public Path2D() { // can i get rid of draw call list and use object data instead? this.geometry = GeometryData.Create(); this.drawCallList = new StructList <SVGXDrawCall>(4); this.transforms = new StructList <Matrix4x4>(4); this.objectDataList = new StructList <ObjectData>(4); this.fillStyles = null; this.strokeStyles = null; this.currentMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity; this.currentFillStyle = SVGXFillStyle.Default; this.currentStrokeStyle = SVGXStrokeStyle.Default; this.currentFixedRenderState = new FixedRenderState(BlendState.Default, DepthState.Default); transforms.Add(currentMatrix); }
public new void Clear() { base.Clear(); matrixChanged = false; drawCallList.QuickClear(); fillStyles?.QuickClear(); strokeStyles?.QuickClear(); transforms.size = 0; objectDataList.size = 0; geometry.Clear(); currentMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity; currentFillStyle = SVGXFillStyle.Default; currentStrokeStyle = SVGXStrokeStyle.Default; currentShapeRange = default; currentFixedRenderState = new FixedRenderState(BlendState.Default, DepthState.Default); transforms.Add(currentMatrix); if (renderStateList != null) { renderStateList.size = 0; } }