private void InitializeInterface() { string activityName = (string)SimilarActivitiesForm.ConfusingActivities[this.activityIndex]; this.label1.Text = "During " + activityName + ", how mobile are the following areas of your body?"; this.sensorLabels = new ArrayList(); this.sensorButtons = new ArrayList(); //Initialize Mobility Matrix MobilityForm.mobilityMatrix= new int[SimilarActivitiesForm.ConfusingActivities.Count][]; // this.mobilityIndex = new int[SimilarActivitiesForm.ConfusingActivities.Count][]; SXML.Reader sreader = new SXML.Reader(Constants.MASTER_DIRECTORY, TroubleshootModel.SelectedFolder); if (sreader.validate() == false) { throw new Exception("Error Code 0: XML format error - sensors.xml does not match sensors.xsd!"); } else { this.sensors = sreader.parse(Constants.MAX_CONTROLLERS); } for (int i = 0; (i < MobilityForm.mobilityMatrix.Length); i++) { MobilityForm.mobilityMatrix[i] = new int[this.sensors.Sensors.Count]; //this.mobilityIndex[i] = new int[this.sensors.Sensors.Count]; for (int j = 0; (j < this.sensors.Sensors.Count); j++) { MobilityForm.mobilityMatrix[i][j] = 0; //this.mobilityIndex[i][j] = 0; } } int index = 0; foreach (SXML.Sensor sensor in this.sensors.Sensors) { System.Windows.Forms.Label label = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); label.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); label.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 97+ (30 * index)); label.Name = Convert.ToString(index); label.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(56, 19); label.Text = sensor.Location; this.Controls.Add(label); this.sensorLabels.Add(label); System.Windows.Forms.Button button = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); button.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(78, 87 + (30 * index)); button.Name = Convert.ToString(index); button.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 30); button.TabIndex = index; button.Text = Constants.MOBILITY_FORM_NOT_MOBILE_LABEL; button.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button_Click); this.Controls.Add(button); this.sensorButtons.Add(button); index++; } this.button2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(78, 87 + (30 * index)); this.button3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 87 + (30 * index)); }
public static void toARFF(string aDataDirectory, string masterDirectory, int maxControllers, string sourceFile, int annotators,string[] filter) { int featureVectorIndex = 0; MITesDecoder aMITesDecoder = new MITesDecoder(); MITesLoggerReader aMITesLoggerReader = new MITesLoggerReader(aMITesDecoder, aDataDirectory); SXML.SensorAnnotation sannotation = null; MITesFeatures.core.conf.GeneralConfiguration configuration = null; AXML.Annotation[] aannotation = new AXML.Annotation[annotators]; AXML.Reader[] readers=new AXML.Reader[annotators]; AXML.Annotation intersection = null; AXML.Annotation[] difference = new AXML.Annotation[annotators]; AXML.Annotation realtimeAnnotation = new AXML.Reader(masterDirectory, aDataDirectory).parse(); realtimeAnnotation.RemoveData(filter); for (int i = 0; (i < annotators); i++) { readers[i] = new AXML.Reader(masterDirectory, aDataDirectory, sourceFile + i + ".xml"); aannotation[i] = readers[i].parse(); aannotation[i].RemoveData(filter); aannotation[i].DataDirectory = aDataDirectory; if (intersection == null) intersection = aannotation[i]; else intersection = intersection.Intersect(aannotation[i]); } for (int i = 0; (i < annotators); i++) difference[i] = aannotation[i].Difference(intersection); SXML.Reader sreader = new SXML.Reader(masterDirectory, aDataDirectory); sannotation = sreader.parse(maxControllers); MITesFeatures.core.conf.ConfigurationReader creader = new MITesFeatures.core.conf.ConfigurationReader(aDataDirectory); configuration = creader.parse(); Extractor.Initialize(aMITesDecoder, aDataDirectory, aannotation[0], sannotation,configuration); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\output-"+sourceFile+".arff"); tw.WriteLine("@RELATION wockets"); tw.WriteLine(Extractor.GetArffHeader()); tw.WriteLine("@ATTRIBUTE INDEX NUMERIC"); tw.WriteLine("@ATTRIBUTE ANNOTATORS_AGREE NUMERIC"); Hashtable recorded_activities = new Hashtable(); for (int k = 0; (k < annotators); k++) { //tw.Write("@ATTRIBUTE annotator"+k+" {unknown"); //tw.Write("@ATTRIBUTE annotator" + k + " {"); for (int i = 0; (i < aannotation[k].Data.Count); i++) { AXML.AnnotatedRecord record = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)aannotation[k].Data[i]); string activity = ""; for (int j = 0; (j < record.Labels.Count); j++) { if (j == record.Labels.Count - 1) activity += ((AXML.Label)record.Labels[j]).Name; else activity += ((AXML.Label)record.Labels[j]).Name + "_"; } activity = activity.Replace("none", "").Replace('-', '_').Replace(':', '_').Replace('%', '_').Replace('/', '_'); activity = Regex.Replace(activity, "[_]+", "_"); activity = Regex.Replace(activity, "^[_]+", ""); activity = Regex.Replace(activity, "[_]+$", ""); //only output activity labels that have not been seen if (recorded_activities.Contains(activity) == false) { //tw.Write("," + activity); recorded_activities[activity] = activity; } } } for (int k = 0; (k < annotators); k++) { tw.Write("@ATTRIBUTE annotator" + k + " {unknown,flapping,rocking,flaprock}\n"); //foreach ( DictionaryEntry de in recorded_activities ) // tw.Write("," + (string) de.Key); //tw.WriteLine("}"); } tw.Write("@ATTRIBUTE realtime {unknown,flapping,rocking,flaprock}\n"); //foreach (DictionaryEntry de in recorded_activities) // tw.Write("," + (string)de.Key); //tw.WriteLine("}"); tw.WriteLine("@DATA"); bool isData = aMITesLoggerReader.GetSensorData(10); int channel = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; double unixtimestamp = 0.0; int[] differenceIndex = new int[annotators]; AXML.AnnotatedRecord[] annotatedRecord = new AXML.AnnotatedRecord[annotators]; int intersectionIndex = 0; string intersection_activity = "unknown"; AXML.AnnotatedRecord intersectionRecord = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)intersection.Data[intersectionIndex]); string[] current_activity = new string[annotators]; string realtime_activity = "unknown"; int realtimeIndex = 0; AXML.AnnotatedRecord realtimeRecord = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)realtimeAnnotation.Data[realtimeIndex]); for (int i = 0; (i < annotators); i++) { differenceIndex[i] = 0; annotatedRecord[i] = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)difference[i].Data[differenceIndex[i]]); current_activity[i] = "unknown"; } do { //decode the frame channel = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].channel; x = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].x; y = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].y; z = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].z; unixtimestamp = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].unixTimeStamp; double lastTimeStamp = Extractor.StoreMITesWindow(); for (int i = 0; (i < annotators); i++) { if (unixtimestamp > annotatedRecord[i].EndUnix) { current_activity[i] = "unknown"; if (differenceIndex[i] < difference[i].Data.Count - 1) { differenceIndex[i] = differenceIndex[i]+1; annotatedRecord[i] = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)difference[i].Data[differenceIndex[i]]); } } } if (unixtimestamp > realtimeRecord.EndUnix) { realtime_activity = "unknown"; realtimeIndex++; if (realtimeIndex < realtimeAnnotation.Data.Count) realtimeRecord = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)realtimeAnnotation.Data[realtimeIndex]); } if (unixtimestamp > intersectionRecord.EndUnix) { intersection_activity = "unknown"; if (intersectionIndex < intersection.Data.Count - 1) { intersectionIndex = intersectionIndex + 1; intersectionRecord = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)intersection.Data[intersectionIndex]); } } for (int i = 0; (i < annotators); i++) { if ((lastTimeStamp >= annotatedRecord[i].StartUnix) && (lastTimeStamp <= annotatedRecord[i].EndUnix) && current_activity[i].Equals("unknown")) { current_activity[i] = ""; for (int j = 0; (j < annotatedRecord[i].Labels.Count); j++) { if (j == annotatedRecord[i].Labels.Count - 1) current_activity[i] += ((AXML.Label)annotatedRecord[i].Labels[j]).Name; else current_activity[i] += ((AXML.Label)annotatedRecord[i].Labels[j]).Name + "_"; } current_activity[i] = current_activity[i].Replace("none", "").Replace('-', '_').Replace(':', '_').Replace('%', '_').Replace('/', '_'); current_activity[i] = Regex.Replace(current_activity[i], "[_]+", "_"); current_activity[i] = Regex.Replace(current_activity[i], "^[_]+", ""); current_activity[i] = Regex.Replace(current_activity[i], "[_]+$", ""); } else if (lastTimeStamp > annotatedRecord[i].EndUnix) current_activity[i] = "unknown"; } if ((lastTimeStamp >= realtimeRecord.StartUnix) && (lastTimeStamp <= realtimeRecord.EndUnix) && realtime_activity.Equals("unknown")) { realtime_activity = ""; for (int j = 0; (j < realtimeRecord.Labels.Count); j++) { if (j == realtimeRecord.Labels.Count - 1) realtime_activity += ((AXML.Label)realtimeRecord.Labels[j]).Name; else realtime_activity += ((AXML.Label)realtimeRecord.Labels[j]).Name + "_"; } realtime_activity = realtime_activity.Replace("none", "").Replace('-', '_').Replace(':', '_').Replace('%', '_').Replace('/', '_'); realtime_activity = Regex.Replace(realtime_activity, "[_]+", "_"); realtime_activity = Regex.Replace(realtime_activity, "^[_]+", ""); realtime_activity = Regex.Replace(realtime_activity, "[_]+$", ""); } else if (lastTimeStamp > realtimeRecord.EndUnix) realtime_activity = "unknown"; if ((lastTimeStamp >= intersectionRecord.StartUnix) && (lastTimeStamp <= intersectionRecord.EndUnix) && intersection_activity.Equals("unknown")) { intersection_activity = ""; for (int j = 0; (j < intersectionRecord.Labels.Count); j++) { if (j == intersectionRecord.Labels.Count - 1) intersection_activity += ((AXML.Label)intersectionRecord.Labels[j]).Name; else intersection_activity += ((AXML.Label)intersectionRecord.Labels[j]).Name + "_"; } intersection_activity = intersection_activity.Replace("none", "").Replace('-', '_').Replace(':', '_').Replace('%', '_').Replace('/', '_'); intersection_activity = Regex.Replace(intersection_activity, "[_]+", "_"); intersection_activity = Regex.Replace(intersection_activity, "^[_]+", ""); intersection_activity = Regex.Replace(intersection_activity, "[_]+$", ""); } if ((Extractor.GenerateFeatureVector(lastTimeStamp))) { string activity_suffix = "," + featureVectorIndex; if (intersection_activity.Equals("unknown") == true) //disagreement or agreement unknown { if ((current_activity[0] == "unknown") && (current_activity[1] == "unknown")) activity_suffix += ",1"; else activity_suffix += ",0"; for (int i = 0; (i < annotators); i++) activity_suffix += "," + current_activity[i]; } else { activity_suffix += ",1"; for (int i = 0; (i < annotators); i++) activity_suffix += "," + intersection_activity; } string arffSample = Extractor.toString() + activity_suffix; //if (activity_suffix.Contains("unknown") == false) //{ tw.WriteLine(arffSample+","+realtime_activity); featureVectorIndex++; //} } } while (isData = aMITesLoggerReader.GetSensorData(10)); tw.Close(); }
public static void toARFF2(string aDataDirectory, string masterDirectory, int maxControllers) { MITesDecoder aMITesDecoder = new MITesDecoder(); MITesLoggerReader aMITesLoggerReader = new MITesLoggerReader(aMITesDecoder, aDataDirectory); AXML.Annotation aannotation = null; SXML.SensorAnnotation sannotation = null; Hashtable calibrations = null; AXML.Reader reader = new AXML.Reader(masterDirectory, aDataDirectory,"AnnotationIntervals.xml"); aannotation = reader.parse(); aannotation.DataDirectory = aDataDirectory; SXML.Reader sreader = new SXML.Reader(masterDirectory, aDataDirectory); sannotation = sreader.parse(maxControllers); SOXML.Reader calreader = new SOXML.Reader(aDataDirectory); calibrations = calreader.parse(); Extractor.Initialize2(aMITesDecoder, aDataDirectory, aannotation, sannotation,calibrations); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\output2.arff"); tw.WriteLine("@RELATION wockets"); tw.WriteLine(Extractor.GetArffHeader2()); tw.Write("@ATTRIBUTE activity {unknown"); Hashtable recorded_activities = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; (i < aannotation.Data.Count); i++) { AXML.AnnotatedRecord record = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)aannotation.Data[i]); string activity = ""; for (int j = 0; (j < record.Labels.Count); j++) { if (j == record.Labels.Count - 1) activity += ((AXML.Label)record.Labels[j]).Name; else activity += ((AXML.Label)record.Labels[j]).Name + "_"; } activity = activity.Replace("none", "").Replace('-', '_').Replace(':', '_').Replace('%', '_').Replace('/', '_'); activity = Regex.Replace(activity, "[_]+", "_"); activity = Regex.Replace(activity, "^[_]+", ""); activity = Regex.Replace(activity, "[_]+$", ""); //only output activity labels that have not been seen if (recorded_activities.Contains(activity) == false) { tw.Write("," + activity); recorded_activities[activity] = activity; } } tw.WriteLine("}"); tw.WriteLine("@DATA"); bool isData = aMITesLoggerReader.GetSensorData(10); int channel = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; double unixtimestamp = 0.0; int activityIndex = 0; AXML.AnnotatedRecord annotatedRecord = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)aannotation.Data[activityIndex]); string current_activity = "unknown"; do { //decode the frame channel = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].channel; x = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].x; y = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].y; z = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].z; unixtimestamp = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].unixTimeStamp; double lastTimeStamp = Extractor.StoreMITesWindow(); //DateTime dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); //dt=dt.AddMilliseconds(unixtimestamp); //DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); //dt2 = dt2.AddMilliseconds(annotatedRecord.EndUnix); if (unixtimestamp > annotatedRecord.EndUnix) { current_activity = "unknown"; if (activityIndex < aannotation.Data.Count - 1) { activityIndex++; annotatedRecord = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)aannotation.Data[activityIndex]); } } if ((lastTimeStamp >= annotatedRecord.StartUnix) && (lastTimeStamp <= annotatedRecord.EndUnix) && current_activity.Equals("unknown")) { current_activity = ""; for (int j = 0; (j < annotatedRecord.Labels.Count); j++) { if (j == annotatedRecord.Labels.Count - 1) current_activity += ((AXML.Label)annotatedRecord.Labels[j]).Name; else current_activity += ((AXML.Label)annotatedRecord.Labels[j]).Name + "_"; } current_activity = current_activity.Replace("none", "").Replace('-', '_').Replace(':', '_').Replace('%', '_').Replace('/', '_'); current_activity = Regex.Replace(current_activity, "[_]+", "_"); current_activity = Regex.Replace(current_activity, "^[_]+", ""); current_activity = Regex.Replace(current_activity, "[_]+$", ""); } //if (lastTimeStamp>= if (current_activity.Equals("unknown") == false) { if ((Extractor.GenerateFeatureVector(lastTimeStamp))) { string arffSample = Extractor.toString() + "," + current_activity; tw.WriteLine(arffSample); } } } while (isData = aMITesLoggerReader.GetSensorData(10)); tw.Close(); }
private void InitializeInterface() { orientationMatrix = new int[SimilarActivitiesForm.ConfusingActivities.Count][]; //orientationIndex = new int[SimilarActivitiesForm.ConfusingActivities.Count][]; SXML.Reader sreader = new SXML.Reader(Constants.MASTER_DIRECTORY, TroubleshootModel.SelectedFolder); if (sreader.validate() == false) { throw new Exception("Error Code 0: XML format error - sensors.xml does not match sensors.xsd!"); } else { this.sensors = sreader.parse(Constants.MAX_CONTROLLERS); } for (int i = 0; (i < OrientationForm.orientationMatrix.Length); i++) { OrientationForm.orientationMatrix[i] = new int[this.sensors.Sensors.Count]; // this.orientationIndex[i] = new int[this.sensors.Sensors.Count]; for (int j = 0; (j < this.sensors.Sensors.Count); j++) { OrientationForm.orientationMatrix[i][j] = -1; // this.orientationIndex[i][j] = 0; } } BodyXML.Parser parser = new BodyXML.Parser(Constants.MASTER_DIRECTORY); this.bodyParts = parser.parse(); this.body_parts=new ArrayList(); this.body_parts_orientations= new ArrayList(); this.body_parts_orientations_names= new ArrayList(); int maxImageWidth = 0; int maxImageHeight = 0; foreach (BodyPart bodyPart in this.bodyParts.Bodyparts) { this.body_parts.Add(bodyPart.Label); ArrayList orientations= new ArrayList(); ArrayList names=new ArrayList(); foreach (BodyXML.Orientation orientation in bodyPart.Orientations){ System.Drawing.Image orientationImage=(System.Drawing.Image) new System.Drawing.Bitmap(Constants.NEEDED_FILES_PATH + "images\\orientations\\"+orientation.Imagefile); if (orientationImage.Width > maxImageWidth) maxImageWidth = orientationImage.Width; if (orientationImage.Height > maxImageHeight) maxImageHeight = orientationImage.Height; orientations.Add(orientationImage); names.Add(orientation.Label); } this.body_parts_orientations.Add(orientations); this.body_parts_orientations_names.Add(names); } this.bodyPartCurrentIndex = 0; this.orientationCurrentIndex = 0; this.activityCurrentIndex = 0; //this.pictureBox1.Width = maxImageWidth+Constants.WIDGET_SPACING*2; //this.pictureBox1.Height = maxImageHeight + Constants.WIDGET_SPACING * 2; //this.panel1.Width = this.pictureBox1.Width + Constants.WIDGET_SPACING * 2; //this.panel1.Height = this.pictureBox1.Height + Constants.WIDGET_SPACING * 2; this.panel1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; //this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(this.panel1.Location.X, this.panel1.Location.Y + this.panel1.Location.Y); //this.button2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(this.panel1.Location.X, this.panel1.Location.Y + this.button1.Location.Y+this.button1.Width+Constants.WIDGET_SPACING); this.pictureBox1.Image = (System.Drawing.Image)((ArrayList)this.body_parts_orientations[this.bodyPartCurrentIndex])[this.orientationCurrentIndex]; this.label2.Text = (string)((ArrayList)this.body_parts_orientations_names[this.bodyPartCurrentIndex])[this.orientationCurrentIndex]; this.label1.Text = "During " + (string)SimilarActivitiesForm.ConfusingActivities[activityCurrentIndex] + ", how does your "+(string)this.body_parts[this.bodyPartCurrentIndex]+" look like?"; }
public static void toQualityHTML(string aDataDirectory, string masterDirectory, int maxControllers, string[] filter) { int ACCELEROMETER_STATISTICS_LENGTH = 16; //int WOCKETS_SR = 92; int MITES_SR = 45; if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Generating Quality Assessment Summary in HTML"; #region =================== Load the MITES/Wockets DATA ============================== //Calculate Data Gaps WocketsController wc = new WocketsController("", "", ""); CurrentWockets._Controller = wc; wc.FromXML(aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\SensorData.xml"); if (wc._Decoders.Count > 0) { for (int r = 0; (r < wc._Decoders.Count); r++) wc._Decoders[r].Initialize(); } SXML.Reader sreader = null; SXML.SensorAnnotation sannotation = null; try { //JPN!!!!! sreader = new SXML.Reader(masterDirectory, aDataDirectory + "\\" + MITES_SUBDIRECTORY); sannotation = sreader.parse(maxControllers); //remove the HR sensor for (int i = 0; (i < sannotation.Sensors.Count); i++) if ((Convert.ToInt32(((SXML.Sensor)sannotation.Sensors[i]).ID) == 0)) { sannotation.Sensors.RemoveAt(i); break; } } catch { //if there is not mites data, catch the error and continue } #endregion #region ============== Load Annotation Intervals ======================================= Session session = new Session(); session.FromXML(aDataDirectory + "\\" + ANNOTATION_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + ANNOTATION_INTERVALS_FILE); int numPostures = 0; Hashtable postures = new Hashtable(); int k = 0; //Think how to handle this when there are more than one activity type Hashtable means_per_class = new Hashtable(); Hashtable std_per_class = new Hashtable(); Hashtable freq_per_class = new Hashtable(); Hashtable min_per_class = new Hashtable(); Hashtable max_per_class = new Hashtable(); //Check if the "unknown" class is specified bool is_unknown_specified = false; //If two categories are available if (session.OverlappingActivityLists.Count == 2) { numPostures = session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count * session.OverlappingActivityLists[1].Count + 1; //Go through the activity list for the two categories //This list will generate all combinations of postures-activities for (int i = 0; (i < session.OverlappingActivityLists[1].Count); i++) for (int j = 0; (j < session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count); j++) { postures.Add(session.OverlappingActivityLists[1][i]._Name + "_" + session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][j]._Name, k); k++; } } else if (session.OverlappingActivityLists.Count == 1) { numPostures = session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count + 1; //Go through the activity list for the available category //This list will simply pass the elements in the category list to the postures data structure for (int i = 0; (i < session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count); i++) { if (session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][i]._Name.CompareTo("unknown") == 0) is_unknown_specified = true; postures.Add(session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][i]._Name, k); k++; //initialize the class stats structure means_per_class.Add(session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][i]._Name, (double)0.0); std_per_class.Add(session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][i]._Name, (double)0.0); freq_per_class.Add(session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][i]._Name, (int)0); min_per_class.Add(session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][i]._Name, (double)10000.0); max_per_class.Add(session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][i]._Name, (double)0.0); } } // TODO if four categories present else if (session.OverlappingActivityLists.Count == 4) { numPostures = session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count * session.OverlappingActivityLists[1].Count + 1; //Go through the activity list for the two categories //This list will generate all combinations of postures-activities for (int i = 0; (i < session.OverlappingActivityLists[1].Count); i++) for (int j = 0; (j < session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count); j++) { postures.Add(session.OverlappingActivityLists[1][i]._Name + "_" + session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][j]._Name, k); k++; } } //Check if postures contain the "unknown" label, otherwise add it if (!is_unknown_specified) { postures.Add("unknown", k); //initialize the class stats structure means_per_class.Add("unknown", (double)0.0); std_per_class.Add("unknown", (double)0.0); freq_per_class.Add("unknown", (int)0); min_per_class.Add("unknown", (double)10000.0); max_per_class.Add("unknown", (double)0.0); } #endregion #region ================= Compute Statistics based on Postures =========================== #region Create Data Structures & Variables int[] timeLostPostureSensorCounter = new int[numPostures]; double[] wocketsSR = new double[wc._Sensors.Count]; double[] trueWocketsSR = new double[wc._Sensors.Count]; double[][] modeWocketsSR = new double[wc._Sensors.Count][]; bool[] disconnected = new bool[wc._Sensors.Count]; double[] zeroWocketsSR = new double[wc._Sensors.Count]; int[] numDisconnected = new int[wc._Sensors.Count]; ArrayList[] disconnectionDistribution = new ArrayList[wc._Sensors.Count]; int[] disconnectionTimer = new int[wc._Sensors.Count]; int[] numDisconnections = new int[wc._Sensors.Count]; int[] meanDisconnection = new int[wc._Sensors.Count]; int[] sdDisconnection = new int[wc._Sensors.Count]; int[][] timeLostPostureSensorDistribution = new int[wc._Sensors.Count][]; int[][] percentLostPostureSensorDistribution = new int[wc._Sensors.Count][]; int[][] percentLostPostureSensorCounter = new int[wc._Sensors.Count][]; int mitesCount = 0; if (sannotation != null) mitesCount = sannotation.Sensors.Count; int[] mitesSR = new int[mitesCount]; int[] trueMitesSR = new int[mitesCount]; int[][] modeMITesSR = new int[mitesCount][]; Hashtable annotatedPostures = new Hashtable(); #endregion #region Initialize Variables // int[] wocketsCounter = new int[wc._Sensors.Count]; // int[] mitesCounter = new int[sannotation.Sensors.Count]; int numSeconds = 0; for (int i = 0; (i < mitesCount); i++) { mitesSR[i] = 0; trueMitesSR[i] = 0; modeMITesSR[i] = new int[1000]; } int mitesStartIndex = 3 + session.OverlappingActivityLists.Count; for (int i = 0; (i < wc._Sensors.Count); i++) { wocketsSR[i] = 0; trueWocketsSR[i] = 0; modeWocketsSR[i] = new double[1000]; disconnected[i] = false; disconnectionDistribution[i] = new ArrayList(); disconnectionTimer[i] = 0; timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[i] = new int[numPostures]; percentLostPostureSensorDistribution[i] = new int[numPostures]; //timeLostPostureSensorCounter[i] = new int[numPostures]; } int wocketsStartIndex = mitesStartIndex + (ACCELEROMETER_STATISTICS_LENGTH * mitesCount); //no heart mites rate if (mitesCount == 0) wocketsStartIndex = wocketsStartIndex - 1; #endregion #region Initialize Annotations & Compute Descripte Statistics int numCategories = session.OverlappingActivityLists.Count; int currentAnnotation = 0; //Get the number of annotations int annotationsLength = session.Annotations.Count; //Get the overall session time double startTime = session.Annotations[0]._StartUnix; double endTime = session.Annotations[annotationsLength - 1]._EndUnix; string name = ""; double duration_secs = 0.0; //Scan annotations and compute the duration min/max stats try { for (int c1 = 0; c1 < annotationsLength; c1++) { name = session.Annotations[c1].Activities[0]._Name; freq_per_class[name] = ((int)freq_per_class[name]) + 1; //compute the duration of the label duration_secs = (session.Annotations[c1]._EndUnix - session.Annotations[c1]._StartUnix) / 1000; means_per_class[name] = ((double)means_per_class[name]) + duration_secs; if (duration_secs < ((double)min_per_class[name])) min_per_class[name] = duration_secs; if (duration_secs > ((double)max_per_class[name])) max_per_class[name] = duration_secs; } //compute the mean for each class for (int c2 = 0; c2 < means_per_class.Count; c2++) { if (c2 < session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count) { name = session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][c2]._Name; means_per_class[name] = ((double)means_per_class[name]) / ((int)freq_per_class[name]); } } //Compute the standard deviation of durations for each class for (int c3 = 0; c3 < annotationsLength; c3++) { name = session.Annotations[c3].Activities[0]._Name; //compute the duration of the label duration_secs = (session.Annotations[c3]._EndUnix - session.Annotations[c3]._StartUnix) / 1000; std_per_class[name] = ((double)std_per_class[name]) + Math.Pow((duration_secs - ((double)means_per_class[name])), 2.0); } for (int c4 = 0; c4 < means_per_class.Count; c4++) { if (c4 < session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count) { name = session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][c4]._Name; std_per_class[name] = Math.Sqrt(((double)std_per_class[name]) / ((int)freq_per_class[name])); } } } catch { //The computation of the descriptive stats of annotations has failed } #endregion #region Open the Summary CSV File TextReader tr = new StreamReader(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\MITesSummaryData.csv"); string line = ""; tr.ReadLine(); #endregion //Scan the Annotation Intervals and Summary File to Access the Sensors Statistics while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null) { //Read Line of Summary File (Sensor Reading) string[] tokens = line.Split(','); double currentTime = Convert.ToDouble(tokens[0]); string posture = tokens[2]; string current_posture = "unknown"; #region Determine if the sensor reading is within the annotation interval & compute its metrics try { // If the sensor reading happens after the end of the annotation interval, // advance to the next annotation if ((currentAnnotation < session.Annotations.Count - 1) && (session.Annotations[currentAnnotation]._EndUnix < currentTime)) currentAnnotation++; // If the sensor reading happens within the annotation interval, // proceed to compute the metrics if ((currentTime >= session.Annotations[currentAnnotation]._StartUnix) && (currentTime <= session.Annotations[currentAnnotation]._EndUnix)) { #region Get the Label Name, Add it to the Hash Table, and Add the Annotated Seconds // If we have more than one category, // make the check for the second category (activities) if (session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities.Count > 1) { //If it is NOT a valid label, replace it for "unknown" if ((session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[1]._Name == "none") || (session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[1]._Name == "") || (session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[1]._Name == "-")) session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[1]._Name = "unknown"; } //Make the check for all the first category (postures) if ((session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[0]._Name == "none") || (session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[0]._Name == "") || (session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[0]._Name == "-")) session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[0]._Name = "unknown"; //Get the name of the annotation label if (session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities.Count > 1) current_posture = session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[1]._Name + "_" + session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[0]._Name; else current_posture = session.Annotations[currentAnnotation].Activities[0]._Name; // Search in the hash table the name of the current label, // If it doesn't exists, add it to the list of annotated postures // If it exists, add the number of seconds in the annotation if (!annotatedPostures.ContainsKey(current_posture)) annotatedPostures.Add(current_posture, 1); else { int annotatedSeconds = (int)annotatedPostures[current_posture] + 1; annotatedPostures[current_posture] = annotatedSeconds; } #endregion } #region Calculate quality metrics on data that has been annotated only //If the sensor reading falls within the start-end of the session if ((currentTime >= startTime) && (currentTime <= endTime)) { #region Calculate Metrics #region mites SR for (int i = 0; (i < mitesCount); i++) { int sr = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[mitesStartIndex + (ACCELEROMETER_STATISTICS_LENGTH * i)]); mitesSR[i] += sr; modeMITesSR[i][sr] = modeMITesSR[i][sr] + 1; } #endregion #region The number of seconds in a particular posture (adds to the global counter) int currentPostureIndex = 0; currentPostureIndex = (int)postures[current_posture]; timeLostPostureSensorCounter[currentPostureIndex] = timeLostPostureSensorCounter[currentPostureIndex] + 1; #endregion #region wockets SR for (int i = 0; (i < wc._Sensors.Count); i++) { //Compute Wockets Sampling Rate int sr = 0; try { sr = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[wocketsStartIndex + (ACCELEROMETER_STATISTICS_LENGTH * i)]); wocketsSR[i] += sr; modeWocketsSR[i][sr] = modeWocketsSR[i][sr] + 1; } catch (Exception e) { } //Add the samples collected per activity timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[i][currentPostureIndex] = timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[i][currentPostureIndex] + sr; //Compute the number of disconnections if (sr == 0) { zeroWocketsSR[i] = zeroWocketsSR[i] + 1; if (zeroWocketsSR[i] == 5) { disconnected[i] = true; numDisconnected[i] = numDisconnected[i] + 1; } disconnectionTimer[i]++; } else { if (disconnectionTimer[i] >= 5) disconnectionDistribution[i].Add(disconnectionTimer[i]); zeroWocketsSR[i] = 0; disconnected[i] = false; disconnectionTimer[i] = 0; } } #endregion numSeconds++; #endregion } //end of the if #endregion }//end of try catch (Exception e) { //Launch exception when there is a index mistmatch in the ActivityIntervals.xml file } #endregion }//end of while #region Calculate time lost, % data lost, burstiness #region Wockets Loss Calculation //The total session duration int totalSeconds = (int)((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0); //initialize variables int expectedMITesSamples = MITES_SR * totalSeconds; int[] wocketsSecondsLost = new int[wc._Sensors.Count]; int[] mitesSecondsLost = new int[mitesCount]; int[] wocketsPercentLost = new int[wc._Sensors.Count]; int[] mitesPercentLost = new int[mitesCount]; //Compute Loss Based on Sampling Rate and Number of Samples for (int i = 0; (i < wc._Sensors.Count); i++) { int expectedWocketsSamples = wc._Sensors[i]._SamplingRate * totalSeconds; if (wocketsSR[i] < expectedWocketsSamples) { wocketsSecondsLost[i] = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(expectedWocketsSamples - wocketsSR[i]) / wc._Sensors[i]._SamplingRate); wocketsPercentLost[i] = (int)(((double)wocketsSecondsLost[i] / (double)totalSeconds) * 100.0); } if (disconnectionTimer[i] >= 5) disconnectionDistribution[i].Add(disconnectionTimer[i]); } #endregion Wockets Loss Calculation #region Wockets per Activity Loss Calculation //Scan through the list of annotated postures for (int i = 0; (i < timeLostPostureSensorCounter.Length); i++) { //Scan through the list of sensors for (int j = 0; (j < wc._Sensors.Count); j++) { //expected samples int expectedWocketsSamples = wc._Sensors[j]._SamplingRate * timeLostPostureSensorCounter[i]; //compute loss if (timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[j][i] < expectedWocketsSamples) { timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[j][i] = (int)Math.Floor((expectedWocketsSamples - timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[j][i]) / (double)wc._Sensors[j]._SamplingRate); percentLostPostureSensorDistribution[j][i] = (int)Math.Floor((((double)timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[j][i] / (double)timeLostPostureSensorCounter[i]) * 100.0)); } else { timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[j][i] = 0; percentLostPostureSensorDistribution[j][i] = 0; } } } #endregion Wockets per Activity Loss Calculation #region MEAN and SD Calculation //Iterate through sensors for (int i = 0; (i < wc._Sensors.Count); i++) { numDisconnections[i] = disconnectionDistribution[i].Count; meanDisconnection[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; (j < disconnectionDistribution[i].Count); j++) meanDisconnection[i] = meanDisconnection[i] + (int)disconnectionDistribution[i][j]; if (numDisconnections[i] > 0) meanDisconnection[i] = (meanDisconnection[i] - 1) / numDisconnections[i]; for (int j = 0; (j < disconnectionDistribution[i].Count); j++) sdDisconnection[i] = sdDisconnection[i] + (int)Math.Pow(((double)(int)disconnectionDistribution[i][j] - meanDisconnection[i]), 2.0); if (disconnectionDistribution[i].Count > 1) sdDisconnection[i] = (int)Math.Sqrt(sdDisconnection[i] / (disconnectionDistribution[i].Count - 1)); else sdDisconnection[i] = -1; } #endregion MEAN and SD Calculation #region MITes Loss Calculation for (int i = 0; (i < mitesCount); i++) { if (mitesSR[i] < expectedMITesSamples) mitesSecondsLost[i] = (expectedMITesSamples - mitesSR[i]) / MITES_SR; mitesPercentLost[i] = (int)(((double)mitesSecondsLost[i] / (double)totalSeconds) * 100.0); } #endregion MITes Loss Calculation tr.Close(); #region Percent Maxedout MITES int[] mitesMaxedOut = null; if (sannotation != null) mitesMaxedOut = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; int[] mitesSamplesCount = null; if (sannotation != null) mitesSamplesCount = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; try { MITesDecoder aMITesDecoder = new MITesDecoder(); MITesLoggerReader aMITesLoggerReader = new MITesLoggerReader(aMITesDecoder, aDataDirectory + "\\" + MITES_SUBDIRECTORY); bool isData = true; do { //decode the frame int i = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].channel; int x = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].x; int y = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].y; int z = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].z; mitesSamplesCount[i] = mitesSamplesCount[i] + 1; if ((x >= 1023) || (y >= 1023) || (z >= 1023)) mitesMaxedOut[i] = mitesMaxedOut[i] + 1; } while (isData = aMITesLoggerReader.GetSensorData(10)); } catch { } #endregion #region Percent Maxed Out Wockets int[] maxedOut = new int[wc._Sensors.Count]; int[] samplesCount = new int[wc._Sensors.Count]; for (int i = 0; (i < wc._Sensors.Count); i++) { wc._Sensors[i]._RootStorageDirectory = aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\data\\raw\\PLFormat\\"; try { int lastDecodedIndex = 0; while (wc._Sensors[i].Load()) { samplesCount[i] = samplesCount[i] + 1; if (wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Head == 0) lastDecodedIndex = wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Data.Length - 1; else lastDecodedIndex = wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Head - 1; Wockets.Data.Accelerometers.AccelerationData data = (Wockets.Data.Accelerometers.AccelerationData)wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Data[lastDecodedIndex]; if ((data._X >= 1023) || (data._Y >= 1023) || (data._Z >= 1023)) maxedOut[i] = maxedOut[i] + 1; } } catch (Exception e) { } } #endregion Percent Maxed Out Wockets #region Write Results to HTML string summary = "<h3><Font Color=#585858>MITes and Wockets Data Loss, Disconnections and Maxing out Statistics </Font></h3><TABLE border=\"1\">\n"; int numRows = wc._Sensors.Count - 1 + mitesCount; string[] rows = new string[numRows]; string header = "<TR>\n"; string[] hlabels = new string[] { "Placement\\Metric", "Data Loss (seconds)", "% Data Loss", "Num Disconnections", "Mean Disconnection (seconds)", "SD Disconnection (seconds)", "Num Maxed Out", "% Maxed Out" }; for (int i = 0; (i < hlabels.Length); i++) header += "<TD><div align=\"center\"><strong>" + hlabels[i] + "</strong></div></TD>\n"; header += "</TR>\n"; summary += header; #region Statistics Table for MITES for (int i = 0; (i < mitesCount); i++) { string row = "<TR>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\"><strong>MITes " + ((SXML.Sensor)sannotation.Sensors[i]).Location + "</strong></div></TD>\n"; if (mitesPercentLost[i] >= 20) { row += "<TD bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"><div align=\"center\">" + mitesSecondsLost[i].ToString() + "</div></TD>\n"; ; row += "<TD bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"><div align=\"center\">" + mitesPercentLost[i].ToString() + "%" + "</div></TD>\n"; } else { row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + mitesSecondsLost[i].ToString() + "</div></TD>\n"; ; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + mitesPercentLost[i].ToString() + "%" + "</div></TD>\n"; } int percent = 0; if (mitesSamplesCount[Convert.ToInt32(((SXML.Sensor)sannotation.Sensors[i]).ID)] > 0) percent = (int)(((double)mitesMaxedOut[Convert.ToInt32(((SXML.Sensor)sannotation.Sensors[i]).ID)] / (double)mitesSamplesCount[Convert.ToInt32(((SXML.Sensor)sannotation.Sensors[i]).ID)]) * 100.0); row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + "N/A" + "</div></TD>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + "N/A" + "</div></TD>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + "N/A" + "</div></TD>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + mitesMaxedOut[Convert.ToInt32(((SXML.Sensor)sannotation.Sensors[i]).ID)] + "</div></TD>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + percent + "% </div></TD>\n"; row += "</TR>\n"; summary += row; } summary += "<TR><TD colspan=\"8\"></TD></TR><TR>\n"; #endregion #region Statistics Table for Wockets for (int i = 0; (i < wc._Sensors.Count); i++) { if (wc._Receivers[i] is Wockets.Receivers.RFCOMMReceiver) { string row = "<TR>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\"><strong>Wocket " + wc._Sensors[i]._Location + "</strong></div></TD>\n"; if (wocketsPercentLost[i] >= 20) { row += "<TD bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"><div align=\"center\">" + wocketsSecondsLost[i].ToString() + "</div></TD>\n"; row += "<TD bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"><div align=\"center\">" + wocketsPercentLost[i].ToString() + "%" + "</div></TD>\n"; } else { row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + wocketsSecondsLost[i].ToString() + "</div></TD>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + wocketsPercentLost[i].ToString() + "%" + "</div></TD>\n"; } row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + numDisconnections[i].ToString() + "</div></TD>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + meanDisconnection[i].ToString() + "</div></TD>\n"; if (sdDisconnection[i] >= 0) row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + sdDisconnection[i].ToString() + "</div></TD>\n"; else row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">N/A</div></TD>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + maxedOut[i].ToString() + "</div></TD>\n"; if (samplesCount[i] > 0) row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">" + ((int)(((double)maxedOut[i] / (double)samplesCount[i]) * 100.0)).ToString() + "% </div></TD>\n"; else row += "<TD><div align=\"center\">0% </div></TD>\n"; row += "</TR>\n"; summary += row; } } summary += "</TABLE>\n"; summary = "<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>" + summary + "</BODY></HTML>"; TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\result.html", true); tw.WriteLine(summary); tw.WriteLine("\n<p> </p>\n"); #endregion #region Statistics per Activity Table summary = "<h3><Font Color=#585858>Wockets Data Loss by Posture and Activity Statistics</Font></h3><TABLE border=\"1\">\n"; numRows = numPostures; rows = new string[numRows]; header = "<TR>\n<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>Activity</strong></div></td><td><div align=\"center\"><strong>Posture</strong></div></td><td><strong>Total Seconds Annotated</strong></td>\n"; for (int j = 0; (j < wc._Sensors.Count); j++) header += "<TD><div align=\"center\"><strong>" + wc._Sensors[j]._Location + "</br>(Seconds Lost|% Lost)</strong></div></TD>\n"; header += "</TR>\n"; summary += header; int m = 0; if (session.OverlappingActivityLists.Count > 1) { for (int i = 0; (i < session.OverlappingActivityLists[1].Count); i++) for (int j = 0; (j < session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count); j++) { if (annotatedPostures.ContainsKey(session.OverlappingActivityLists[1][i]._Name + "_" + session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][j]._Name)) { string row = "<TR>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\"><strong>" + session.OverlappingActivityLists[1][i]._Name + "</strong></div></TD><TD><div align=\"center\"><strong>" + session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][j]._Name + "</strong></div></TD>\n"; row += "<TD><div>" + (int)annotatedPostures[session.OverlappingActivityLists[1][i]._Name + "_" + session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][j]._Name] + "</TD>\n"; for (int r = 0; (r < wc._Sensors.Count - 1); r++) if (percentLostPostureSensorDistribution[r][m] > 20) row += "<TD bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"><div align=\"center\">" + timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[r][m].ToString() + " | " + percentLostPostureSensorDistribution[r][m].ToString() + "%" + "</div></TD>\n"; else row += "<TD ><div align=\"center\">" + timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[r][m].ToString() + " | " + percentLostPostureSensorDistribution[r][m].ToString() + "%" + "</div></TD>\n"; row += "</TR>\n"; summary += row; } m++; } } else { for (int j = 0; (j < session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count); j++) { if (annotatedPostures.ContainsKey(session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][j]._Name)) { string row = "<TR>\n"; row += "<TD><div align=\"center\"><strong>" + session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][j]._Name + "</strong></div></TD><TD><div align=\"center\"><strong>" + session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][j]._Name + "</strong></div></TD>\n"; row += "<TD><div>" + (int)annotatedPostures[session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][j]._Name] + "</TD>\n"; for (int r = 0; (r < wc._Sensors.Count); r++) if (percentLostPostureSensorDistribution[r][m] > 20) row += "<TD bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"><div align=\"center\">" + timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[r][m].ToString() + " | " + percentLostPostureSensorDistribution[r][m].ToString() + "%" + "</div></TD>\n"; else row += "<TD ><div align=\"center\">" + timeLostPostureSensorDistribution[r][m].ToString() + " | " + percentLostPostureSensorDistribution[r][m].ToString() + "%" + "</div></TD>\n"; row += "</TR>\n"; summary += row; } m++; } } tw.WriteLine(summary + "</TABLE>\n"); #endregion #region Other Sensors Statistics Table string[] ofiles = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\"); if (ofiles.Length > 1) { summary = "<h3><Font Color=#585858>Other Sensors Statistics</Font></h3><TABLE border=\"1\">\n"; header = "<TR>\n<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>Sensor Type</strong></div></td><td><div align=\"center\"><strong>Start Time</strong></div></td><td><strong>Data Present</strong></td><td><strong>Num Samples</strong></td><td><strong>Percent Loss</strong></td></TR>\n"; header += "</TR>\n"; summary += header; int expectedOxyconRecords = totalSeconds / 5; double oxyconLoss = 0; if (oxyconRecords < expectedOxyconRecords) oxyconLoss = 100 - (((double)oxyconRecords / expectedOxyconRecords) * 100.0); summary += "<TR>\n<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>Oxycon</strong></div></td><td>" + (oxyconStart == null ? " " : oxyconStart) + "</td><td>" + (hasOxycon ? "Yes" : "No") + "</td><td>" + oxyconRecords + "</td><td>" + oxyconLoss.ToString("0") + "%</td></TR>\n"; double sensewearLoss = 0; if (sensewearRecords < totalSeconds) sensewearLoss = 100 - (((double)sensewearRecords / totalSeconds) * 100.0); summary += "<TR>\n<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>Sensewear</strong></div></td><td>" + (sensewearStart == null ? " " : sensewearStart) + "</td><td>" + (hasSensewear ? "Yes" : "No") + "</td><td>" + sensewearRecords + "</td><td>" + sensewearLoss.ToString("0") + "%</td></TR>\n"; summary += "<TR>\n<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>Actigraph</strong></div></td><td>" + (actigraphStart == null ? " " : actigraphStart) + "</td><td>" + (hasActigraph ? "Yes" : "No") + "</td><td>"; for (int r = 0; (r < actigraphData.Length); r++) { summary += actigraphData[r].Count; if (r != (actigraphData.Length - 1)) summary += " | "; } summary += "</td><td>"; for (int r = 0; (r < actigraphData.Length); r++) { double actigraphLoss = 0; if (actigraphData[r].Count < totalSeconds) actigraphLoss = 100 - (((double)actigraphData[r].Count / totalSeconds) * 100.0); summary += actigraphLoss.ToString("0") + " %"; if (r != (actigraphData.Length - 1)) summary += " | "; } summary += "</td></TR>\n"; double zephyrLoss = 0; if (zephyrRecords < totalSeconds) zephyrLoss = 100 - (((double)zephyrRecords / totalSeconds) * 100.0); summary += "<TR>\n<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>Zephyr</strong></div></td><td>" + (zephyrStart == null ? " " : zephyrStart) + "</td><td>" + (hasZephyr ? "Yes" : "No") + "</td><td>" + zephyrRecords + "</td><td>" + zephyrLoss.ToString("0") + "%</td></TR>\n"; double rtiLoss = 0; if (rtiRecords < totalSeconds) rtiLoss = 100 - (((double)rtiRecords / totalSeconds) * 100.0); summary += "<TR>\n<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>RTI</strong></div></td><td>" + (rtiStart == null ? " " : rtiStart) + "</td><td>" + (hasRTI ? "Yes" : "No") + "</td><td>" + rtiRecords + "</td><td>" + rtiLoss.ToString("0") + "%</td></TR>\n"; double columbiaLoss = 0; if (columbiaRecords < totalSeconds) columbiaLoss = 100 - (((double)columbiaRecords / totalSeconds) * 100.0); summary += "<TR>\n<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>Columbia</strong></div></td><td>" + (columbiaStart == null ? " " : columbiaStart) + "</td><td>" + (hasColumbia ? "Yes" : "No") + "</td><td>" + columbiaRecords + "</td><td>" + columbiaLoss.ToString("0") + "%</td></TR>\n"; double gpsLoss = 0; if (gpsRecords < totalSeconds) gpsLoss = 100 - (((double)gpsRecords / totalSeconds) * 100.0); summary += "<TR>\n<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>GPS</strong></div></td><td>" + (gpsStart == null ? " " : gpsStart) + "</td><td>" + (hasGPS ? "Yes" : "No") + "</td><td>" + gpsRecords + "</td><td>" + gpsLoss.ToString("0") + "%</td></TR>\n"; tw.WriteLine(summary + "</TABLE>\n"); } #endregion tw.WriteLine("</HTML>"); tw.Flush(); tw.Close(); #endregion #region Add the Annotations Summary tw = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\result.html", true); summary = ""; summary += "<h3><Font Color=#585858>Annotation Summary</Font></h3>\n"; //If the annotation summary file exists, add it to current summary //If it doesn't exist, add the HTML to summary if (File.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + ANNOTATION_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\AnnotationSummary.html")) { try { TextReader ttr = new StreamReader(aDataDirectory + "\\" + ANNOTATION_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\AnnotationSummary.html"); summary += ttr.ReadToEnd(); ttr.Close(); } catch (Exception ee) { } } else { #region Create HTML content with stats for Autism Data try { //Create Table & Headers summary += "<table border=\"1\">\n"; TimeSpan ttime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, totalSeconds); //Session total time summary += "<tr> <td><div align=\"center\"><strong>Session Total Time (</strong></div></td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:HH mm ss ff}", ttime) + "</td>" + "</tr>"; //Headers for annotation metrics summary += "<tr>" + "<td><div align=\"center\"><strong> Label </strong></div></td>" + "<td><div align=\"center\"><strong> Duration in Seconds </strong></div></td>" + "<td><div align=\"center\"><strong> %Occurrence </strong></div></td>" + "<td><div align=\"center\"><strong> Frequency </strong></div></td>" + "<td><div align=\"center\"><strong> Mean (sec) </strong></div></td>" + "<td><div align=\"center\"><strong> STD (sec) </strong></div></td>" + "<td><div align=\"center\"><strong> Min (sec) </strong></div></td>" + "<td><div align=\"center\"><strong> Max (sec) </strong></div></td>" + "</tr>"; //Scan through labels int total_secs_activity = 0; double percent_duration = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < session.OverlappingActivityLists[0].Count; j++) { name = session.OverlappingActivityLists[0][j]._Name; if (annotatedPostures.ContainsKey(name)) { total_secs_activity = (int)annotatedPostures[name]; percent_duration = ((double)total_secs_activity / totalSeconds) * 100.0; summary += "<tr>\n" + "<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>" + name + "</strong></div></td>" + "<td>" + total_secs_activity.ToString() + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0.0}%", percent_duration) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0}", freq_per_class[name]) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", means_per_class[name]) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", std_per_class[name]) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", min_per_class[name]) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", max_per_class[name]) + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } else { summary += "<tr>\n" + "<td><div align=\"center\"><strong>" + name + "</strong></div></td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0}", 0) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0.0}%", 0) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0}", 0) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", 0) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", 0) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", 0) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", 0) + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } } //Close table summary += "</table>"; //Generate the colors code for Autistic Labels SaveLabelsColorsToFile(aDataDirectory, session.OverlappingActivityLists.Count, session.OverlappingActivityLists); } catch (Exception ee) { summary += "</HTML>"; try { if (tw != null) { tw.WriteLine(summary); tw.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //cannot write to file } } #endregion } summary += "</HTML>"; #endregion tw.WriteLine(summary); tw.Close(); #endregion #endregion }
public static void toCSV(string aDataDirectory, string masterDirectory, int maxControllers, string[] filter) { #region Declare Variables //double previousUnixTime = -1; //------ Annotation Variables ------// /**** MITes,wockets Variables ****/ int _wPC = 0; int summary_count = AC_NUMS; int[] acount = new int[AC_BUFFER_SIZE]; int ci = 0; //Variables that average raw values int[] averageX = null; int[] averageY = null; int[] averageZ = null; int[] averageRawX = null; int[] averageRawY = null; int[] averageRawZ = null; //variables for older activity count calculation int[] prevX = null; int[] prevY = null; int[] prevZ = null; int[] acCounters = null; //Variables to store raw data,running mean and areas under curve int[, ,] rawData = null; //channel,axis ->data long[,] timeData = null; //channel ->timestamp int[,] AUC = null; double[] VMAG = null; int[] head = null; //channel ->pointer to the head (circular) double[] RMX = null; double[] RMY = null; double[] RMZ = null; int[] RMSize = null; //CSV files that store data TextWriter[] activityCountCSVs = null; //old activity count files TextWriter[] aucCSVs = null; //AUC files TextWriter[] vmagCSVs = null; //AUC files TextWriter[] rmCSVs = null; //Running mean files TextWriter[] samplingCSVs = null; //Sample Rate CSV TextWriter[] averagedRaw = null; //Raw signal CSV TextWriter[] wactivityCountCSVs = null; //old activity count files TextWriter[] waucCSVs = null; //AUC files TextWriter[] wvmagCSVs = null; //AUC files TextWriter[] wrmCSVs = null; //Running mean files TextWriter[] wsamplingCSVs = null; //Sample Rate CSV TextWriter[] waveragedRaw = null; //Raw signal CSV //Variables that average raw values int[] waverageX = null; int[] waverageY = null; int[] waverageZ = null; int[] waverageRawX = null; int[] waverageRawY = null; int[] waverageRawZ = null; //variables for older activity count calculation int[] wprevX = null; int[] wprevY = null; int[] wprevZ = null; int[] wacCounters = null; //Variables to store raw data,running mean and areas under curve int[, ,] wrawData = null; //channel,axis ->data long[,] wtimeData = null; //channel ->timestamp int[,] wAUC = null; double[] wVMAG = null; int[] whead = null; //channel ->pointer to the head (circular) double[] wRMX = null; double[] wRMY = null; double[] wRMZ = null; int[] wRMSize = null; TextWriter masterCSV; //Master CSV TextWriter hrCSV = null; //HR CSV //Zephyr TextWriter zephyrCSV = null; TextReader zephyrReader = null; double zephyrUnixTime = 0; DateTime zephyrTime = new DateTime(); Hashtable zephyrData = new Hashtable(); //Omron TextWriter omronCSV = null; TextReader omronReader = null; double omronUnixTime = 0; DateTime omronTime = new DateTime(); Hashtable omronData = new Hashtable(); //Oxycon TextWriter oxyconCSV = null; TextReader oxyconReader = null; double oxyconUnixTime = 0; DateTime oxyconTime = new DateTime(); Hashtable oxyconData = new Hashtable(); //Sensewear TextWriter sensewearCSV = null; TextReader sensewearReader = null; int sensewearSR = 0; double sensewearTrans = 0; double sensewearLong = 0; double sensewearForAcc = 0; DateTime sensewearTime = new DateTime(); DateTime prevSensewearTime = new DateTime(); double sensewearUnixTime = 0; //Sensewear vanderbilt string vanderbiltSensewearDataLine = ""; Hashtable sensewearData = new Hashtable(); //Columbia TextWriter columbiaCSV = null; TextReader columbiaReader = null; double columbiaX = 0; double columbiaY = 0; double columbiaZ = 0; double columbiaFlow = 0; int columbiaValve = 0; double columbiaUnixTime = 0; DateTime columbiaTime = new DateTime(); Hashtable columbiaData = new Hashtable(); //GPS TextWriter gpsCSV = null; TextReader gpsReader = null; double gpsLatitude = 0; double gpsLongitude = 0; double gpsSpeed = 0; double gpsAltitude = 0; double gpsUnixTime = 0; DateTime gpsTime = new DateTime(); Hashtable gpsData = new Hashtable(); //RTI TextWriter rtiCSV = null; TextReader rtiReader = null; double rtiX = 0; double rtiY = 0; double rtiZ = 0; double[] rtiPrevX = new double[5]; double[] rtiPrevY = new double[5]; double[] rtiPrevZ = new double[5]; int[] rtiPrevCounts = new int[5]; double rtiRMX = 0; double rtiRMY = 0; double rtiRMZ = 0; int rtiTotalCount = 0; double rtiUnixTime = 0; DateTime rtiTime = new DateTime(); Hashtable rtiData = new Hashtable(); //RT3 TextWriter rt3CSV = null; TextReader rt3Reader = null; int rt3SR = 0; double rt3UnixTime = 0; DateTime rt3Time = new DateTime(); Hashtable rt3Data = new Hashtable(); string rt3_dataline = ""; int sumHR = 0; int hrCount = 0; string[] tokens; //CSV Files headers string csv_line1 = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,X,Y,Z"; string csv_line2 = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,Sampling"; string csv_line3 = ""; string csv_line4 = ""; string csv_line5 = ""; string csv_line6 = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,VectorMagnitude"; string hr_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,HR"; string actigraph_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,Actigraph"; string summary_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,ActivityCount"; string actigraph_csv_header_gt1m = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,ActigraphX,ActigraphY"; string actigraph_csv_header_gtx = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,ActigraphX,ActigraphY,ActigraphZ"; string sensewear_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,SensewearSR,Sensewear_AVTranAcc,Senserwear_AVLongAcc,Sensewear_AVForAcc"; string sensewear_csv_header_vanderbilt = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,SensewearSR,Sensewear_numpeaks_accelerometer_transverse,Sensewear_numpeaks_accelerometer_longitudinal,Sensewear_heat_flux_average_original_rate,Sensewear_skin_temp_average_original_rate,Sensewear_transverse_accelerometer_average,Sensewear_longitudinal_accelerometer_average,Sensewear_cover_temp_average,Sensewear_transverse_accelerometer_MAD_graphable,Sensewear_longitudinal_accelerometer_MAD_graphable,Sensewear_STEPS,Sensewear_gsr_average,Sensewear_energy_expenditure_per_minute"; string zephyr_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,ZephyrHeart Rate Data,ZephyrECG - Amplitude Data,ZephyrECG - Noise Data,ZephyrRES - Breathing Wave Amplitude (V) Data,ZephyrRES - Respiration Rate Data,ZephyrTEM - Skin Temperature Data,ZephyrBAT - Battery Voltage (V) Data,ZephyrPOS - Posture Data,ZephyrACC - Activity Data,ZephyrACC - Peak Acceleration (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Vertical Acc Minimum (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Vertical Acc Peak (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Lateral Acc Minimum (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Lateral Acc Peak (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Sagittal Acc Minimum (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Sagittal Acc Peak (g)"; string oxycon_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,OxyconHR,OxyconBF,OxyconVE,OxyconVO2,OxyconVO2kg,OxyconMET,OxyconEE,OxyconRER"; string omron_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,Steps"; string columbia_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,ColumbiaX,ColumbiaY,ColumbiaZ,ColumbiaFlow,ColumbiaValve"; string gps_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,GPSLatitude,GPSLongitude,GPSSpeed,GPSAltitude"; string rti_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,RTIX,RTIY,RTIZ,RTI_AUC_X,RTI_AUC_Y,RTI_AUC_Z,RTI_AUC_XYZ"; string rt3_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp,RT3_SR,RT3_Total_Calories,RT3_Activity_Calories,RT3_VM,RT3_ActCntsX,RT3_ActCntsY,RT3_ActCntsZ"; string master_csv_header = "UnixTimeStamp,TimeStamp"; //files found bool sensewearFound = false; bool sensewearVanderbiltFound = false; bool zephyrFound = false; bool oxyconFound = false; bool omronFound = false; bool columbiaFound = false; bool gpsFound = false; bool rtiFound = false; bool rt3Found = false; //Sensor Offsets //double actigraphOffset = 0; double sensewearOffset = 0; double zephyrOffset = 0; double columbiaOffset = 0; double rtiOffset = 0; double oxyconOffset = 0; //for upto 6 actigraphs double[] actigraphOffset = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; double annotationsOffset = 0; double mitesOffset = 0; double gpsOffset = 0; DateTime[] actigraphEndTimes = new DateTime[6]; DateTime[] actigraphStartTimes = new DateTime[6]; if (other_sensors_form != null) { //actigraphOffset = other_sensors_form._ActigraphSeconds; sensewearOffset = other_sensors_form._SensewearSeconds; zephyrOffset = other_sensors_form._ZephyrSeconds; columbiaOffset = other_sensors_form._ColumbiaSeconds; rtiOffset = other_sensors_form._RTISeconds; oxyconOffset = other_sensors_form._OxyconSeconds; annotationsOffset = other_sensors_form._AnnotationsSeconds; mitesOffset = other_sensors_form._MitesSeconds; gpsOffset = other_sensors_form._GpsSeconds; //actigraph offsets - upt0 6 actigraphs int totalActigraphs = other_sensors_form._TotalActigraphs; for (int i = 0; i < totalActigraphs; i++) { actigraphOffset[i] = other_sensors_form._ActigraphSeconds[i]; } actigraphEndTimes = new DateTime[totalActigraphs]; actigraphStartTimes = new DateTime[totalActigraphs]; } #endregion #region Load Wockets Configuration File WocketsConfiguration configuration = new WocketsConfiguration(); try { configuration.FromXML(aDataDirectory + "\\wockets\\Configuration.xml"); } catch { // configuration.FromXML(aDataDirectory + "\\Configuration.xml"); } CurrentWockets._Configuration = configuration; #endregion Load Wockets Configuration File #region Read RTI data string[] file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-rti*.csv"); string rti_line = ""; try { if (file.Length == 1) { if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Processing RTI Data"; rtiReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); DateTime rtiOriginTime = new DateTime(); bool rtiOriginFound = false; if (File.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\RTISynchronizationTime.txt")) { TextReader rtiOriginTR = new StreamReader(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\RTISynchronizationTime.txt"); string originRTI = rtiOriginTR.ReadLine(); try { tokens = originRTI.Split(','); tokens = tokens[0].Split('.'); rtiOriginTR.Close(); UnixTime.GetDateTime(Convert.ToInt64(tokens[0]), out rtiOriginTime); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("RTI Synchronization: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } rtiOriginTime = rtiOriginTime.AddSeconds(rtiOffset); rtiOriginFound = true; } //skip first 25 lines for (int k = 0; (k < 7); k++) rti_line = rtiReader.ReadLine(); string prevRTIKey = ""; double xRTI = 0; double yRTI = 0; double zRTI = 0; double xAUCRTI = 0; double yAUCRTI = 0; double zAUCRTI = 0; int rtiCount = 0; int rtiPrevIndex = 0; int runningMeanSize = 0; int rti_sample_counter = 0; rtiTime = rtiOriginTime; while ((rti_line = rtiReader.ReadLine()) != null) { tokens = rti_line.Split(','); if (tokens.Length >= 4) { if (!rtiOriginFound) { string[] dateTokens = tokens[0].Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }); string[] timeTokens = null; if (dateTokens[1].Contains("/")) timeTokens = dateTokens[0].Split('.'); else timeTokens = dateTokens[1].Split('.'); int mseconds = Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]); timeTokens = timeTokens[0].Split(':'); if (dateTokens[1].Contains("/")) dateTokens = dateTokens[1].Split('/'); else dateTokens = dateTokens[0].Split('/'); if (dateTokens[2].Length == 2) dateTokens[2] = "20" + dateTokens[2]; rtiTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[2]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[2]), mseconds); rtiTime = rtiTime.AddSeconds(rtiOffset); } if ((rtiOriginFound) && (rti_sample_counter == 20)) { rtiTime = rtiTime.AddSeconds(1.0); rti_sample_counter = 0; } rti_sample_counter++; //if (isPM) // rtiTime.AddHours(12.0); rtiUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(rtiTime); string rtiKey = rtiTime.Year + "-" + rtiTime.Month + "-" + rtiTime.Day + "-" + rtiTime.Hour + "-" + rtiTime.Minute + "-" + rtiTime.Second; string rtiLine = ""; if (rtiStart == null) rtiStart = rtiTime.Year + "/" + rtiTime.Month + "/" + rtiTime.Day + " " + rtiTime.Hour + ":" + rtiTime.Minute + ":" + rtiTime.Second; if (prevRTIKey == "") prevRTIKey = rtiKey; //save previous data if (prevRTIKey != rtiKey) { if (runningMeanSize >= 5) { rtiLine += ((double)(xRTI / (double)rtiCount)).ToString("0.00"); rtiLine += ","; rtiLine += ((double)(yRTI / (double)rtiCount)).ToString("0.00"); rtiLine += ","; rtiLine += ((double)(zRTI / (double)rtiCount)).ToString("0.00"); rtiLine += ","; rtiLine += (xAUCRTI).ToString("0.00"); rtiLine += ","; rtiLine += (yAUCRTI).ToString("0.00"); rtiLine += ","; rtiLine += (zAUCRTI).ToString("0.00"); rtiLine += ","; rtiLine += ((double)(Math.Abs(xAUCRTI) + Math.Abs(yAUCRTI) + Math.Abs(zAUCRTI))).ToString("0.00"); } else rtiLine += ",,,,,,"; rtiRMX = 0; rtiRMY = 0; rtiRMZ = 0; for (int m = 0; (m < 5); m++) { rtiRMX += rtiPrevX[m]; rtiRMY += rtiPrevY[m]; rtiRMZ += rtiPrevZ[m]; rtiTotalCount += rtiPrevCounts[m]; } rtiRMX = rtiRMX / rtiTotalCount; rtiRMY = rtiRMY / rtiTotalCount; rtiRMZ = rtiRMZ / rtiTotalCount; rtiPrevCounts[rtiPrevIndex] = rtiCount; rtiPrevX[rtiPrevIndex] = xRTI; rtiPrevY[rtiPrevIndex] = yRTI; rtiPrevZ[rtiPrevIndex++] = zRTI; rtiPrevIndex = (rtiPrevIndex % 5); if (runningMeanSize < 5) runningMeanSize++; if (rtiData.Contains(prevRTIKey) == false) rtiData.Add(prevRTIKey, rtiLine); xRTI = 0; yRTI = 0; zRTI = 0; rtiCount = 0; xAUCRTI = 0; yAUCRTI = 0; zAUCRTI = 0; rtiTotalCount = 0; } xRTI += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[1]); yRTI += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[2]); zRTI += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[3]); xAUCRTI += Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(tokens[1]) - rtiRMX); yAUCRTI += Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(tokens[2]) - rtiRMY); zAUCRTI += Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(tokens[3]) - rtiRMZ); rtiCount++; prevRTIKey = rtiKey; } } rtiFound = true; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("RTI: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } hasRTI = (rtiData.Count > 0); rtiRecords = rtiData.Count; #endregion Read RTI data #region Read Columbia data file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-columbia*.csv"); string columbia_line = ""; try { if (file.Length == 1) { if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Processing Columbia Data"; columbiaReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); //skip first 25 lines for (int k = 0; (k < 25); k++) columbia_line = columbiaReader.ReadLine(); while ((columbia_line = columbiaReader.ReadLine()) != null) { tokens = columbia_line.Split(','); if (tokens.Length == 14) { string[] dateTokens = tokens[1].Split('/'); string[] timeTokens = tokens[2].Split(':'); columbiaTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32("20" + dateTokens[2]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[2])); // if (columbiaOffset > 0) columbiaTime = columbiaTime.AddSeconds(columbiaOffset); columbiaUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(columbiaTime); string columbiaKey = columbiaTime.Year + "-" + columbiaTime.Month + "-" + columbiaTime.Day + "-" + columbiaTime.Hour + "-" + columbiaTime.Minute + "-" + columbiaTime.Second; string columbiaLine = ""; if (columbiaStart == null) columbiaStart = columbiaTime.Year + "/" + columbiaTime.Month + "/" + columbiaTime.Day + " " + columbiaTime.Hour + ":" + columbiaTime.Minute + ":" + columbiaTime.Second; if (tokens[3].Length > 0) columbiaLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[3]); columbiaLine += ","; if (tokens[4].Length > 0) columbiaLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[4]); columbiaLine += ","; if (tokens[5].Length > 0) columbiaLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[5]); columbiaLine += ","; if (tokens[6].Length > 0) columbiaLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[6]); columbiaLine += ","; if (tokens[7].Length > 0) columbiaLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[7]); if (columbiaData.Contains(columbiaKey) == false) columbiaData.Add(columbiaKey, columbiaLine); } } columbiaFound = true; hasColumbia = true; columbiaRecords = columbiaData.Count; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Columbia: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } #endregion Read Columbia data #region Read GPS data file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-gps*.csv"); string gps_line = ""; try { if (file.Length == 1) { if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Processing GPS Data"; gpsReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); //skip first line gps_line = gpsReader.ReadLine(); while ((gps_line = gpsReader.ReadLine()) != null) { tokens = gps_line.Split(','); if (tokens.Length == 7) { string[] dateTokens = tokens[1].Split('-'); string[] timeTokens = tokens[2].Split(':'); gpsTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[2]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[2])); //add gps offset gpsTime = gpsTime.AddSeconds(gpsOffset); gpsUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(gpsTime); string gpsKey = gpsTime.Year + "-" + gpsTime.Month + "-" + gpsTime.Day + "-" + gpsTime.Hour + "-" + gpsTime.Minute + "-" + gpsTime.Second; string gpsLine = ""; if (gpsStart == null) gpsStart = gpsTime.Year + "/" + gpsTime.Month + "/" + gpsTime.Day + " " + gpsTime.Hour + ":" + gpsTime.Minute + ":" + gpsTime.Second; if (tokens[3].Length > 0) gpsLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[3]); gpsLine += ","; if (tokens[4].Length > 0) gpsLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[4]); gpsLine += ","; if (tokens[5].Length > 0) gpsLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[5]); gpsLine += ","; if (tokens[6].Length > 0) gpsLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[6]); // gpsLine += ","; if (gpsData.Contains(gpsKey) == false) gpsData.Add(gpsKey, gpsLine); } } gpsFound = true; hasGPS = true; gpsRecords = gpsData.Count; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("GPS: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } #endregion Read GPS data #region Read Omron data file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-omron.csv"); string omron_line = ""; try { if (file.Length == 1) { if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Processing Omron Data"; omronReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) omron_line = omronReader.ReadLine();//skip first 3 lines omron_line = omronReader.ReadLine(); tokens = omron_line.Split(','); string[] omronDate = tokens[0].Split('/'); for (int i = 0; (i < 24); i++) { omronTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(omronDate[2]), Convert.ToInt32(omronDate[0]), Convert.ToInt32(omronDate[1]), i, 59, 59); string omronKey = omronTime.Year + "-" + omronTime.Month + "-" + omronTime.Day + "-" + omronTime.Hour + "-" + omronTime.Minute + "-" + omronTime.Second; omronData.Add(omronKey, Convert.ToInt32(tokens[i + 7])); } omronFound = true; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Omron: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } #endregion Read Omron data #region Read Actigraph data file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-actigraph*.csv"); actigraphCSV = new TextWriter[file.Length]; actigraphData = new Hashtable[file.Length]; actigraphMinutes = new Hashtable[file.Length]; actigraphType = new string[file.Length]; prevActLine = new string[file.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < prevActLine.Length; i++) { prevActLine[i] = "0,0,0"; } prevActXYZ = new string[3]; for (int i = 0; i < prevActXYZ.Length; i++) { prevActXYZ[i] = "0"; } try { for (int i = 0; (i < file.Length); i++) { actigraphData[i] = new Hashtable(); actigraphMinutes[i] = new Hashtable(); } for (int i = 0; (i < file.Length); i++) { if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Processing Actigraph Data " + (i + 1); TextReader actigraphReader = null; string actigraph_line = ""; double actigraphUnixTime = 0; DateTime actigraphTime = new DateTime(); DateTime actigraphEndTime = new DateTime(); actigraphReader = new StreamReader(file[i]); actigraph_line = actigraphReader.ReadLine();//read first line if (actigraph_line.Contains("\"")) { actigraph_line = actigraph_line.Replace("\"", ""); } if (actigraph_line.Contains("ActiSoft")) { actigraphType[i] = "ActiSoft"; Match m; do { actigraph_line = actigraphReader.ReadLine(); if (actigraph_line.Contains("\"")) { actigraph_line = actigraph_line.Replace("\"", ""); } tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); m = Regex.Match(tokens[0].Trim(), "^[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+$"); } while (m.Success == false); tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); Match m1 = Regex.Match(tokens[0].Trim(), "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"); Match m2 = Regex.Match(tokens[1].Trim(), "([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"); actigraphTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32("20" + m1.Groups[3].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m1.Groups[1].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m1.Groups[2].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[1].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[2].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[3].Value)); //if (actigraphOffset > 0) actigraphTime = actigraphTime.AddSeconds(actigraphOffset[i]); actigraphUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(actigraphTime); do { if (actigraph_line.Contains("\"")) { actigraph_line = actigraph_line.Replace("\"", ""); } tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); if (tokens[0].Length > 1) { m1 = Regex.Match(tokens[0], "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"); m2 = Regex.Match(tokens[1], "([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"); actigraphTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32("20" + m1.Groups[3].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m1.Groups[1].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m1.Groups[2].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[1].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[2].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[3].Value)); //if (actigraphOffset > 0) actigraphTime = actigraphTime.AddSeconds(actigraphOffset[i]); actigraphUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(actigraphTime); string actigraphKey = actigraphTime.Year + "-" + actigraphTime.Month + "-" + actigraphTime.Day + "-" + actigraphTime.Hour + "-" + actigraphTime.Minute + "-" + actigraphTime.Second; if (actigraphStart == null) actigraphStart = actigraphTime.Year + "/" + actigraphTime.Month + "/" + actigraphTime.Day + " " + actigraphTime.Hour + ":" + actigraphTime.Minute + ":" + actigraphTime.Second; string actigraphLine = "" + Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]); actigraphData[i].Add(actigraphKey, actigraphLine); } } while ((actigraph_line = actigraphReader.ReadLine()) != null); } else if (actigraph_line.Contains("GT1M")) { actigraphType[i] = "GT1M"; Match m; int actihour = 0, actiminute = 0, actisecond = 0, actiyear = 0, actiday = 0, actimonth = 0; do { actigraph_line = actigraphReader.ReadLine(); if (actigraph_line.Contains("\"")) { actigraph_line = actigraph_line.Replace("\"", ""); } if (actigraph_line.Contains("Start Time")) { tokens = actigraph_line.Split(' '); m = Regex.Match(tokens[2].Trim(), "([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"); actihour = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value); actiminute = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value); actisecond = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[3].Value); } else if (actigraph_line.Contains("Start Date")) { tokens = actigraph_line.Split(' '); m = Regex.Match(tokens[2].Trim(), "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"); actimonth = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value); actiday = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value); actiyear = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[3].Value); } tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); } while (tokens.Length != 3); tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); //Match m1 = Regex.Match(tokens[0].Trim(), "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"); //Match m2 = Regex.Match(tokens[1].Trim(), "([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"); actigraphTime = new DateTime(actiyear, actimonth, actiday, actihour, actiminute, actisecond);//(Convert.ToInt32("20" + m1.Groups[3].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m1.Groups[1].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m1.Groups[2].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[1].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[2].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[3].Value)); // if (actigraphOffset > 0) actigraphTime = actigraphTime.AddSeconds(actigraphOffset[i]); actigraphUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(actigraphTime); do { if (actigraph_line.Contains("\"")) { actigraph_line = actigraph_line.Replace("\"", ""); } tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); if (tokens.Length == 3) { actigraphUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(actigraphTime); string actigraphKey = actigraphTime.Year + "-" + actigraphTime.Month + "-" + actigraphTime.Day + "-" + actigraphTime.Hour + "-" + actigraphTime.Minute + "-" + actigraphTime.Second; string actigraphLine = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[0]) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(tokens[1]); if (actigraphStart == null) actigraphStart = actigraphTime.Year + "/" + actigraphTime.Month + "/" + actigraphTime.Day + " " + actigraphTime.Hour + ":" + actigraphTime.Minute + ":" + actigraphTime.Second; actigraphData[i].Add(actigraphKey, actigraphLine); actigraphTime = actigraphTime.AddSeconds(1.0); //if (actigraphLine.Contains("144,92")) // Console.Write(""); } } while ((actigraph_line = actigraphReader.ReadLine()) != null); } else if (actigraph_line.Contains("GT3X+")) { actigraphType[i] = "GT3X+"; Match m; int actihour = 0, actiminute = 0, actisecond = 0, actiyear = 0, actiday = 0, actimonth = 0; int actiEndHour = 0, actiEndMinute = 0, actiEndSecond = 0, actiEndYear = 0, actiEndDay = 0, actiEndMonth = 0; do { actigraph_line = actigraphReader.ReadLine(); if (actigraph_line.Contains("\"")) { actigraph_line = actigraph_line.Replace("\"", ""); } if (actigraph_line.Contains("Start Time")) { tokens = actigraph_line.Split(' '); m = Regex.Match(tokens[2].Trim(), "([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"); actihour = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value); actiminute = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value); actisecond = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[3].Value); } else if (actigraph_line.Contains("Start Date")) { tokens = actigraph_line.Split(' '); m = Regex.Match(tokens[2].Trim(), "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"); actimonth = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value); actiday = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value); actiyear = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[3].Value); } else if (actigraph_line.Contains("Download Time")) { tokens = actigraph_line.Split(' '); m = Regex.Match(tokens[2].Trim(), "([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"); actiEndHour = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value); actiEndMinute = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value); actiEndSecond = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[3].Value); } else if (actigraph_line.Contains("Download Date")) { tokens = actigraph_line.Split(' '); m = Regex.Match(tokens[2].Trim(), "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"); actiEndMonth = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value); actiEndDay = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value); actiEndYear = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[3].Value); } tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); } while (tokens.Length != 5); tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); //Match m1 = Regex.Match(tokens[0].Trim(), "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"); //Match m2 = Regex.Match(tokens[1].Trim(), "([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"); actigraphTime = new DateTime(actiyear, actimonth, actiday, actihour, actiminute, actisecond);//(Convert.ToInt32("20" + m1.Groups[3].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m1.Groups[1].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m1.Groups[2].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[1].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[2].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[3].Value)); //if (actigraphOffset > 0) actigraphTime = actigraphTime.AddSeconds(actigraphOffset[i]); actigraphUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(actigraphTime); actigraphEndTime = new DateTime(actiEndYear, actiEndMonth, actiEndDay, actiEndHour, actiEndMinute, actiEndSecond); actigraphEndTime = actigraphEndTime.AddSeconds(actigraphOffset[i]); actigraphStartTimes[i] = actigraphTime; actigraphEndTimes[i] = actigraphEndTime; do { if (actigraph_line.Contains("\"")) { actigraph_line = actigraph_line.Replace("\"", ""); } tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); if (tokens.Length == 5) { actigraphUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(actigraphTime); string actigraphKey = actigraphTime.Year + "-" + actigraphTime.Month + "-" + actigraphTime.Day + "-" + actigraphTime.Hour + "-" + actigraphTime.Minute + "-" + actigraphTime.Second; string actigraphLine = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[0]) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(tokens[1]) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]); if (actigraphStart == null) actigraphStart = actigraphTime.Year + "-" + actigraphTime.Month + "-" + actigraphTime.Day + " " + actigraphTime.Hour + ":" + actigraphTime.Minute + ":" + actigraphTime.Second; actigraphData[i].Add(actigraphKey, actigraphLine); actigraphTime = actigraphTime.AddSeconds(1.0); } } while ((actigraph_line = actigraphReader.ReadLine()) != null); } else if (actigraph_line.Contains("GT3X")) { actigraphType[i] = "GT3X"; Match m; int actihour = 0, actiminute = 0, actisecond = 0, actiyear = 0, actiday = 0, actimonth = 0; do { actigraph_line = actigraphReader.ReadLine(); if (actigraph_line.Contains("\"")) { actigraph_line = actigraph_line.Replace("\"", ""); } if (actigraph_line.Contains("Start Time")) { tokens = actigraph_line.Split(' '); m = Regex.Match(tokens[2].Trim(), "([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"); actihour = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value); actiminute = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value); actisecond = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[3].Value); } else if (actigraph_line.Contains("Start Date")) { tokens = actigraph_line.Split(' '); m = Regex.Match(tokens[2].Trim(), "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"); actimonth = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value); actiday = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value); actiyear = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[3].Value); } tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); } while (tokens.Length != 5); tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); //Match m1 = Regex.Match(tokens[0].Trim(), "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"); //Match m2 = Regex.Match(tokens[1].Trim(), "([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"); actigraphTime = new DateTime(actiyear, actimonth, actiday, actihour, actiminute, actisecond);//(Convert.ToInt32("20" + m1.Groups[3].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m1.Groups[1].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m1.Groups[2].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[1].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[2].Value), Convert.ToInt32(m2.Groups[3].Value)); //if (actigraphOffset > 0) actigraphTime = actigraphTime.AddSeconds(actigraphOffset[i]); actigraphUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(actigraphTime); do { if (actigraph_line.Contains("\"")) { actigraph_line = actigraph_line.Replace("\"", ""); } tokens = actigraph_line.Split(','); if (tokens.Length == 5) { actigraphUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(actigraphTime); string actigraphKey = actigraphTime.Year + "-" + actigraphTime.Month + "-" + actigraphTime.Day + "-" + actigraphTime.Hour + "-" + actigraphTime.Minute + "-" + actigraphTime.Second; string actigraphLine = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[0]) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(tokens[1]) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]); if (actigraphStart == null) actigraphStart = actigraphTime.Year + "-" + actigraphTime.Month + "-" + actigraphTime.Day + " " + actigraphTime.Hour + ":" + actigraphTime.Minute + ":" + actigraphTime.Second; actigraphData[i].Add(actigraphKey, actigraphLine); actigraphTime = actigraphTime.AddSeconds(1.0); } } while ((actigraph_line = actigraphReader.ReadLine()) != null); } actigraphReader.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Actigraphs: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } for (int r = 0; (r < actigraphData.Length); r++) { if (hasActigraph == false) hasActigraph = (actigraphData[r].Count > 0); actigraphRecords += actigraphData[r].Count; } //JPN: Encode Actigraph Minute Count into array of hashtables for (int i = 0; (i < file.Length); i++) { foreach (string ski in actigraphData[i].Keys) { string[] acTokens = ski.Split('-'); DateTime minuteDT = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(acTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(acTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(acTokens[2]), Convert.ToInt32(acTokens[3]), Convert.ToInt32(acTokens[4]), 0); string minuteKey = minuteDT.Year + "-" + minuteDT.Month + "-" + minuteDT.Day + "-" + minuteDT.Hour + "-" + minuteDT.Minute + "-" + minuteDT.Second; int acMinCount = 0; if (actigraphMinutes[i].ContainsKey(minuteKey)) acMinCount = Convert.ToInt32(actigraphMinutes[i][minuteKey]); if (actigraphData[i].ContainsKey(ski)) { string[] acDataLine = actigraphData[i][ski].ToString().Split(','); foreach (string acds in acDataLine) acMinCount += Convert.ToInt32(acds); } actigraphMinutes[i][minuteKey] = acMinCount; } } #endregion Read Actigraph data #region Read Zephyr data file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-zephyr*.csv"); string zephyr_line = ""; try { if (file.Length == 1) { if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Processing Zephyr Data"; zephyrReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); zephyr_line = zephyrReader.ReadLine();//skip two lines zephyr_line = zephyrReader.ReadLine(); while ((zephyr_line = zephyrReader.ReadLine()) != null) { tokens = zephyr_line.Split(','); if (tokens.Length <= 18) { string[] tokens1 = tokens[0].Split(' '); string[] dateTokens = tokens1[0].Split('/'); string[] timeTokens = (tokens1[1].Split('.'))[0].Split(':'); zephyrTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[2]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[2])); // if (zephyrOffset > 0) zephyrTime = zephyrTime.AddSeconds(zephyrOffset); zephyrUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(zephyrTime); string zephyrKey = zephyrTime.Year + "-" + zephyrTime.Month + "-" + zephyrTime.Day + "-" + zephyrTime.Hour + "-" + zephyrTime.Minute + "-" + zephyrTime.Second; string zephyrLine = ""; if (zephyrStart == null) zephyrStart = zephyrTime.Year + "/" + zephyrTime.Month + "/" + zephyrTime.Day + " " + zephyrTime.Hour + ":" + zephyrTime.Minute + ":" + zephyrTime.Second; if (tokens[1].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[1]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[2].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[2]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[3].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[3]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[4].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[4]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[5].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[5]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[6].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[6]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[7].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[7]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[8].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[8]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[9].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[9]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[10].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[10]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[11].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[11]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[12].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[12]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[13].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[13]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[14].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[14]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[15].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[15]); zephyrLine += ","; if (tokens[16].Length > 0) zephyrLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[16]); if (zephyrData.Contains(zephyrKey) == false) zephyrData.Add(zephyrKey, zephyrLine); } } zephyrFound = true; hasZephyr = true; zephyrRecords = zephyrData.Count; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Zephyr: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } #endregion Read Zephyr data #region Read Oxycon data if (File.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\OxyconSyncronizationTime.txt")) { file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-oxycon-flashcard.dat"); if (file.Length == 1) { TextReader oxyconOriginTR = new StreamReader(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\OxyconSyncronizationTime.txt"); string originOxycon = oxyconOriginTR.ReadLine(); DateTime oxyconOriginTime = new DateTime(); try { tokens = originOxycon.Split(','); tokens = tokens[0].Split('.'); oxyconOriginTR.Close(); UnixTime.GetDateTime(Convert.ToInt64(tokens[0]), out oxyconOriginTime); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Oxycon Synchronization: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } //Synchronize Both files to find a matching point and pick the time stamps int oxyconAdjustment = 0; file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-oxycon.dat"); string oxycon_line = ""; Hashtable oxyconData1 = new Hashtable(); int checkCount = 0; try { if (file.Length == 1) { oxyconReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); for (int j = 0; (j < 8); j++) oxycon_line = oxyconReader.ReadLine();//skip first 8 lines while ((oxycon_line = oxyconReader.ReadLine()) != null) { oxycon_line = oxycon_line.Trim(); RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None; Regex regex = new Regex(@"[ ]{2,}", options); oxycon_line = regex.Replace(oxycon_line, @" "); regex = new Regex(@"[\t]", options); oxycon_line = regex.Replace(oxycon_line, @" "); tokens = oxycon_line.Split(' '); string[] timeTokens = tokens[0].Split(':'); int oxyconSeconds = 0; if (timeTokens.Length >= 2) { string oxyconKey = ""; if (timeTokens.Length == 2) //always mins:seconds oxyconSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[0]) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]); else //3 tokens can either include minutes or hours can be mins:secs:00 or hrs:mins:secs oxyconSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[0]) * 60 * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[2]); if ((tokens[2].Length > 0) && (tokens[2] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[3].Length > 0) && (tokens[3] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[3]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[4].Length > 0) && (tokens[4] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[4]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[5].Length > 0) && (tokens[5] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[5]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[6].Length > 0) && (tokens[6] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[6]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[7].Length > 0) && (tokens[7] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[7]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[8].Length > 0) && (tokens[8] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[8]); oxyconKey += ","; if (oxyconData1.ContainsKey(oxyconKey) == false) oxyconData1.Add(oxyconKey, oxyconSeconds); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Oxycon PC File: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } //find first 3 matching lines with the same differnece in time file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-oxycon-flashcard.dat"); try { if (file.Length == 1) { oxyconReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); for (int j = 0; (j < 8); j++) oxycon_line = oxyconReader.ReadLine();//skip first 8 lines while ((oxycon_line = oxyconReader.ReadLine()) != null) { oxycon_line = oxycon_line.Trim(); RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None; Regex regex = new Regex(@"[ ]{2,}", options); oxycon_line = regex.Replace(oxycon_line, @" "); tokens = oxycon_line.Split(' '); string[] timeTokens = tokens[0].Split(':'); int oxyconSeconds = 0; if (timeTokens.Length >= 2) { string oxyconKey = ""; if (timeTokens.Length == 2) //always mins:seconds oxyconSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[0]) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]); else //3 tokens can either include minutes or hours can be mins:secs:00 or hrs:mins:secs oxyconSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[0]) * 60 * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[2]); if ((tokens[2].Length > 0) && (tokens[2] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[3].Length > 0) && (tokens[3] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[3]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[4].Length > 0) && (tokens[4] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[4]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[5].Length > 0) && (tokens[5] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[5]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[6].Length > 0) && (tokens[6] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[6]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[7].Length > 0) && (tokens[7] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[7]); oxyconKey += ","; if ((tokens[8].Length > 0) && (tokens[8] != "-")) oxyconKey += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[8]); oxyconKey += ","; if (oxyconData1.ContainsKey(oxyconKey)) { int flashTime = oxyconSeconds; int pcTime = (int)oxyconData1[oxyconKey]; if (pcTime <= flashTime) { int difference = flashTime - pcTime; if (difference == oxyconAdjustment) checkCount++; else checkCount = 0; oxyconAdjustment = difference; //break when the same oxycon adjustment is seen 3 times if (checkCount == 3) break; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Oxycon Flash: Parsing failed 1 " + e.Message); } oxyconData1.Clear(); //Load Oxycon data file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*oxycon-flashcard.dat"); try { if (file.Length == 1) { if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Processing Oxycon Data"; oxyconReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); for (int j = 0; (j < 8); j++) oxycon_line = oxyconReader.ReadLine();//skip first 8 lines while ((oxycon_line = oxyconReader.ReadLine()) != null) { oxycon_line = oxycon_line.Trim(); RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None; Regex regex = new Regex(@"[ ]{2,}", options); oxycon_line = regex.Replace(oxycon_line, @" "); tokens = oxycon_line.Split(' '); string[] timeTokens = tokens[0].Split(':'); if (timeTokens.Length >= 2) { if (timeTokens.Length == 2) //always mins:seconds { oxyconTime = oxyconOriginTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[1])); } else //3 tokens can either include minutes or hours can be mins:secs:00 or hrs:mins:secs { //OXYCON BUG: The oxycon output files are very buggy // sometimes they report min:sec:00 and sometimes hr:min:sec if (Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0]) >= 24) //this is min:sec:00 { oxyconTime = oxyconOriginTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[1])); } else //this is hr:min:sec { oxyconTime = oxyconOriginTime.AddHours(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[1])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[2])); } } oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(-1.0 * oxyconAdjustment); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(oxyconOffset); oxyconUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(oxyconTime); string oxyconKey = oxyconTime.Year + "-" + oxyconTime.Month + "-" + oxyconTime.Day + "-" + oxyconTime.Hour + "-" + oxyconTime.Minute + "-" + oxyconTime.Second; string oxyconLine = ""; if (oxyconStart == null) oxyconStart = oxyconTime.Year + "/" + oxyconTime.Month + "/" + oxyconTime.Day + " " + oxyconTime.Hour + ":" + oxyconTime.Minute + ":" + oxyconTime.Second; //if (oxyconTime.Day >= 10) // Console.Write(""); if ((tokens[1].Length > 0) && (tokens[1] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[1]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[2].Length > 0) && (tokens[2] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[3].Length > 0) && (tokens[3] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[3]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[4].Length > 0) && (tokens[4] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[4]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[5].Length > 0) && (tokens[5] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[5]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[6].Length > 0) && (tokens[6] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[6]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[7].Length > 0) && (tokens[7] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[7]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[8].Length > 0) && (tokens[8] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[8]); //oxyconLine += ","; if (oxyconData.ContainsKey(oxyconKey) == false) oxyconData.Add(oxyconKey, oxyconLine); } } oxyconFound = true; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Oxycon Flash: Parsing failed 2 " + e.Message); } } else if (file.Length == 2) //sometimes 2 oxycon sessions were recorded { TextReader oxyconOriginTR = new StreamReader(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\OxyconSyncronizationTime.txt"); string originOxycon = oxyconOriginTR.ReadLine(); DateTime oxyconOriginTime = new DateTime(); try { tokens = originOxycon.Split(','); tokens = tokens[0].Split('.'); UnixTime.GetDateTime(Convert.ToInt64(tokens[0]), out oxyconOriginTime); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Oxycon Synchronization: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } string oxycon_line = ""; //Load Oxycon data file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-flashcard.1.dat"); try { if (file.Length == 1) { if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Processing Flashcard1"; oxyconReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); for (int j = 0; (j < 8); j++) oxycon_line = oxyconReader.ReadLine();//skip first 8 lines while ((oxycon_line = oxyconReader.ReadLine()) != null) { oxycon_line = oxycon_line.Trim(); RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None; Regex regex = new Regex(@"[ ]{2,}", options); oxycon_line = regex.Replace(oxycon_line, @" "); tokens = oxycon_line.Split(' '); string[] timeTokens = tokens[0].Split(':'); if (timeTokens.Length >= 2) { if (timeTokens.Length == 2) //always mins:seconds { oxyconTime = oxyconOriginTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[1])); } else //3 tokens can either include minutes or hours can be mins:secs:00 or hrs:mins:secs { if (Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0]) >= 24) //this is min:sec:00 { oxyconTime = oxyconOriginTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[1])); } else //this is hr:min:sec { oxyconTime = oxyconOriginTime.AddHours(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[1])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[2])); } } oxyconUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(oxyconTime); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(oxyconOffset); string oxyconKey = oxyconTime.Year + "-" + oxyconTime.Month + "-" + oxyconTime.Day + "-" + oxyconTime.Hour + "-" + oxyconTime.Minute + "-" + oxyconTime.Second; string oxyconLine = ""; if (oxyconStart == null) oxyconStart = oxyconTime.Year + "/" + oxyconTime.Month + "/" + oxyconTime.Day + " " + oxyconTime.Hour + ":" + oxyconTime.Minute + ":" + oxyconTime.Second; if ((tokens[1].Length > 0) && (tokens[1] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[1]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[2].Length > 0) && (tokens[2] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[3].Length > 0) && (tokens[3] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[3]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[4].Length > 0) && (tokens[4] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[4]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[5].Length > 0) && (tokens[5] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[5]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[6].Length > 0) && (tokens[6] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[6]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[7].Length > 0) && (tokens[7] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[7]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[8].Length > 0) && (tokens[8] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[8]); //oxyconLine += ","; if (oxyconData.ContainsKey(oxyconKey) == false) oxyconData.Add(oxyconKey, oxyconLine); } } oxyconFound = true; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Oxycon Flash: Parsing failed 2 " + e.Message); } originOxycon = oxyconOriginTR.ReadLine(); oxyconOriginTime = new DateTime(); try { tokens = originOxycon.Split(','); tokens = tokens[0].Split('.'); oxyconOriginTR.Close(); UnixTime.GetDateTime(Convert.ToInt64(tokens[0]), out oxyconOriginTime); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Oxycon Synchronization: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } //Load Oxycon data file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-flashcard.2.dat"); try { if (file.Length == 1) { if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Processing Flashcard1"; oxyconReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); for (int j = 0; (j < 8); j++) oxycon_line = oxyconReader.ReadLine();//skip first 8 lines while ((oxycon_line = oxyconReader.ReadLine()) != null) { oxycon_line = oxycon_line.Trim(); RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None; Regex regex = new Regex(@"[ ]{2,}", options); oxycon_line = regex.Replace(oxycon_line, @" "); tokens = oxycon_line.Split(' '); string[] timeTokens = tokens[0].Split(':'); if (timeTokens.Length >= 2) { if (timeTokens.Length == 2) //always mins:seconds { oxyconTime = oxyconOriginTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[1])); } else //3 tokens can either include minutes or hours can be mins:secs:00 or hrs:mins:secs { if (Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0]) >= 24) //this is min:sec:00 { oxyconTime = oxyconOriginTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[1])); } else //this is hr:min:sec { oxyconTime = oxyconOriginTime.AddHours(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[0])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[1])); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeTokens[2])); } } oxyconUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(oxyconTime); oxyconTime = oxyconTime.AddSeconds(oxyconOffset); string oxyconKey = oxyconTime.Year + "-" + oxyconTime.Month + "-" + oxyconTime.Day + "-" + oxyconTime.Hour + "-" + oxyconTime.Minute + "-" + oxyconTime.Second; string oxyconLine = ""; if (oxyconStart == null) oxyconStart = oxyconTime.Year + "/" + oxyconTime.Month + "/" + oxyconTime.Day + " " + oxyconTime.Hour + ":" + oxyconTime.Minute + ":" + oxyconTime.Second; if (oxyconStart == null) oxyconStart = oxyconTime.Year + "/" + oxyconTime.Month + "/" + oxyconTime.Day + " " + oxyconTime.Hour + ":" + oxyconTime.Minute + ":" + oxyconTime.Second; if ((tokens[1].Length > 0) && (tokens[1] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[1]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[2].Length > 0) && (tokens[2] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[3].Length > 0) && (tokens[3] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[3]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[4].Length > 0) && (tokens[4] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToInt32(tokens[4]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[5].Length > 0) && (tokens[5] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[5]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[6].Length > 0) && (tokens[6] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[6]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[7].Length > 0) && (tokens[7] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[7]); oxyconLine += ","; if ((tokens[8].Length > 0) && (tokens[8] != "-")) oxyconLine += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[8]); // oxyconLine += ","; if (oxyconData.ContainsKey(oxyconKey) == false) oxyconData.Add(oxyconKey, oxyconLine); } } oxyconFound = true; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Oxycon Flash: Parsing failed 2 " + e.Message); } } } hasOxycon = (oxyconData.Count > 0); oxyconRecords = oxyconData.Count; #endregion Read Oxycon data #region Read Sensewear data file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-sensewear*.csv"); string sensewear_line = ""; Hashtable SSR = new Hashtable(); Hashtable STrans = new Hashtable(); Hashtable SLong = new Hashtable(); Hashtable SAcc = new Hashtable(); try { if (file.Length == 1) { sensewearReader = new StreamReader(file[0]); sensewear_line = sensewearReader.ReadLine(); //skip first line if (sensewear_line.Contains("numpeaks_")) sensewearVanderbiltFound = true; else sensewearFound = true; sensewearSR = 1; while ((sensewear_line = sensewearReader.ReadLine()) != null) { tokens = sensewear_line.Split(','); string[] tsTokens = tokens[0].Split(' '); //2009-08-24 14:32:00.000 if (tsTokens.Length > 1) { string[] dateTokens = tsTokens[0].Split('-'); string[] timeTokens = tsTokens[1].Split('.'); timeTokens = timeTokens[0].Split(':'); sensewearTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[2]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[2])); //if (sensewearOffset > 0) sensewearTime = sensewearTime.AddSeconds(sensewearOffset); sensewearUnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(sensewearTime); } else { //unix time TimeZone localZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone; DaylightTime daylight = localZone.GetDaylightChanges(DateTime.Now.Year); sensewearUnixTime = Convert.ToInt64(tokens[0].Trim()) - (8 * 60 * 60 * 1000); UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)sensewearUnixTime, out sensewearTime); if (!TimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(new DateTime(sensewearTime.Year, sensewearTime.Month, sensewearTime.Day), daylight)) sensewearUnixTime = Convert.ToInt64(tokens[0].Trim()) - (8 * 60 * 60 * 1000); else sensewearUnixTime = Convert.ToInt64(tokens[0].Trim()) - (7 * 60 * 60 * 1000); //if (sensewearOffset > 0) UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)sensewearUnixTime, out sensewearTime); sensewearTime = sensewearTime.AddSeconds(sensewearOffset); } if (sensewearStart == null) sensewearStart = sensewearTime.Year + "/" + sensewearTime.Month + "/" + sensewearTime.Day + " " + sensewearTime.Hour + ":" + sensewearTime.Minute + ":" + sensewearTime.Second; if (sensewearFound) { if ((sensewearTime.Day == prevSensewearTime.Day) && (sensewearTime.Hour == prevSensewearTime.Hour) && (sensewearTime.Minute == prevSensewearTime.Minute) && (sensewearTime.Second == prevSensewearTime.Second)) { sensewearSR++; if (tokens[5].Length > 0) sensewearTrans += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[5]); if (tokens[6].Length > 0) sensewearLong += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[6]); if (tokens[11].Length > 0) sensewearForAcc += Convert.ToDouble(tokens[11]); } else { string time = prevSensewearTime.Year + "-" + prevSensewearTime.Month + "-" + prevSensewearTime.Day + "-" + prevSensewearTime.Hour + "-" + prevSensewearTime.Minute + "-" + prevSensewearTime.Second; SSR.Add(time, sensewearSR); STrans.Add(time, sensewearTrans); SLong.Add(time, sensewearLong); SAcc.Add(time, sensewearForAcc); sensewearSR = 1; sensewearTrans = Convert.ToDouble(tokens[5]); sensewearLong = Convert.ToDouble(tokens[6]); sensewearForAcc = Convert.ToDouble(tokens[11]); } } else if (sensewearVanderbiltFound) { string time = sensewearTime.Year + "-" + sensewearTime.Month + "-" + sensewearTime.Day + "-" + sensewearTime.Hour + "-" + sensewearTime.Minute + "-" + sensewearTime.Second; sensewearSR = 1; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine = sensewearSR + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[1] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[2] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[3] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[4] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[5] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[6] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[7] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[8] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[9] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[10] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[11] + ","; vanderbiltSensewearDataLine += tokens[15]; sensewearData.Add(time, vanderbiltSensewearDataLine); } prevSensewearTime = sensewearTime; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Sensewear: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } hasSensewear = (SSR.Count > 0); sensewearRecords = SSR.Count; #endregion Read Sensewear data #region Read RT3 data file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + OTHER_SUBDIRECTORY, "*-rt3*.csv"); string rt3_line = ""; Hashtable rt3 = new Hashtable(); try { if (file.Length == 1) { rt3Reader = new StreamReader(file[0]); rt3Found = true; for (int j = 0; (j < 20); j++) rt3_line = rt3Reader.ReadLine(); //skip first line rt3SR = 1; while ((rt3_line = rt3Reader.ReadLine()) != null) { tokens = rt3_line.Split(','); //11/20/2008,7:54:00 string[] dateTokens = tokens[1].Split('/'); string[] timeTokens = tokens[2].Split(':'); rt3Time = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[2]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(dateTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(timeTokens[2])); rt3UnixTime = UnixTime.GetUnixTime(sensewearTime); //Entry,Date,Time,Total Calories,Activity Calories,VM,Start Flag,Stop Flag,ActCntsX,ActCntsY,ActCntsZ string time = rt3Time.Year + "-" + rt3Time.Month + "-" + rt3Time.Day + "-" + rt3Time.Hour + "-" + rt3Time.Minute + "-" + rt3Time.Second; rt3SR = 1; rt3_dataline = rt3SR + ","; rt3_dataline += tokens[3] + ","; rt3_dataline += tokens[4] + ","; rt3_dataline += tokens[5] + ","; rt3_dataline += tokens[8] + ","; rt3_dataline += tokens[9] + ","; rt3_dataline += tokens[10]; rt3Data.Add(time, rt3_dataline); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("RT3: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } #endregion Read RT3 data #region Setup master and other sensor files try { masterCSV = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\MITesSummaryData.csv"); hrCSV = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\HeartRate_MITes.csv"); for (int i = 0; (i < actigraphCSV.Length); i++) actigraphCSV[i] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Actigraph" + (i + 1) + ".csv"); if ((sensewearFound) || (sensewearVanderbiltFound)) sensewearCSV = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Sensewear.csv"); if (zephyrFound) zephyrCSV = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Zephyr.csv"); if (oxyconFound) oxyconCSV = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Oxycon.csv"); if (omronFound) omronCSV = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Omron.csv"); if (columbiaFound) columbiaCSV = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Columbia.csv"); if (gpsFound) gpsCSV = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\GPS.csv"); if (rtiFound) rtiCSV = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\RTI.csv"); if (rt3Found) rt3CSV = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\RT3.csv"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unable to open CSV: cannot open file " + e.Message); } #endregion Setup master and other sensor files #region Load Annotations AXML.Annotation aannotation = null; try { if (File.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + ANNOTATION_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + ANNOTATION_INTERVALS_FILE)) { //AXML.Reader reader = new AXML.Reader(masterDirectory, aDataDirectory + "\\" + ANNOTATION_SUBDIRECTORY, "AnnotationIntervals.xml"); //aannotation = reader.parse(); //aannotation.RemoveData(filter); //aannotation.DataDirectory = aDataDirectory; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read the Annotation XML file generated by the Annotation Software // Use the session.cs for cleaner implementation // If there is an offset add it //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Session xmlSession = new Session(); xmlSession.FromXML(aDataDirectory + "\\" + ANNOTATION_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + ANNOTATION_INTERVALS_FILE); AnnotationList ann_list = xmlSession.Annotations; //------------------------------------ // Add annotations offset //------------------------------------ double unix_start, unix_end; DateTime t_start, t_end; foreach (Annotation ann in ann_list) { //Add Offset unix_start = ann._StartUnix + (annotationsOffset * 1000); UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)unix_start, out t_start); //t_start = t_start.AddSeconds(annotationsOffset); unix_end = ann._EndUnix + (annotationsOffset * 1000); UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)unix_end, out t_end); //t_end = t_end.AddSeconds(annotationsOffset); //Start Time ann._StartDate = t_start.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd' 'HH':'mm':'ssK"); //String.Format("{0:MM-dd-yyyy}", t_start); ann._StartHour = t_start.Hour; ann._StartMinute = t_start.Minute; ann._StartSecond = t_start.Second; ann._StartMillisecond = t_start.Millisecond; //ts = (t_start - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); ann._StartUnix = unix_start; //ts.TotalSeconds; //Stop Time ann._EndDate = t_end.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd' 'HH':'mm':'ssK");//String.Format("{0:MM-dd-yyyy}", t_end); ann._EndHour = t_end.Hour; ann._EndMinute = t_end.Minute; ann._EndSecond = t_end.Second; ann._EndMillisecond = t_end.Millisecond; //ts = (t_end - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); ann._EndUnix = unix_end;//ts.TotalSeconds; } //------------------------------------------ //Write new annotations to file //------------------------------------------ TextWriter ann_intervals_xml = null; TextWriter ann_intervals_csv = null; // Annotation Intervals Files if (File.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "AnnotationIntervals.xml")) { File.Delete(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "AnnotationIntervals.xml"); } if (File.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "AnnotationIntervals.csv")) { File.Delete(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "AnnotationIntervals.csv"); } ann_intervals_xml = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "AnnotationIntervals.xml"); ann_intervals_csv = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "AnnotationIntervals.csv"); //write to files ann_intervals_xml.WriteLine(xmlSession.ToXML()); ann_intervals_csv.WriteLine(xmlSession.ToCSV()); //close files ann_intervals_xml.Flush(); ann_intervals_xml.Close(); ann_intervals_csv.Flush(); ann_intervals_csv.Close(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Read the corrected annotation files // original code, but now the reader is pointing to the corrected xml file // it is done in this way for backwards compatibility //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (File.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\AnnotationIntervals.xml")) { AXML.Reader reader = new AXML.Reader(masterDirectory, aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY, "AnnotationIntervals.xml"); aannotation = reader.parse(); aannotation.RemoveData(filter); aannotation.DataDirectory = aDataDirectory; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("MITes Configuration Files: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } // JPN TEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //if (aannotation != null) //{ // foreach (AXML.Category category in aannotation.Categories) // master_csv_header += "," + category.Name; //} #endregion Load Annotations #region Setup MITes Data MITesDecoder aMITesDecoder = null; MITesHRAnalyzer aMITesHRAnalyzer = null; MITesLoggerReader aMITesLoggerReader = null; SXML.SensorAnnotation sannotation = null; //Set Mites Sampling Rate int mites_SAMPLING_RATE = 45; //Size of the moving average int mites_RM_DURATION = 1000; int mites_RM_SIZE = (mites_RM_DURATION / 1000) * mites_SAMPLING_RATE; if (Directory.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MITES_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\data\\")) { try { SXML.Reader sreader = new SXML.Reader(masterDirectory, aDataDirectory + "\\" + MITES_SUBDIRECTORY); sannotation = sreader.parse(maxControllers); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("MITes Configuration Files: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } } if (Directory.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MITES_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\data\\")) { try { SXML.Reader sreader = new SXML.Reader(masterDirectory, aDataDirectory + "\\" + MITES_SUBDIRECTORY); sannotation = sreader.parse(maxControllers); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("MITes Configuration Files: Parsing failed " + e.Message); } //create some counters for activity counts averageX = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; averageY = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; averageZ = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; averageRawX = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; averageRawY = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; averageRawZ = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; prevX = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; prevY = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; prevZ = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; acCounters = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; for (int k = 0; (k < prevX.Length); k++) { prevX[k] = -1; prevY[k] = -1; prevZ[k] = -1; } //Create CSV Arrays activityCountCSVs = new StreamWriter[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; samplingCSVs = new StreamWriter[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; averagedRaw = new StreamWriter[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; aucCSVs = new StreamWriter[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; vmagCSVs = new StreamWriter[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; rmCSVs = new StreamWriter[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; foreach (SXML.Sensor sensor in sannotation.Sensors) { int sensor_id = Convert.ToInt32(sensor.ID); string location = sensor.Location.Replace(' ', '-'); if (sensor_id > 0) //exclude HR { activityCountCSVs[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\MITes_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SAD_" + location + ".csv"); activityCountCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line1); rmCSVs[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\MITes_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RM_" + location + ".csv"); rmCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line1); aucCSVs[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\MITes_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AUC_" + location + ".csv"); aucCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line1); vmagCSVs[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\MITes_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_VMAG_" + location + ".csv"); vmagCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line6); averagedRaw[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\MITes_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_1s-RawMean_" + location + ".csv"); averagedRaw[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line1); samplingCSVs[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\MITes_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SampleRate_" + location + ".csv"); samplingCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line2); master_csv_header += ",MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SR," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AVRaw_X," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AVRaw_Y," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AVRaw_Z," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SAD_X," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SAD_Y," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SAD_Z," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AUC_X," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AUC_Y," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AUC_Z," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AUC_XYZ," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RM_X," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RM_Y," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RM_Z," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RM_SIZE," + "MITes" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_VMAG"; } else master_csv_header += ",HR"; } //Initialize arrays based on number of sensors rawData = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1, 3, mites_RM_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; (i < sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1); i++) for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) for (int k = 0; (k < mites_RM_SIZE); k++) rawData[i, j, k] = -1; timeData = new long[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1, mites_RM_SIZE]; AUC = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1, 3]; VMAG = new double[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; head = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; RMX = new double[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; RMY = new double[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; RMZ = new double[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; RMSize = new int[sannotation.MaximumSensorID + 1]; for (int i = 0; (i < head.Length); i++) { head[i] = 0; RMX[i] = 0; RMY[i] = 0; RMZ[i] = 0; RMSize[i] = 0; VMAG[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) AUC[i, j] = 0; } aMITesDecoder = new MITesDecoder(); aMITesHRAnalyzer = new MITesHRAnalyzer(aMITesDecoder); aMITesLoggerReader = new MITesLoggerReader(aMITesDecoder, aDataDirectory + "\\" + MITES_SUBDIRECTORY); } #endregion Setup MITes Data #region Scan Annotation Records int channel = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; double unixtimestamp = 0.0; string current_activity = ""; int activityIndex = 0; AXML.AnnotatedRecord annotatedRecord = null; // JPN TESTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //if (aannotation != null) //{ // annotatedRecord = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)aannotation.Data[activityIndex]); // for (int j = 0; (j < annotatedRecord.Labels.Count); j++) // { // if (j == annotatedRecord.Labels.Count - 1) // current_activity += ""; // else // current_activity += ","; // } //} #endregion #region Setup Wockets Data int[] lastDecodedIndex = null; WocketsController wcontroller = null; double[] wunixtimestamp = null; //Initialize Wockets Sampling Rate int SAMPLING_RATE = 0; //Size of the moving average int RM_DURATION = 1000; int RM_SIZE = 0; if ((Directory.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY)) && (Directory.GetFiles(aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY).Length > 0)) { wcontroller = new WocketsController("", "", ""); CurrentWockets._Controller = wcontroller; wcontroller.FromXML(aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\SensorData.xml"); //Set Wockets Sampling Rate & size of moving average //---Check with Fahd how to handle the case when more than one sensor --- if (wcontroller._Sensors.Count > 0) { SAMPLING_RATE = wcontroller._Sensors[0]._SamplingRate; RM_SIZE = (RM_DURATION / 1000) * SAMPLING_RATE; } for (int r = 0; (r < wcontroller._Decoders.Count); r++) wcontroller._Decoders[r].Initialize(); wunixtimestamp = new double[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; for (int i = 0; (i < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); i++) { wcontroller._Sensors[i]._RootStorageDirectory = aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\data\\raw\\PLFormat\\"; wunixtimestamp[i] = 0.0; } lastDecodedIndex = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wactivityCountCSVs = new StreamWriter[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wsamplingCSVs = new StreamWriter[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; waveragedRaw = new StreamWriter[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; waucCSVs = new StreamWriter[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wvmagCSVs = new StreamWriter[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wrmCSVs = new StreamWriter[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; /* Write Wockets raw data to csv files */ WocketsController wc = new WocketsController("", "", ""); CurrentWockets._Controller = wc; wc.FromXML(aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\SensorData.xml"); for (int r = 0; (r < wc._Decoders.Count); r++) wc._Decoders[r].Initialize(); double[] wocketsSR = new double[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; for (int i = 0; (i < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); i++) { int sensor_id = wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID; double wocketSR = 0; long prevWocketTS = 0; int totalseconds = 0; wc._Sensors[i]._RootStorageDirectory = aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\data\\raw\\PLFormat\\"; if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Generating Raw Data File for Wocket " + sensor_id.ToString("00"); //try //{ //TODO: check this line: Write out raw data //TextWriter tw = null; //try //{ TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "Wocket_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RawData_" + wcontroller._Sensors[i]._Location.Replace(' ', '-') + ".csv"); //} //catch //{ //if (tw != null) // { // tw.Flush(); // tw.Close(); //} // tw = null; //} int lastDecodedPacket = 0; int[] modes = new int[1000]; while (wc._Sensors[i].Load()) { if (wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Head == 0) lastDecodedPacket = wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Data.Length - 1; else lastDecodedPacket = wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Head - 1; Wockets.Data.Accelerometers.AccelerationData data = (Wockets.Data.Accelerometers.AccelerationData)wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Data[lastDecodedPacket]; tw.WriteLine(data.UnixTimeStamp + "," + data._X + "," + data._Y + "," + data._Z); //added by selene long currentTS = (long)(data.UnixTimeStamp / 1000.0); if ((currentTS - prevWocketTS) < 1) wocketSR++; if ((prevWocketTS > 0) & (currentTS - prevWocketTS) >= 1) { if (wocketSR < modes.Length) modes[(int)wocketSR] = modes[(int)wocketSR] + 1; wocketSR=0; } prevWocketTS = currentTS; /* if (wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Head == 0) lastDecodedPacket = wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Data.Length - 1; else lastDecodedPacket = wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Head - 1; Wockets.Data.Accelerometers.AccelerationData data = (Wockets.Data.Accelerometers.AccelerationData)wc._Sensors[i]._Decoder._Data[lastDecodedPacket]; //added by selene //if( tw != null) tw.WriteLine(data.UnixTimeStamp + "," + data._X + "," + data._Y + "," + data._Z); long currentTS = (long)(data.UnixTimeStamp / 1000.0); if ((currentTS - prevWocketTS) < 1) wocketSR++; if ((prevWocketTS > 0) & (currentTS - prevWocketTS) >= 1) totalseconds += (int)(currentTS - prevWocketTS); prevWocketTS = currentTS;*/ } int estimatedSR = 0; int esrCount=0; for (int iiii = 0; (iiii < modes.Length); iiii++) { if ((int)modes[iiii] > esrCount) { estimatedSR = iiii; esrCount = (int)modes[iiii]; } } wocketsSR[i] = estimatedSR+1; //(double)wocketSR / (double)totalseconds; //added by selene //if (tw != null) //{ tw.Flush(); tw.Close(); //} //} //catch(Exception e) //{ } //-------------------------------------------------------------- string location = wcontroller._Sensors[i]._Location.Replace(' ', '-'); lastDecodedIndex[i] = 0; wactivityCountCSVs[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Wocket_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SAD_" + location + ".csv"); wactivityCountCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line1); wrmCSVs[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Wocket_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RM_" + location + ".csv"); wrmCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line1); waucCSVs[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Wocket_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AUC_" + location + ".csv"); waucCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line1); wvmagCSVs[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Wocket_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_VMAG_" + location + ".csv"); wvmagCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line6); waveragedRaw[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Wocket_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_1s-RawMean_" + location + ".csv"); waveragedRaw[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line1); wsamplingCSVs[sensor_id] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Wocket_" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SampleRate_" + location + ".csv"); wsamplingCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line2); // Add the headers to the "Summary Data" master file master_csv_header += ",Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SR," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AVRaw_X," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AVRaw_Y," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AVRaw_Z," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SAD_X," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SAD_Y," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_SAD_Z," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AUC_X," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AUC_Y," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AUC_Z," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_AUC_XYZ," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RM_X," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RM_Y," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RM_Z," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_RM_SIZE," + "Wocket" + sensor_id.ToString("00") + "_VMAG"; } // wc.Dispose(); /* Correct the wockets timestamps */ TextReader[] wocketsTR = new TextReader[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; TextWriter[] wocketsTW = new TextWriter[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; int LoadedSeconds = 10; int[] compensatedWindows = new int[10]; int uncompensatedWindows = 0; int correctWindows = 0; for (int k = 0; (k < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); k++) { wocketsTR[k] = new StreamReader(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "Wocket_" + wcontroller._Sensors[k]._ID.ToString("00") + "_RawData_" + wcontroller._Sensors[k]._Location.Replace(' ', '-') + ".csv"); wocketsTW[k] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "Wocket_" + wcontroller._Sensors[k]._ID.ToString("00") + "_RawCorrectedData_" + wcontroller._Sensors[k]._Location.Replace(' ', '-') + ".csv"); ArrayList[] loadedData = new ArrayList[LoadedSeconds]; long[] loadedDataTime = new long[LoadedSeconds]; for (int m = 0; (m < LoadedSeconds); m++) loadedData[m] = new ArrayList(); int loadedIndex = 0; string dataline = ""; long lastSecond = 0; int nextCorrected = 0; long nextCorrectedTime = 0; double delta = (1000.0 / wocketsSR[k]); double recordTime = 0; if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Correcting Timestamps for Raw Data File for Wocket " + wcontroller._Sensors[k]._ID.ToString("00"); while ((dataline = wocketsTR[k].ReadLine()) != null) { string[] wocketTokens = dataline.Split(','); int wocketX = Convert.ToInt32(wocketTokens[1]); int wocketY = Convert.ToInt32(wocketTokens[2]); int wocketZ = Convert.ToInt32(wocketTokens[3]); long unixtime = (long)(Convert.ToDouble(wocketTokens[0]) / 1000.0); // if ((k == 2) && (unixtime >= 1255347111)) // Console.Write(""); if (nextCorrectedTime == 0) nextCorrectedTime = unixtime; if (lastSecond == 0) lastSecond = unixtime; //if a new second is being loaded if (lastSecond != unixtime) { //check if you have enough to correct while ((unixtime - nextCorrectedTime) > 8) { bool compensated = false; int compensatedCounter = 0; //if the data needs compensation if (loadedData[nextCorrected].Count < (wocketsSR[k])) //lower number of samples { compensatedCounter = 1; //check if seconds that follow compensate for the current second int dataCounter = loadedData[nextCorrected].Count; double expectedCompensatedSR = 0; for (int r = 1; (r < 8); r++) { int adjacentDataIndex = (nextCorrected + r) % LoadedSeconds; if (loadedData[adjacentDataIndex].Count > 0) { string[] adjTokens = ((string)loadedData[adjacentDataIndex][0]).Split(','); long adjunixtime = (long)(Convert.ToDouble(adjTokens[0]) / 1000.0); if ((adjunixtime - unixtime) < 8) dataCounter += loadedData[adjacentDataIndex].Count; compensatedCounter++; if ((dataCounter / (r + 1)) >= (wocketsSR[k] - 10)) { expectedCompensatedSR = (double)dataCounter / (r + 1); compensated = true; break; } } else compensatedCounter++; } //use data points from adjacent seconds if (compensated) { compensatedWindows[compensatedCounter] = compensatedWindows[compensatedCounter] + 1; //int totalCompensatedPoints = loadedData[nextCorrected].Count; int correctingArray = nextCorrected; // if (compensatedCounter > 3) // Console.Write(""); //go through all arrays that were used in correction for (int r = 0; (r < compensatedCounter); r++) { correctingArray = (nextCorrected + r) % LoadedSeconds; for (int m = r + 1; (m < compensatedCounter); m++) { int compenstingArray = (nextCorrected + m) % LoadedSeconds; int totalCompensatedPoints = loadedData[correctingArray].Count; int compensatingArraySize = loadedData[compenstingArray].Count; for (int n = 0; (n < compensatingArraySize); n++) { //always remove the top entry of the array to do the correction and preserve the order loadedData[correctingArray].Add(loadedData[compenstingArray][0]); loadedData[compenstingArray].RemoveAt(0); //wocketsTW[k].WriteLine(recordTime + "," + recordTokens[1] + "," + recordTokens[2] + "," + recordTokens[3]); //recordTime += delta; totalCompensatedPoints++; if (expectedCompensatedSR <=(double)totalCompensatedPoints) break; } if (expectedCompensatedSR == (double)totalCompensatedPoints) break; } } } else uncompensatedWindows++; } else correctWindows++; //Write out all data that got time corrected //including where we have taken data points delta = 1000.0 / loadedData[nextCorrected].Count; if (!compensated) //no compensation { recordTime = nextCorrectedTime * 1000.0; for (int n = 0; (n < loadedData[nextCorrected].Count); n++) { string[] recordTokens = ((string)loadedData[nextCorrected][n]).Split(','); wocketsTW[k].WriteLine(Math.Round(recordTime) + "," + recordTokens[1] + "," + recordTokens[2] + "," + recordTokens[3]); recordTime += delta; } loadedData[nextCorrected] = new ArrayList(); nextCorrected = (nextCorrected + 1) % LoadedSeconds; nextCorrectedTime++; } else { int correctionIndex = 0; int correctionLength = compensatedCounter; while (correctionIndex != compensatedCounter) { recordTime = nextCorrectedTime * 1000.0; for (int n = 0; (n < loadedData[nextCorrected].Count); n++) { string[] recordTokens = ((string)loadedData[nextCorrected][n]).Split(','); wocketsTW[k].WriteLine(Math.Round(recordTime) + "," + recordTokens[1] + "," + recordTokens[2] + "," + recordTokens[3]); recordTime += delta; } loadedData[nextCorrected] = new ArrayList(); nextCorrected = (nextCorrected + 1) % LoadedSeconds; nextCorrectedTime++; correctionIndex++; } compensated = false; } } while ((lastSecond < unixtime) && (unixtime != 0)) { loadedIndex++; if (loadedIndex == LoadedSeconds) loadedIndex = 0; loadedData[loadedIndex] = new ArrayList(); lastSecond++; } } loadedData[loadedIndex].Add(unixtime + "," + wocketX + "," + wocketY + "," + wocketZ); lastSecond = unixtime; //nextCorrectedTime = lastSecond-8; } wocketsTW[k].Close(); } //create some counters for activity counts waverageX = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; waverageY = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; waverageZ = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; waverageRawX = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; waverageRawY = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; waverageRawZ = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wprevX = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wprevY = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wprevZ = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wacCounters = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; for (int k = 0; (k < wprevX.Length); k++) { wprevX[k] = -1; wprevY[k] = -1; wprevZ[k] = -1; } //Initialize arrays based on number of sensors wrawData = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count, 3, RM_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; (i < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); i++) for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) for (int k = 0; (k < RM_SIZE); k++) wrawData[i, j, k] = -1; wtimeData = new long[wcontroller._Sensors.Count, RM_SIZE]; wAUC = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count, 3]; wVMAG = new double[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; whead = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wRMX = new double[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wRMY = new double[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wRMZ = new double[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; wRMSize = new int[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; //JPN: Dimension textwriter array for outputting WRAC values wWRACSummaryCSV = new TextWriter[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; //JPN: Initialize textwriter array for outputting WRAC values for each sensor for (int i = 0; (i < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); i++) wWRACSummaryCSV[i] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Wocket_" + i.ToString("00") + "_WRAC.csv"); //JPN: Dimension previous line array for PLOT WRAC data prevWRACPlotDataLine = new string[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; //JPN: Initialize previous line array for PLOT WRAC data for (int i = 0; i < prevWRACPlotDataLine.Length; i++) prevWRACPlotDataLine[i] = "0"; for (int i = 0; (i < whead.Length); i++) { whead[i] = 0; wRMX[i] = 0; wRMY[i] = 0; wRMZ[i] = 0; wRMSize[i] = 0; wVMAG[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) wAUC[i, j] = 0; } } #endregion Setup Wockets Data #region Read Summary data //string[] file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY+"\\data\\summary", "Sensor*.csv"); string[] subdirectories = null; if (Directory.Exists(aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\data\\summary")) { subdirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\data\\summary"); ArrayList[] files = new ArrayList[CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count]; for (int i = 0; (i < CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count); i++) files[i] = new ArrayList(); foreach (string subdirectory in subdirectories) { for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (Directory.Exists(subdirectory + "\\" + i)) { for (int k = 0; (k < CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count); k++) { string[] matchingFiles = Directory.GetFiles(subdirectory + "\\" + i, "SummaryAC-*" + k + ".csv"); for (int j = 0; (j < matchingFiles.Length); j++) files[k].Add(matchingFiles[j]); } } } } //JPN: Dimension textwriter array for outputting WFAC values wWFACSummaryCSV = new TextWriter[CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count]; //JPN: Dimension array for storing WFAC output data wWFACData = new Hashtable[CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count]; prevUnixTime = new double[CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count]; summaryStartUnixTime = new double[CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count]; //JPN: Initialize previous line array for PLOT WFAC data prevWFACPlotDataLine = new string[CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < prevWFACPlotDataLine.Length; i++) { prevWFACPlotDataLine[i] = "0"; } ////JPN: Initialize previous line array for PLOT WRAC data //prevWRACPlotDataLine = new string[CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count]; //for (int i = 0; i < prevWRACPlotDataLine.Length; i++) //{ // prevWRACPlotDataLine[i] = "0"; //} try { for (int i = 0; (i < CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count); i++) { wWFACSummaryCSV[i] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Wocket_" + i.ToString("00") + "_WFAC.csv"); wWFACData[i] = new Hashtable(); ////JPN: Initialze array for storing WRAC values for each sensor //wWRACData[i] = new Hashtable(); ////JPN: Initialize textwriter array for outputting WRAC values for each sensor //wWRACSummaryCSV[i] = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\Wocket_" + i.ToString("00") + "_WRAC.csv"); prevUnixTime[i] = -1; summaryStartUnixTime[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; (i < CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count); i++) { if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Processing Summary Data " + (i + 1); foreach (string filename in files[i]) { TextReader summaryReader = null; string summary_line = ""; double summaryUnixTime = 0; DateTime summaryTime = new DateTime(); summaryReader = new StreamReader(filename); summary_line = summaryReader.ReadLine();//read first line // JPN: These are the headers from the log file which will populate the tokens array // [0] time when data is retrieved from the decoder and written to the file // [1] index in the activity count array in the decoder: nextACindex (repeats until Decoders[].ActivityCountIndex) // [2] AC sequence number according to the wocket // [3] AC time stamp coming from the phone - human-readable version of the AC UnixTimeStamp // [4] AC time stamp coming from the phone - UnixTimeStamp value // [5] AC value do { try { if (summary_line == null) break; tokens = summary_line.Split(','); if (tokens.Length == 6) { summaryUnixTime = Convert.ToDouble(tokens[4]);//UnixTime.GetUnixTime(actigraphTime); UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)(summaryUnixTime), out summaryTime); string summaryKey = summaryTime.Year + "-" + summaryTime.Month + "-" + summaryTime.Day + "-" + summaryTime.Hour + "-" + summaryTime.Minute + "-" + summaryTime.Second; string summaryLine = tokens[5]; if (summaryStart == null) summaryStart = summaryTime.Year + "/" + summaryTime.Month + "/" + summaryTime.Day + " " + summaryTime.Hour + ":" + summaryTime.Minute + ":" + summaryTime.Second; if (summaryStartUnixTime[i] <= 0) summaryStartUnixTime[i] = summaryUnixTime; wWFACData[i].Add(summaryKey, summaryLine); } } catch (Exception e) { } } while ((summary_line = summaryReader.ReadLine()) != null); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } #endregion Read Summary data #region Actigraph Summary Header for (int i = 0; (i < actigraphData.Length); i++) { if (actigraphType[i] == "GT3X" || actigraphType[i] == "GT3X+") { master_csv_header += ",Actigraph" + (i + 1) + "_X,Actigraph" + (i + 1) + "_Y,Actigraph" + (i + 1) + "_Z"; //PLOT values for actigraph activity counts master_csv_header += ",PLOT_Actigraph" + (i + 1) + "_X,PLOT_Actigraph" + (i + 1) + "_Y,PLOT_Actigraph" + (i + 1) + "_Z" + ",PLOT_Actigraph" + (i + 1) + "_XYZ"; actigraphCSV[i].WriteLine(actigraph_csv_header_gtx); } else if (actigraphType[i] == "GT1M") { master_csv_header += ",Actigraph" + (i + 1) + "_X,Actigraph" + (i + 1) + "_Y"; actigraphCSV[i].WriteLine(actigraph_csv_header_gt1m); } else { master_csv_header += ",Actigraph" + (i + 1); actigraphCSV[i].WriteLine(actigraph_csv_header); } master_csv_header += ",PLOT_Actigraph" + (i + 1) + "_MinuteCounts"; } #endregion Actigraph Summary Header #region Wockets Activity Counts Header //JPN: Add CSV headers for Wocket Firmware Activity Counts (WFAC) if (wWFACData != null) { for (int i = 0; (i < wWFACData.Length); i++) { master_csv_header += ",Wocket" + i.ToString("00") + "_PerMinute_WFAC"; wWFACSummaryCSV[i].WriteLine(summary_csv_header); } } //JPN: Add CSV headers for Wocket Raw Activity Counts (WRAC) //if (wWRACData != null) if (wcontroller != null) { for (int i = 0; (i < CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count); i++) { master_csv_header += ",Wocket" + i.ToString("00") + "_PerMinute_WRAC"; wWRACSummaryCSV[i].WriteLine(summary_csv_header); } } //JPN: Add CSV headers for Plottable Firmware Raw Activity Counts (WFAC) if (wWFACData != null) for (int i = 0; (i < wWFACData.Length); i++) master_csv_header += ",Wocket" + i.ToString("00") + "_PLOT_PerMinute_WFAC"; //JPN: Add CSV headers for Plottable Wocket Raw Activity Counts (WRAC) //if (wWRACData != null) if (wcontroller != null) for (int i = 0; (i < CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count); i++) master_csv_header += ",Wocket" + i.ToString("00") + "_PLOT_PerMinute_WRAC"; #endregion Wockets Activity Counts Header #region Other Sensors Headers if (sensewearFound) master_csv_header += ",SensewearSR,Sensewear_AVTranAcc,Senserwear_AVLongAcc,Sensewear_AVForAcc"; else if (sensewearVanderbiltFound) master_csv_header += ",SensewearSR,Sensewear_numpeaks_accelerometer_transverse,Sensewear_numpeaks_accelerometer_longitudinal,Sensewear_heat_flux_average_original_rate,Sensewear_skin_temp_average_original_rate,Sensewear_transverse_accelerometer_average,Sensewear_longitudinal_accelerometer_average,Sensewear_cover_temp_average,Sensewear_transverse_accelerometer_MAD_graphable,Sensewear_longitudinal_accelerometer_MAD_graphable,Sensewear_STEPS,Sensewear_gsr_average,Sensewear_energy_expenditure_per_minute"; if (zephyrFound) master_csv_header += ",ZephyrHeart Rate Data,ZephyrECG - Amplitude Data,ZephyrECG - Noise Data,ZephyrRES - Breathing Wave Amplitude (V) Data,ZephyrRES - Respiration Rate Data,ZephyrTEM - Skin Temperature Data,ZephyrBAT - Battery Voltage (V) Data,ZephyrPOS - Posture Data,ZephyrACC - Activity Data,ZephyrACC - Peak Acceleration (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Vertical Acc Minimum (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Vertical Acc Peak (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Lateral Acc Minimum (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Lateral Acc Peak (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Sagittal Acc Minimum (g) Data,ZephyrACC - Sagittal Acc Peak (g)"; if (oxyconFound) master_csv_header += ",OxyconHR,OxyconBF,OxyconVE,OxyconVO2,OxyconVO2kg,OxyconMET,OxyconEE,OxyconRER";//OxyconRER,Oxyconttot,Oxycontex"; if (omronFound) master_csv_header += ",OmronSteps"; if (columbiaFound) master_csv_header += ",ColumbiaX,ColumbiaY,ColumbiaZ,ColumbiaFlow,ColumbiaValve"; if (gpsFound) master_csv_header += ",GPSLatitude,GPSLongitude,GPSSpeed,GPSAltitude"; if (rtiFound) master_csv_header += ",RTIX,RTIY,RTIZ,RTI_AUC_X,RTI_AUC_Y,RTI_AUC_Z,RTI_AUC_XYZ"; if (rt3Found) master_csv_header += ",RT3_SR,RT3_Total_Calories,RT3_Activity_Calories,RT3_VM,RT3_ActCntsX,RT3_ActCntsY,RT3_ActCntsZ"; masterCSV.WriteLine(master_csv_header); hrCSV.WriteLine(hr_csv_header); if (sensewearCSV != null) if (sensewearFound) sensewearCSV.WriteLine(sensewear_csv_header); else if (sensewearVanderbiltFound) sensewearCSV.WriteLine(sensewear_csv_header_vanderbilt); if ((zephyrCSV != null) && (zephyrFound)) zephyrCSV.WriteLine(zephyr_csv_header); if ((oxyconCSV != null) && (oxyconFound)) oxyconCSV.WriteLine(oxycon_csv_header); if ((omronCSV != null) && (omronFound)) omronCSV.WriteLine(omron_csv_header); if ((columbiaCSV != null) && (columbiaFound)) columbiaCSV.WriteLine(columbia_csv_header); if ((gpsCSV != null) && (gpsFound)) gpsCSV.WriteLine(gps_csv_header); if ((rtiCSV != null) && (rtiFound)) rtiCSV.WriteLine(rti_csv_header); if ((rt3CSV != null) && (rt3Found)) rt3CSV.WriteLine(rt3_csv_header); #endregion Other Sensors Headers int year = 0; int month = 0; int day = 0; int startyear = 2050; int startmonth = 1; int startday = 1; int starthr = 1; int startmin = 1; int startsec = 1; int endyear = 1971; int endmonth = 1; int endday = 1; int endhr = 1; int endmin = 59; int endsec = 59; DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(startyear, startmonth, startday, starthr, startmin, startsec); DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(endyear, endmonth, endday, endhr, endmin, endsec); #region If there is MITES data //check mites start and end times if (aMITesDecoder != null) { string rawDirectory = aDataDirectory + "\\" + MITES_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\data\\raw\\PLFormat"; if (Directory.Exists(rawDirectory) == false) return; subdirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(rawDirectory); foreach (string subdirectory in subdirectories) { string[] datetokens = subdirectory.Split('\\'); datetokens = datetokens[datetokens.Length - 1].Split('-'); year = Convert.ToInt32(datetokens[0]); month = Convert.ToInt32(datetokens[1]); day = Convert.ToInt32(datetokens[2]); /* if ((startyear == 0) || (year < startyear)) startyear = year; if ((endyear == 0) || (year > endyear)) endyear = year; if ((startmonth == 0) || (month < startmonth)) startmonth = month; if ((endmonth == 0) || (month > endmonth)) endmonth = month; if ((startday == 0) || (day < startday)) startday = day; if ((endday == 0) || (day > endday)) endday = day;*/ for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (Directory.Exists(subdirectory + "\\" + i)) { int hr = i; /* if (hr < starthr) starthr = hr; if (hr > endhr) endhr = hr;*/ DateTime d = new DateTime(year, month, day, hr, 0, 0); if (d.Subtract(startDateTime).TotalSeconds < 0) startDateTime = d; if (d.Subtract(endDateTime).TotalSeconds > 0) endDateTime = d; } } } } #endregion If there is MITES data #region If there is Wockets data //check wockets start and end times if (wcontroller != null) { string rawDirectory = aDataDirectory + "\\" + WOCKETS_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\data\\raw\\PLFormat"; if (Directory.Exists(rawDirectory) == false) return; subdirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(rawDirectory); foreach (string subdirectory in subdirectories) { string[] datetokens = subdirectory.Split('\\'); datetokens = datetokens[datetokens.Length - 1].Split('-'); year = Convert.ToInt32(datetokens[0]); month = Convert.ToInt32(datetokens[1]); day = Convert.ToInt32(datetokens[2]); /* if ((startyear == 0) || (year < startyear)) startyear = year; if ((endyear == 0) || (year > endyear)) endyear = year; if ((startmonth == 0) || (month < startmonth)) startmonth = month; if ((endmonth == 0) || (month > endmonth)) endmonth = month; if ((startday == 0) || (day < startday)) startday = day; if ((endday == 0) || (day > endday)) endday = day; */ for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (Directory.Exists(subdirectory + "\\" + i)) { int hr = i; /* if (hr < starthr) starthr = hr; if (hr > endhr) endhr = hr;*/ DateTime d = new DateTime(year, month, day, hr, 0, 0); if (d.Subtract(startDateTime).TotalSeconds < 0) startDateTime = d; d = new DateTime(year, month, day, hr, 59, 59); if (d.Subtract(endDateTime).TotalSeconds > 0) endDateTime = d; } } } }//if wockets data is not present and merging only actigraph data else { if ((actigraphEndTimes[0] != null) && (actigraphStartTimes[0] != null)) { //JPN: Do not reset if MITes data exists if (aMITesDecoder == null) { startDateTime = actigraphStartTimes[0]; endDateTime = actigraphEndTimes[0]; } } } #endregion If there is Wockets data //sele check #region check annotation start and end times // JPN TESTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //if (aannotation != null) //{ // AXML.AnnotatedRecord record = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)aannotation.Data[0]); // year = Convert.ToInt32(record.StartDate.Split('-')[2]); // month = Convert.ToInt32(record.StartDate.Split('-')[0]); // day = Convert.ToInt32(record.StartDate.Split('-')[1]); // DateTime d = new DateTime(year, month, day, record.StartHour, 0, 0); // if (d.Subtract(startDateTime).TotalSeconds < 0) // startDateTime = d; // /* if ((startyear == 0) || (year < startyear)) // startyear = year; // if ((startmonth == 0) || (month < startmonth)) // startmonth = month; // if ((startday == 0) || (day < startday)) // startday = day; // if (record.StartHour < starthr) // starthr = record.StartHour; // */ // record = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)aannotation.Data[aannotation.Data.Count - 1]); // year = Convert.ToInt32(record.StartDate.Split('-')[2]); // month = Convert.ToInt32(record.StartDate.Split('-')[0]); // day = Convert.ToInt32(record.StartDate.Split('-')[1]); // d = new DateTime(year, month, day, record.EndHour, 59, 59); // if (d.Subtract(endDateTime).TotalSeconds > 0) // endDateTime = d; // /* // if ((endyear == 0) || (year > endyear)) // endyear = year; // if ((endmonth == 0) || (month > endmonth)) // endmonth = month; // if ((endday == 0) || (day > endday)) // endday = day; // if (record.EndHour > endhr) // endhr = record.EndHour; // if ((record.EndMinute < 54) && (record.EndMinute < endmin)) // endmin = record.EndMinute + 5; // */ //} #endregion if (wWFACData != null) { for (int i = 0; (i < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); i++) { DateTime d = new DateTime(); UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)summaryStartUnixTime[i], out d); if (d.Subtract(startDateTime).TotalSeconds < 0) startDateTime = d; /*if ((startyear == 0) || (d.Year < startyear)) startyear = d.Year; if ((startmonth == 0) || (d.Month < startmonth)) startmonth = d.Month; if ((startday == 0) || (d.Day < startday)) startday = d.Day; if ((starthr == 0) || (d.Hour < starthr)) starthr = d.Hour;*/ } } DateTime currentDateTime = startDateTime; DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); ; TimeSpan diff; string timestamp = ""; double currentUnixTime = 0; #region Cleanup CSV lines string master_csv_line = ""; string hr_csv_line = ""; string[] actigraph_csv_line = new string[actigraphData.Length]; for (int i = 0; (i < actigraphData.Length); i++) actigraph_csv_line[i] = ""; string[] wfac_csv_line = null; string[] wrac_csv_line = null; if (wWFACData != null) { wfac_csv_line = new string[wWFACData.Length]; for (int i = 0; (i < wWFACData.Length); i++) wfac_csv_line[i] = ""; } if (wcontroller != null) { wrac_csv_line = new string[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; for (int i = 0; (i < wrac_csv_line.Length); i++) wrac_csv_line[i] = ""; } string sensewear_csv_line = ""; string zephyr_csv_line = ""; string oxycon_csv_line = ""; string omron_csv_line = ""; string columbia_csv_line = ""; string gps_csv_line = ""; string rti_csv_line = ""; string rt3_csv_line = ""; #endregion Initialize CSV lines TextReader[] wocketsTR1 = null; if (wcontroller != null) { wocketsTR1 = new TextReader[wcontroller._Sensors.Count]; for (int k = 0; (k < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); k++) wocketsTR1[k] = new StreamReader(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "Wocket_" + wcontroller._Sensors[k]._ID.ToString("00") + "_RawCorrectedData_" + wcontroller._Sensors[k]._Location.Replace(' ', '-') + ".csv"); } while (((TimeSpan)endDateTime.Subtract(currentDateTime)).TotalSeconds >= 0) { string key = currentDateTime.Year + "-" + currentDateTime.Month + "-" + currentDateTime.Day + "-" + currentDateTime.Hour + "-" + currentDateTime.Minute + "-" + currentDateTime.Second; diff = currentDateTime.Subtract(origin); timestamp = diff.TotalMilliseconds + "," + currentDateTime.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd' 'HH':'mm':'ssK"); currentUnixTime = diff.TotalMilliseconds; #region Setup prefix of CSV lines master_csv_line = timestamp; hr_csv_line = timestamp; for (int i = 0; (i < actigraphData.Length); i++) actigraph_csv_line[i] = timestamp; if (wWFACData != null) for (int i = 0; (i < wWFACData.Length); i++) wfac_csv_line[i] = timestamp; //JPN: Add timestamps to lines in WRAC csv files if (wcontroller != null) { for (int i = 0; (i < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); i++) wrac_csv_line[i] = timestamp; } sensewear_csv_line = timestamp; zephyr_csv_line = timestamp; oxycon_csv_line = timestamp; omron_csv_line = timestamp; columbia_csv_line = timestamp; gps_csv_line = timestamp; rti_csv_line = timestamp; rt3_csv_line = timestamp; //JPN TEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //if (aannotation != null) // master_csv_line += "," + current_activity; #endregion Setup prefix of CSV lines if (CSVProgress == "") CSVProgress = "Synchronizing " + currentDateTime.ToLongDateString() + " " + currentDateTime.ToLongTimeString(); // JPN TEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //if (aannotation != null) //{ // #region Load Activity Labels // if (currentUnixTime > annotatedRecord.EndUnix) // { // current_activity = ""; // for (int j = 0; (j < annotatedRecord.Labels.Count); j++) // { // if (j == annotatedRecord.Labels.Count - 1) // current_activity += ""; // else // current_activity += ","; // } // if (activityIndex < aannotation.Data.Count - 1) // { // activityIndex++; // annotatedRecord = ((AXML.AnnotatedRecord)aannotation.Data[activityIndex]); // } // } // if ((currentUnixTime >= annotatedRecord.StartUnix) && // (currentUnixTime <= annotatedRecord.EndUnix)) // { // current_activity = ""; // for (int j = 0; (j < annotatedRecord.Labels.Count); j++) // { // if (j == annotatedRecord.Labels.Count - 1) // current_activity += ((AXML.Label)annotatedRecord.Labels[j]).Name; // else // current_activity += ((AXML.Label)annotatedRecord.Labels[j]).Name + ","; // } // current_activity = current_activity.Replace("none", "").Replace('-', '_').Replace(':', '_').Replace('%', '_').Replace('/', '_'); // current_activity = Regex.Replace(current_activity, "[_]+", "_"); // current_activity = Regex.Replace(current_activity, "^[_]+", ""); // current_activity = Regex.Replace(current_activity, "[_]+$", ""); // } // #endregion Load Activity Label //} #region If MITes Decoder exist double mitesTime = 0; if (aMITesDecoder != null) { #region Load MITes data if needed //always have at least 5 seconds worth of data for the MITes while (((unixtimestamp - currentUnixTime) <= mites_RM_DURATION) && (aMITesLoggerReader.GetSensorData(10))) { channel = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].channel; if (channel == 0) { //Store raw heart rate int hr = aMITesHRAnalyzer.UpdateOffline(); if (hr > 0) { rawData[channel, 0, head[channel]] = hr; //Here the offset was added mitesTime = unixtimestamp; timeData[channel, head[channel]] = (long)mitesTime; head[channel] = (head[channel] + 1) % mites_RM_SIZE; } } else { x = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].x; y = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].y; z = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].z; //Here add the offset unixtimestamp = aMITesDecoder.GetSomeMITesData()[0].unixTimeStamp; rawData[channel, 0, head[channel]] = x; rawData[channel, 1, head[channel]] = y; rawData[channel, 2, head[channel]] = z; //DateTime d1,d2; //UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)unixtimestamp, out d1); mitesTime = unixtimestamp; //UnixTime.GetDateTime((long)mitesTime,out d2); timeData[channel, head[channel]] = (long)mitesTime; head[channel] = (head[channel] + 1) % mites_RM_SIZE; } } #endregion Load MITes data if needed #region Calculate Statistics foreach (SXML.Sensor sensor in sannotation.Sensors) { channel = Convert.ToInt32(sensor.ID); int headPtr = head[channel] - 1; if (headPtr < 0) headPtr = mites_RM_SIZE - 1; if (channel > 0) { double runningMeanX = 0; double runningMeanY = 0; double runningMeanZ = 0; int numMeanPts = 0; //compute running means // && ((timeData[channel, headPtr] - currentUnixTime) <=MEAN_SIZE) while ((timeData[channel, headPtr] > 0) && (headPtr != head[channel]) && (numMeanPts <= mites_RM_SIZE)) { runningMeanX += rawData[channel, 0, headPtr]; runningMeanY += rawData[channel, 1, headPtr]; runningMeanZ += rawData[channel, 2, headPtr]; numMeanPts++; headPtr--; if (headPtr < 0) headPtr = 39; } runningMeanX = runningMeanX / numMeanPts; runningMeanY = runningMeanY / numMeanPts; runningMeanZ = runningMeanZ / numMeanPts; RMX[channel] = runningMeanX; RMY[channel] = runningMeanY; RMZ[channel] = runningMeanZ; RMSize[channel] = numMeanPts; //RMCount[channel] = RMCount[channel] + 1; headPtr = head[channel] - 1; if (headPtr < 0) headPtr = mites_RM_SIZE - 1; //compute values per second while ((timeData[channel, headPtr] > 0) && (headPtr != head[channel])) { if (((timeData[channel, headPtr] - currentUnixTime) >= 0) && ((timeData[channel, headPtr] - currentUnixTime) <= 1000)) { //Calculate MITes Raw Values if ((channel != 0) && (channel <= sannotation.MaximumSensorID)) //if junk comes ignore it { if ((prevX[channel] > -1) && (prevY[channel] > -1) && (prevZ[channel] > -1) && (rawData[channel, 0, headPtr] > -1) && (rawData[channel, 1, headPtr] > -1) && (rawData[channel, 2, headPtr] > -1)) { averageX[channel] = averageX[channel] + Math.Abs(prevX[channel] - rawData[channel, 0, headPtr]); averageRawX[channel] = averageRawX[channel] + rawData[channel, 0, headPtr]; averageY[channel] = averageY[channel] + Math.Abs(prevY[channel] - rawData[channel, 1, headPtr]); averageRawY[channel] = averageRawY[channel] + rawData[channel, 1, headPtr]; averageZ[channel] = averageZ[channel] + Math.Abs(prevZ[channel] - rawData[channel, 2, headPtr]); averageRawZ[channel] = averageRawZ[channel] + rawData[channel, 2, headPtr]; acCounters[channel] = acCounters[channel] + 1; } prevX[channel] = rawData[channel, 0, headPtr]; prevY[channel] = rawData[channel, 1, headPtr]; prevZ[channel] = rawData[channel, 2, headPtr]; //current data item //headPtr = head[channel]; int prevHead = headPtr - 1; if (prevHead < 0) prevHead = mites_RM_SIZE - 1; //trapezoid //double a2=rawData[channel, 0, headPtr]; //double a1=rawData[channel, 0, prevHead]; //a2 = a2 - runningMeanX; //a1 = a1 - runningMeanX; double t2 = timeData[channel, headPtr]; double t1 = timeData[channel, prevHead]; if ((t2 > 0) & (t1 > 0)) { /* * double fa=Math.Abs((rawData[channel, 0, headPtr] - runningMeanX)); double fb=Math.Abs((rawData[channel, 0, prevHead] - runningMeanX)); AUC[channel, 0] = AUC[channel, 0] + (int)( ((t2 - t1) * ((fa-fb)/ 2))*1000); fa = Math.Abs((rawData[channel, 1, headPtr] - runningMeanY)); fb = Math.Abs((rawData[channel, 1, prevHead] - runningMeanY)); AUC[channel, 1] = AUC[channel, 1] + (int)( ((t2 - t1) * ((fa - fb) / 2))*1000); fa = Math.Abs((rawData[channel, 2, headPtr] - runningMeanZ)); fb = Math.Abs((rawData[channel, 2, prevHead] - runningMeanZ)); AUC[channel, 2] = AUC[channel, 2] + (int)(((t2 - t1) * ((fa - fb) / 2))*1000); */ AUC[channel, 0] = AUC[channel, 0] + (int)Math.Abs((rawData[channel, 0, headPtr] - runningMeanX)); AUC[channel, 1] = AUC[channel, 1] + (int)Math.Abs((rawData[channel, 1, headPtr] - runningMeanY)); AUC[channel, 2] = AUC[channel, 2] + (int)Math.Abs((rawData[channel, 2, headPtr] - runningMeanZ)); VMAG[channel] = VMAG[channel] + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)(rawData[channel, 0, headPtr] - runningMeanX), 2.0) + Math.Pow((double)(rawData[channel, 1, headPtr] - runningMeanY), 2.0) + Math.Pow((double)(rawData[channel, 2, headPtr] - runningMeanZ), 2.0)); } } } headPtr--; if (headPtr < 0) headPtr = mites_RM_SIZE - 1; } } csv_line1 = timestamp; csv_line2 = timestamp; csv_line3 = timestamp; csv_line4 = timestamp; csv_line5 = timestamp; csv_line6 = timestamp; int sensor_id = Convert.ToInt32(sensor.ID); if (sensor_id > 0) //No HR { if (acCounters[sensor_id] > 0) { csv_line2 += "," + acCounters[sensor_id]; csv_line1 += "," + ((double)(averageX[sensor_id] / (double)acCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line1 += ((double)(averageY[sensor_id] / (double)acCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line1 += ((double)(averageZ[sensor_id] / (double)acCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00"); csv_line3 += "," + ((int)(averageRawX[sensor_id] / acCounters[sensor_id])) + ","; csv_line3 += ((int)(averageRawY[sensor_id] / acCounters[sensor_id])) + ","; csv_line3 += ((int)(averageRawZ[sensor_id] / acCounters[sensor_id])); csv_line4 += "," + ((double)RMX[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line4 += ((double)RMY[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line4 += ((double)RMZ[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00"); csv_line5 += "," + ((double)AUC[sensor_id, 0]).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line5 += ((double)AUC[sensor_id, 1]).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line5 += ((double)AUC[sensor_id, 2]).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line5 += ((double)(AUC[sensor_id, 0] + AUC[sensor_id, 1] + AUC[sensor_id, 2])).ToString("00.00"); csv_line6 += "," + ((double)(VMAG[sensor_id] / (double)acCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00"); master_csv_line += "," + acCounters[sensor_id]; master_csv_line += "," + ((int)(averageRawX[sensor_id] / acCounters[sensor_id])) + ","; master_csv_line += ((int)(averageRawY[sensor_id] / acCounters[sensor_id])) + ","; master_csv_line += ((int)(averageRawZ[sensor_id] / acCounters[sensor_id])); master_csv_line += "," + ((double)(averageX[sensor_id] / (double)acCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)(averageY[sensor_id] / (double)acCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)(averageZ[sensor_id] / (double)acCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)AUC[sensor_id, 0]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)AUC[sensor_id, 1]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)AUC[sensor_id, 2]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)(AUC[sensor_id, 0] + AUC[sensor_id, 1] + AUC[sensor_id, 2])).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)RMX[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)RMY[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)RMZ[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)RMSize[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)(VMAG[sensor_id] / (double)acCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00"); } else { csv_line1 += ",,,,"; csv_line3 += ",,,,"; csv_line2 += ",0"; csv_line4 += ",,,,"; csv_line5 += ",,,,,"; csv_line6 += ","; master_csv_line += ",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"; } //Store data in CSV files activityCountCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line1); samplingCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line2); averagedRaw[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line3); rmCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line4); aucCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line5); vmagCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line6); } else { hrCount = 0; sumHR = 0; while ((timeData[0, headPtr] > 0) && (headPtr != head[0])) { if (((timeData[0, headPtr] - currentUnixTime) >= 0) && ((timeData[0, headPtr] - currentUnixTime) <= 1000)) { sumHR += rawData[0, 0, headPtr]; hrCount++; } headPtr--; if (headPtr < 0) headPtr = mites_RM_SIZE - 1; } if (hrCount > 0) { hrCSV.WriteLine(hr_csv_line + "," + (int)(sumHR / hrCount)); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + (int)(sumHR / hrCount); } else { hrCSV.WriteLine(hr_csv_line + ","); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ","; } } averageX[sensor_id] = 0; averageY[sensor_id] = 0; averageZ[sensor_id] = 0; averageRawX[sensor_id] = 0; averageRawY[sensor_id] = 0; averageRawZ[sensor_id] = 0; //prevX[sensor_id] = 0; //prevY[sensor_id] = 0; //prevY[sensor_id] = 0; acCounters[sensor_id] = 0; RMX[sensor_id] = 0; RMY[sensor_id] = 0; RMZ[sensor_id] = 0; RMSize[sensor_id] = 0; VMAG[sensor_id] = 0; for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) AUC[sensor_id, j] = 0; } #endregion Calculate Statistics #region Append MITes Statistics (Deleted) #region Write CSV line for MITes HR #endregion Write CSV line for MITes HR #endregion Append MITes Statistics } #endregion if there is MITes data #region If Wockets Decoder exist if (wcontroller != null) { #region Load Wockets data if needed //JPN: Iterate through each sensor ID if (!isWRACLoaded) { //JPN: Dimension array for storing WRAC output data wWRACData = new Hashtable[CurrentWockets._Controller._Sensors.Count]; for (int i = 0; (i < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); i++) { //JPN: Track the amount of time between samples to check that the sampling rate is valid for calculation double lastUnixTime = 0; //JPN: Use the UnixTime milliseconds to evaluate sampling rate. Target SR = 40 Hz double targetSampleTime = (1.0 / 40.0) * 1000; //JPN: Initialze array for storing WRAC values for each sensor wWRACData[i] = new Hashtable(); //JPN: Take a first pass through the raw corrected data to generate Wockets Raw Activity Counts (WRAC) string line = ""; while ((line = wocketsTR1[i].ReadLine()) != null) { //JPN: WRAC computation code block { string[] wWRACTokens = line.Split(','); double wWRACUnixTime = Convert.ToDouble(wWRACTokens[0]); if (wWRACUnixTime - lastUnixTime >= targetSampleTime) { if (lastUnixTime > 0) lastUnixTime = wWRACUnixTime - ((wWRACUnixTime - lastUnixTime) - targetSampleTime); else lastUnixTime = wWRACUnixTime; //JPN: Generate combined (X+Y+Z) AUC using running mean filter wAUCSigma += Filter(Convert.ToInt32(wWRACTokens[1]), 0); wAUCSigma += Filter(Convert.ToInt32(wWRACTokens[2]), 1); wAUCSigma += Filter(Convert.ToInt32(wWRACTokens[3]), 2); //JPN: Ignore the first 40 samples to establish a running mean if (_wPC > 40) { if (summary_count == 0) { //JPN: Divide by firmware scaling value. wAUCSigma = wAUCSigma / 24; //JPN: Trim summations to match size of firmware unsigned short int if (wAUCSigma > 65535) acount[ci] = 65535; else acount[ci] = (int)wAUCSigma; //JPN: Compute DateTime of sample from the UnixTimeStamp DateTime plotDt = new DateTime(); UnixTime.GetDateTime(Convert.ToInt64(wWRACUnixTime), out plotDt); //JPN: Subtract a minute to align with starting point of activity counts plotDt = plotDt.AddMinutes(-1); //JPN: Convert DateTime to string key that is used in indexing values for CSV output string plotKey = plotDt.Year + "-" + plotDt.Month + "-" + plotDt.Day + "-" + plotDt.Hour + "-" + plotDt.Minute + "-" + plotDt.Second; //JPN: Add summation to hashtable for later output to CSV file wWRACData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID][plotKey] = wAUCSigma; //JPN: Reset values wAUCSigma = 0; ++ci; if (ci == AC_BUFFER_SIZE) ci = 0; acount[ci] = 0; summary_count = AC_NUMS; } else summary_count--; } else if (_wPC == 40) wAUCSigma = 0; _wPC++; } } } wocketsTR1[i] = new StreamReader(aDataDirectory + "\\" + MERGED_SUBDIRECTORY + "\\" + "Wocket_" + wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID.ToString("00") + "_RawCorrectedData_" + wcontroller._Sensors[i]._Location.Replace(' ', '-') + ".csv"); } isWRACLoaded = true; } for (int i = 0; (i < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); i++) { string s = ""; while (((wunixtimestamp[i] - currentUnixTime) <= RM_DURATION) && ((s = wocketsTR1[i].ReadLine()) != null)) { string[] wocketsTokens = s.Split(','); wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0, whead[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID]] = Convert.ToInt32(wocketsTokens[1]); wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1, whead[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID]] = Convert.ToInt32(wocketsTokens[2]); wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2, whead[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID]] = Convert.ToInt32(wocketsTokens[3]); wtimeData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, whead[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID]] = (long)Convert.ToDouble(wocketsTokens[0]); wunixtimestamp[i] = Convert.ToDouble(wocketsTokens[0]); whead[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = (whead[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + 1) % RM_SIZE; } } #endregion Load Wockets data if needed #region Calculate Statistics for (int i = 0; (i < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); i++) { double wrunningMeanX = 0; double wrunningMeanY = 0; double wrunningMeanZ = 0; int wnumMeanPts = 0; int wheadPtr = whead[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] - 1; if (wheadPtr < 0) wheadPtr = RM_SIZE - 1; #region compute running means while ((wtimeData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, wheadPtr] > 0) && (wheadPtr != whead[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID]) && (wnumMeanPts <= (RM_SIZE - 1))) { wrunningMeanX += wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0, wheadPtr]; wrunningMeanY += wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1, wheadPtr]; wrunningMeanZ += wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2, wheadPtr]; wnumMeanPts++; wheadPtr--; if (wheadPtr < 0) wheadPtr = (RM_SIZE - 1); } wrunningMeanX = wrunningMeanX / wnumMeanPts; wrunningMeanY = wrunningMeanY / wnumMeanPts; wrunningMeanZ = wrunningMeanZ / wnumMeanPts; wRMX[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = wrunningMeanX; wRMY[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = wrunningMeanY; wRMZ[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = wrunningMeanZ; wRMSize[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = wnumMeanPts; //RMCount[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = RMCount[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + 1; wheadPtr = whead[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] - 1; if (wheadPtr < 0) wheadPtr = (RM_SIZE - 1); #endregion compute running means //compute values per second while ((wtimeData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, wheadPtr] > 0) && (wheadPtr != whead[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID])) { double ttt = wtimeData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, wheadPtr]; if (((wtimeData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, wheadPtr] - currentUnixTime) >= 0) && ((wtimeData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, wheadPtr] - currentUnixTime) <= 1000)) { if ((wprevX[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] > -1) && (wprevY[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] > -1) && (wprevZ[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] > -1) && (wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0, wheadPtr] > -1) && (wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1, wheadPtr] > -1) && (wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2, wheadPtr] > -1)) { waverageX[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = waverageX[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + Math.Abs(wprevX[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] - wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0, wheadPtr]); waverageRawX[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = waverageRawX[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0, wheadPtr]; waverageY[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = waverageY[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + Math.Abs(wprevY[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] - wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1, wheadPtr]); waverageRawY[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = waverageRawY[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1, wheadPtr]; waverageZ[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = waverageZ[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + Math.Abs(wprevZ[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] - wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2, wheadPtr]); waverageRawZ[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = waverageRawZ[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2, wheadPtr]; wacCounters[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = wacCounters[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + 1; } wprevX[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0, wheadPtr]; wprevY[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1, wheadPtr]; wprevZ[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2, wheadPtr]; int wprevHead = wheadPtr - 1; if (wprevHead < 0) wprevHead = (RM_SIZE - 1); double wt2 = wtimeData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, wheadPtr]; double wt1 = wtimeData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, wprevHead]; if ((wt2 > 0) & (wt1 > 0)) { wAUC[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0] = wAUC[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0] + (int)Math.Abs((wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0, wheadPtr] - wrunningMeanX)); wAUC[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1] = wAUC[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1] + (int)Math.Abs((wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1, wheadPtr] - wrunningMeanY)); wAUC[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2] = wAUC[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2] + (int)Math.Abs((wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2, wheadPtr] - wrunningMeanZ)); wVMAG[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = wVMAG[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)(wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0, wheadPtr] - wrunningMeanX), 2.0) + Math.Pow((double)(wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1, wheadPtr] - wrunningMeanY), 2.0) + Math.Pow((double)(wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2, wheadPtr] - wrunningMeanZ), 2.0)); } } wheadPtr--; if (wheadPtr < 0) wheadPtr = (RM_SIZE - 1); } wrunningMeanX = 0; wrunningMeanY = 0; wrunningMeanZ = 0; for (int k = 0; (k < RM_SIZE); k++) { wrunningMeanX += wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0, k]; wrunningMeanY += wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1, k]; wrunningMeanZ += wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2, k]; } wrunningMeanX = wrunningMeanX / RM_SIZE; wrunningMeanY = wrunningMeanY / RM_SIZE; wrunningMeanZ = wrunningMeanZ / RM_SIZE; //wAUC[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0] = 0; //wAUC[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1] = 0; //wAUC[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2] = 0; //wVMAG[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = 0; wVMAG[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = wVMAG[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)(wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 0, wheadPtr] - wrunningMeanX), 2.0) + Math.Pow((double)(wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 1, wheadPtr] - wrunningMeanY), 2.0) + Math.Pow((double)(wrawData[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID, 2, wheadPtr] - wrunningMeanZ), 2.0)); //Inititalize lines to be written to cvs files int sensor_id = wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID; csv_line1 = timestamp; csv_line2 = timestamp; csv_line3 = timestamp; csv_line4 = timestamp; csv_line5 = timestamp; csv_line6 = timestamp; if (wacCounters[sensor_id] > 0) { #region Append Wockets Statistics csv_line2 += "," + (double)(wacCounters[sensor_id]); csv_line1 += "," + ((double)(waverageX[sensor_id] / (double)wacCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line1 += ((double)(waverageY[sensor_id] / (double)wacCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line1 += ((double)(waverageZ[sensor_id] / (double)wacCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00"); csv_line3 += "," + ((int)(waverageRawX[sensor_id] / wacCounters[sensor_id])) + ","; csv_line3 += ((int)(waverageRawY[sensor_id] / wacCounters[sensor_id])) + ","; csv_line3 += ((int)(waverageRawZ[sensor_id] / wacCounters[sensor_id])); csv_line4 += "," + ((double)wRMX[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line4 += ((double)wRMY[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line4 += ((double)wRMZ[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00"); csv_line5 += "," + ((double)wAUC[sensor_id, 0]).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line5 += ((double)wAUC[sensor_id, 1]).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line5 += ((double)wAUC[sensor_id, 2]).ToString("00.00") + ","; csv_line5 += ((double)(wAUC[sensor_id, 0] + wAUC[sensor_id, 1] + wAUC[sensor_id, 2])).ToString("00.00"); csv_line6 += "," + ((double)(wVMAG[sensor_id] / (double)wacCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00"); master_csv_line += "," + wacCounters[sensor_id]; master_csv_line += "," + ((int)(waverageRawX[sensor_id] / wacCounters[sensor_id])) + ","; master_csv_line += ((int)(waverageRawY[sensor_id] / wacCounters[sensor_id])) + ","; master_csv_line += ((int)(waverageRawZ[sensor_id] / wacCounters[sensor_id])); master_csv_line += "," + ((double)(waverageX[sensor_id] / (double)wacCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)(waverageY[sensor_id] / (double)wacCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)(waverageZ[sensor_id] / (double)wacCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)wAUC[sensor_id, 0]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)wAUC[sensor_id, 1]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)wAUC[sensor_id, 2]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)(wAUC[sensor_id, 0] + wAUC[sensor_id, 1] + wAUC[sensor_id, 2])).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)wRMX[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)wRMY[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)wRMZ[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)wRMSize[sensor_id]).ToString("00.00") + ","; master_csv_line += ((double)(wVMAG[sensor_id] / (double)wacCounters[sensor_id])).ToString("00.00"); #endregion Append Wockets Statistics //if (prevUnixTime[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] == -1) // prevUnixTime[wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID] = currentUnixTime; } else { csv_line1 += ",,,,"; csv_line3 += ",,,,"; csv_line2 += ",0"; csv_line4 += ",,,,"; csv_line5 += ",,,,,"; csv_line6 += ","; master_csv_line += ",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"; } //Store data in CSV files wactivityCountCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line1); wsamplingCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line2); waveragedRaw[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line3); wrmCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line4); waucCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line5); wvmagCSVs[sensor_id].WriteLine(csv_line6); //Reset Variables waverageX[sensor_id] = 0; waverageY[sensor_id] = 0; waverageZ[sensor_id] = 0; waverageRawX[sensor_id] = 0; waverageRawY[sensor_id] = 0; waverageRawZ[sensor_id] = 0; //prevX[sensor_id] = 0; //prevY[sensor_id] = 0; //prevY[sensor_id] = 0; wacCounters[sensor_id] = 0; wRMX[sensor_id] = 0; wRMY[sensor_id] = 0; wRMZ[sensor_id] = 0; wRMSize[sensor_id] = 0; wVMAG[sensor_id] = 0; for (int j = 0; (j < 3); j++) wAUC[sensor_id, j] = 0; } #endregion Calculate Statistics } #endregion If Wockets Decoder Exist #region Write the CSV lines for each sensor #region Write CSV lines for Actigraphs for (int i = 0; (i < actigraphData.Length); i++) { if (actigraphData[i].ContainsKey(key) == false) { if (actigraphType[i] == "GT3X" || actigraphType[i] == "GT3X+") { actigraphCSV[i].WriteLine(actigraph_csv_line[i] + ",,,"); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ",,,"; master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + prevActLine[i] + "," + prevActAC_XYZ; } else if (actigraphType[i] == "GT1M") { actigraphCSV[i].WriteLine(actigraph_csv_line[i] + ",,"); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ",,"; } else { actigraphCSV[i].WriteLine(actigraph_csv_line[i] + ","); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ","; } } else { actigraphCSV[i].WriteLine(actigraph_csv_line[i] + "," + actigraphData[i][key]); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + actigraphData[i][key]; //PLOT value prevActLine[i] = actigraphData[i][key].ToString(); //JPN: Only plot repeating values for 3 axis Actigraphs if (actigraphType[i] == "GT3X" || actigraphType[i] == "GT3X+") { try { prevActXYZ = prevActLine[i].Split(','); prevActAC_XYZ = Convert.ToInt32(prevActXYZ[0]) + Convert.ToInt32(prevActXYZ[1]) + Convert.ToInt32(prevActXYZ[2]); } catch (Exception ex) { } master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + actigraphData[i][key] + "," + prevActAC_XYZ; } } //JPN: if (actigraphMinutes[i].Count > 0) { string[] acTokens = key.Split('-'); DateTime minuteDT = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(acTokens[0]), Convert.ToInt32(acTokens[1]), Convert.ToInt32(acTokens[2]), Convert.ToInt32(acTokens[3]), Convert.ToInt32(acTokens[4]), 0); string minuteKey = minuteDT.Year + "-" + minuteDT.Month + "-" + minuteDT.Day + "-" + minuteDT.Hour + "-" + minuteDT.Minute + "-" + minuteDT.Second; if (actigraphMinutes[i].ContainsKey(minuteKey)) master_csv_line += "," + actigraphMinutes[i][minuteKey]; else master_csv_line += ","; } } #endregion Write CSV lines for Actigraphs #region Write CSV lines for Wockets Firmware Activity Counts (WFAC) if (wWFACData != null) { for (int i = 0; (i < wWFACData.Length); i++) { if (wWFACData[i].ContainsKey(key) == false) { wWFACSummaryCSV[i].WriteLine(wfac_csv_line[i] + ","); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ","; } else { wWFACSummaryCSV[i].WriteLine(wfac_csv_line[i] + "," + wWFACData[i][key]); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + wWFACData[i][key]; } } } #endregion Write CSV lines for Wockets Firmware Activity Counts (WFAC) #region Write CSV lines for Wockets Raw Activity Counts (WRAC) //JPN: If WRAC data is available, add that to the summary spreadsheets if (wWRACData != null) { //wrac_csv_line = new string[wWRACData.Length]; //for (int i = 0; (i < wWRACData.Length); i++) // wrac_csv_line[i] = ""; //JPN: Iterate through each sensor for (int i = 0; (i < wWRACData.Length); i++) { //JPN: Write blank data column if the current sample is not the start of a new WRAC minute epoch if (wWRACData[i].ContainsKey(key) == false) { wWRACSummaryCSV[i].WriteLine(wrac_csv_line[i] + ","); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ","; } else { //JPN: Retrieve WRAC data point int value = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(wWRACData[i][key])); //JPN: Add scaled WRAC data to the WRAC text stream wWRACSummaryCSV[i].WriteLine(wrac_csv_line[i] + "," + value); //JPN: Add scaled WRAC data to the master summary CSV file master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + value; } } } #endregion Write CSV lines for Wockets Raw Activity Counts (WRAC) #region Write CSV lines for PLOT Wockets Firmware Activity Counts (WFAC) if (wWFACData != null) { for (int i = 0; (i < wWFACData.Length); i++) { if (wWFACData[i].ContainsKey(key) == false) { master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + prevWFACPlotDataLine[i]; } else { master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + wWFACData[i][key]; prevWFACPlotDataLine[i] = wWFACData[i][key].ToString(); } } } #endregion Write CSV lines for PLOT Wockets Firmware Activity Counts (WFAC) #region Write CSV lines for PLOT Wockets Raw Activity Counts (WRAC) //JPN: If WRAC data is available, add that to the summary spreadsheets if (wWRACData != null) { //JPN: Iterate through each sensor for (int i = 0; (i < wWRACData.Length); i++) { //JPN: Carry over previous WRAC value if the current sample is not the start of a new WRAC minute epoch if (wWRACData[i].ContainsKey(key) == false) { master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + prevWRACPlotDataLine[i]; } //JPN: Log new WRAC value when the next minute epoch starts else { //JPN: Retrieve WRAC data point int value = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(wWRACData[i][key])); //JPN: Add scaled WRAC data to the text stream master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + value; //JPN: Store this line so it can be repeated in the summary CSV until the WRAC value changes prevWRACPlotDataLine[i] = value.ToString(); } } } #endregion Write CSV lines for PLOT Wockets Raw Activity Counts (WRAC) #region Write CSV line for Sensewear if ((sensewearFound) && (sensewearCSV != null)) { if (SSR.ContainsKey(key)) { sensewearCSV.WriteLine(sensewear_csv_line + "," + (int)SSR[key] + "," + (double)STrans[key] + "," + (double)SLong[key] + "," + (double)SAcc[key]); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + (int)SSR[key] + "," + (double)STrans[key] + "," + (double)SLong[key] + "," + (double)SAcc[key]; } else { sensewearCSV.WriteLine(sensewear_csv_line + ",,,,"); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ",,,,"; } } #endregion Write CSV line for Sensewear #region Write CSV line for Sensewear Vanderbilt if ((sensewearVanderbiltFound) && (sensewearCSV != null)) { if (sensewearData.ContainsKey(key)) { sensewearCSV.WriteLine(sensewear_csv_line + "," + ((string)sensewearData[key])); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + ((string)sensewearData[key]); } else { sensewearCSV.WriteLine(sensewear_csv_line + ",,,,,,,,,,,,,"); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ",,,,,,,,,,,,,"; } } #endregion Write CSV line for Sensewear Vanderbilt #region Write CSV line for Zephyr if ((zephyrFound) && (zephyrCSV != null)) { if (zephyrData.ContainsKey(key)) { zephyrCSV.WriteLine(zephyr_csv_line + "," + ((string)zephyrData[key])); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + ((string)zephyrData[key]); } else { zephyrCSV.WriteLine(zephyr_csv_line + ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"; } } #endregion Write CSV line for Zephyr #region Write CSV line for Oxycon if ((oxyconFound) && (oxyconCSV != null)) { if (oxyconData.ContainsKey(key)) { oxyconCSV.WriteLine(oxycon_csv_line + "," + ((string)oxyconData[key])); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + ((string)oxyconData[key]); } else { oxyconCSV.WriteLine(zephyr_csv_line + ",,,,,,,,"); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ",,,,,,,,"; } } #endregion Write CSV line for Oxycon #region Write CSV line for Omron if ((omronFound) && (omronCSV != null)) { if (omronData.Contains(key)) { omronCSV.WriteLine(omron_csv_line + "," + ((int)omronData[key])); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + ((int)omronData[key]); } else { omronCSV.WriteLine(omron_csv_line + ","); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ","; } } #endregion Write CSV line for Omron #region Write CSV line for Columbia if ((columbiaFound) && (columbiaCSV != null)) { if (columbiaData.ContainsKey(key)) { columbiaCSV.WriteLine(columbia_csv_line + "," + ((string)columbiaData[key])); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + ((string)columbiaData[key]); } else { columbiaCSV.WriteLine(columbia_csv_line + ",,,,,"); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ",,,,,"; } } #endregion Write CSV line for Columbia #region Write CSV line for GPS if ((gpsFound) && (gpsCSV != null)) { if (gpsData.ContainsKey(key)) { gpsCSV.WriteLine(gps_csv_line + "," + ((string)gpsData[key])); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + ((string)gpsData[key]); } else { gpsCSV.WriteLine(gps_csv_line + ",,,,"); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ",,,,"; } } #endregion Write CSV line for GPS #region Write CSV line for RTI if ((rtiFound) && (rtiCSV != null)) { if (rtiData.ContainsKey(key)) { rtiCSV.WriteLine(rti_csv_line + "," + ((string)rtiData[key])); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + ((string)rtiData[key]); } else { rtiCSV.WriteLine(rti_csv_line + ",,,,"); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ",,,,"; } } #endregion Write CSV line for RTI #region Write CSV line for RT3 if ((rt3Found) && (rt3CSV != null)) { if (rt3Data.ContainsKey(key)) { rt3CSV.WriteLine(rt3_csv_line + "," + ((string)rt3Data[key])); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + "," + ((string)rt3Data[key]); } else { rt3CSV.WriteLine(rt3_csv_line + ",,,,"); master_csv_line = master_csv_line + ",,,,"; } } #endregion Write CSV line for RT3 masterCSV.WriteLine(master_csv_line); #endregion Write the CSV lines for each sensor //reinitialize variables hrCount = 0; sumHR = 0; currentDateTime = currentDateTime.AddSeconds(1.0); } #region Convert Actigraph Raw Data to Wockets Raw Format and CSV CSVProgress = "Converting Actigraph Raw Data to Wockets Raw Format and csv"; string actRawDirectory = aDataDirectory + "\\othersensors"; //file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(actRawDirectory, "*ActRawCSV*.csv"); file = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(actRawDirectory, "*RAW*.csv"); if (file.Length > 0) { string line; string[] row = { "" }; string startDate = ""; string startTime = ""; string startDT = ""; string endDate = ""; string endDT = ""; string endTime = ""; DateTime start = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime end = DateTime.MinValue; double totalActSeconds = 1; double totalActSamples; double actSR; double nextActTime = 25; int headcount = 0; DateTime dateTime = DateTime.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < file.Length; i++) { string pth = Path.Combine(actRawDirectory, file[i]); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pth); headcount = 0; int len = File.ReadAllLines(pth).Length; len = len - 10; //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(actRawDirectory + "/ActRawData" + (i+1) + ".csv"); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(aDataDirectory + "\\merged" + "\\Actigraph_Raw_Data" + (i + 1) + ".csv"); while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { headcount++; if (headcount == 3) { row = line.Split(','); startTime = row[0]; startTime = startTime.Substring(10); } if (headcount == 4) { row = line.Split(','); startDate = row[0]; startDate = startDate.Substring(10); startDT = startDate + startTime; dateTime = DateTime.Parse(startDT); start = DateTime.Parse(startDT); dateTime = dateTime.AddSeconds(actigraphOffset[i]); TimeSpan t = (dateTime - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).ToLocalTime()); TimeSpan uts = dateTime.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); double unixts = uts.TotalMilliseconds; double ts = t.TotalMilliseconds; } if (headcount == 6) { row = line.Split(','); endTime = row[0]; endTime = endTime.Substring(13); } if (headcount == 7) { row = line.Split(','); endDate = row[0]; endDate = endDate.Substring(13); endDT = endDate + endTime; end = DateTime.Parse(endDT); TimeSpan tsAct = end - start; totalActSeconds = tsAct.TotalSeconds; totalActSamples = len; actSR = totalActSamples / totalActSeconds; nextActTime = (1000 / actSR); } if (headcount > 10) { if (line.Contains("\"")) { line = line.Replace("\"", ""); } row = line.Split(','); double xval, yval, zval; diff = dateTime.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); tw.Write(diff.TotalMilliseconds + ","); dateTime = dateTime.AddMilliseconds(nextActTime); //xval = Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(row[1]) + 6) / 0.01171875); // Wocket +X -> Actigraph +Axis 2 xval = Math.Round(((ACTRANGE / 2) - Convert.ToDouble(row[1])) / ACTWKTNORM); xval = Math.Round(((ACTRANGE / 2) + Convert.ToDouble(row[1])) / ACTWKTNORM); // Wocket +Y -> Actigraph +Axis 1 //yval = Math.Round(((ACTRANGE / 2) - (Convert.ToDouble(row[0]))) / ACTWKTNORM); yval = Math.Round(((ACTRANGE / 2) + (Convert.ToDouble(row[0]))) / ACTWKTNORM); //Wocket +Z -> Actigraph -Axis3 //zval = Math.Round((6 - (Convert.ToDouble(row[2]))) / 0.0171875); zval = Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(row[2]) + (ACTRANGE / 2)) / ACTWKTNORM); //zval = Math.Round(((ACTRANGE / 2) - Convert.ToDouble(row[2])) / ACTWKTNORM); tw.Write(xval + "," + yval + "," + zval + ","); tw.WriteLine(); } } //totalActSamples = headcount - 10; //actSR = totalActSamples / totalActSeconds; tw.Close(); sr.Close(); //sr = new StreamReader(actRawDirectory + "\\actRawData" + (i+1) + ".csv"); sr = new StreamReader(aDataDirectory + "\\merged" + "\\Actigraph_Raw_Data" + (i + 1) + ".csv"); //i + 1 DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(startDate + " " + startTime); string date = dt.Year.ToString() + "-" + dt.Month.ToString() + "-" + dt.Day.ToString(); string dir = actRawDirectory + "\\Actigraph\\data\\raw\\PLFormat"; int hr = dt.Hour; string dir1 = dir + "\\" + date + "\\" + dt.Hour.ToString(); Directory.CreateDirectory(dir1); FileStream fs = new FileStream(dir1 + "\\Actigraph" + (i + 1) + ".PLFormat", FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.MinValue; int count = 0; int currentDay; int currentMonth; int currentYear; int currentHour; int startDay = DateTime.Parse(startDT).Day; int startMonth = DateTime.Parse(startDT).Month; int startYear = DateTime.Parse(startDT).Year; int startHour = DateTime.Parse(startDT).Hour; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { count++; row = line.Split(','); if (count == 1) { DateTime startDt; UnixTime.GetDateTime(Convert.ToInt64(row[0]), out startDt); startDay = startDt.Day; startMonth = startDt.Month; startYear = startDt.Year; startHour = startDt.Hour; } UnixTime.GetDateTime(Convert.ToInt64(row[0]), out currentDate); currentDay = currentDate.Day; currentMonth = currentDate.Month; currentYear = currentDate.Year; currentHour = currentDate.Hour; if (currentDay != startDay) { bw.Flush(); bw.Close(); fs.Close(); startDay = currentDay; dir1 = dir + "/" + currentYear + "-" + currentMonth + "-" + currentDay + "/" + currentHour; Directory.CreateDirectory(dir1); fs = new FileStream(dir1 + "/Actigraph" + (i + 1) + ".PLFormat", FileMode.Create); bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt64(row[0])); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(row[1])); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(row[2])); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(row[3])); } else if (currentHour != startHour) { bw.Flush(); bw.Close(); fs.Close(); startHour = currentHour; dir1 = dir + "/" + currentYear + "-" + currentMonth + "-" + currentDay + "/" + currentHour; Directory.CreateDirectory(dir1); fs = new FileStream(dir1 + "/Actigraph" + (i + 1) + ".PLFormat", FileMode.Create); bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt64(row[0])); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(row[1])); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(row[2])); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(row[3])); } else { bw.Write(Convert.ToInt64(row[0])); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(row[1])); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(row[2])); bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(row[3])); } } tw.Close(); sr.Close(); bw.Close(); fs.Close(); } } else { if (Directory.Exists(actRawDirectory + "\\Actigraph\\data\\raw\\PLFormat")) { string[] actDir = Directory.GetDirectories(actRawDirectory + "\\Actigraph\\data\\raw\\PLFormat"); for (int i = 0; i < actDir.Length; i++) { string[] actSubDir = Directory.GetDirectories(actDir[i]); for (int j = 0; j < actSubDir.Length; j++) { string[] actfile = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(actSubDir[j]); for (int k = 0; k < actfile.Length; k++) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(actfile[k], FileMode.Open); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); //FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(actRawDirectory + "\\ActRawData" + (k+1) + ".csv", FileMode.Append); FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(aDataDirectory + "\\merged" + "\\Actigraph_Raw_Data" + (k + 1) + ".csv", FileMode.Append); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(fs1); int length = (int)br.BaseStream.Length; int pos = 0; while (pos < length) { tw.Write(br.ReadInt64()); tw.Write("," + br.ReadInt16() + "," + br.ReadInt16() + "," + br.ReadInt16() + ","); tw.WriteLine(); pos += 4 * sizeof(Int64); } tw.Close(); fs1.Close(); br.Close(); fs.Close(); } } } } } #endregion #region Close all files if (aMITesDecoder != null) { foreach (SXML.Sensor sensor in sannotation.Sensors) { int sensor_id = Convert.ToInt32(sensor.ID); if (sensor_id > 0) { activityCountCSVs[sensor_id].Flush(); samplingCSVs[sensor_id].Flush(); averagedRaw[sensor_id].Flush(); rmCSVs[sensor_id].Flush(); aucCSVs[sensor_id].Flush(); vmagCSVs[sensor_id].Flush(); activityCountCSVs[sensor_id].Close(); samplingCSVs[sensor_id].Close(); averagedRaw[sensor_id].Close(); rmCSVs[sensor_id].Close(); aucCSVs[sensor_id].Close(); vmagCSVs[sensor_id].Close(); } } } if (hrCSV != null) { hrCSV.Flush(); hrCSV.Close(); } if (wcontroller != null) { for (int i = 0; (i < wcontroller._Sensors.Count); i++) { int sensor_id = wcontroller._Sensors[i]._ID; wactivityCountCSVs[sensor_id].Flush(); wsamplingCSVs[sensor_id].Flush(); waveragedRaw[sensor_id].Flush(); wrmCSVs[sensor_id].Flush(); waucCSVs[sensor_id].Flush(); wvmagCSVs[sensor_id].Flush(); wactivityCountCSVs[sensor_id].Close(); wsamplingCSVs[sensor_id].Close(); waveragedRaw[sensor_id].Close(); wrmCSVs[sensor_id].Close(); waucCSVs[sensor_id].Close(); wvmagCSVs[sensor_id].Close(); wocketsTR1[sensor_id].Close(); } } masterCSV.Flush(); masterCSV.Close(); for (int i = 0; (i < actigraphCSV.Length); i++) actigraphCSV[i].Close(); //JPN: Close WFAC summary datafiles if (wWFACSummaryCSV != null) for (int i = 0; (i < wWFACSummaryCSV.Length); i++) wWFACSummaryCSV[i].Close(); //JPN: Close WRAC summary datafiles if (wWRACSummaryCSV != null) for (int i = 0; (i < wWRACSummaryCSV.Length); i++) wWRACSummaryCSV[i].Close(); if (sensewearCSV != null) sensewearCSV.Close(); if (zephyrCSV != null) zephyrCSV.Close(); if (oxyconCSV != null) oxyconCSV.Close(); if (omronCSV != null) omronCSV.Close(); if (columbiaCSV != null) columbiaCSV.Close(); if (gpsCSV != null) gpsCSV.Close(); if (rtiCSV != null) rtiCSV.Close(); #endregion Close all files }