Exemple #1
        public FRM_USER()

            Sales_Management_Syastem.DB_SMPEntities dbContext = new Sales_Management_Syastem.DB_SMPEntities();
            // Call the LoadAsync method to asynchronously get the data for the given DbSet from the database.
            dbContext.TB_USERS.LoadAsync().ContinueWith(loadTask =>
                // Bind data to control when loading complete
                gridControl1.DataSource = dbContext.TB_USERS.Local.ToBindingList();
            }, System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Exemple #2
 public FRM_SELL()
     // This line of code is generated by Data Source Configuration Wizard
     // Instantiate a new DBContext
     Sales_Management_Syastem.DB_SMPEntities dbContext = new Sales_Management_Syastem.DB_SMPEntities();
     // Call the LoadAsync method to asynchronously get the data for the given DbSet from the database.
     dbContext.TB_SELL.LoadAsync().ContinueWith(loadTask =>
         // Bind data to control when loading complete
         gridControl1.DataSource = dbContext.TB_SELL.Local.ToBindingList();
     }, System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());