Exemple #1
        public INoise GetLandFormFct()
            //The various parameters value here are scaled for a gradient being feed by 0 to 1 input value.
            //When this gradient is configured to recevied other value range then some parameters needs to be rescaled
            //That's the reason for using this _groundGradientTyped.AdjustY value
            //This way no matter the the Gradient Range, the values impacting it will be rescaled.

            //Create the Lowland base fractal with range from 0 to 1 values
            INoise montain_shape_fractal = new FractalFbm(new Simplex(_seed), 4, 3.5, enuBaseNoiseRange.ZeroToOne);
            INoise montain_shape_Ajusted = new ScaleOffset(montain_shape_fractal, 0.9, -0.02);

            //Rescale + offset the output result ==> Wil modify the Scope of output range value
            //Enforce gradient to have a solid underground
            INoise _groundGradientAjusted = new Bias(_groundGradient, 0.55);
            INoise adjustedGradient       = new ScaleOffset(_groundGradientAjusted, 1.4, 0);

            Combiner noiseCombiner = new Combiner(Combiner.CombinerType.Add);


            INoise rescaledCombinedNoise = new ScaleOffset(noiseCombiner, 0.45, 0);

Exemple #2
        /*private float Noise(IModule2D noise, float x)
         * {
         *  return noise.GetValue(x, 0) / 2f + 0.5f;
         * }*/

        /*public float Turbulence(int y, int x)
         * {
         *  return (float)(this.Gradient(y, x) + this.random.NextDouble() * 0.25d - 0.25d);
         * }*/

        /*private class Gradient : IModule2D
         * {
         *  public Gradient()
         *  {
         *  }
         *  public float GetValue(float x, float y)
         *  {
         *      return y * 2 - 1f;
         *  }
         * }*/

        public IEnumerable <Point> Generate()
            /*var fractal = new MultiFractal();
             * fractal.OctaveCount = 6f;
             * fractal.Frequency = 2f;
             * fractal.Primitive2D = new Gradient();*/
            var gradient = new Gradient(0, 0, 0, 1);
            var fractal  = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, octaves: 6, frequency: 2d, seed: null);
            var scale    = new ScaleOffset(0.5d, 0, fractal);
            var perturb  = new TranslatedDomain(gradient, null, scale);
            var select   = new Select(perturb, 0, 1, 0.5d, null);

            for (var y = 0; y < this.map.Height; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < this.map.Width; x++)
                    var value = select.Get((double)x / (this.map.Width / 2), (double)y / (this.map.Height / 2));
                    if (value > 0.5)
                        this.map[y, x].Block = new Material(MaterialType.Dirt);
            yield break;
Exemple #3
        public INoise GetLandFormFct()
            //The various parameters value here are scaled for a gradient being feed by 0 to 1 input value.
            //When this gradient is configured to recevied other value range then some parameters needs to be rescaled
            //That's the reason for using this _groundGradientTyped.AdjustY value
            //This way no matter the the Gradient Range, the values impacting it will be rescaled.

            //Create the Lowland base fractal with range from 0 to 1 values
            INoise river_shape_fractal = new FractalRidgedMulti(new Simplex(_seed), 1, 2, enuBaseNoiseRange.ZeroToOne);
            //Rescale + offset the output result ==> Wil modify the Scope of output range value
            INoise river_shape_scale = new ScaleOffset(river_shape_fractal, 0.30, 0.01);
            //Remove Y value from impacting the result (Fixed to 0), the value output range will not be changed, but the influence of the Y will be removed

            //Force the Fractal to be used as 2D Noise, I don't need to 3th dimension
            INoise river_y_scale = new NoiseAccess(river_shape_fractal, NoiseAccess.enuDimUsage.Noise2D, true);

            INoise turb           = new ScaleOffset(river_y_scale, 0.03, 0);
            INoise river_selected = new Select(0, turb, river_y_scale, 0.7);  //Last param define the width of the river

            //Offset the ground_gradient ( = create turbulance) to the Y scale of the gradient. input value
            INoise _groundGradient_biased = new Bias(_groundGradient, 0.45);
            INoise river = new Turbulence(_groundGradient_biased, 0, river_selected);

    public static ModuleBase Caves()
        Fractal cave_shape  = new Fractal(FractalType.RIDGEDMULTI, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 2, 4, (uint)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10000));
        Select  cave_select = new Select(cave_shape, 1, 0, 0.4, 0);

        Fractal          cave_perturb_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 6, 3, null);
        ScaleOffset      cave_perturb_scale   = new ScaleOffset(0.25, 0, cave_perturb_fractal);
        TranslatedDomain cave_perturb         = new TranslatedDomain(cave_select, cave_perturb_scale, null);

        Select selection = new Select(cave_perturb, 0, 1, 0.5, null);

Exemple #5
        public INoise GetLandFormFct()
            //Create the Lowland base fractal with range from 0 to 1 values
            INoise Moisture_fractal        = new FractalFbm(new Simplex(_seed), _octave, _freq, enuBaseNoiseRange.ZeroToOne);
            INoise ClampedValue            = new Clamp(Moisture_fractal, 0, 1);
            INoise Moisture_fractal_biased = new Gain(ClampedValue, 0.6);
            INoise Moisture_fractal_Offset = new ScaleOffset(Moisture_fractal_biased, 1, 0.1);
            INoise ClampedValue2           = new Clamp(Moisture_fractal_Offset, 0, 1);


            //INoise TempOffset = new ScaleOffset(new Voronoi2(_seed, _freq, 0.6, new ScaleOffset(new FractalFbm(new Perlin(12345), 3, 2), 0.4, 0.0)), 1.0, 1.0); // + 1
            //INoise TempScale = new ScaleOffset(TempOffset, 0.5, 0.0); // / 2
            //INoise ClampedValue = new Clamp(TempScale, 0, 1);
            //return ClampedValue;
    public static ModuleBase CavesAndMountains(uint seed = 10000)
        AccidentalNoise.Gradient ground_gradient = new AccidentalNoise.Gradient(0, 0, 0, 1);

        // lowlands
        Fractal          lowland_shape_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.BILLOW, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 2, 0.25, seed);
        AutoCorrect      lowland_autocorrect   = new AutoCorrect(lowland_shape_fractal, 0, 1);
        ScaleOffset      lowland_scale         = new ScaleOffset(.5, -0.45, lowland_autocorrect);
        ScaleDomain      lowland_y_scale       = new ScaleDomain(lowland_scale, null, 0);
        TranslatedDomain lowland_terrain       = new TranslatedDomain(ground_gradient, null, lowland_y_scale);

        // highlands
        Fractal          highland_shape_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 4, 2, seed);
        AutoCorrect      highland_autocorrect   = new AutoCorrect(highland_shape_fractal, 0, 1.5);
        ScaleOffset      highland_scale         = new ScaleOffset(1, 0, highland_autocorrect);
        ScaleDomain      highland_y_scale       = new ScaleDomain(highland_scale, null, 1);
        TranslatedDomain highland_terrain       = new TranslatedDomain(ground_gradient, null, highland_y_scale);

        // mountains
        Fractal          mountain_shape_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.RIDGEDMULTI, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 8, 1, seed);
        AutoCorrect      mountain_autocorrect   = new AutoCorrect(mountain_shape_fractal, -1, 1);
        ScaleOffset      mountain_scale         = new ScaleOffset(0.3, 0.3, mountain_autocorrect);
        ScaleDomain      mountain_y_scale       = new ScaleDomain(mountain_scale, null, 1);
        TranslatedDomain mountain_terrain       = new TranslatedDomain(ground_gradient, null, mountain_y_scale);

        // terrain
        Fractal     terrain_type_fractal          = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 3, 0.125, seed);
        AutoCorrect terrain_autocorrect           = new AutoCorrect(terrain_type_fractal, 0, 1);
        ScaleDomain terrain_type_y_scale          = new ScaleDomain(terrain_autocorrect, null, 0);
        Cache       terrain_type_cache            = new Cache(terrain_type_y_scale);
        Select      highland_mountain_select      = new Select(terrain_type_cache, highland_terrain, mountain_terrain, 0.55, 0.2);
        Select      highland_lowland_select       = new Select(terrain_type_cache, lowland_terrain, highland_mountain_select, 0.25, 0.15);
        Cache       highland_lowland_select_cache = new Cache(highland_lowland_select);
        Select      ground_select = new Select(highland_lowland_select_cache, 0, 1, 0.5, null);

        // caves
        Fractal          cave_shape           = new Fractal(FractalType.RIDGEDMULTI, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 1, 2, seed);
        Bias             cave_attenuate_bias  = new Bias(highland_lowland_select_cache, 0.9);
        Combiner         cave_shape_attenuate = new Combiner(CombinerTypes.MULT, cave_shape, cave_attenuate_bias);
        Fractal          cave_perturb_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 6, 3, seed);
        ScaleOffset      cave_perturb_scale   = new ScaleOffset(1, 0, cave_perturb_fractal);
        TranslatedDomain cave_perturb         = new TranslatedDomain(cave_shape_attenuate, cave_perturb_scale, null);
        Select           cave_select          = new Select(cave_perturb, 1, 0, 0.4, 0);

        return(new Combiner(CombinerTypes.MULT, cave_select, ground_select) as ModuleBase);
Exemple #7
        public INoise GetLandFormFct()
            //The various parameters value here are scaled for a gradient being feed by 0 to 1 input value.
            //When this gradient is configured to recevied other value range then some parameters needs to be rescaled
            //That's the reason for using this _groundGradientTyped.AdjustY value
            //This way no matter the the Gradient Range, the values impacting it will be rescaled.

            INoise shape1_fractal = new FractalRidgedMulti(new Perlin(_seed), 1, 1.2);

            INoise shape1_base = new Select(0, shape1_fractal, shape1_fractal, 0.75, 0.0);

            INoise shape2_fractal = new FractalRidgedMulti(new Perlin(_seed + 12345), 1, 1.3);

            INoise shape2_base = new Select(0, shape2_fractal, shape2_fractal, 0.75, 0.0);

            Combiner ShapeMult = new Combiner(Combiner.CombinerType.Add);


            INoise CacheShapeMult = new Cache <INoise>(ShapeMult);

            INoise rescaledShapeMult = new ScaleOffset(CacheShapeMult, 0.6, 0);
            INoise clamping_base     = new Select(0, rescaledShapeMult, CacheShapeMult, 0.14, 0.0);

            INoise turbX_fractal = new FractalFbm(new Perlin(_seed + 1), 3, 3);
            INoise turbY_fractal = new FractalFbm(new Perlin(_seed + 2), 3, 3);
            INoise turbZ_fractal = new FractalFbm(new Perlin(_seed + 3), 3, 3);

            INoise CaveTurb = new Turbulence(clamping_base, turbX_fractal, turbY_fractal, turbZ_fractal);

            //INoise landscape = new Bias(_mainLandscape, 0.45);
            Combiner underground_Attenuated = new Combiner(Combiner.CombinerType.Multiply);


            //Merge the Water landForm with the surface landForm
            INoise world_select = new Select(0.0, underground_Attenuated, _islandCtrl, 0.01, 0.0);         //Merge Plains with Midland

    public static ModuleBase Mountains()
        Gradient ground_gradient      = new Gradient(0, 0, 0, 1);
        Fractal  ground_shape_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM,
                                                    6, 2, null);

        ScaleOffset      ground_scale            = new ScaleOffset(0.5, 0, ground_shape_fractal);
        ScaleDomain      ground_scale_y          = new ScaleDomain(ground_scale, null, 0);
        TranslatedDomain ground_perturb          = new TranslatedDomain(ground_gradient, null, ground_scale_y);
        Fractal          ground_overhang_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM,
                                                               6, 2, 23434);
        ScaleOffset      ground_overhang_scale   = new ScaleOffset(0.2, 0, ground_overhang_fractal);
        TranslatedDomain ground_overhang_perturb = new TranslatedDomain(ground_perturb, ground_overhang_scale, null);

        Select selection = new Select(ground_overhang_perturb, 0, 1, 0.5, null);

        return(selection as ModuleBase);
Exemple #9
        public INoise GetLandFormFct()
            //The various parameters value here are scaled for a gradient being feed by 0 to 1 input value.
            //When this gradient is configured to recevied other value range then some parameters needs to be rescaled
            //That's the reason for using this _groundGradientTyped.AdjustY value
            //This way no matter the the Gradient Range, the values impacting it will be rescaled.

            //Create the Lowland base fractal with range from 0 to 1 values
            INoise ocean_shape_fractal = new FractalFbm(new Simplex(_seed), 3, 3, enuBaseNoiseRange.ZeroToOne);
            //Rescale + offset the output result ==> Wil modify the Scope of output range value
            INoise ocean_scale = new ScaleOffset(ocean_shape_fractal, 0.20 * _groundGradientTyped.AdjustY, 0.08 * _groundGradientTyped.AdjustY);

            //Force the Fractal to be used as 2D Noise, I don't need to 3th dimension
            INoise ocean_y_scale = new NoiseAccess(ocean_scale, NoiseAccess.enuDimUsage.Noise2D, true);

            //Offset the ground_gradient ( = create turbulance) to the Y scale of the gradient. input value
            INoise ocean_terrain = new Turbulence(_groundGradient, 0, ocean_y_scale);

Exemple #10
        public Form1()

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height);

            Gradient ground_gradient = new Gradient(0, 0, 0, 1);

            #region lowlands
            Fractal          lowland_shape_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.BILLOW, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 2, 0.25, null);
            AutoCorrect      lowland_autocorrect   = new AutoCorrect(lowland_shape_fractal, 0, 1);
            ScaleOffset      lowland_scale         = new ScaleOffset(0.125, -0.45, lowland_autocorrect);
            ScaleDomain      lowland_y_scale       = new ScaleDomain(lowland_scale, null, 0);
            TranslatedDomain lowland_terrain       = new TranslatedDomain(ground_gradient, null, lowland_y_scale);

            #region highlands
            Fractal          highland_shape_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 4, 2, null);
            AutoCorrect      highland_autocorrect   = new AutoCorrect(highland_shape_fractal, -1, 1);
            ScaleOffset      highland_scale         = new ScaleOffset(0.25, 0, highland_autocorrect);
            ScaleDomain      highland_y_scale       = new ScaleDomain(highland_scale, null, 0);
            TranslatedDomain highland_terrain       = new TranslatedDomain(ground_gradient, null, highland_y_scale);

            #region mountains
            Fractal          mountain_shape_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.RIDGEDMULTI, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 8, 1, null);
            AutoCorrect      mountain_autocorrect   = new AutoCorrect(mountain_shape_fractal, -1, 1);
            ScaleOffset      mountain_scale         = new ScaleOffset(0.3, 0.15, mountain_autocorrect);
            ScaleDomain      mountain_y_scale       = new ScaleDomain(mountain_scale, null, 0.15);
            TranslatedDomain mountain_terrain       = new TranslatedDomain(ground_gradient, null, mountain_y_scale);

            #region terrain
            Fractal     terrain_type_fractal          = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 3, 0.125, null);
            AutoCorrect terrain_autocorrect           = new AutoCorrect(terrain_type_fractal, 0, 1);
            ScaleDomain terrain_type_y_scale          = new ScaleDomain(terrain_autocorrect, null, 0);
            Cache       terrain_type_cache            = new Cache(terrain_type_y_scale);
            Select      highland_mountain_select      = new Select(terrain_type_cache, highland_terrain, mountain_terrain, 0.55, 0.2);
            Select      highland_lowland_select       = new Select(terrain_type_cache, lowland_terrain, highland_mountain_select, 0.25, 0.15);
            Cache       highland_lowland_select_cache = new Cache(highland_lowland_select);
            Select      ground_select = new Select(highland_lowland_select_cache, 0, 1, 0.5, null);

            #region caves
            Fractal          cave_shape           = new Fractal(FractalType.RIDGEDMULTI, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 1, 4, null);
            Bias             cave_attenuate_bias  = new Bias(highland_lowland_select_cache, 0.65);
            Combiner         cave_shape_attenuate = new Combiner(CombinerTypes.MULT, cave_shape, cave_attenuate_bias);
            Fractal          cave_perturb_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 6, 3, null);
            ScaleOffset      cave_perturb_scale   = new ScaleOffset(0.5, 0, cave_perturb_fractal);
            TranslatedDomain cave_perturb         = new TranslatedDomain(cave_shape_attenuate, cave_perturb_scale, null);
            Select           cave_select          = new Select(cave_perturb, 1, 0, 0.75, 0);

            Combiner gound_cave_multiply = new Combiner(CombinerTypes.MULT, cave_select, ground_select);

            //EXAMPLE 1
            //Gradient ground_gradient = new Gradient(0, 0, 0, 1);

            //Fractal ground_shape_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM,
            //                                           BasisTypes.GRADIENT,
            //                                           InterpTypes.QUINTIC,
            //                                           6, 2, null);

            //ScaleOffset ground_scale = new Accidental.ScaleOffset(0.5, 0, ground_shape_fractal);
            //ScaleDomain ground_scale_y = new ScaleDomain(null, 0, ground_scale);
            //TranslatedDomain ground_perturb = new TranslatedDomain(ground_gradient, null, ground_scale_y);

            //Fractal ground_overhang_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM,
            //                                              BasisTypes.GRADIENT,
            //                                              InterpTypes.QUINTIC,
            //                                              6, 2, 23434);
            //ScaleOffset ground_overhang_scale = new ScaleOffset(0.2, 0, ground_overhang_fractal);
            //TranslatedDomain ground_overhang_perturb = new TranslatedDomain(ground_perturb, ground_overhang_scale, null);

            //Select ground_select = new Select(ground_overhang_perturb, 0, 1, 0.5, null);

            //EXAMPLE 2
            //Fractal cave_shape = new Accidental.Fractal(FractalType.RIDGEDMULTI, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 1, 2, 4533);
            //Select cave_select = new Accidental.Select(cave_shape, 1, 0, 0.6, 0);

            //Fractal cave_perturb_fractal = new Fractal(FractalType.FBM, BasisTypes.GRADIENT, InterpTypes.QUINTIC, 6, 3, null);
            //ScaleOffset cave_perturb_scale = new ScaleOffset(0.25, 0, cave_perturb_fractal);
            //TranslatedDomain cave_perturb = new TranslatedDomain(cave_select, cave_perturb_scale, null);

            SMappingRanges ranges = new SMappingRanges();

            //finally update our image
            for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++)
                    double p = (double)x / (double)bitmap.Width;
                    double q = (double)y / (double)bitmap.Height;
                    double nx, ny = 0.0;

                    nx = ranges.mapx0 + p * (ranges.mapx1 - ranges.mapx0);
                    ny = ranges.mapy0 + q * (ranges.mapy1 - ranges.mapy0);

                    double val = gound_cave_multiply.Get(nx * 6, ny * 3);

                    bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Black.Lerp(Color.White, val));

            pictureBox1.Image = bitmap;