public IActionResult MDEditor_API() { string action = GetParam("action"); string result = ""; switch (action) { case "down": { string content = RequestEx["content"]; Stream sm = IOHelper.BytesToStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content)); //var memi = provider.Mappings[fileExt]; return(File(sm, "text/plain", "")); } case "upload": //上传图片 { var file = Request.Form.Files["editormd-image-file"]; string vpath = ZLHelper.GetUploadDir_Anony("content", "md"); string fname = function.GetRandomString(10) + "." + GetImgExt(file.FileName); string url = SafeC.SaveFile(vpath, fname, file.OpenReadStream(), (int)file.Length); result = JsonHelper.GetJson( new string[] { "success", "message", "url" }, new string[] { "1", "上传成功", url }); } break; } return(Content(result)); }
protected void DownToExcel_B_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OfficeHelper office = new OfficeHelper(); string name = ZType.ToLower().Equals("comment") ? "评论排行.xls" : "点击排行.xls"; SafeC.DownStr(office.ExportExcel(GetDt(), "标题,点击数,评论数,录入者,录入时间"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "点击排行.xls", Encoding.Default); }
public IActionResult DB_Backup() { //string dbPath = !this.chBackup.Checked ? backPath : AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string dbname = DBHelper.GetAttrByStr(DBCenter.DB.ConnectionString, "Initial Catalog"); string DatabasePath = GetParam("DatabasePath").Split('.')[0]; if (SafeC.FileNameCheck(DatabasePath)) { return(WriteErr("文件名不规范")); } string savePath = ""; if (DBHelper.IsLocalDB(HttpContext.Connection.LocalIpAddress.ToString(), System.Environment.MachineName)) { savePath = function.VToP(dbPath + GetParam("DatabasePath") + ".bak"); } else { savePath = "D:\\backup\\" + DatabasePath + ".bak"; } string sql = "backup database [" + dbname + "] to disk='" + savePath + "' with init "; if (!Directory.Exists(function.VToP(dbPath))) { SafeSC.CreateDir(dbPath); } SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(sql); return(WriteOK("数据库备份成功", "DBBackUP")); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //B_Admin.CheckIsLogged(); if (!badmin.CheckLogin()) { SupperGavel.Visible = true; SupperGavelCon.Visible = false; } else if (badmin.CheckLogin()) { B_Admin.IsSuperManage(); admintop.Visible = true; } if (!IsPostBack) { if (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Connection String"].ConnectionString.Contains("Data Source")) { SafeC.Cert_Update(); ZoomLa.BLL.Install.ChangeConnStr(SafeC.Cert_Encry(SqlHelper.ConnectionString)); } if (LoginCount >= 3) { function.Script(this, "EnableCode();"); } } }
public static string ReadFileStr(string vpath, bool lines = false) { if (!File.Exists(function.VToP(vpath))) { return(""); } return(SafeC.ReadFileStr(vpath, lines)); }
public string SaveFile() { C_SFileUP model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <C_SFileUP>(RequestEx["model"]); var file = Request.Form.Files["file"]; Stream stream = file.OpenReadStream(); int conLength = (int)Request.ContentLength; //================================= string result = ""; if (Request.ContentLength < 100 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName)) { return(""); } string fname = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + function.GetRandomString(4) + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); switch (model.FileType) { case "img": { if (!SafeSC.IsImage(file.FileName)) { throw new Exception(Path.GetExtension(file.FileName) + "不是有效的图片格式!"); } //ImgHelper imghelp = new ImgHelper(); //if (IsCompress)//压缩与最大比只能有一个生效 //{ // imghelp.CompressImg(FileUp_File.PostedFile, 1000, vpath); //} bool hasSave = false; //if (model.MaxWidth > 0 || model.MaxHeight > 0) //{ // System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(file.InputStream); // img = imghelp.ZoomImg(img, model.MaxHeight, model.MaxWidth); // result = ImgHelper.SaveImage(GetSaveDir(model.SaveType) + fname, img); // hasSave = true; //} if (!hasSave) { result = SafeC.SaveFile(GetSaveDir(model.SaveType), fname, stream, conLength); } } break; //case "office": // { // string[] exname = "doc|docx|xls|xlsx".Split('|'); // if (!exname.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file.FileName))) { throw new Exception("必须上传doc|docx|xls|xlsx格式的文件!"); return ""; } // result = ZoomLa.BLL.SafeSC.SaveFile(GetSaveDir(model.SaveType), fname, stream, conLength); // } // break; //case "all": //default: // { // result = ZoomLa.BLL.SafeSC.SaveFile(GetSaveDir(model.SaveType), fname, file.OpenReadStream(), conLength); // } // break; } return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string base64 = Request.Form["base64_hid"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64)) { return; } SafeC.DownFile(IOHelper.StreamToBytes(Base64ToImg(base64)), "view.png"); }
protected void Save_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (NowImg_Hid.Value.Equals(SourceImg_Hid.Value)) { function.WriteErrMsg("请修改后再保存"); } byte[] img = SafeC.ReadFileByte(NowImg_Hid.Value); SafeC.SaveFile(SourceImg_Hid.Value, Path.GetFileName(SourceImg_Hid.Value), img); function.Script(this, "AfterSave();"); }
protected void Export_B_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OfficeHelper office = new OfficeHelper(); DataTable dt = contentBll.GroupDayCount(DataConverter.CLng(Request.Form["curNid_hid"]), Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["years"]), Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["months"]), Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["model"])); dt.Columns.Add("Date"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dt.Rows[i]["Date"] = DataConverter.CDate(dt.Rows[i]["Years"] + "-" + dt.Rows[i]["Months"] + "-" + dt.Rows[i]["Days"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");; } DataTable newDt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(false, "Date,PCount,ComCount,Hits".Split(',')); SafeC.DownStr(office.ExportExcel(newDt, "日期,发稿量,评论数,点击数"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "时间统计.xls", Encoding.Default); }
protected void DownExcel_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { M_Pub_Excel excelMod = new M_Pub_Excel(); B_Pub_Excel excelBll = new B_Pub_Excel(); M_Pub pubinfo = pub.GetSelect(PubID); excelMod = excelBll.SelByTbName(pubinfo.PubTableName); if (excelMod == null) { function.WriteErrMsg("尚未为表:" + pubinfo.PubTableName + "指定导出规则,请先<a href='PubExcel.aspx?mid=" + pubinfo.PubModelID + "'>点此设定导出规则</a>"); } OfficeHelper ofHelper = new OfficeHelper(); SafeC.DownStr(ofHelper.GetExcelByDT(GetDT(), excelMod.Fields, excelMod.CNames), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "互动信息.xls", Encoding.Default); }
public IActionResult Question_Add() { var model = new VM_Question(HttpContext); M_Exam_Sys_Questions questMod = Question_FillMod(); if (Mid > 0) { questBll.GetUpdate(questMod); } else { questMod.p_id = questBll.GetInsert(questMod); } SafeC.WriteFile(questMod.GetOPDir(), RequestEx["Optioninfo_Hid"]); return(WriteOK("操作成功!", "QuestList?NodeID=" + model.NodeID)); }
public void MyBind() { NodeDPBind(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Url))//普通页面,新浪等 { string html = htmlHelper.GetHtmlFromSite(Url); Content_T.Text = acBll.GetArticleFromWeb(html, Url); Title_T.Text = Request["Title"] == null?htmlHelper.GetTitle(html) : Request["Title"]; SourceUrl_T.Text = Request["Source"] == null?GetSource(Url) : Request["Source"]; Author_T.Text = Request["Author"] == null?badmin.GetAdminLogin().AdminName : Request["Author"]; Synopsis_T.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["cms_json_hid"]))//页面下载,视频下载等 { JObject json = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Request.Form["cms_json_hid"]); switch (json["action"].ToString()) { case "downpage": if (json["url"] == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(json["url"].ToString())) { return; } string title = json["title"].ToString(); title = string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) ? "无标题.mht" : SafeC.RemovePathChar(title + ".mht"); string vpath = "/Temp/DownPage/" + title; if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("/Temp/DownPage/"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("/Temp/DownPage/")); } vpath = htmlHelper.DownToMHT(json["url"].ToString(), vpath); SafeSC.DownFile(vpath); SafeSC.DelFile(vpath); Response.End(); break; case "video": Title_T.Text = json["title"].ToString(); SourceUrl_T.Text = GetSource(json["url"].ToString()); Content_T.Text = json["content"].ToString(); break; } } }
public IActionResult CSSEdit_Submit() { string CSSPath = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilePath)) { CSSPath = CSSBaseDir + FilePath.Split('.')[0] + ".css"; } else { string fname = GetParam("TxtFilename").Replace(" ", "").Split('.')[0]; if (SafeC.FileNameCheck(fname)) { return(WriteErr("文件名不符合规则")); } CSSPath = CSSBaseDir + fname + ".css"; } SafeSC.WriteFile(CSSPath, GetParam("textContent")); return(WriteOK("操作成功", "CSSManage")); }
static DBCenter() { //根据类型,初始化不同的辅助类,和读取连接字符串 string dbtype = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DBType"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbtype)) { dbtype = "mssql"; } DB = SqlBase.CreateHelper(dbtype); switch (dbtype)//为多数据库读取 { case "oracle": DB.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["OraConnection String"].ConnectionString; break; default: DB.ConnectionString = SafeC.Cert_Decry(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Connection String"].ConnectionString); break; } }
private string SafeValue(string result) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { result = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(result); result = result.Replace(" ", "").Replace(".", ""); if (SafeC.CheckData(result)) { result = ""; } result = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(result); if (result.Length > 20) { result = ""; } } else { result = ""; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 将字符串转换为图片,用于水印 /// </summary> /// <imgvpath>生成的文字水印图片存储位置</imgvpath> /// <FontModel>字体模型,包含文本,字体颜色,大小等</imgvpath> /// <returns></returns> public static System.Drawing.Image ConverFontToImg(string imgvpath, FontModel model) { int width = model.intsize * model.text.Length * 2; int height = model.intsize * 2; //-----------根据指定宽高,生成图片 string imgppath = function.VToP(imgvpath); SafeC.CreateDir(imgvpath); //System.Drawing.Image image, image2 = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(imgppath); System.Drawing.Image image = new Bitmap(width, height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image); //g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(model.GetRGB(model.background, "red"), model.GetRGB(model.background, "yellow"), model.GetRGB(model.background, "blue"))), 0, 0, width, height); //背景色 g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height); //------------指定文字与字体样式 FontStyle fs = FontStyle.Regular; Font f = new Font(, model.intsize, fs); SizeF crSize = g.MeasureString(model.text, f); //string color = "0x" + "#333333".Replace("#", ""); //SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(color, 16))));//定义字体画笔 SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(model.GetRGB(model.color, "red"), model.GetRGB(model.color, "yellow"), model.GetRGB(model.color, "blue"))); StringFormat StrFormat = new StringFormat(); int ap = 40;//透明度 if (ap > 100 || ap < 0) { ap = 100; } int m_alpha = 255 * (ap / 100); int posx = 3, posy = 3;//文字的起始位置 SolidBrush semiTransBrush2 = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(m_alpha, 0, 0, 0)); g.DrawString(model.text, f, semiTransBrush2, new PointF(posx + 1, posy + 1), StrFormat); //?无用 g.DrawString(model.text, f, b, new PointF(posx, posy), StrFormat); g.Dispose(); return(image); }
protected void GetPic_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Remote_Url.Text)) { return; } string vdir = SiteConfig.SiteOption.UploadDir; M_Node nodeMod = new B_Node().GetNodeXML(DataConverter.CLng(NodeID_Hid.Value)); vdir += nodeMod.NodeDir + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/"); //------------------- string[] imgurl = Remote_Url.Text.Split('\r'); string result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < imgurl.Length; i++) { string imgname = GetFNameFromUrl(imgurl[i]); if (!SafeC.IsImage(imgname)) { continue; } string url = imgurl[i].ToLower().Replace(" ", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) || (!url.Contains("http") && !url.Contains("https"))) { continue; } //function.WriteErrMsg("错误:" + url); string vpath = vdir + RemoveChar(imgname); try { httpHelper.DownFile(url, vpath); } catch (Exception) { }//function.WriteErrMsg("抓取失败,原因:" + ex.Message); result += vpath + "|"; } result = result.TrimEnd('|').Replace("//", "/"); Remote_Url.Text = ""; function.Script(this, "AddAttach('" + result + "');"); }
protected void ExportExcel_B_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OfficeHelper helper = new OfficeHelper(); DataTable dt = orderBll.IDC_Sel((int)M_OrderList.OrderEnum.IDC, souchtable.SelectedValue, souchkey.Text, OrderBy, SelType); dt.Columns.Add("UserName"); dt.Columns.Add("IsExpire"); //是否过期 dt.Columns.Add("OStatus"); //状态 dt.Columns.Add("PStatus"); //财务 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; dr["UserName"] = GetUsers(dr["UserID"].ToString()); dr["Domain"] = dr["Domain"].ToString().ToLower().Replace("www.", ""); dr["STime"] = DataConvert.CDate(dr["STime"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); dr["ETime"] = DataConvert.CDate(dr["ETime"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); dr["OStatus"] = RemoveHtml(formatzt(dr["OrderStatus"].ToString(), "0")); dr["PStatus"] = RemoveHtml(formatzt(dr["Paymentstatus"].ToString(), "1")); } DataTable newDt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(false, "ID,OrderNo,Domain,UserName,Proname,STime,ETime,IsExpire,OStatus,PStatus".Split(',')); string columnames = "ID,订单号,绑定域名,会员,商品名称,生效时间,到期时间,是否到期,状态,财务"; SafeC.DownStr(helper.ExportExcel(newDt, columnames), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "IDC订单表.xls", Encoding.UTF8); }
public string GetAttach(string attach) { string imgresult = "", attachresult = ""; int max = 3; foreach (string file in attach.Split('|')) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { continue; } if (SafeC.IsImage(file) && max > 0)//jpg,png,gif图片显示预览,只显示前三张 { imgresult += string.Format(imgTlp, Mid, file); max--; } else { string fname = Path.GetFileName(file); fname = fname.Length > 6 ? fname.Substring(0, 6) + ".." : fname; attachresult += string.Format(attachTlp, file, Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower().Replace(".", ""), fname); } } imgresult = string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgresult) ? "" : "<div class='thumbnail_div'>" + imgresult + "</div>"; return(imgresult + attachresult + "<div class='clearfix'></div>"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { B_Admin.CheckIsLogged(); if (function.isAjax()) { string action = Request.Form["action"], vpath = Request.Form["vpath"], result = "", warning = "";//动作,需要加水印的图片路径 if (vpath.Contains("?")) { vpath = vpath.Substring(0, vpath.IndexOf("?")); } switch (action) { case "crop": //根据提交的图片路径与宽度等参数,完成剪切 int x1 = int.Parse(Request.Form["x1"]); int y1 = int.Parse(Request.Form["y1"]); int width = int.Parse(Request.Form["width"]); int height = int.Parse(Request.Form["height"]); savePath += (function.GetRandomString(4) + Path.GetFileName(vpath)); result = ImageDealLib.imgcrop(vpath, savePath, x1, y1, width, height, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); break; case "fontwater": //文字水印 { System.Drawing.Image fontimg = AddFontWater(savePath + function.GetRandomString(6) + ".jpg"); savePath += "fontw_" + Path.GetFileName(vpath); result = ImageDealLib.makewatermark(vpath, fontimg, GetWaterType(Request.Form["pos"]), savePath, ImageDealLib.ImageType.JPEG, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); result += "?" + function.GetRandomString(6); } break; case "imgwater": //水印图片路径 { string watervpath = Request.Form["watervpath"]; int trans = DataConverter.CLng(Request.Form["trans"]); savePath += "imgw_" + Path.GetFileName(vpath); result = ImageDealLib.makewatermark(vpath, watervpath, GetWaterType(Request.Form["pos"]), savePath, ImageDealLib.ImageType.JPEG, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning, trans); result += "?" + function.GetRandomString(6); } break; } Response.Write(result); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); } if (!IsPostBack) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IPath) || !SafeC.IsImage(IPath)) { function.WriteErrMsg("只允许编辑图片文件!"); } if (!Directory.Exists(savePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath(savePath)); } if (!File.Exists(Server.MapPath(IPath))) { function.WriteErrMsg("需要修改的图片" + IPath + "不存在"); } NowImg_Hid.Value = SourceImg_Hid.Value = IPath; RPT.DataSource = GetWaterImgDT(); RPT.DataBind(); //string warning; //----剪切图 //vpath = ImageDealLib.imgcrop("/test/222.jpg", "/test/", 200, 200, 200, 200, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); //function.WriteErrMsg(vpath); //----生成水印 //string watervpath = AddFontWater(); //ImageDealLib.makewatermark("/test/222.jpg", "/test/usbqyr.jpg", ImageDealLib.WaterType.RightDown, "/test/", ImageDealLib.ImageType.JPEG, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); //----我们的水印 //WaterImages water = new WaterImages(); //string localPath = Server.MapPath("/test/222.jpg"); //string tempurl = Server.MapPath("/test/watered12.jpg"); //water.DrawImage(localPath, function.VToP("/Images/admin_logo.jpg"), tempurl); } }
public static string PathDeal(string path) { return(SafeC.PathDeal(path)); }
protected void Export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OfficeHelper office = new OfficeHelper(); SafeC.DownStr(office.ExportExcel(SelDT(), "编辑,发稿量,评论量,点击数"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "编辑统计.xls", Encoding.Default); }
//生成证书,并写入连接字符串 private void WriteConnstr(string connstr) { SafeC.Cert_Update(); connstr = SafeC.Cert_Encry(connstr); ZoomLa.BLL.Install.ChangeConnStr(connstr); }
public static string WriteFile(string vpath, string content) { return(SafeC.WriteFile(vpath, content)); }
public static void DirPathDel(ref string vpath) { SafeC.DirPathDel(ref vpath); }
/// <summary> /// SafeSC.SaveFile(Path.GetDirectoryName(strFileName) + "\\", Path.GetFileName(strFileName), bytes); /// </summary> public static string SaveFile(string vpath, string fileName, byte[] file) { return(SafeC.SaveFile(vpath, fileName, file)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { buser.CheckIsLogin(); if (function.isAjax()) { string action = Request.Form["action"], vpath = Request.Form["vpath"], result = "", warning = "";//动作,需要加水印的图片路径 if (vpath.Contains("?")) { vpath = vpath.Substring(0, vpath.IndexOf("?")); } switch (action) { case "crop": //根据提交的图片路径与宽度等参数,完成剪切 { int x1 = int.Parse(Request.Form["x1"]); int y1 = int.Parse(Request.Form["y1"]); int width = int.Parse(Request.Form["width"]); int height = int.Parse(Request.Form["height"]); savePath += (function.GetRandomString(4) + Path.GetFileName(vpath)); result = ImageDealLib.imgcrop(vpath, savePath, x1, y1, width, height, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); } break; case "rotate": { int angle = DataConverter.CLng(Request.Form["angle"]); Bitmap bmp = imgHelper.Rotate(vpath, angle); savePath += function.GetRandomString(6) + Path.GetExtension(vpath); result = imgHelper.SaveImg(savePath, bmp); bmp.Dispose(); } break; case "zoom": //缩放 { int width = int.Parse(Request.Form["width"]); int height = int.Parse(Request.Form["height"]); savePath += (function.GetRandomString(4) + Path.GetFileName(vpath)); Bitmap bmp = imgHelper.ZoomImg(vpath, height, width); result = imgHelper.SaveImg(savePath, bmp); } break; case "fontwater": //文字水印 { System.Drawing.Image fontimg = AddFontWater(savePath + function.GetRandomString(6) + ".jpg"); savePath += "fontw_" + Path.GetFileName(vpath); result = ImageDealLib.makewatermark(vpath, fontimg, GetWaterType(Request.Form["pos"]), savePath, ImageDealLib.ImageType.JPEG, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); result += "?" + function.GetRandomString(6); } break; case "imgwater": //水印图片路径 { string watervpath = Request.Form["watervpath"]; int trans = DataConverter.CLng(Request.Form["trans"]); savePath += "imgw_" + Path.GetFileName(vpath); result = ImageDealLib.makewatermark(vpath, watervpath, GetWaterType(Request.Form["pos"]), savePath, ImageDealLib.ImageType.JPEG, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning, trans); result += "?" + function.GetRandomString(6); } break; } Response.Write(result); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); } if (!IsPostBack) { M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); string ipath = Request.QueryString["ipath"].ToLower().Replace("/uploadfiles/user/", ""); string UserPath = "/UploadFiles/User/" + mu.UserName + mu.UserID + "/" + ipath.TrimStart('/');//不做过多的限制,如需要文件安全,则使用单独的文件服务器 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserPath) || !SafeC.IsImage(UserPath)) { function.WriteErrMsg("只允许编辑图片文件!"); } if (!Directory.Exists(savePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath(savePath)); } if (!File.Exists(Server.MapPath(UserPath))) { function.WriteErrMsg("需要修改的图片" + UserPath + "不存在"); } NowImg_Hid.Value = SourceImg_Hid.Value = UserPath; System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(UserPath)); ImgWidth_Hid.Value = img.Width.ToString(); ImgHeight_Hid.Value = img.Height.ToString(); RPT.DataSource = GetWaterImgDT(); RPT.DataBind(); img.Dispose(); //string warning; //----剪切图 //vpath = ImageDealLib.imgcrop("/test/222.jpg", "/test/", 200, 200, 200, 200, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); //function.WriteErrMsg(vpath); //----生成水印 //string watervpath = AddFontWater(); //ImageDealLib.makewatermark("/test/222.jpg", "/test/usbqyr.jpg", ImageDealLib.WaterType.RightDown, "/test/", ImageDealLib.ImageType.JPEG, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); //----我们的水印 //WaterImages water = new WaterImages(); //string localPath = Server.MapPath("/test/222.jpg"); //string tempurl = Server.MapPath("/test/watered12.jpg"); //water.DrawImage(localPath, function.VToP("/Images/admin_logo.jpg"), tempurl); } }
public static string SaveFile(string vpath, FileUpload file, string fileName = "") { return(SafeC.SaveFile(vpath, file, fileName)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (B_Admin.GetLogin() == null) { B_User.CheckIsLogged(); } else { B_Admin.CheckIsLogged(); } if (function.isAjax()) { string action = Request.Form["action"], vpath = Request.Form["vpath"], result = "", warning = "";//动作,需要加水印的图片路径 if (vpath.Contains("?")) { vpath = vpath.Substring(0, vpath.IndexOf("?")); } switch (action) { case "crop": //根据提交的图片路径与宽度等参数,完成剪切 { int x1 = int.Parse(Request.Form["x1"]); int y1 = int.Parse(Request.Form["y1"]); int width = int.Parse(Request.Form["width"]); int height = int.Parse(Request.Form["height"]); savePath += (function.GetRandomString(4) + Path.GetFileName(vpath)); result = ImageDealLib.imgcrop(vpath, savePath, x1, y1, width, height, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); } break; case "rotate": { int angle = DataConverter.CLng(Request.Form["angle"]); Bitmap bmp = imgHelper.Rotate(vpath, angle); savePath += function.GetRandomString(6) + Path.GetExtension(vpath); result = imgHelper.SaveImg(savePath, bmp); bmp.Dispose(); } break; case "zoom": //缩放 { int width = int.Parse(Request.Form["width"]); int height = int.Parse(Request.Form["height"]); savePath += (function.GetRandomString(4) + Path.GetFileName(vpath)); Bitmap bmp = imgHelper.ZoomImg(vpath, height, width); result = imgHelper.SaveImg(savePath, bmp); } break; case "fontwater": //文字水印 { System.Drawing.Image fontimg = AddFontWater(savePath + function.GetRandomString(6) + ".jpg"); savePath += "fontw_" + Path.GetFileName(vpath); result = ImageDealLib.makewatermark(vpath, fontimg, GetWaterType(Request.Form["pos"]), savePath, ImageDealLib.ImageType.JPEG, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); result += "?" + function.GetRandomString(6); } break; case "imgwater": //水印图片路径 { string watervpath = Request.Form["watervpath"]; int trans = DataConverter.CLng(Request.Form["trans"]); savePath += "imgw_" + Path.GetFileName(vpath); result = ImageDealLib.makewatermark(vpath, watervpath, GetWaterType(Request.Form["pos"]), savePath, ImageDealLib.ImageType.JPEG, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning, trans); result += "?" + function.GetRandomString(6); } break; } Response.Write(result); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); } if (!IsPostBack) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IPath) || !SafeC.IsImage(IPath)) { function.WriteErrMsg("只允许编辑图片文件!"); } if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(savePath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath(savePath)); } if (!File.Exists(Server.MapPath(IPath))) { function.WriteErrMsg("需要修改的图片" + IPath + "不存在"); } NowImg_Hid.Value = SourceImg_Hid.Value = IPath; System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(IPath)); ImgWidth_Hid.Value = img.Width.ToString(); ImgHeight_Hid.Value = img.Height.ToString(); RPT.DataSource = GetWaterImgDT(); RPT.DataBind(); img.Dispose(); } }
public static string SaveFile(string vpath, HttpPostedFile file, string fileName = "") { return(SafeC.SaveFile(vpath, file, fileName)); }