))

            bool Resolution = false;

            if (KeyValueData.ContainsKey("PerRisk"))
                Resolution = bool.Parse((string)KeyValueData["PerRisk"]);

            if ((CausesOfLoss.Count == 0) && (ScheduleSymbols.Count == 0) && (ExposureTypes.Count == 0))
                SubjectPosition CoverSubjectPosition = new SubjectPosition();
                if (this.ContractSubject is Subject)
                    CoverSubjectPosition = new Subject(this.ContractSubject as Subject);
                    ((Subject)CoverSubjectPosition).PerRisk = Resolution;
                else if (this.ContractSubject is NetPosition)
                    CoverSubjectPosition = new NetPosition(this.ContractSubject as NetPosition);
                else if (this.ContractSubject is SubjectPosition)
                    CoverSubjectPosition = new SubjectPosition(this.ContractSubject as SubjectPosition);


            return(new Subject(UniversalSubject, _Schedule, CausesOfLoss, ExposureTypes, ResolvedSchedule, CoverageIdAttrMap, Resolution));
    private void SetEntry(SerializedProperty entryProperty, Room room, ScheduleObject title, string subtitle)
        SerializedProperty roomProperty     = entryProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_room");
        SerializedProperty titleProperty    = entryProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_title");
        SerializedProperty subtitleProperty = entryProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_subtitle");

        roomProperty.objectReferenceValue  = room as Object;
        titleProperty.objectReferenceValue = title as Object;
        subtitleProperty.stringValue       = subtitle;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the available schedules from the Get().Schedules() command and return the schedules as a JSON object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Settings">
        /// A settings object passed on from the SchedulesReader
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// JSON schedules list
        /// </returns>
        public JObject ScheduleWriter(IConfiguration Settings)
            // We will use Get to call Get.Schedules()
            Get            = new Get(Settings);
            ScheduleString = Get.Schedules();

            // Parse SchedulesString into a Json object
            SchedulesJson = JObject.Parse(ScheduleString);
            // Get a token of the Services property of the SchedulesJson
            SchedulesToken = SchedulesJson["Services"];

            // Create the objects to format the JSON to be written
            RootObject        = new JObject();
            SchedulesObject   = new JObject();
            LastUpdatedObject = new JObject();

            // There can be multiple lists of services, though there is usually only one
            foreach (var ServicesListToken in SchedulesToken)
                // Get the list of schedules within a given service
                foreach (var ScheduleObject in ServicesListToken["Schedules"])
                    // Build a schedule object
                    Models.Schedules.ScheduleName = ScheduleObject["Name"].ToString();
                    if (ScheduleObject.ToString().Contains("AD-HOC Payments"))
                        Models.Schedules.ScheduleAdHoc = true;
                        Models.Schedules.ScheduleAdHoc = false;
                    Models.Schedules.ScheduleFrequency = ScheduleObject["Frequency"].ToString();

                    // We use a temp object to prepare the JObject. We could just add three entries to the Schedule object, but this ensures correct formatting
                    JObject _TempObject = new JObject();
                    _TempObject.Add(nameof(Models.Schedules.ScheduleAdHoc), Models.Schedules.ScheduleAdHoc);
                    _TempObject.Add(nameof(Models.Schedules.ScheduleFrequency), Models.Schedules.ScheduleFrequency);
                    SchedulesObject.Add(Models.Schedules.ScheduleName, _TempObject);

            RootObject.Add("Schedules", SchedulesObject);
            RootObject.Add("LastUpdated", DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            Environment = Settings.GetSection("currentEnvironment")["Environment"].ToLower();

            if (!Directory.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Includes"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Includes");
            File.WriteAllText(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Includes\" + Environment + "scheduleslist.json", RootObject.ToString());
Exemple #9
 private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         ScheduleMember = _scheduleOriginal;
     catch (System.Exception exception1)
         System.Exception thisException = exception1;
Exemple #10
 void IEditableObject.EndEdit()
         if (inTxn)
             _loadedTask     = this.Task;
             _loadedSchedule = this.Schedule;
             inTxn           = false;
     catch (Exception exception1)
         Exception innerException = exception1;
         throw new Exception(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, innerException);
    private Schedule GetSchedule(string section, string grade)
        string[] result = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("\"" + section + " \"" + " t:" + typeof(Schedule).ToString());

        if (result == null || result.Length == 0)
            ScheduleObject studentClass = GetTarget(section, typeof(StudentClass).ToString());

            if (studentClass == null)
                Debug.Log("Failed to get " + section);

            return(CreateNewSchedule(studentClass, grade));

        string   assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(result[0]);
        Schedule schedule  = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Schedule>(assetPath);

    private ScheduleObject GetTarget(string target, string type)
        // target = target.TrimEnd().TrimStart();

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.TrimEnd().TrimStart()))

        string[] result = FindAssets(target, type);

        if (result == null || result.Length == 0)
            target = target.TrimEnd().TrimStart();
            result = FindAssets(target, type);
            Debug.Log("Attempting to search again.");

        if (result == null || result.Length == 0)
            Debug.Log("Cannot get schedule object for : " + target + " end of line.");

        string         assetPath      = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(result[0]);
        ScheduleObject scheduleObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <ScheduleObject>(assetPath);

        if (scheduleObject == null)
            // Debug.Log("Failed to get " + target + " with result of " + result.Length);
            Debug.Log("asset path ? " + assetPath);
            // scheduleObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<ScheduleObject>(result[0]);

            // if(scheduleObject == null)
            //  Debug.Log("Really failed hard.");
    private Schedule CreateNewSchedule(ScheduleObject target, string grade)
        if (target == null)
            Debug.Log("Failed to create new schedule because target is empty.");

        string path = "Assets/Scriptable Objects/Schedules/" + grade + '/';
        string name = + " Schedule";

        Schedule schedule = (scheduleTemplate != null ? ScriptableObject.Instantiate <Schedule>(scheduleTemplate) : ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Schedule>());

        if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(path))

        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(schedule, path + name + ".asset");

        public void Save(ScheduleObject schedule)
            SqlCommand cmd = null;

                ExecuteNonQuery(out cmd, false, "Schedule_SAVE",
                                CreateParameter("@schedID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, schedule.SchedID, ParameterDirection.InputOutput),
                                CreateParameter("@Frequency", SqlDbType.Int, (int)schedule.Frequency),
                                CreateParameter("@Monday", SqlDbType.Bit, schedule.Monday),
                                CreateParameter("@Tuesday", SqlDbType.Bit, schedule.Tuesday),
                                CreateParameter("@Wednesday", SqlDbType.Bit, schedule.Wednesday),
                                CreateParameter("@Thursday", SqlDbType.Bit, schedule.Thursday),
                                CreateParameter("@Friday", SqlDbType.Bit, schedule.Friday),
                                CreateParameter("@Saterday", SqlDbType.Bit, schedule.Saterday),
                                CreateParameter("@Sunday", SqlDbType.Bit, schedule.Sunday),
                                CreateParameter("@Startdate", SqlDbType.VarChar, schedule.StartDate),
                                CreateParameter("@Time", SqlDbType.VarChar, schedule.Time),
                                CreateParameter("@LastSend", SqlDbType.VarChar, schedule.LastSend)
                schedule.SchedID = (Guid)cmd.Parameters["@schedID"].Value;
            catch (Exception exception1)
                Exception innerException = exception1;
                throw new Exception(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, innerException);
                if (cmd != null)
                cmd = null;
Exemple #15
        private async void GetTransport()
            DateTime TimeBus2, TimeBus7;
            DateTime TimeNow;
            TimeSpan TimeDif;

            ScheduleObject BusSchedule = new ScheduleObject();

            Byte k, l, m, i;

            ColorRed.Color    = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);
            ColorBlack.Color  = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255);
            ColorYellow.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 200, 0);
            ColorLilac.Color  = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 120, 137);

            // Fill a string with API Transport Data
            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.f") + " - Request Transport(2) Data...");
            WebRequest  T_wrGETURL = WebRequest.Create("");
            WebResponse T_response = await T_wrGETURL.GetResponseAsync();

            Stream       T_dataStream = T_response.GetResponseStream();
            StreamReader T_reader     = new StreamReader(T_dataStream);
            string       T_sResponse2 = T_reader.ReadToEnd();

            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.f") + " - ...Data received");

            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.f") + " - Request Transport(7) Data...");
            // Fill a string with API Transport Data
            T_wrGETURL = WebRequest.Create("");
            T_response = await T_wrGETURL.GetResponseAsync();

            T_dataStream = T_response.GetResponseStream();
            T_reader     = new StreamReader(T_dataStream);
            string T_sResponse7 = T_reader.ReadToEnd();

            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.f") + " - ...Data received");

            // Parse JSON Data
            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.f") + " - Load Transport(2) Data Stream...");
            TransportRootObject TransportObj2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TransportRootObject>(T_sResponse2);

            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.f") + " - ...OK");
            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.f") + " - Load Transport(7) Data Stream...");
            TransportRootObject TransportObj7 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TransportRootObject>(T_sResponse7);

            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.f") + " - ...OK");

            List <ScheduleObject> ScheduleBus = new List <ScheduleObject>();

            k = 0;
            m = 0;
            for (l = 0; l <= 4; l++)
                DateTime.TryParse(TransportObj2.connections[k].departure, out TimeBus2);
                DateTime.TryParse(TransportObj7.connections[m].departure, out TimeBus7);
                if (TimeBus2 <= TimeBus7)
                    ScheduleBus.Add(new ScheduleObject()
                        Number = TransportObj2.connections[k].legs[0].line, Time = TimeBus2
                    ScheduleBus.Add(new ScheduleObject()
                        Number = TransportObj7.connections[k].legs[0].line, Time = TimeBus7

                Debug.WriteLine("Bus" + ScheduleBus[l].Number + " at " + ScheduleBus[l].Time);

            TimeNow = DateTime.Now;
            TimeDif = ScheduleBus[0].Time - TimeNow;

            if (TimeDif.Minutes < 7)
                TimeDif = ScheduleBus[0].Time - TimeNow;
                if (ScheduleBus[0].Number == "2")
                    Bus1_rect.Fill = ColorRed;
                else if (ScheduleBus[0].Number == "7")
                    Bus1_rect.Fill = ColorLilac;
                    Bus1_rect.Fill = ColorYellow;
                Bus1_num.Text  = ScheduleBus[0].Number;
                Bus1_time.Text = ScheduleBus[0].Time.ToString("HH:mm");
                Bus1_due.Text  = "in " + TimeDif.Minutes.ToString() + "min";
                i = 0;
                Bus1_rect.Fill = ColorBlack;
                Bus1_num.Text  = "";
                Bus1_time.Text = "";
                Bus1_due.Text  = "";
                i = 1;

            TimeDif = ScheduleBus[1 - i].Time - TimeNow;
            if (ScheduleBus[1 - i].Number == "2")
                Bus2_rect.Fill = ColorRed;
            else if (ScheduleBus[1 - i].Number == "7")
                Bus2_rect.Fill = ColorLilac;
                Bus2_rect.Fill = ColorYellow;
            Bus2_num.Text  = ScheduleBus[1 - i].Number;
            Bus2_time.Text = ScheduleBus[1 - i].Time.ToString("HH:mm");
            Bus2_due.Text  = "in " + TimeDif.Minutes.ToString() + "min";

            TimeDif = ScheduleBus[2 - i].Time - TimeNow;
            if (ScheduleBus[2 - i].Number == "2")
                Bus3_rect.Fill = ColorRed;
            else if (ScheduleBus[2 - i].Number == "7")
                Bus3_rect.Fill = ColorLilac;
                Bus3_rect.Fill = ColorYellow;
            Bus3_num.Text  = ScheduleBus[2 - i].Number;
            Bus3_time.Text = ScheduleBus[2 - i].Time.ToString("HH:mm");
            Bus3_due.Text  = "in " + TimeDif.Minutes.ToString() + "min";

            TimeDif = ScheduleBus[3 - i].Time - TimeNow;
            if (ScheduleBus[3 - i].Number == "2")
                Bus4_rect.Fill = ColorRed;
            else if (ScheduleBus[3 - i].Number == "7")
                Bus4_rect.Fill = ColorLilac;
                Bus4_rect.Fill = ColorYellow;
            Bus4_num.Text  = ScheduleBus[3 - i].Number;
            Bus4_time.Text = ScheduleBus[3 - i].Time.ToString("HH:mm");
            Bus4_due.Text  = "in " + TimeDif.Minutes.ToString() + "min";

            TimeDif = ScheduleBus[4 - i].Time - TimeNow;
            if (ScheduleBus[4 - i].Number == "2")
                Bus5_rect.Fill = ColorRed;
            else if (ScheduleBus[4 - i].Number == "7")
                Bus5_rect.Fill = ColorLilac;
                Bus5_rect.Fill = ColorYellow;
            Bus5_num.Text  = ScheduleBus[4 - i].Number;
            Bus5_time.Text = ScheduleBus[4 - i].Time.ToString("HH:mm");
            Bus5_due.Text  = "in " + TimeDif.Minutes.ToString() + "min";

            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.f") + " - Finished GetTransport()");
Exemple #16
        public Contract(Dictionary <string, object> IR,
                        Dictionary <string, HashSet <long> > resolvedSchedule,
                        Dictionary <long, RiskItemCharacteristicIDAttributes> CoverageIdAttrMap)
            this.ResolvedSchedule  = resolvedSchedule;
            this.CoverageIdAttrMap = CoverageIdAttrMap;

            // Construct universal subject position
            HashSet <long> AllRITEIds = new HashSet <long>();

            if (resolvedSchedule != null)
                AllRITEIds = resolvedSchedule.Aggregate(new HashSet <long>(), (a, b) => { a.UnionWith(b.Value); return(a); });

            HashSet <long> AllRiskItemIds = new HashSet <long>();

            if (CoverageIdAttrMap != null)
                AllRiskItemIds = new HashSet <long>(AllRITEIds.Where(x => CoverageIdAttrMap.ContainsKey(x)).Select(x => CoverageIdAttrMap[x].RITExposureId).Distinct());

            UniversalSubject = new UniversalSubjectPosition(AllRITEIds, AllRiskItemIds);

            // Declarations
            Declarations = (Dictionary <string, object>)IR["Declarations"];

            // Claims Adjustment Settings
            if (!Declarations.ContainsKey("Claims Adjustment Options") ||
                Declarations["Claims Adjustment Options"] == null)
                _AreSublimitsNetOfDeductible = false;
                _AreDeductiblesAbsorbable    = false;
                if (!((Declarations["Claims Adjustment Options"] as Dictionary <string, object>).ContainsKey("Claims Adjustment Sublimits")) ||
                    (Declarations["Claims Adjustment Options"] as Dictionary <string, object>)["Claims Adjustment Sublimits"] == null)
                    _AreSublimitsNetOfDeductible = false;
                    _AreSublimitsNetOfDeductible = (Declarations["Claims Adjustment Options"] as Dictionary <string, object>)["Claims Adjustment Sublimits"].ToString().Equals("Net Of Deductible");

                if (!((Declarations["Claims Adjustment Options"] as Dictionary <string, object>).ContainsKey("Claims Adjustment Deductibles")) ||
                    (Declarations["Claims Adjustment Options"] as Dictionary <string, object>)["Claims Adjustment Deductibles"] == null)
                    _AreDeductiblesAbsorbable = false;
                    _AreDeductiblesAbsorbable = (Declarations["Claims Adjustment Options"] as Dictionary <string, object>)["Claims Adjustment Deductibles"].ToString().Equals("Absorbable");

            object NameObject;

            if (Declarations.TryGetValue("Name", out NameObject))
                this.Name = NameObject.ToString();

            object CausesOfLossObject;

            Declarations.TryGetValue("CausesOfLoss", out CausesOfLossObject);

            object ScheduleObject;

            Declarations.TryGetValue("Schedule", out ScheduleObject);

            object ExposureTypesObject;

            Declarations.TryGetValue("ExposureTypes", out ExposureTypesObject);

            object GrossPositionObject;

            Declarations.TryGetValue("GrossPosition", out GrossPositionObject);

            object CededPositionObject;

            Declarations.TryGetValue("CededPosition", out CededPositionObject);

            if (GrossPositionObject != null)
                if (CededPositionObject != null)
                    this.ContractSubject = new NetPosition(ToHashSet(GrossPositionObject.ToString()), ToHashSet(CededPositionObject.ToString()));
                else if (CausesOfLossObject != null)
                    this.ContractSubject = new SubjectPosition(ToHashSet(GrossPositionObject.ToString()), ToHashSet(CausesOfLossObject.ToString()));
                    this.ContractSubject = new SubjectPosition(ToHashSet(GrossPositionObject.ToString()));
            else if (CausesOfLossObject != null && ScheduleObject != null && ExposureTypesObject != null)
                this.ContractSubject = new Subject(
                    UniversalSubject, new Schedule(ToHashSet(ScheduleObject.ToString())), ToHashSet(CausesOfLossObject.ToString()), ToHashSet(ExposureTypesObject.ToString()),
                    ResolvedSchedule, CoverageIdAttrMap);

            // Covers

            object[] covers = (object[])IR["Covers"];

            Covers = new List <ICover <Value, Value, Value> >(covers.Length);

            foreach (object cover in covers)
                Dictionary <string, object> coverData = (Dictionary <string, object>)cover;


            // Sublimits

            object[] sublimits = (object[])IR["Sublimits"];

            Sublimits = new List <ITerm <Value> >(sublimits.Length);

            foreach (object sublimit in sublimits)
                Sublimits.Add(ConstructSublimit((Dictionary <string, object>)sublimit, AreSublimitsNetOfDeductible()));

            // Deductibles

            object[] deductibles = (object[])IR["Deductibles"];

            Deductibles = new List <ITerm <Value> >(deductibles.Length);

            foreach (object deductible in deductibles)
                Deductibles.Add(ConstructDeductible((Dictionary <string, object>)deductible, AreDeductiblesAbsorbable()));