Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostAnswersAsync([FromBody] SaveSurveyAnswers command)
            await answerRules
            .Apply(command, ModelState);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            await service.Execute(command);


            //throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #2
        public async Task Execute(SaveSurveyAnswers command)
            var questionStorageMap = await repos.GetQuestionStorageMap(command.SurveyId);

            var currentAnswers = await repos.Get(new GetSurveyAnswers
                CaseId     = command.CaseId,
                SurveyId   = command.SurveyId,
                ProfileId  = command.ProfileId,
                OutbreakId = command.OutbreakId

            //unwrap jArrays to complex types

            var answers = command.Answers.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key.ToUpper(), entry => entry.Value);

            //get only the differences
            var deltas = SurveyAnswerHelpers.GetDeltas(currentAnswers, answers);

            //if no delta, exit
            if (!deltas.Any())

            var writer = COR <SurveyAnswerWriteContext> .CreateChain(
                new SymptomWriteHandler(),
                new TravelHistoryWriteHandler(),
                new MappedWriteHandler(dataServices),
                new RepeaterWriteHandler(),
                new MultipleWriteHandler(),
                new DefaultWriteHandler());

            var allkeys = deltas
                          .Select(delta => delta.Key)

            var storageMapping = writeContext.SurveyObjectMapping
                                 .Where(mapping => mapping.CdMappingtype == "TARGETDS")
                                 .Where(mapping => allkeys.Contains(mapping.IdQuestion))
                                 .ToDictionary(mapping => mapping.IdQuestion.ToUpper());

            var surveyInstanceId = await repos.GetSurveyInstanceId(command.ProfileId, command.CaseId, command.OutbreakId);

            var connection = writeContext.Database.GetDbConnection().EnsureOpen();

            using (var transaction = writeContext.Database.BeginTransaction().GetDbTransaction())
                //TODO:  This needs better DB design
                //if no survey instance, create one
                if (surveyInstanceId == 0)
                    surveyInstanceId = (int)await sequencerGenerator.GetNextAsync(SequenceType.SurveyInstance);

                    var instance = new SurveyInstance
                        IdSurveyInstance = surveyInstanceId.Value,
                        IdProfile        = command.ProfileId,

                    if (command.OutbreakId != null)
                        instance.CdEntityType = "O";
                        instance.IdEntity     = command.OutbreakId;

                    if (command.CaseId != null)
                        instance.CdEntityType = "C";
                        instance.IdEntity     = command.CaseId;

                    await writeContext.SurveyInstance.AddAsync(instance);

                    await writeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                var context = new SurveyAnswerWriteContext
                    DB                 = writeContext,
                    CaseId             = command.CaseId,
                    ProfileId          = command.ProfileId,
                    OutbreakId         = command.OutbreakId,
                    SurveyInstanceId   = surveyInstanceId.Value, //should be assigned a value by this point
                    UserId             = usernameProvider.GetUsername(),
                    Timestamp          = DateTime.Now,
                    QuestionStorageMap = questionStorageMap

                context.Transaction = transaction;
                context.Connection  = connection;

                //apply the changes
                foreach (var delta in deltas)
                    context.Delta = delta;

                    await writer.HandleAsync(context);

                    //need to mark question as answered
                    if (SurveyAnswerBindingHelpers.IsQuestion(delta.Key))
                        var param = new
                            questionId = delta.Key
                            string sql = @"update survey_question_bank
                                set IN_ANSWERED = 1
                                where id_question = @questionId
                                and IN_ANSWERED = 0;";

                            await connection.ExecuteAsync(sql, param, 1, transaction);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            //do nothing for now