Exemple #1
 //SaveWork class contructor from parameters given by the user
 public SaveWork(string name, string sourcePath, string destinationPath, SaveWorkType type)
     this.name            = name;
     creationTime         = DateTime.Now.ToString();
     this.sourcePath      = sourcePath;
     this.destinationPath = destinationPath;
     this.type            = type;
     isActive             = false;
     saveProgress         = null;
Exemple #2
 //SaveWork class contructor from parameters given by the user
 public SaveWork(string _name, string _sourcePath, string _destinationPath, SaveWorkType _type)
     Name            = _name;
     CreationTime    = DateTime.Now.ToString();
     SourcePath      = _sourcePath;
     DestinationPath = _destinationPath;
     Type            = _type;
     IsActive        = false;
     SaveProgress    = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Complete Save Work constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_name">Save Work Name</param>
 /// <param name="_source">Directory Source Path</param>
 /// <param name="_target">Directory Target Destination Path</param>
 /// <param name="_extension">Extension List to Encrypt</param>
 /// <param name="_type">Save Work Type</param>
 public CompleteSaveWork(string _name, string _source, string _target, List <Extension> _extension, SaveWorkType _type)
     Name                   = _name;
     SourcePath             = _source;
     DestinationPath        = _target;
     type                   = _type;
     ExtentionToEncryptList = _extension;
     CreationTime           = DateTime.Now.ToString();
     IsActive               = false;
     //Progress = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Confirm changes and save them to the existing object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void ConfirmModifyClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(SaveNameForm.Text, @"^[a-zA-Z0-9 '_]{3,50}$") || !Regex.IsMatch(SaveSourcePathForm.Text, @"^[a-zA-Z]:(?:[\/\\][a-zA-Z0-9 _#]+)*$") || !Regex.IsMatch(SaveDestinationPathForm.Text, @"^[a-zA-Z]:(?:[\/\\][a-zA-Z0-9 _#]+)*$") || SaveTypeForm.SelectedItem == null)
                MessageBox.Show(Properties.Langs.Lang.ConfirmBoxFormError, Properties.Langs.Lang.Warning, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                ChangeUIElementVisibilityState(confirmButtonList, Visibility.Hidden);

                ISaveWork selectedItem = (ISaveWork)SaveList.SelectedItem;

                List <Extension> extensionList = new List <Extension>();
                if (ALL.IsChecked == false)
                    foreach (CheckBox _checkBox in CheckBoxList)
                        if (_checkBox.IsChecked == true)
                            Enum.TryParse(_checkBox.Name.ToLower(), out Extension _extension);

                SaveWorkType saveType = SaveWorkType.complete;
                if (SaveTypeForm.SelectedIndex != 0)
                    saveType = SaveWorkType.differencial;

                VM.ModifySaveProcedure(selectedItem.Index, SaveNameForm.Text, SaveSourcePathForm.Text.Replace("\\", "/"), SaveDestinationPathForm.Text.Replace("\\", "/"), saveType, extensionList);

                ChangeUIElementEnableState(FormElementList, false);
                ChangeUIElementEnableState(OptionButtonList, true);
                ChangeUIElementEnableState(SelectionButtonList, true);
                ALL.IsEnabled = false;
                ChangeUIElementEnableState(CheckBoxList, false);

                ChangeUIElementEnableState(SelectionButtonList, false);


                SaveList.SelectedItem = null;

                IsAnItemSelected = false;
Exemple #5
        private void CreateSave()
            string[] saveProcedure = View.CreateSaveProcedure();

            SaveWorkType type = SaveWorkType.unset;

            if (saveProcedure[3] == "1")
                type = SaveWorkType.complete;
            else if (saveProcedure[3] == "2")
                type = SaveWorkType.differencial;
            Model.CreateWork(int.Parse(saveProcedure[4]), saveProcedure[0], saveProcedure[1], saveProcedure[2], type);

        /// <summary>
        /// Modify value of save works objects stored in workList, if there is any null parameters the value attached isn't changed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_nb">Index of the work you want to change in the list</param>
        /// <param name="_name">New name to apply to the work</param>
        /// <param name="_sourcePath">New source path to apply to the work</param>
        /// <param name="_destinationPath">New target destination path to apply to the work</param>
        /// <param name="_type">New type of save work to apply to the work</param>
        public void ChangeWork(int _nb, string _name, string _sourcePath, string _destinationPath, SaveWorkType _type, List <Extension> _extension)
            if (_type != WorkList[_nb].Type && _type == SaveWorkType.complete)
                WorkList[_nb] = new CompleteSaveWork(_name, _sourcePath, _destinationPath, _extension, SaveWorkType.complete);
            else if (_type != WorkList[_nb].Type && _type == SaveWorkType.differencial)
                WorkList[_nb] = new DifferencialSaveWork(_name, _sourcePath, _destinationPath, _extension, SaveWorkType.differencial);
                if (_name != "")
                    WorkList[_nb].Name = _name;
                if (_sourcePath != "")
                    WorkList[_nb].SourcePath = _sourcePath;
                if (_destinationPath != "")
                    WorkList[_nb].DestinationPath = _destinationPath;
                WorkList[_nb].ExtentionToEncryptList = _extension;

Exemple #7
        //Modify value of save works objects stored in workList, if there is any null parameters the value attached isn't changed
        public void ChangeWork(int _nb, string _name, string _sourcePath, string _destinationPath, SaveWorkType _type)
            //modify the stateFile
            SaveWork backUpJobModified = new SaveWork(_name, _sourcePath, _destinationPath, _type);

            modifyStateFile(backUpJobModified, _nb);

            CreateLogLine("Modification of a existing save work in position " + _nb + ", current parameters : name : " + backupJobList[_nb - 1].name + ", source path : " + backupJobList[_nb - 1].sourcePath + ", destination path : " + backupJobList[_nb - 1].destinationPath + ", type : " + backupJobList[_nb - 1].type);
Exemple #8
        //Can create a save work from simple parameters
        public void CreateWork(string _name, string _sourcePath, string _destinationPath, SaveWorkType _type)
            SaveWork tempSave = new SaveWork(_name, _sourcePath, _destinationPath, _type);

            CreateLogLine("Creation of a new save work , name : " + tempSave.name + ", source path : " + tempSave.sourcePath + ", destination path : " + tempSave.destinationPath + ", type : " + tempSave.type);
 /// <summary>
 /// Tells the Model to modify a save procedure
 /// </summary>
 public void ModifySaveProcedure(int _id, string _name, string _sourcePath, string _destinationPath, SaveWorkType _saveType, List <Extension> _encryptionList)
     Model.ChangeWork(_id, _name, _sourcePath, _destinationPath, _saveType, _encryptionList);
 /// <summary>
 /// Tells the Model to create a save procedure
 /// </summary>
 public void CreateSaveProcedure(string _name, string _sourcePath, string _destinationPath, SaveWorkType _saveType, List <Extension> _extensionList)
     if (_saveType == SaveWorkType.complete)
         Model.CreateCompleteWork(_name, _sourcePath, _destinationPath, _extensionList);
         Model.CreateDifferencialWork(_name, _sourcePath, _destinationPath, _extensionList);
Exemple #11
        //Modify value of save works objects stored in workList, if there is any null parameters the value attached isn't changed
        public void ChangeWork(int _nb, string _name, string _sourcePath, string _destinationPath, SaveWorkType _type)
            if (_name != "")
                WorkList[_nb - 1].Name = _name;
            if (_sourcePath != "")
                WorkList[_nb - 1].SourcePath = _sourcePath;
            if (_destinationPath != "")
                WorkList[_nb - 1].DestinationPath = _destinationPath;
            if (_type != SaveWorkType.unset)
                WorkList[_nb - 1].Type = _type;

            CreateLogLine("Modification of a existing save work in position " + _nb + ", current parameters : name : " + WorkList[_nb - 1].Name + ", source path : " + WorkList[_nb - 1].SourcePath + ", destination path : " + WorkList[_nb - 1].DestinationPath + ", type : " + WorkList[_nb - 1].Type);
Exemple #12
        //Can create a save work from simple parameters
        public void CreateWork(int _nb, string _name, string _sourcePath, string _destinationPath, SaveWorkType _type)
            SaveWork tempSave = new SaveWork(_name, _sourcePath, _destinationPath, _type);

            WorkList[_nb - 1] = tempSave;
            CreateLogLine("Creation of a new save work in position " + _nb + ", name : " + tempSave.Name + ", source path : " + tempSave.SourcePath + ", destination path : " + tempSave.DestinationPath + ", type : " + tempSave.Type);