protected override void BuildCustomRemoteCode(X86Writer w, MemoryStream ms) { RecordedValueHandle?.Dispose(); RecordedValueHandle = new SafeRemoteHandle(sizeof(int)); //Move address in Register into the value of RecordedValueHandle // // e.g. with RecordedValueHandle = 7777 and Register = X86Register32.EAX: // mov [7777],eax w.Mov32(new X86Address(X86Register32.None, RecordedValueHandle.GetHandle().ToInt32()), Register); }
void DbgNodeRestore() { SafeRemoteHandle DbgMenuManFix_ = new SafeRemoteHandle(0x1000); SafeRemoteHandle DbgMenuManGetNode_ = new SafeRemoteHandle(0x10); IntPtr DbgMenuManFix = DbgMenuManFix_.GetHandle(); IntPtr DbgMenuManGetNode = DbgMenuManGetNode_.GetHandle(); var c = new Assembler(64);; var stream = new MemoryStream(); c.Assemble(new StreamCodeWriter(stream), (ulong)0x140152af0); Hook.WBytes(0x140152af0, stream.ToArray()); c = new Assembler(64);; stream = new MemoryStream(); c.Assemble(new StreamCodeWriter(stream), (ulong)0x140152b00); Hook.WBytes(0x140152b00, stream.ToArray()); c = new Assembler(64); Label SkipDbgMenuManGetNode = c.CreateLabel();, 0x141c04cc8);, __[rax]); c.cmp(rax, 0);;, __[rax + 8]); c.Label(ref SkipDbgMenuManGetNode); c.ret(); stream = new MemoryStream(); c.Assemble(new StreamCodeWriter(stream), (ulong)DbgMenuManGetNode); Hook.WBytes(DbgMenuManGetNode, stream.ToArray()); c = new Assembler(64);; stream = new MemoryStream(); c.Assemble(new StreamCodeWriter(stream), (ulong)0x140152a38); Hook.WBytes(0x140152a38, stream.ToArray()); c = new Assembler(64);, 0x1414acd70);;, 0x141c04cc8);, __[rcx]);[rcx + 8], rax); c.add(rsp, 0x28); c.ret(); stream = new MemoryStream(); c.Assemble(new StreamCodeWriter(stream), (ulong)DbgMenuManFix); Hook.WBytes(DbgMenuManFix, stream.ToArray()); }
public CodeHookBase(IntPtr originalLocalCodeStart, int originalLocalCodeLength, int customLocalCodeAllocSize, bool originalCodeAtEnd = false, byte[] specificOriginalCode = null) { OriginalLocalCodeStartOffset = originalLocalCodeStart; OriginalLocalCodeLength = originalLocalCodeLength; CustomLocalCodeAllocSize = customLocalCodeAllocSize; OriginalCodeAtEnd = originalCodeAtEnd; CustomRemoteCodeHandle = new SafeRemoteHandle(CustomLocalCodeAllocSize); if (specificOriginalCode != null) { OriginalLocalCode = specificOriginalCode; } _buildAsmArrays(); }
private void CompletelyReInitializeAndInjectCodeInNewLocation() { UndoCodeInjection(); CodeHandle?.Dispose(); CodeHandle = new SafeRemoteHandle(FUNCTION_CALL_ASM_BUFFER_SIZE); }
private int SquashIntoDword(ref List <SafeRemoteHandle> allocPtrList, dynamic arg) { Type typ = arg.GetType(); Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult.Int1 = 0; if (arg is int) { Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult = (int)arg; } else if (arg is bool) { Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult = (bool)arg; } else if (arg is float) { Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult = (float)arg; } else if (arg is uint) { Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult = (uint)arg; } else if (arg is short) { Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult = (short)arg; } else if (arg is ushort) { Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult = (ushort)arg; } else if (arg is byte) { Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult = (byte)arg; } else if (arg is string argStr) { var hand = new SafeRemoteHandle((argStr.Length + 1) * 2); var handVal = hand.GetHandle(); Hook.WUnicodeStr((IntPtr)handVal, argStr); allocPtrList.Add(hand); Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult = (uint)handVal; } else if (arg is IntPtr) { Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult.Int1 = ((IntPtr)arg).ToInt32(); } else { var size = Marshal.SizeOf(arg); if (size <= INT32_SIZE) { IntPtr ptrToArg = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); //Allocate a place for our arg try { Marshal.StructureToPtr(arg, ptrToArg, true); //Move arg to where that pointer points byte[] argByt = new byte[size]; //Make a new byte array the size of the arg Marshal.Copy(ptrToArg, argByt, 0, size); //Copy bytes from [ptrToArg] to argByt Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult.SetBytes(argByt); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrToArg); } } else { //Allocate a place for our arg IntPtr ptrToArg = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); try { var hand = new SafeRemoteHandle(size); var unmanagedArg = new SafeMarshalledHandle(arg); hand.MemPatch(unmanagedArg); allocPtrList.Add(hand); Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult = unmanagedArg.GetHandle().ToInt32(); if (unmanagedArg != null) { unmanagedArg.Close(); unmanagedArg.Dispose(); unmanagedArg = null; } //##### OLD METHOD: ##### //Move arg to where that pointer points //Marshal.StructureToPtr(arg, ptrToArg, True) //'Make a new byte array the size of the arg //Dim argByt(size - 1) As Byte //'Copy bytes from where we just moved that object to, over to our byte array //Marshal.Copy(ptrToArg, argByt, 0, size) //' > argByt NOW CONTAINS ARG AS BYTES < //Dim ingamePtrToArg As New IngameAllocatedPtr(size) //WriteProcessMemory(CurrentProcessHandle, ingamePtrToArg.Address, argByt, size, New Integer()) //allocPtrList.Add(ingamePtrToArg) //Return ingamePtrToArg.Address } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; //We mainly here for dat Finally my boi } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrToArg); } } } return(Buffer_SquashIntoDwordResult.Int1); }