private void LoadBranch(string guid) { currentBranch = guidBranches[guid].GetData() as ScenimaticBranch; if (currentBranch != null) { Dictionary <string, string> replaceWords = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int i = 1; i < currentBranch.connectionInputs.Count; ++i) { var conn = currentBranch.connectionInputs[i]; replaceWords.Add("{" + conn.variableName + "}", guidPassedVariables[conn.connectedToGUIDs[0]]); } foreach (var evnt in { var eventType = evnt.eventType; switch (eventType) { case ScenimaticEvent.ScenimaticEventType.Dialog: foreach (var replace in replaceWords) { evnt.text = evnt.text.Replace(replace.Key, replace.Value); } eventQueue.Enqueue(evnt); break; case ScenimaticEvent.ScenimaticEventType.Query: eventQueue.Enqueue(evnt); break; default: Debug.Log("Unknown event type: " + eventType); break; } } dialogPanel.Show(); NextEventInQueue(); } else { Debug.Log("over!"); Gateway exit =; string[] outputParams = new string[exit.connections.Count - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < outputParams.Length; ++i) { outputParams[i] = guidPassedVariables[exit.connections[i + 1].connectedToGUIDs[0]]; Debug.Log("OutputParam: " + outputParams[i]); } dialogPanel.Hide(); } }
public void LoadScenimatic(string path) { ClearPanels(); currentBranch = null; eventPath = path; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(eventPath); string fileString = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); ScenimaticScript script = JsonUtility.FromJson <ScenimaticScript>(fileString); scriptStart = script.inputNode; scriptEnd = script.outputNode; // this is not ideal. It will force users to have their sprite atlas in a resource folder. dialogPanel.spriteAtlas = Resources.Load <SpriteAtlas>(script.spriteAtlas); guidBranches = new Dictionary <string, ISerializedEntity>(); guidConnectionOutputs = new Dictionary <string, Connection>(); guidConnectionInputs = new Dictionary <string, Connection>(); foreach (var branch in script.branches) { guidBranches.Add(, branch); foreach (var conn in { guidConnectionOutputs.Add(conn.GUID, conn); } foreach (var conn in { guidConnectionInputs.Add(conn.GUID, conn); } } guidBranches.Add([0].GUID, scriptEnd); foreach (var conn in { guidConnectionOutputs.Add(conn.GUID, conn); } foreach (var conn in { guidConnectionInputs.Add(conn.GUID, conn); } }
public void LoadBranch(GraphEntityData branchData) { this.entityData = branchData; if (branchData is EventBranchObjectData) { gateway = null; var serializedBranch = (ScenimaticSerializedNode) ((EventBranchObjectData)branchData).serializedNode; branch =; } else { branch = null; var serializedGateway = ((ScriptGatewayNodeData)branchData).serializedNode; gateway =; } Repaint(); }