private static void 添加DTU控制任务(SWSDataContext db) { try { //查询出一个小时内有指令的站点的id //List<int> stations = db.ExecuteQuery<int>("SELECT station_id FROM dbo.control_command where (state=0 OR state IS NULL) and communication_mode=2 and datediff(mi,add_datetime,GETDATE())<60 group by station_id ").ToList(); List <int> stations = db.ExecuteQuery <int>("SELECT station_id FROM dbo.control_command where (state=0 OR state IS NULL) and (communication_mode=2 or tp='3') group by station_id ").ToList(); if (stations.Count == 0) { return; } ///站点id和transfer_code的键值对 List <Station_transferCode> StaTrans = db.ExecuteQuery <Station_transferCode>("SELECT id as stationId,transfer_code FROM dbo.country_station WHERE transfer_code IS NOT NULL AND transfer_code<>'' AND transfer_code<>'null'").ToList(); //循环站点 将站点添加到线程池 foreach (int stationid in stations) { try { Station_transferCode StaTran = StaTrans.SingleOrDefault(c => c.stationId == stationid); //如果这个站点没有配置dtu 就跳过 if (StaTran == null) { continue; } //根据设备唯一编号 找出 DTUClientInfo DTUClientInfo client = DTU_ClientManager.Clients.SingleOrDefault(c => c.TelOrGprsId == StaTran.transfer_code); if (client == null) { continue; } //如果客户端在【任务队列】和【线程里】里已经存在了,就不继续添加 if (!HasExistClientInPool(client)) { PoolA.AddTaskItem(new WaitCallback(ExecuteDtuOrder), client); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); } }
private void sendData(SWSDataContext db, Socket socket, string stationName, int stationId) { //发送设备控制信息到客户端 C_To_S_Data <CSDataStandard.Transfer.DeviceControl> sendObj = new C_To_S_Data <CSDataStandard.Transfer.DeviceControl>(); sendObj.Flag = HandleFlag.DeviceControl; sendObj.Data = new List <CSDataStandard.Transfer.DeviceControl>(); // List<device_control> listDeviceControl = db.device_control.Where(c => c.state == "0" && c.station_id == stationId).ToList(); //0表示未发送 //把那时不需要发送到客户端的记录的发送状态都置为2 db.ExecuteCommand("UPDATE dbo.device_control SET state=2 WHERE station_id=" + stationId + " AND state=0 AND id NOT IN (SELECT MAX(id) AS datetime FROM dbo.device_control WHERE station_id=" + stationId + " AND state=0 GROUP BY testid,gong_kuang_id)"); //找出需要发送的几行数据 List <device_control> listDeviceControl = db.ExecuteQuery <device_control>("SELECT * FROM dbo.device_control WHERE id IN (SELECT MAX(id) AS datetime FROM dbo.device_control WHERE station_id=" + stationId + " AND state=0 GROUP BY testid,gong_kuang_id)").ToList(); //device_control device_control = listDeviceControl.OrderByDescending(c => c.datetime).FirstOrDefault(); foreach (device_control device_control in listDeviceControl) { try { gong_kuang_config gongKuang = db.gong_kuang_config.SingleOrDefault(c => == device_control.gong_kuang_id); CSDataStandard.Transfer.DeviceControl transferDeviceControl = new CSDataStandard.Transfer.DeviceControl(); transferDeviceControl.Value = device_control.control_code; //控制的值 transferDeviceControl.Address = (int)gongKuang.address; transferDeviceControl.Register = gongKuang.write_register; transferDeviceControl.DeviceControlId =; //设备控制表的id //transferDeviceControl.DeviceNumber = device_control.device_number; //transferDeviceControl.Datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(device_control.datetime); //transferDeviceControl.ControlCode = device_control.control_code; sendObj.Data.Add(transferDeviceControl); } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); } } //更改设备控制表中的数据为已发送状态 foreach (device_control item in listDeviceControl) { item.state = "1"; } db.SubmitChanges(); //保存 //把对象转换为json字符串 string sendJson = Utility.JsonHelper.JsonSerializer <C_To_S_Data <CSDataStandard.Transfer.DeviceControl> >(sendObj); Byte[] msgSend = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(sendJson); socket.Send(msgSend, msgSend.Length, SocketFlags.None); //显示到UI界面 // string msg = string.Format("发送{0}行数据到【{1}】客户端", sendObj.Data.Count, stationName); // lb_msg.BeginInvoke(new Action<string>(printMsg), msg); }
private static void 添加广岱控制任务(SWSDataContext db, String dbname, String gdServerCfg) { try { //查询出一个小时内有指令的站点的id List <int> stations = db.ExecuteQuery <int>("SELECT station_id FROM dbo.control_command where (state=0 OR state IS NULL) and communication_mode=4 group by station_id ").ToList();// tp is not NULL 暂时有拍照的数据 if (stations.Count == 0) { return; } //循环站点 将站点添加到线程池 foreach (int stationid in stations) { try { //如果站点在【任务队列】和【线程里】里已经存在了,就不继续添加 if (!HasExistClientInPool(stationid)) { Args arg = new Args() { dbName = dbname, station_id = stationid, gdServerCfg = gdServerCfg }; PoolA.AddTaskItem(new WaitCallback(ExecuteGuangDaiOrder), arg); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); } }
private static void TakePhotoTp5(SWSDataContext db, GuangDaiService.CorePlatformWebServiceClient ws, int stationId, string wscid) { // List<control_command> commands = db.control_command.Where(c => c.station_id == stationId && == "5" && c.state == 0).ToList(); List <control_command> commands = db.ExecuteQuery <control_command>("SELECT * FROM dbo.control_command WHERE station_id=" + stationId + " AND state=0 AND tp='5'").ToList(); foreach (control_command command in commands) { if (command.COUNT == null) { command.COUNT = 0; } try { gong_kuang_config gongkuang = db.gong_kuang_config.SingleOrDefault(c => == command.gong_kuang_id); if (gongkuang == null) //如果找不到command对应和gongkuangid,则把这条command标记为执行失败。 { LogMg.AddError("找不到控制命令所对应的工况配置信息"); command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 command.state = 1; // 就当已经执行过 command.execute_comment = "执行失败,找不到控制命令所对应的工况配置信息"; command.complete_datetime = DateTime.Now; db.SubmitChanges(); continue; } byte address = (byte)gongkuang.address; GuangDaiService.config config = ws.doConfig(wscid, Convert.ToInt32(gongkuang.write_register), (int)command.read_or_write, Convert.ToInt32(command.value), ""); LogMg.AddDebug(String.Format(" ws.doConfig({0},{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}) 返回结果是 result={5} value={6} message={7} ", wscid, gongkuang.write_register, command.read_or_write, "-1", "", config.result, config.value, config.message)); command.state = 1; //标志为已发送 if (config.result == true) { command.execute_result = 1; //标记为执行成功 command.execute_comment = "执行写操作成功"; gongkuang.write_value = command.value; gongkuang.execute_comment = "执行写操作成功"; } else { command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 command.execute_comment = "执行广岱拍照操作失败"; gongkuang.execute_comment = "执行广岱拍照操作失败"; } gongkuang.execute_datetime = DateTime.Now; command.complete_datetime = DateTime.Now; } catch (Exception ex) { command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 command.execute_comment = "执行广岱拍照操作失败,服务程序出现了异常"; // MessageQueue.Enqueue_DataInfo(string.Format("接收时间:【{0}】,站点:{1}, 执行工况配置失败.程序出现异常,请查看日志. ", DateTime.Now,; LogMg.AddError(ex); } finally { command.complete_datetime = DateTime.Now; } try { db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex.ToString()); } } }
/// <summary> /// 执行DTU控制任务 /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> private static void ExecuteDtuOrder(object state) { //1.锁住客户端对象 //2.找出客户端对应的数据库,并找出需要执行的控制指令。 //3.循环发送指令到客户端,再接收返回的数据,存入数据库。 //4.释放客户端对象 DTUClientInfo client = (DTUClientInfo)state; using (MyLock mylock = new MyLock(client, 20000, false)) { if (mylock.IsTimeout == false) { //LogManager.AddDebug("ControlCommandThread线程:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " 开始锁了 是否超时" + mylock.IsTimeout); //找出这个站点对应的数据库, 并获取数据库连接 SqlConnection connection = GetDbConnectionByTel(client.TelOrGprsId); if (connection == null) //找不到对应的数据库连接 { LogMg.AddDebug(string.Format("根据Tel={0}的设备唯一id,在sysconfig.xml中找不到对应的数据库连接", client.TelOrGprsId.ToString())); return; } SWSDataContext db = new SWSDataContext(connection); takePhoto(db, client.StationId, client); //把那些不需要执行了的数据 state=1 就当这行指令已经执行过了 List <int> giveUpCommands = db.ExecuteQuery <int>("SELECT id FROM dbo.control_command WHERE station_id=" + client.StationId + " AND (state=0 OR state IS NULL) AND id NOT IN (SELECT MAX(id) FROM dbo.control_command WHERE station_id=" + client.StationId + " AND (state=0 OR state IS NULL) GROUP BY gong_kuang_id,read_or_write) ").ToList(); if (giveUpCommands.Count > 0) { db.ExecuteCommand("UPDATE dbo.control_command SET state=1 WHERE id in(" + string.Join(", ", giveUpCommands) + ")"); } //db.ExecuteCommand("UPDATE dbo.control_command SET state=1 WHERE station_id=" + client.StationId + " AND (state=0 OR state IS NULL) AND id NOT IN (SELECT MAX(id) FROM dbo.control_command WHERE station_id=" + client.StationId + " AND (state=0 OR state IS NULL) GROUP BY gong_kuang_id,read_or_write) "); //获取需要执行的指令 List <control_command> commands = db.ExecuteQuery <control_command>("SELECT * FROM dbo.control_command WHERE id IN(SELECT MAX(id) FROM dbo.control_command WHERE station_id=" + client.StationId + " AND communication_mode=2 AND (state=0 OR state IS NULL) GROUP BY gong_kuang_id,read_or_write) ORDER BY add_datetime").ToList(); List <gong_kuang_config> gongKuangs = db.gong_kuang_config.Where(c => c.station_id == client.StationId).ToList(); foreach (control_command command in commands) //循环发送指令 { if (command.COUNT == null) { command.COUNT = 0; } try { gong_kuang_config gongkuang = gongKuangs.SingleOrDefault(c => == command.gong_kuang_id); if (gongkuang == null) //如果找不到command对应和gongkuangid,则把这条command标记为执行失败。 { LogMg.AddError("找不到控制命令所对应的工况配置信息"); command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 command.state = 1; // 就当已经执行过 command.execute_comment = "执行失败,找不到控制命令所对应的工况配置信息"; command.complete_datetime = DateTime.Now; db.SubmitChanges(); continue; } byte address = (byte)gongkuang.address; ClearSocketCache(client.socket);//清除缓冲区 LogMg.AddDebug("hashcode=" + client.socket.GetHashCode()); ModbusReturn modbusReturn = new ModbusReturn(); if (command.read_or_write == 0) //读读读读读读读读读读读 { while (modbusReturn.success == false && command.COUNT < SysConfig.userProfile.ExecuteFailureCount) { modbusReturn.clear(); modbus.readdata(client.Protocol, client.socket, "", address, ushort.Parse(gongkuang.read_register), int.Parse(gongkuang.function_code), gongkuang.data_type, gongkuang.decode_order, (int)gongkuang.receive_timeout, modbusReturn); //LogManager.AddDebug(String.Format("执行读命令 GPRSID:{0} gongkuangid:{1} address{2} 读寄存器编号:{3} 读取的值{4} 方法的返回bool值:{5}", client.TelOrGprsId,, address, gongkuang.read_register, value.ToString(), flag)); command.COUNT++; } command.state = 1; //标志为已发送 if (modbusReturn.success == true) { DTU_ClientManager.UpdateLastVisitTime(client, DateTime.Now); command.execute_result = 1; //标记为执行成功 command.value = Convert.ToString(modbusReturn.value); gongkuang.read_value = Convert.ToString(modbusReturn.value); gongkuang.execute_comment = "执行读取操作成功"; if (gongkuang.config_type == "05") { try { test test = db.test.Single(c => c.testid == gongkuang.testid); test.value = Convert.ToString(modbusReturn.value * gongkuang.Multiple + gongkuang.AddNumber); } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); LogMg.AddDebug("找不到工况对应的检测点,gongkuangid=" + + " testid=" + gongkuang.testid); } } } else { command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 gongkuang.execute_comment = "执行读取操作失败"; } command.execute_comment = modbusReturn.ToString(); } else //写写写写写写写写写写写写写写写 { while (modbusReturn.success == false && command.COUNT < SysConfig.userProfile.ExecuteFailureCount) { modbusReturn.clear(); modbus.writedata(client.Protocol, client.socket, "", address, ushort.Parse(gongkuang.write_register), gongkuang.data_type, (int)gongkuang.receive_timeout, short.Parse(command.value), modbusReturn); //LogManager.AddDebug(String.Format("执行写命令 GPRSID:{0} address{1} 写寄存器编号:{2} 写入的值{3} 方法的返回bool值:{4}", client.TelOrGprsId, address, gongkuang.write_register, command.value, flag)); command.COUNT++; } command.state = 1; //标志为已发送 if (modbusReturn.success == true) { DTU_ClientManager.UpdateLastVisitTime(client, DateTime.Now); command.execute_result = 1; //标记为执行成功 gongkuang.write_value = command.value; gongkuang.execute_comment = "执行写操作成功"; } else { command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 gongkuang.execute_comment = "执行写操作失败"; } command.execute_comment = modbusReturn.ToString(); } gongkuang.execute_datetime = DateTime.Now; command.complete_datetime = DateTime.Now; } catch (Exception ex) { command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 command.execute_comment = "执行命令失败,服务程序出现了异常"; // MessageQueue.Enqueue_DataInfo(string.Format("接收时间:【{0}】,站点:{1}, 执行工况配置失败.程序出现异常,请查看日志. ", DateTime.Now,; LogMg.AddError(ex); } finally { command.complete_datetime = DateTime.Now; } db.SubmitChanges(); } //LogManager.AddDebug("ControlCommandThread线程:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " 释放锁了 "); } else { LogMg.AddDebug("ControlCommandThread 锁失败了"); } } }
private static void ExecuteGuangDai透传Order(object state) { try { Args arg = (Args)state; SWSDataContext db = new SWSDataContext(ConnectStringHelper.GetConnection(SysConfig.userProfile.DbAddress, arg.dbName, SysConfig.userProfile.DbUserName, SysConfig.userProfile.DbPassword)); GuangDaiService.CorePlatformWebServiceClient ws = new GuangDaiService.CorePlatformWebServiceClient(arg.gdServerCfg); SWS_DBDataContext SWS_DB = new SWS_DBDataContext(ConnectStringHelper.GetConnection(SysConfig.userProfile.DbAddress, SysConfig.userProfile.DbName, SysConfig.userProfile.DbUserName, SysConfig.userProfile.DbPassword)); List <guangdai_station_link> links = SWS_DB.guangdai_station_link.ToList(); String wscid = getWscId(arg, db, links); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(wscid)) { LogMg.AddDebug("站点id=" + arg.station_id + " 找不到对应的wscId"); return; } //把那些不需要执行了的数据 state=1 就当这行指令已经执行过了 List <int> giveUpCommands = db.ExecuteQuery <int>("SELECT id FROM dbo.control_command WHERE station_id=" + arg.station_id + " AND (state=0 OR state IS NULL) AND id NOT IN (SELECT MAX(id) FROM dbo.control_command WHERE station_id=" + arg.station_id + " AND (state=0 OR state IS NULL) GROUP BY gong_kuang_id,read_or_write) ").ToList(); if (giveUpCommands.Count > 0) { db.ExecuteCommand("UPDATE dbo.control_command SET state=1 WHERE id in(" + string.Join(", ", giveUpCommands) + ")"); } //db.ExecuteCommand("UPDATE dbo.control_command SET state=1 WHERE station_id=" + arg.station_id + " AND (state=0 OR state IS NULL) AND id NOT IN (SELECT MAX(id) FROM dbo.control_command WHERE station_id=" + arg.station_id + " AND (state=0 OR state IS NULL) GROUP BY gong_kuang_id,read_or_write) "); //获取需要执行的指令 List <control_command> commands = db.ExecuteQuery <control_command>("SELECT * FROM dbo.control_command WHERE id IN(SELECT MAX(id) as id FROM dbo.control_command WHERE station_id=" + arg.station_id + " AND communication_mode in (5,6) AND tp is Null AND (state=0 OR state IS NULL) GROUP BY gong_kuang_id,read_or_write) ORDER BY add_datetime").ToList(); TakePhotoTp5(db, ws, arg.station_id, wscid); for (int i = 0; i < commands.Count; i++) { control_command command = commands[i]; if (command.COUNT == null) { command.COUNT = 0; } try { gong_kuang_config gongkuang = db.gong_kuang_config.SingleOrDefault(c => == command.gong_kuang_id); if (gongkuang == null) //如果找不到command对应和gongkuangid,则把这条command标记为执行失败。 { LogMg.AddError("找不到控制命令所对应的工况配置信息"); command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 command.state = 1; // 就当已经执行过 command.execute_comment = "执行失败,找不到控制命令所对应的工况配置信息"; command.complete_datetime = DateTime.Now; db.SubmitChanges(); continue; } ModbusReturn modbusReturn = new ModbusReturn(); byte address = (byte)gongkuang.address; if (command.read_or_write == 0) //读读读读读读读读读读读 { GuangDaiCommunicationModbus.readdata(ws, wscid, address, ushort.Parse(gongkuang.read_register), int.Parse(gongkuang.function_code), gongkuang.data_type, gongkuang.decode_order, modbusReturn); command.state = 1; //标志为已发送 if (modbusReturn.success == true) { command.execute_result = 1; //标记为执行成功 command.value = Convert.ToString(modbusReturn.value); gongkuang.read_value = Convert.ToString(modbusReturn.value); gongkuang.execute_comment = "执行读取操作成功"; if (gongkuang.config_type == "05") { try { test test = db.test.Single(c => c.testid == gongkuang.testid); double multiple = gongkuang.Multiple == null ? 1 : (double)gongkuang.Multiple; double addNumber = gongkuang.AddNumber == null ? 0 : (double)gongkuang.AddNumber; test.value = Convert.ToString(modbusReturn.value * multiple + addNumber); } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); LogMg.AddDebug("找不到工况对应的检测点,gongkuangid=" + + " testid=" + gongkuang.testid); } } } else { command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 gongkuang.execute_comment = "执行读取操作失败"; } command.execute_comment = modbusReturn.ToString(); } if (command.read_or_write == 1) //写写写写写写写写写写写写写写写 { GuangDaiCommunicationModbus.writedata(ws, wscid, address, ushort.Parse(gongkuang.read_register), int.Parse(gongkuang.function_code), gongkuang.data_type, gongkuang.decode_order, short.Parse(command.value), modbusReturn); // GuangDaiService.config config = ws.doConfig(wscid, Convert.ToInt32(gongkuang.write_register), (int)command.read_or_write, Convert.ToInt32(command.value), ""); // LogManager.AddDebug(String.Format("ws.transmitTransparently({0},{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}) 返回结果是 {5} ", wscid, gongkuang.write_register, command.read_or_write, "-1", "", flag)); command.state = 1; //标志为已发送 if (modbusReturn.success == true) { command.execute_result = 1; //标记为执行成功 gongkuang.write_value = command.value; gongkuang.execute_comment = "执行写操作成功"; } else { command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 gongkuang.execute_comment = "执行写操作失败"; } command.execute_comment = modbusReturn.ToString(); } gongkuang.execute_datetime = DateTime.Now; command.complete_datetime = DateTime.Now; } catch (Exception ex) { command.execute_result = 0; //标记为执行失败 command.execute_comment = "执行命令失败,服务程序出现了异常"; // MessageQueue.Enqueue_DataInfo(string.Format("接收时间:【{0}】,站点:{1}, 执行工况配置失败.程序出现异常,请查看日志. ", DateTime.Now,; LogMg.AddError(ex); } finally { command.complete_datetime = DateTime.Now; } try { db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex.ToString()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Args arg = (Args)state; LogMg.AddError("异常数据库是:" + arg.dbName + " 站点id=" + arg.station_id); LogMg.AddError(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 读取配置 /// </summary> public bool GenerateConfig() { try { List <GD_Station> gd_stations = new List <GD_Station>(); //从数据库中找出来的站点信息列表 SWS_DBDataContext SWS_DB = new SWS_DBDataContext(ConnectStringHelper.GetConnection(SysConfig.userProfile.DbAddress, SysConfig.userProfile.DbName, SysConfig.userProfile.DbUserName, SysConfig.userProfile.DbPassword)); List <guangdai_station_link> links = SWS_DB.guangdai_station_link.ToList(); List <> db_orgs = => c.org_type == 2 || c.org_type == 3).ToList(); log.Info("========================================================================="); foreach ( _org in db_orgs) { try { log.Info("_org.dbname: " + _org.dbname + " org.orgid: " + _org.orgid); SWSDataContext country_db = new SWSDataContext(ConnectStringHelper.GetConnection(SysConfig.userProfile.DbAddress, _org.dbname, SysConfig.userProfile.DbUserName, SysConfig.userProfile.DbPassword)); List <country_station> stations = country_db.ExecuteQuery <country_station>("select id,name from country_station where deleteflag=0 and jiankongyitiji_version=5").ToList(); //List<country_station> stations = country_db.country_station.Where(c => c.deleteflag == false && c.jiankongyitiji_version == 5).ToList(); foreach (country_station item in stations) { log.Info(" " + + " " +; GD_Station GD_station = new GD_Station(); GD_station.tests = new List <XML_Test>(); GD_station.dbName = _org.dbname; GD_station.OrgId = _org.orgid; =; GD_station.stationId =; try { guangdai_station_link link = links.Single(c => c.station_id == && c.db_name == _org.dbname && c.type == 1); GD_station.wscId = link.wsid; GD_station.Unique =; } catch (Exception) { continue; } //找出站点的检测指标 List <test> tests = country_db.test.Where(c => c.station_id == && c.means.Contains("自动获取") && c.delete_flag == false).ToList(); List <gong_kuang_config> gkcs = country_db.gong_kuang_config.Where(c => c.testid != 0 && c.config_type != "03" && c.config_type != "04").ToList(); foreach (test _test in tests) { try { List <gong_kuang_config> gkc = gkcs.Where(c => c.testid == _test.testid).ToList(); //这个一般只有一行 但配置的时候可能会出现两行, if (gkc.Count > 0) { XML_Test gd_test = new XML_Test(); gd_test.StationUnique = GD_station.Unique; gd_test.RegisterNo = ushort.Parse(gkc[0].read_register); gd_test.TestId = _test.testid; gd_test.Multiple = gkc[0].Multiple == null ? 1 : (double)gkc[0].Multiple; //如果没填,则默认为0 gd_test.FunctionCode = int.Parse(gkc[0].function_code); gd_test.ReceiveTimeout = (int)gkc[0].receive_timeout; gd_test.DataType = gkc[0].data_type; gd_test.Address = byte.Parse(gkc[0].address.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gkc[0].decode_order)) { gd_test.DecodeOrder = gkc[0].decode_order; } gd_test.Min = gkc[0].dmin == null ? 0 : (double)gkc[0].dmin; //如果没填,则默认为0 gd_test.Max = gkc[0].dmax == null ? 4294967296 : (double)gkc[0].dmax; //如果没填,则默认为0 gd_test.AddNumber = gkc[0].AddNumber == null ? 0 : (double)gkc[0].AddNumber; //如果没填,则默认为0 gd_test.备注 =; GD_station.tests.Add(gd_test); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); } } //if (GD_station.stationId == 629) gd_stations.Add(GD_station); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); } } log.Info("-----------------------------"); for (int i = 0; i < gd_stations.Count; i++) { GD_Station item = gd_stations[i]; String testids = ""; if (item.tests != null) { foreach (XML_Test test in item.tests) { testids += test.TestId; } } log.Info("orgId: " + item.OrgId + " dbName: " + item.dbName + " wscId: " + item.wscId + " stationId: " + item.stationId + "" + + " testids: " + testids); } this.GD_Stations = gd_stations; return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); return(false); } }
public bool GenerateFromDbToXML() { List <Clazz.Config.XML_Station> XML_stations = new List <Clazz.Config.XML_Station>(); //从数据库中找出来的站点信息列表 List <Clazz.Config.XML_Test> XML_Tests = new List <Clazz.Config.XML_Test>(); //从数据库中找出来的test信息 SWS_DBDataContext SWS_DB = new SWS_DBDataContext(ConnectStringHelper.GetConnection(SysConfig.userProfile.DbAddress, SysConfig.userProfile.DbName, SysConfig.userProfile.DbUserName, SysConfig.userProfile.DbPassword)); List <> db_orgs = => c.org_type == 2 || c.org_type == 3).ToList(); foreach ( _org in db_orgs) { SWSDataContext country_db = new SWSDataContext(ConnectStringHelper.GetConnection(SysConfig.userProfile.DbAddress, _org.dbname, SysConfig.userProfile.DbUserName, SysConfig.userProfile.DbPassword)); try { //List<country_station> db_stations = country_db.country_station.Where(c => c.transfer_code != "" && c.transfer_code != "NULL" && c.Protocol != "" && c.deleteflag == false).ToList(); List <country_station> db_stations = country_db.ExecuteQuery <country_station>("select * from country_station where transfer_code <> '' and transfer_code <> 'NULL' and Protocol <> '' and deleteflag=0").ToList(); List <syscode> syscodes = country_db.syscode.Where(c => c.type == "0060").ToList(); foreach (country_station station in db_stations) { try { //将站点信息添加到列表 Clazz.Config.XML_Station xml_sta = new Clazz.Config.XML_Station(); xml_sta.Unique = XML_stations.Count; xml_sta.StationId =; xml_sta.Name =; xml_sta.OrgId = _org.orgid.ToString(); xml_sta.Tel = station.transfer_code; xml_sta.Protocol = syscodes.Single(c => c.code == station.Protocol).name; XML_stations.Add(xml_sta); //找出站点的检测指标 List <test> tests = country_db.test.Where(c => c.station_id == && c.means.Contains("自动获取") && c.delete_flag == false).ToList(); List <gong_kuang_config> gkcs = country_db.gong_kuang_config.Where(c => c.testid != 0 && c.config_type != "03" && c.config_type != "04").ToList(); foreach (test _test in tests) { try { List <gong_kuang_config> gkc = gkcs.Where(c => c.testid == _test.testid).ToList(); //这个一般只有一行 但配置的时候可能会出现两行, if (gkc.Count > 0) { Clazz.Config.XML_Test xml_t = new Clazz.Config.XML_Test(); xml_t.StationUnique = xml_sta.Unique; xml_t.StationId = xml_sta.StationId; xml_t.RegisterNo = ushort.Parse(gkc[0].read_register); xml_t.TestId = _test.testid; xml_t.Multiple = gkc[0].Multiple == null ? 1 : (double)gkc[0].Multiple; //如果没填,则默认为0 xml_t.FunctionCode = int.Parse(gkc[0].function_code); xml_t.ReceiveTimeout = (int)gkc[0].receive_timeout; xml_t.DataType = gkc[0].data_type; xml_t.Address = byte.Parse(gkc[0].address.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gkc[0].decode_order)) { xml_t.DecodeOrder = gkc[0].decode_order; } xml_t.Min = gkc[0].dmin == null ? 0 : (double)gkc[0].dmin; //如果没填,则默认为0 xml_t.Max = gkc[0].dmax == null ? 4294967296 : (double)gkc[0].dmax; //如果没填,则默认为0 xml_t.AddNumber = gkc[0].AddNumber == null ? 0 : (double)gkc[0].AddNumber; //如果没填,则默认为0 xml_t.备注 =; XML_Tests.Add(xml_t); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMg.AddError(ex); } } SaveConfigToXML(XML_stations, XML_Tests); return(true); }