void Awake()
        _gameManager = TaskSettingsManager.TaskSettings;
        _taskEngine  = FindObjectOfType <TaskEngine>();
        _scannerIn   = FindObjectOfType <ScannerHandler>();

        //bring in task length from config..
        int.TryParse(_gameManager.TaskDuration, out _taskLengthLimit);
        //convert to ms...
        _taskLengthLimit = _taskLengthLimit * 1000;

        //take time stamp at task start
        _taskStartTime = (DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
Exemple #2
    List <int> _responseArray    = new List <int>(); //holds the user repsonses

    void Awake()
        _gameManager = TaskSettingsManager.TaskSettings;

        _scannerIn = FindObjectOfType <ScannerHandler>();
        _keyInput  = FindObjectOfType <KeyboardHandler>();
        _timer     = FindObjectOfType <TimeHandler>();

        if (_gameManager.EnableTriggerOnScanner == true)
            CurrentTaskState = TaskState.WaitForTrigger;
            CurrentTaskType  = TaskType.Scanner;
            CurrentBlockType = BlockType.BaselineBlock;

        _spriteFileName = _gameManager.SpriteFileName;
        int.TryParse(_gameManager.StartingSpan, out _startingSpanLength);
        int.TryParse(_gameManager.TaskDuration, out _taskTimeLimit);
        int.TryParse(_gameManager.MaxSpan, out _maxSpanLimit);
        int.TryParse(_gameManager.ResponseTimeLimit, out _responseTimeLimit);

        Random.seed        = (int)(Time.time * 10000);
        _currentSpanLength = _startingSpanLength; //makes the current span length equal to the starting span length

        //IMPORTANT: loads thatever is in the resource's folder to the array
        _spriteArray = Resources.LoadAll <Sprite>("Sprites/Numbers");

        if (CurrentTaskType == TaskType.Scanner)
            _spriteArray = Resources.LoadAll <Sprite>("Sprites/NumbersScanner");

        var spritePadding = 15f * (_spriteArray.Length - 1);
        var spriteWidth   = 0f;

        //setting up the reponse template that user uses?
        for (int i = 0; i < _spriteArray.Length; i++)
            //an object created in memory that is attached to TaskEngineGO
            var choiceItem = Instantiate(ChoiceTemplate);

            // Set the choice handler index and response handler
            var ciHandler = choiceItem.GetComponent <ChoiceHandler>();
            ciHandler.ItemIndex       = i;
            ciHandler.ResponseHandler = _responseArray;

            // Set the sprite
            var ciSprite = choiceItem.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
            ciSprite.sprite = _spriteArray[i];

            // Change the collider to fit the sprite
            var boxCollider = choiceItem.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
            boxCollider.size    = new Vector2(ciSprite.bounds.size.x, ciSprite.bounds.size.y);
            boxCollider.offset += new Vector2(ciSprite.bounds.size.x / 2, ciSprite.bounds.size.y / 2);

            // Move the item to the correct spot in the parent
            float spriteLeft = spriteWidth + (i * 15);
            choiceItem.transform.SetParent(Choices.transform, false);
            choiceItem.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(spriteLeft, 0, 0);

            // Track how much total width our sprites have
            spriteWidth += _spriteArray[i].bounds.size.x;

        //communicating the starting span length to our new instance of Difficulty
        _difficulty = new Difficulty(_startingSpanLength);

        // Change the camera to be the right size based on sprite sheet width
        var cam = Camera.main;

        cam.orthographicSize = (spriteWidth + spritePadding) * Screen.height / Screen.width * .5f;

        float height = 2f * cam.orthographicSize;
        float width  = height * cam.aspect;

        var cameraLeft   = cam.transform.localPosition.x - (width / 2);
        var cameraBottom = cam.transform.localPosition.y - (height / 2);;

        Choices.transform.position = new Vector3(cameraLeft, cameraBottom);