Exemple #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Person person = new Person();


            DelegateExample delegateExample = new DelegateExample();

            delegateExample.AddNum(10, 5);

            AddNumDelegate   adD = new AddNumDelegate(delegateExample.AddNum);
            SayHelloDelegate say = new SayHelloDelegate(DelegateExample.SayHello);
            string           str = say("PCV");

            str = DelegateExample.SayHello("PCV");


            // ...
            // si apoi undeva in codul aplicatiei
            // ...

            // define some observers
            var observer1 = new IntegerCollectionChangeObserver("observer 1");
            var observer2 = new IntegerCollectionChangeObserver("observer 2");

            // define the observable collection
            ObservableIntegerCollection col = new ObservableIntegerCollection();

            // attach both observers
            col.OnCollectionEvent += observer1.OnReceiveCollectionEvent;
            col.OnCollectionEvent += observer2.OnReceiveCollectionEvent;

            // make a change upon the collection and observe results
            // Outputs:
            // observer 1 > ElementAdded just happend, affected element is: 1
            // observer 2 > ElementAdded just happend, affected element is: 1

            // detach second observer
            col.OnCollectionEvent -= observer2.OnReceiveCollectionEvent;;

            // make another change upon the collection and observe results
            col.Update(0, 2);
            // Outputs:
            // observer 1 > ElementUpdated just happend, affected element is: 2

Exemple #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Program         p  = new Program();
            AddNumsDelegate ad = new AddNumsDelegate(p.AddNums); // Instance Method

            // ad(100, 50);
            ad.Invoke(100, 50);

            SayHelloDelegate shd = new SayHelloDelegate(SayHello); // Static Method

            string str = shd("Raju");                              // shd.Invoke("Raju");

Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)

            var explicitThread = RunExplicitThread();


            SayHelloDelegate asyncAdd = SayHello;
            var asyncResult           = asyncAdd.BeginInvoke(11, null, null);



Exemple #4
    static void Main(string[] args)
        SomeTimeLaterEvent += new SomeTimeLaterDelegate(AnswerAnotherDay);
        SayHelloLaterEvent += new SayHelloDelegate(SayHello);
        var eventsToRaise = new Queue <Action>();

        eventsToRaise.Enqueue(() => SomeTimeLaterEvent.Invoke(100));
        eventsToRaise.Enqueue(() => SayHelloLaterEvent.Invoke("Bob"));
        eventsToRaise.Enqueue(() => SomeTimeLaterEvent.Invoke(200));
        eventsToRaise.Enqueue(() => SayHelloLaterEvent.Invoke("John"));
        while (eventsToRaise.Any())
            var eventToRaise = eventsToRaise.Dequeue();
            //or eventToRaise.Invoke();
 public static void SayHello(string name, int retries = 0)
     if (!isAuth && retries < 3)
         Console.WriteLine("Not Authorized.");
         SayHelloDelegate del = new SayHelloDelegate(SayHello);
         del(name, retries);
     else if (!isAuth)
         Console.WriteLine("Failed to Authorize");
         Console.WriteLine("SayHello is Authorized.");
         Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}", name);
Exemple #6
        public static void Say()
            var func = new SayHelloDelegate(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello World"));

Exemple #7
        public void KDelegateMain()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World :: KDelegateMain() !");

            //06. lets create an instance of the class (LearnDelegates)
            LearnDelegates objLearnDelegates = new LearnDelegates();

            //07. Call the first method (addNumber)
            objLearnDelegates.AddNumber(2, 4);

            //08. now call the second method which is a static method
            string name = LearnDelegates.SayHello("Rama");


            //15. creating an instance of AddNumberDelegate
            //  when instanciating the delegate we need to pass the method name as parameter to the delegate
            //  check the intellisence it will tell as,
            //      a. a method name need to be passed
            //      b. the return type of the method is: void
            //      c. the method should take two integers as parameters
            //  intellisence: AddNumberDelegate(void (int, int) target)
            //  it is not mandatory that only AddNumber() method should be passed as parameter to this delegate
            //  any method can be passed to this delegate that has this return (void) and parameter type (taking two integers)
            //  can be passed to this delegate
            //  In the code when we type AddNumber as parameter to this delegate, there is no intellisence
            //  when there is no intellisence which means some thing is incorrect
            //  AddNumberDelegate objAddNumberDelegate = new AddNumberDelegate(AddNumber    .. no intellisence
            // reason: the method is non static method and we are creating it in static block of the delegate

            // rule: a non static member of a class can never be accessed from a static block directly
            //      this can be accessed only by using instance of the class

            // where is the non static method AddNumber(), it is inside/can be accessed from object of class LearnDelegate
            //      Object Name: objLearnDelegates

            // AddNumberDelegate(objLearnDelegates.AddNumber) => this represents: delegate holds the address of the method
            AddNumberDelegate objAddNumberDelegate = new AddNumberDelegate(objLearnDelegates.AddNumber);

            // SayHello, is a static method hence we are able to call it directly using class name
            SayHelloDelegate objSayHelloDelegate = new SayHelloDelegate(LearnDelegates.SayHello);

            // this is the second step called as instanciating the delegate

            //instanciating is the process of creating instance of the delegate, here we need to pass method name as
            //  parameter to the delegate constructor

            //09. now lets run the program and we get the following output

             * Hello World!
             * 6
             * Hello Rama

            //10. till now we have been calling methods like this, now lets see how we can call
            //  methods by delegates

            //11. to call a method by Delegate, we have three steps:
            //     (01) define a delegate
            //          <modifier> delegate void|type <name> ( <parameter List> )

            //          the above statement looks exactly similar to method signature, the extra word we are
            //              using is delegate (method signature and delegate will look exactly same)

            //          if we want to call the method (addNumber) using delegate
            //  =>      public void AddNumber(int a, int b)
            //          to the method name add the keyword delegate before return type
            //  =>      public delegate void AddNumber(int a, int b)
            //          method name and delegate name will not be the same hence give an appropriate
            //              name to the delegate, which is followed by semicolon
            //  =>      public delegate void AddNumberDelegate(int a, int b);
            //          Summary:
            //          --------
            //  =>      (method)        public void AddNumber(int a, int b)
            //  =>      (delegate)      public delegate void AddNumberDelegate(int a, int b);
            //  (a) when calling a delegate two important points to note, the return type of the delegate should
            //      exactly match the return type of the method (here its void)
            //  (b) the second is the parameters types of the delegate should exactly be the same type as parameters types of the
            //      delegate (here method is taking two integers and delegate is also taking two integers)
            //  =>      (method)        public void AddNumber(int a, int b)
            //  =>      (delegate)      public delegate void AddNumberDelegate(int x, int y);
            //          the parameter name can be any thing, it does not matter. it can be a and b in method where as
            //          x and y delegates, what matters is the type which is <int>, <int>
            //  Now lets try to define delegate for the second method SayHello
            //  =>      (method)        public static string SayHello(string name)
            //  =>      (delegate)      public static string SayHello(string name);
            //  In delegate no need to use they keyword static (we never use static on a delegate)
            //  =>      (method)        public static string SayHello(string name)
            //  =>      (delegate)      public delegate string SayHelloDelegate(string name);
            //  =>      (delegate)      public delegate string SayHelloDelegate(string userName);
            //  Here the return type of the delegate is string because the method return type is string
            //      the parameter type of the delegate is string because method parameter is also string
            //  (imp) the delegate type (return and parameter types) should exactly match with method type
            //  that is the reason we say, a delegate is type safe function pointer
            //  because delegate signature is going to match with method signature
            //  delegate is a type:
            //      a class is a type (user defined type)
            //      a structure is a type (user defined type)
            //      an interface is a type (user defined type)
            //  all these are user defined types
            //  similar to (class, struct and interface) delegate is also a user defined type
            //  the main difference between class and structure is:
            //      (a) class is reference type
            //      (b) struct is value type
            //  the same way
            //      (c) delegate is also a reference type
            //  In c# types are defined under namespace, for eg. every class we define/create is under namespace
            //      this class (LearnDelegates) is under the namespace (namespace PP.BR.DP1)
            //      not only class, everything structure, interface etc will be under a namespace
            //  (imp) this is because namespace is a logical container of types, that is the reason we define all the
            //      types under a namespace
            //  Now the question is where should we define, the delegate the answer is it should be under a namespace
            //  Now lets define the delegate below the namespace

            //14. the second step in delegate is
            //  (01) instanciating the delegate
            //  it is like creating an instance of delegate, because delegate is a reference type
            //  (imp) when instanciating the delegate we need to pass the method name as parameter to the delegate
            //  now lets create an instance (line #57) of the AddNumberDelegate which is defined in line #7
            //16. finally the third step is: call the delegate by passing required parameter values, so that
            //      internally the method which is bound with the delegate gets executed
            // we need to call the method AddNumber which we will not call it directly, we will call using delegate
            // when we call the delegate objAddNumberDelegate(.. it ask for two integer parameters
            //      objAddNumberDelegate(int dataA, int dataB)
            objAddNumberDelegate(100, 50);

            // now call the other delegate
            string returnInformation = objSayHelloDelegate("raju");


            // what happens internally, when we call the delegate the method will get executed, (it is not delegate,
            //  delegate is just pointer to a method)
            // when ever we call the delegate the pointer comes to method and method gets execuite
            // Calling via delegate and calling direclty will get the same output
            // Op:
            // ---
            // Hello World!
            // 6
            // Hello Rama
            // 150
            // Hello raju

            //17. the other way to call a delegate is .invoke
            //  so delegate has a method call invoke, this invoke accepts two parameters for us: (int dataA, int dataB)
            objAddNumberDelegate.Invoke(100, 50);

            //we can use any of the two ways, it is the same output

            /* happy learning: part2 Multicast Delegates */
