Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RenderTarget" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffers">The render target buffers.</param>
        /// <param name="colorSpace">The render target color space.</param>
        /// <param name="sampling">The render target buffer sampling options.</param>
        public RenderTarget(TargetBuffers buffers = TargetBuffers.Color0, ColorSpace colorSpace = ColorSpace.Linear, Sampling sampling = Sampling.None)
            if (buffers == TargetBuffers.None)
                throw new ArgumentException("Render target must have at least one buffer.", nameof(buffers));

            if ((buffers & TargetBuffers.Color0) == TargetBuffers.Color0)
                this.Color0 = new Texture2D(null, colorSpace, sampling);

            if ((buffers & TargetBuffers.Color1) == TargetBuffers.Color1)
                this.Color1 = new Texture2D(null, colorSpace, sampling);

            if ((buffers & TargetBuffers.Color2) == TargetBuffers.Color2)
                this.Color2 = new Texture2D(null, colorSpace, sampling);

            if ((buffers & TargetBuffers.Color3) == TargetBuffers.Color3)
                this.Color3 = new Texture2D(null, colorSpace, sampling);

            if ((buffers & TargetBuffers.DepthStencil) == TargetBuffers.DepthStencil)
                this.DepthStencil = new Texture2D(null, ColorSpace.sRGB, sampling & ~Sampling.Mipmap);
Exemple #2
        public SamplingFormVM(StudyUnitVM studyUnit)
            : base(studyUnit)
            samplings = new ObservableCollection <SamplingVM>();

            //change how to name the title
            //*Find the unique title like unsed
            //*The title such as Concept and Amount can be changed manually,
            //Cannot do here
            HashSet <string> titles = Sampling.CollectTitles(studyUnit.SamplingModels);

            foreach (Sampling samplingModel in studyUnit.SamplingModels)
                int        uniqIndex = EDOUtils.UniqOrderNo(titles, samplingModel.Title, PREFIX);
                SamplingVM sampling  = new SamplingVM(samplingModel)
                    Parent      = this,
                    OrderNo     = uniqIndex,
                    OrderPrefix = PREFIX
                titles.Add(sampling.Title); //Add in title set.
            modelSyncher = new ModelSyncher <SamplingVM, Sampling>(this, samplings, studyUnit.SamplingModels);
Exemple #3
 public void SampleMaxRateAlwaysReturnTrue()
     for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i += 1)
Exemple #4
        public override void Execute(State state, FastPriorityQueue <Event> eventQueue)
            // Clear switch (no lane cleared if coming from depot)
            SwitchLane lane = fromDepot ? SwitchLane.None : Switch.ArrivalLaneFor(platform);

            eventQueue.Enqueue(new ClearSwitchLane(station, lane), state.time + Config.c.switchClearanceTime);

            // Log
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"ArrivalEndstation: tram {tram.id}, station: {station.name}, {platform}, {lane}, time: {state.time}");

            // Check if tram can do another round trip if it is at endstation with depot
            if (!station.TramToDepot(state.time))
                // Board and unboard
                (int pOut, int pIn, List <int> e) = station.UnboardAndBoard(tram, tram.passengerCount);
                entrances = e;

                // Calculate when to schedule departure
                // If boarding/unboarding takes shorter than the turnaround, take the turnaround time
                int passengerTransferTime = state.time + Math.Max(Sampling.passengerExchangeTime(pOut, pIn), Config.c.turnAroundTimeFor(station));
                int nextDepartureTime     = station.NextDeparture();
                int nextEventTime         = Math.Max(passengerTransferTime, nextDepartureTime);

                // Queue event
                eventQueue.Enqueue(new ExpectedDepartureStartstation(tram, station, platform, nextDepartureTime), nextEventTime);
            // Transfer tram to depot
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Main method begins the sampling program
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">command line args as string[] array.</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Instant  startOfSampling = new Instant();
            Sampling sampling        = new Sampling();

            startOfSampling.Time = DateTime.Parse("2017-01-03T10:00:00");
            List <Measurement> unsampleMeasurementsList    = sampling.CreateSamples();
            Map <MeasurementType, List <Measurement> > map =
                sampling.Sample(startOfSampling, unsampleMeasurementsList);

            // Writes unsampled input top display.
            for (int i = 0; i < unsampleMeasurementsList.Count; i++)

            // Outputs sampled measurments to display.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <MeasurementType,
                                   List <Measurement> > keyValuePair in map)
                foreach (Measurement sampledMeasurement in keyValuePair.Value)

            // To pause I used ReadKey.
Exemple #6
 public void Setup()
     // just in case a generator uses
     // randomization, need to have a
     // good starting seed
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges a population with the current one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="population">Population to merge with.</param>
        /// <param name="newPoolSize">Size of the pool to create, including the current pool and merging pool (defaults to current pool size).</param>
        /// <param name="balance">Balance rate of the first population pool (percentage).  A higher rate will increase the selection rate of chromosomes in the first pool.</param>
        /// <param name="elites">Rate of elitist chromosomes in the resulting population from the previous pools (percentage).</param>
        /// <returns>Population.</returns>
        public virtual Population Merge(Population population, int newPoolSize, double balance = 0.5, double elites = 0.1)
            if (balance > 1)
                balance /= 100;
            if (elites > 1)
                elites /= 100;

            int poolSize = (newPoolSize > 0 ? newPoolSize : this._Chromosomes.Count);

            int eliteCount = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(poolSize * elites);

            var population1 = this._Chromosomes;
            var population2 = population;

            var result = new List <IChromosome>(poolSize);


            poolSize = poolSize - eliteCount;

            for (int i = result.Count; i < poolSize; i++)
                double rand = Sampling.GetUniform();

                var item = (rand < balance ? population1.Random() : population2.Random());

            return(new Population(result, this.FitnessMetric, this.FitnessMode));
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override double GenerateRay(CameraSample sample, out Ray ray)
            //ProfilePhase prof(Prof::GenerateCameraRay);
            // Compute raster and camera sample positions
            Point3D pFilm   = new Point3D(sample.FilmPoint.X, sample.FilmPoint.Y, 0.0);
            Point3D pCamera = RasterToCamera.AtPoint(pFilm);

            ray = new Ray(new Point3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), pCamera.ToVector3D().Normalize());
            // Modify ray for depth of field
            if (LensRadius > 0.0)
                // Sample point on lens
                Point2D pLens = LensRadius * Sampling.ConcentricSampleDisk(sample.LensPoint);

                // Compute point on plane of focus
                double  ft     = FocalDistance / ray.Direction.Z;
                Point3D pFocus = ray.AtPoint(ft);

                // Update ray for effect of lens
                ray.Origin    = new Point3D(pLens.X, pLens.Y, 0.0);
                ray.Direction = (pFocus - ray.Origin).ToVector3D().Normalize();
            ray.Time   = PbrtMath.Lerp(sample.Time, ShutterOpen, ShutterClose);
            ray.Medium = Medium;
            ray        = CameraToWorld.ExecuteTransform(ray);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Spectrum Sample_Wi(
            Interaction it,
            Point2D u,
            out Vector3D wi,
            out double pdf,
            out Point2D pRaster,
            out VisibilityTester vis)
            // Uniformly sample a lens interaction _lensIntr_
            Point2D     pLens      = LensRadius * Sampling.ConcentricSampleDisk(u);
            Point3D     pLensWorld = CameraToWorld.ExecuteTransform(it.Time, new Point3D(pLens.X, pLens.Y, 0.0));
            Interaction lensIntr   = new Interaction(pLensWorld, it.Time, new MediumInterface(Medium));

            lensIntr.N = (CameraToWorld.ExecuteTransform(it.Time, new Point3D(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).ToVector3D().ToNormal3D();

            // Populate arguments and compute the importance value
            vis = new VisibilityTester(it, lensIntr);
            wi  = (lensIntr.P - it.P).ToVector3D();
            double dist = wi.Length();

            wi /= dist;

            // Compute PDF for importance arriving at _ref_

            // Compute lens area of perspective camera
            double lensArea = LensRadius != 0.0 ? (Math.PI * LensRadius * LensRadius) : 1.0;

            pdf = (dist * dist) / (lensIntr.N.AbsDot(wi) * lensArea);
            return(We(lensIntr.SpawnRay(-wi), out pRaster));
Exemple #10
        public IHttpActionResult UploadRecording([FromBody] Sampling Sampling, HttpPostedFileBase file)
            string Message  = "";
            string fileName = "";

            // string extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    Sampling.AudioFileName = file.FileName;
                    Message = "1";

                if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                    fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                    var path = Path.Combine(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Uploads/Audio"), fileName);
                Message = "1";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Message = "0";
Exemple #11
        public SamplingVM(Sampling sampling)
            this.sampling  = sampling;
            this.universes = new ObservableCollection <UniverseVM>();
            foreach (Universe universeModel in sampling.Universes)
                UniverseVM universe = new UniverseVM(universeModel);
                universe.Parent = this;
            this.samplingNumbers = new ObservableCollection <SamplingNumberVM>();
            foreach (SamplingNumber samplingNumberModel in sampling.SamplingNumbers)
                SamplingNumberVM samplingNumber = new SamplingNumberVM(samplingNumberModel);
                samplingNumber.Parent = this;

            samplingMethods = Options.SamplingMethods;
            collectorTypes  = Options.CollectorTypes;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CollectorTypeCode))
                CollectorTypeCode = Sampling.DefaultCollectorType;
            modelSyncher  = new ModelSyncher <UniverseVM, Universe>(this, universes, sampling.Universes);
            modelSyncher2 = new ModelSyncher <SamplingNumberVM, SamplingNumber>(this, samplingNumbers, sampling.SamplingNumbers);
Exemple #12
 public SignalPlot(PlotControls controls, VideoConstants constants, Sampling sampling)
     Viewport    = new Viewport(constants.VisibleWidth * controls.Location.Left, constants.VisibleHeight * controls.Location.Top, constants.VisibleWidth * controls.Location.Right, constants.VisibleHeight * controls.Location.Bottom);
     LayerSignal = new LayerSignal(Viewport, sampling, controls, controls.Location.Angle);
     LayerAxis   = new LayerAxis(Viewport, controls.NumberOfDivisions, controls.Location.Angle);
     Controls    = controls;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>Initializes the random.</summary>
        /// <param name="X">The Matrix to process.</param>
        /// <param name="k">The int to process.</param>
        /// <returns>A Matrix.</returns>
        private Matrix InitializeRandom(Matrix X, int k)
            // initialize mean variables
            // to random existing points
            var m = Matrix.Zeros(k, X.Cols);

            var seeds = new List <int>(k);

            for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
                int index;
                    // pick random row that has not yet
                    // been used (need to fix this...)

                    index = Sampling.GetUniform(k + 1);

                    if (!seeds.Contains(index))
                }while (true);

                for (var j = 0; j < X.Cols; j++)
                    m[i, j] = X[index, j];

Exemple #14
        public override void Execute(State state, FastPriorityQueue <Event> eventQueue)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"ExpectedDepartureStartstation: tram {tram.id}, station: {station.name}, {platform}, Timetable: {timeTableTime}, time: {state.time}");

            // Close doors if it is time to leave
            if (state.time >= timeTableTime)
                // Mark tram as ready for departure

                // Start leaving directly when possible
                SwitchLane lane    = Switch.ExitLaneFor(platform);
                bool       isFirst = station.first == platform;
                if (isFirst && station._switch.SwitchLaneFree(lane))
                    eventQueue.Enqueue(new DepartureStartstation(tram, station, platform), state.time);
            // Otherwise let extra passengers enter
                (int pInExtra, List <int> e) = station.BoardPassengers(tram);
                entrances = e;
                int extraTime = Sampling.passengerExchangeTime(0, pInExtra);
                eventQueue.Enqueue(new ExpectedDepartureStartstation(tram, station, platform, timeTableTime), state.time + extraTime);
        public override void Execute(State state, FastPriorityQueue <Event> eventQueue)
            var station = state.stations[stationIndex];


            // Enqueue current tram
            if (station.HasQueue())
                Tram newOccupant = station.OccupyFromQueue();
                eventQueue.Enqueue(new TramArrival(newOccupant, stationIndex), state.time + Config.c.stationClearanceTime);

            // Schedule arrival at next station
            int newStationIndex = stationIndex + 1 == state.stations.Count ? 0 : stationIndex + 1;
            int drivingTime     = Sampling.drivingTime(Config.c.transferTimes[stationIndex].averageTime);

            Debug.WriteLine($"TramDeparture: tram {tram.id}: {station.name}, dir: {station.direction}, time: {state.time}");

            // Make sure trams do not take over each other
            int arrivalTime = station.SignalNextArrival(state.time + drivingTime);

            if (state.stations[newStationIndex] is Endstation endstation)
                eventQueue.Enqueue(new ExpectedArrivalEndstation(tram, endstation), arrivalTime);
                eventQueue.Enqueue(new ExpectedTramArrival(tram, newStationIndex), arrivalTime);
Exemple #16
        public DateTime Draw(DateTime from, DateTime to)
            var span = to.Subtract(from);

            if (span.TotalDays < 360)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can only work within year ranges for now...");

            var month = _months.Sample();
            var dow   = _dayOfWeek.Sample();
            var hour  = _hours.Sample();
            var day   = DateTime.DaysInMonth(from.Year, month);
            var year  = new DateTime(from.Year, month, System.Math.Min(from.Day, day)) < from ? from.Year + 1 : from.Year;

            var date = Enumerable.Range(1, DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month))
                       .Select(n => new DateTime(year, month, n))
                       .Where(d => d.DayOfWeek == dow)

Exemple #17
        public static List <UInt16> ComputeRadicalInversePermutations(Random rng)
            List <UInt16> perms;
            // Allocate space in _perms_ for radical inverse permutations
            int permArraySize = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < PrimeTableSize; ++i)
                permArraySize += Primes[i];

            perms = new List <UInt16>(permArraySize);

            int offset = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < PrimeTableSize; ++i)
                // Generate random permutation for $i$th prime base
                for (int j = 0; j < Primes[i]; ++j)
                    perms[offset + j] = Convert.ToUInt16(j);

                Sampling.Shuffle(perms, offset, Primes[i], 1, rng);
                offset += Primes[i];
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs crossover using point selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chromosome1">First parent.</param>
        /// <param name="chromosome2">Second parent.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IChromosome Crossover(IChromosome chromosome1, IChromosome chromosome2)
            this.InitPoints(chromosome1.Sequence.Length, this.IsDynamic);

            IChromosome parent = chromosome1;
            IChromosome clone  = parent.Clone();

            int split = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < chromosome1.Sequence.Length; i++)
                if (i == this.Points[split])
                    // striated genes
                    double p = Sampling.GetUniform();

                    if (p <= this.Probability)
                        parent = (parent == chromosome1 ? chromosome2 : chromosome1);

                    if (split < this.Points.Length - 1)
                // do crossover
                clone.Sequence[i] = parent.Sequence[i];

Exemple #19
        public override void Execute(State state, FastPriorityQueue <Event> eventQueue)
            // Free the platform

            // Reset ready for departure

            // Claim lane
            SwitchLane lane = Switch.ExitLaneFor(platform);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"DepartureStartstation: tram {tram.id}, station: {station.name}, {platform}, {lane}, time: {state.time}");

            // Clear the lane it's leaving over in 60s
            eventQueue.Enqueue(new ClearSwitchLane(station, lane), state.time + Config.c.switchClearanceTime);

            // Queue next arrival
            int stationIndex    = state.stations.IndexOf(station);
            int newStationIndex = stationIndex + 1;

            // Make sure trams do not take over each other
            int drivingTime = Sampling.drivingTime(Config.c.transferTimes[stationIndex].averageTime);
            int arrivalTime = station.SignalNextArrival(state.time + drivingTime);

            eventQueue.Enqueue(new ExpectedTramArrival(tram, newStationIndex), arrivalTime);
        public object Create()
            var span = _to - _from;
            var hrs  = Sampling.GetUniform((int)System.Math.Floor(span.TotalHours - 1));

Exemple #21
        private static StudyUnit DoLoadStudyUnit(string pathName)
            StudyUnit studyUnit = Load <StudyUnit>(pathName);

            if (studyUnit == null)
            foreach (Member member in studyUnit.Members)
            // old data files available(in which Data Collection is not yet tabbed)
            if (studyUnit.Sampling != null && studyUnit.Samplings.Count == 0)
                Sampling sampling = studyUnit.Sampling;
            foreach (Sampling sampling in studyUnit.Samplings)
            studyUnit.Sampling = null;
Exemple #22
        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,BarCode,Iteration,Location,Comment,SamplingType_Id,SamplingStatus_Id,Appointment_Id")] Sampling sampling, SamplingType samplingType, string returnUrl)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                AddNewEntityIfNecessary(sampling, samplingType);

                db.Entry(sampling).State = EntityState.Modified;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl))


            if (Session["Language"].ToString().ToLower() == "en")
                ViewBag.SamplingStatus_Id = new SelectList(db.SamplingStatus, "Id", "Name", sampling.SamplingStatus_Id);
                ViewBag.SamplingType_Id   = new SelectList(db.SamplingTypes, "Id", "Name", sampling.SamplingType_Id);
                ViewBag.SamplingStatus_Id = new SelectList(db.SamplingStatus, "Id", "NameFr", sampling.SamplingStatus_Id);
                ViewBag.SamplingType_Id   = new SelectList(db.SamplingTypes, "Id", "NameFr", sampling.SamplingType_Id);
Exemple #23
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,CentreId,Date,Salinity,Temp,O2")] Sampling sampling)
            if (sampling == null || id != sampling.Id)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!SamplingExists(sampling.Id))
            ViewData["CentreId"] = new SelectList(_context.Centre, "Id", "Id", sampling.CentreId);
Exemple #24
        public static List <string> CollectIds(StudyUnit studyUnit)
            List <string> ids = new List <string>();

            //0. StudyUnit itself
            CollectIds(studyUnit, ids);
            //1. Event
            CollectIds(studyUnit.Events, ids);
            //2. Member
            CollectIds(studyUnit.Members, ids);
            //3. Organization
            CollectIds(studyUnit.Organizations, ids);
            //4. Abstract
            CollectIds(studyUnit.Abstract, ids);
            //5. Coverage
            CollectIds(studyUnit.Coverage, ids);
            //6. Funding Agency
            CollectIds(studyUnit.FundingInfos, ids);
            //6-1. Organization including
            CollectIds(FundingInfo.GetOrganizations(studyUnit.FundingInfos), ids);
            CollectIds(Sampling.GetUniverses(studyUnit.Samplings), ids);
            CollectIds(studyUnit.Samplings, ids);
            //9. Concept Scheme
            CollectIds(studyUnit.ConceptSchemes, ids);
            //9-1. Concept
            CollectIds(ConceptScheme.GetConcepts(studyUnit.ConceptSchemes), ids);
            //10. Question
            CollectIds(studyUnit.Questions, ids);
            //10-1. Answer
            CollectIds(Question.GetResponses(studyUnit.Questions), ids);
            //11. Category Scheme
            CollectIds(studyUnit.CategorySchemes, ids);
            //11-1. Category
            CollectIds(CategoryScheme.GetCategories(studyUnit.CategorySchemes), ids);
            //12. Code Scheme
            CollectIds(studyUnit.CodeSchemes, ids);
            //12-1. Code
            CollectIds(CodeScheme.GetCodes(studyUnit.CodeSchemes), ids);
            //13. Variable Scheme
            CollectIds(studyUnit.VariableScheme, ids);
            //14. Variable
            CollectIds(studyUnit.Variables, ids);
            //14-1. Answer
            CollectIds(Variable.GetResponses(studyUnit.Variables), ids);
            //15. Dataset
            CollectIds(studyUnit.DataSets, ids);
            //16. Data File
            CollectIds(studyUnit.DataFiles, ids);
            //17. Order of Question
            CollectIds(studyUnit.ControlConstructSchemes, ids);
            CollectIds(ControlConstructScheme.GetSequences(studyUnit.ControlConstructSchemes), ids);
            CollectIds(ControlConstructScheme.GetConstructs(studyUnit.ControlConstructSchemes), ids);

Exemple #25
 public void Test_Range_Single_Testing()
     for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
         var t = Sampling.GetUniform();
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the temperature oversampling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sampling">The <see cref="Sampling"/> to set.</param>
        public void SetTemperatureSampling(Sampling sampling)
            byte status = Read8BitsFromRegister(_controlRegister);

            status = (byte)(status & 0b0001_1111);
            status = (byte)(status | (byte)sampling << 5);
            _i2cDevice.Write(new[] { _controlRegister, status });
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Mutates the chromosome using random replacement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chromosome">Chromosome to mutate.</param>
        /// <returns>IChromosome.</returns>
        public override IChromosome Mutate(IChromosome chromosome)
            var clone = chromosome.Clone();

            clone.Sequence[this.N] = Sampling.GetUniform(this.Range.Min, this.Range.Max);

Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the temperature sampling to the given value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sampling"></param>
        public void SetTemperatureSampling(Sampling sampling)
            byte status = Read8BitsFromRegister((byte)Register.CTRL_MEAS);

            status = (byte)(status & 0b0001_1111);
            status = (byte)(status | (byte)sampling << 5);
            _i2cDevice.Write(new[] { (byte)Register.CTRL_MEAS, status });
Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the pressure sampling to the given value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sampling"></param>
        public void SetPressureSampling(Sampling sampling)
            byte status = Read8BitsFromRegister((byte)Register.CTRL_MEAS);

            status = (byte)(status & 0b1110_0011);
            status = (byte)(status | (byte)sampling << 2);
            _i2cDevice.Write(new[] { (byte)Register.CTRL_MEAS, status });
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the pressure sampling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sampling">The <see cref="Sampling"/> to set.</param>
        public void SetPressureSampling(Sampling sampling)
            byte status = Read8BitsFromRegister(_controlRegister);

            status = (byte)(status & 0b1110_0011);
            status = (byte)(status | (byte)sampling << 2);
            _i2cDevice.Write(new[] { _controlRegister, status });
Exemple #31
 public int Draw(int setcount)
     if (setcount == 0)
         throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Cannot draw from an empty set");
     return(Sampling.GetUniform(1, setcount) - 1);
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Texture2D" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The source file path.</param>
        /// <param name="colorSpace">The source image color space.</param>
        /// <param name="sampling">The sampling options.</param>
        public Texture2D(string path, ColorSpace colorSpace, Sampling sampling = Sampling.None) : base(GL.TEXTURE_2D, colorSpace, sampling)
            this.Image = new TextureImage(this, GL.TEXTURE_2D);

            if (path != null)
                this.Ready = this.Load(path);
                this.Ready = Task.CompletedTask;
        TableKolmogorova table = new TableKolmogorova(); //таблица критерия

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        public KolmogorovContainer Calculate(Sampling sampling, int type)
            //создаём эземпляр практической функции распределения
            PracticalDistributionFunction function1 = new PracticalDistributionFunction(sampling);
            double d = D(function1, type);
            double λ =  d * Math.Sqrt(sampling.GetVolume());//вычисляем λ
            double P = table.GetP(λ);//ищем по таблице результат
            KolmogorovContainer result = new KolmogorovContainer();
            result.P = P;
            result.λ = λ;
            result.D = d;
            result.MeanSquareDeviation = function1.MeanSquareDeviation(sampling.AvеrageValue());
            return result;
Exemple #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TextureCube" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The asset file path.</param>
        /// <param name="colorSpace">The source image color space.</param>
        /// <param name="sampling">The sampling options.</param>
        public TextureCube(string path, ColorSpace colorSpace, Sampling sampling = Sampling.None) : base(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, colorSpace, sampling)
            this.PositiveX = new TextureImage(this, GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X);
            this.PositiveY = new TextureImage(this, GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y);
            this.PositiveZ = new TextureImage(this, GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z);
            this.NegativeX = new TextureImage(this, GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X);
            this.NegativeY = new TextureImage(this, GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y);
            this.NegativeZ = new TextureImage(this, GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z);

            if (path != null)
                this.Ready = this.Load(path);
                this.Ready = Task.CompletedTask;
 public PracticalDistributionFunction(Sampling sampling)
     Sampling Ranged = sampling.RangedSampling(); //упорядоченная выборка
     double P = (double)1 / Ranged.GetVolume();//частота одной точки
     Values.Add(new Point(Ranged.GetValue(0), P)); //добавляем первую точку к функции
     Ranged.DeletValue(Ranged.GetValue(0)); //удаляем её из выборки
     while (Ranged.GetVolume() != 0) //пока в выборке есть точки
         double TemproraryProbability = Values[Values.Count - 1].GetP + P;
         if (Values[Values.Count - 1].GetX == Ranged.GetValue(0))
             //если точка имеет то же значение что и последняя в функции
             Values[Values.Count - 1] = new Point(Ranged.GetValue(0), TemproraryProbability);
             //увеличиваем значение функции в данной точке
             Values.Add(new Point(Ranged.GetValue(0), TemproraryProbability));
             //иначе добавляем к функции новую точку
         Ranged.DeletValue(Ranged.GetValue(0)); //удаляем текущую точку из выборки
Exemple #36
 public static int SampleCount(Sampling bSampling)
     return bSampling.Count > 1 ? bSampling.Count : 0;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="SwapChainDescription"/> structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="colorBufferCount">Number of the swap chain's color buffers.</param>
 /// <param name="colorBufferFormatID">Format of the swap chain's color buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="enableAutoDepthStencil">Specifies whether the swap chain should use its own (auto) depth-stencil buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="depthStencilFormatID">Format of the swap chain's auto depth-stencil buffer. If <see cref="EnableAutoDepthStencil"/> is set to false, this field is ignored.</param>
 /// <param name="sampling">A <see cref="Sampling"/> structure describing multi-sampling parameters.</param>
 /// <param name="verticalSync">Specifies whether the swap chain should wait for a monitor vertical refresh to present a new frame.
 /// <remarks>Using this option will remove the "tearing" effect and reduce the chance of the GPU overheat, 
 /// but may reduce FPS if its non-synchronized value is below monitor's refresh rate.
 /// </remarks>
 /// </param>
 public SwapChainDescription(
     int colorBufferCount,
     int colorBufferFormatID,
     bool enableAutoDepthStencil,
     int depthStencilFormatID,
     Sampling sampling,
     bool verticalSync)
     ColorBufferCount = colorBufferCount;
     ColorBufferFormatID = colorBufferFormatID;
     EnableAutoDepthStencil = enableAutoDepthStencil;
     DepthStencilFormatID = depthStencilFormatID;
     Sampling = sampling;
     VerticalSync = verticalSync;
        private int Volume; //объём выборки

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public PirsonCriterion(Sampling sampling,int intervals)
            Intervals = intervals;
            ranged = sampling.RangedSampling();//упорядоченная выборка
 public Texture2DDescription(
     int width,
     int height,
     int mipLevels,
     int arraySize,
     int formatID,
     Sampling sampling,
     Usage usage,
     BindFlags bindFlags,
     MiscFlags miscFlags,
     ExtraFlags extraFlags)
     Width = width;
     Height = height;
     MipLevels = mipLevels;
     ArraySize = arraySize;
     FormatID = formatID;
     Sampling = sampling;
     Usage = usage;
     BindFlags = bindFlags;
     MiscFlags = miscFlags;
     ExtraFlags = extraFlags;
Exemple #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Texture" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">The texture target.</param>
 /// <param name="colorSpace">The source image color space.</param>
 /// <param name="sampling">The sampling options.</param>
 internal Texture(GL target, ColorSpace colorSpace, Sampling sampling)
     this.target = target;
     this.ColorSpace = colorSpace;
     this.Sampling = sampling;