private void NewSessionAction(object obj) { var sessionManager = ServiceLocator.Instance.Get <ISessionManager>(); if (!sessionManager.IsSaved) { var userResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes you made to " + sessionManager.Name + "?", "Sentinel", MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (userResult == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } if (userResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { SaveSession.Execute(null); // if the user clicked "Cancel" at the save dialog box if (!sessionManager.IsSaved) { return; } } } // Remove the tab control. if (tabControl.Items.Count > 0) { var tab = tabControl.SelectedItem; tabControl.Items.Remove(tab); } Add.Execute(null); }
public SaveSessionViewModel(SaveSession window, Models.SessionModel session) { this.sessionModel = session; Window = window; Genders = new ObservableCollection <string>() { "Man", "Woman" }; }
private void CommonEndOfSession() { recording = false; LocalKinect.KinectController.Stop(); RemoteKinect.Server.Stop(); SessionPercentageTimer.Stop(); EndOfSessionTimer.Stop(); Session.Duration = CurrentDuration; SaveSessionWindow = new SaveSession(Session); SaveSessionWindow.WindowClosed += SaveSessionWindow_WindowClosed; SaveSessionWindow.Show(); RaisePropertyChanged("CanRecord"); RaisePropertyChanged("CanForceFPS"); }
public ActionResult Save(SaveSession model) { if (ModelState.IsValid && model.Duration.HasValue) { var session = Context.Sessions.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Uid == model.SessionId); //SessionModel.Mapper.Instance.Get(new SessionModel.QueryByIdentity(sessionId)); session = session ?? new Session() { UserId = CurrentUser.Id }; //new SessionModel.Entity { UserId = user.Id.Value }; session.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, model.Duration.Value); // Save the session. Context.Sessions.Add(session); Context.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { status = "success" })); } return(Json(new { status = "failure" })); }
private void LoadSessionAction(object obj) { var sessionManager = ServiceLocator.Instance.Get <ISessionManager>(); var fileNameToLoad = (string)obj; if (!sessionManager.IsSaved) { var userResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes you made to " + sessionManager.Name + "?", "Sentinel", MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (userResult == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } if (userResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { SaveSession.Execute(null); // if the user clicked "Cancel" at the save dialog box if (!sessionManager.IsSaved) { return; } } } if (fileNameToLoad == null) { // Open file dialog //open a save file dialog OpenFileDialog openFile = new OpenFileDialog { FileName = sessionManager.Name, DefaultExt = ".sntl", Filter = "Sentinel session (.sntl)|*.sntl", FilterIndex = 0 }; if ((bool)!openFile.ShowDialog(this)) { return; } fileNameToLoad = openFile.FileName; } //TODO: can be changed to just clear? //tabControl.Items.Clear(); // Remove the tab control if (tabControl.Items.Count > 0) { var tab = tabControl.SelectedItem; tabControl.Items.Remove(tab); } RemoveBindingReferences(); sessionManager.LoadSession(fileNameToLoad); AddToRecentFiles(fileNameToLoad); BindViewToViewModel(); if (!sessionManager.ProviderSettings.Any()) { return; } var frame = ServiceLocator.Instance.Get <IWindowFrame>(); // Add to the tab control. var newTab = new TabItem { Header = sessionManager.Name, Content = frame }; tabControl.Items.Add(newTab); tabControl.SelectedItem = newTab; }
public void Post([FromBody] Session value) { IInsertSession saveObj = new SaveSession(); saveObj.InsertSession(value); }
public IkadnBaseObject Save(SaveSession session) { return(Save()); }