public static void test_tiling() { Vector2d origin = Vector2d.Zero; double radius = 22; Circle2d circ = new Circle2d(origin, radius); AxisAlignedBox2d elemBounds = circ.Bounds; //elemBounds.Max.x += radius / 2; AxisAlignedBox2d packBounds = new AxisAlignedBox2d(0, 0, 800, 400); double spacing = 5; Polygon2d boundsPoly = new Polygon2d(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { boundsPoly.AppendVertex(packBounds.GetCorner(i)); } //List<Vector2d> packed = TilingUtil.BoundedRegularTiling2(elemBounds, packBounds, spacing); List <Vector2d> packed = TilingUtil.BoundedCircleTiling2(elemBounds, packBounds, spacing); System.Console.WriteLine("packed {0}", packed.Count); SVGWriter writer = new SVGWriter(); foreach (Vector2d t in packed) { writer.AddCircle(new Circle2d(origin + t, radius), SVGWriter.Style.Outline("black", 1.0f)); } writer.AddPolygon(boundsPoly, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 2.0f)); writer.Write(TestUtil.GetTestOutputPath("test.svg")); }
public static void test_svg() { Polygon2d poly = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(100.0f, 10); PolyLine2d pline = new PolyLine2d(); pline.AppendVertex(Vector2d.Zero); pline.AppendVertex(200 * Vector2d.AxisX); pline.AppendVertex(200 * Vector2d.One); Circle2d circ = new Circle2d(33 * Vector2d.One, 25); Segment2d seg = new Segment2d(Vector2d.Zero, -50 * Vector2d.AxisY); SVGWriter writer = new SVGWriter(); writer.AddPolygon(poly, SVGWriter.Style.Filled("lime", "black", 0.25f)); writer.AddPolyline(pline, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("orange", 2.0f)); writer.AddCircle(circ, SVGWriter.Style.Filled("yellow", "red", 5.0f)); writer.AddLine(seg, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("blue", 10.0f)); int astep = 29; Vector2d c = new Vector2d(-200, 100); for (int k = 1; k <= 12; ++k) { Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(c + k * 45 * Vector2d.AxisX, 20, 0, k * astep); writer.AddArc(arc); writer.AddBox(arc.Bounds, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 0.5f)); } c.y += 50; for (int k = 1; k <= 12; ++k) { Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(c + k * 45 * Vector2d.AxisX, 20, k * astep, (k + 5) * astep); writer.AddArc(arc); writer.AddBox(arc.Bounds, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 0.5f)); } c.y += 50; for (int k = 1; k <= 12; ++k) { Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(c + k * 45 * Vector2d.AxisX, 20, k * astep, (k + 10) * astep); writer.AddArc(arc); writer.AddBox(arc.Bounds, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 0.5f)); } c.y += 50; for (int k = 1; k <= 12; ++k) { Arc2d arc = new Arc2d(c + k * 45 * Vector2d.AxisX, 20, k * astep, (k + 10) * astep); arc.Reverse(); writer.AddArc(arc); writer.AddBox(arc.Bounds, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 0.5f)); } writer.Write(TestUtil.GetTestOutputPath("test.svg")); }
public static void test_chamfer() { //Polygon2d poly = Polygon2d.MakeRectangle(Vector2d.Zero, 200, 200); //if (poly.IsClockwise) // poly.Reverse(); Polygon2d poly = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(100, 64); double max_offset = 50; for (int k = 0; k < poly.VertexCount; k++) { double t = (double)k / (double)poly.VertexCount; double offset = (k % 2 == 0) ? -t * max_offset : t * max_offset; poly[k] = poly[k] + offset * poly[k].Normalized; } poly.Chamfer(60, 30, 30); SVGWriter writer = new SVGWriter(); writer.AddPolygon(poly, SVGWriter.Style.Filled("lime", "black", 0.25f)); writer.Write(TestUtil.GetTestOutputPath("test.svg")); }
public static void test_cells() { Polygon2d outer = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(1000, 17); Polygon2d hole = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(100, 32); hole.Reverse(); GeneralPolygon2d gpoly = new GeneralPolygon2d(outer); gpoly.AddHole(hole); DGraph2 graph = new DGraph2(); graph.AppendPolygon(gpoly); GraphSplitter2d splitter = new GraphSplitter2d(graph); splitter.InsideTestF = gpoly.Contains; for (int k = 0; k < outer.VertexCount; ++k) { Line2d line = new Line2d(outer[k], Vector2d.AxisY); splitter.InsertLine(line); } for (int k = 0; k < outer.VertexCount; ++k) { Line2d line = new Line2d(outer[k], Vector2d.AxisX); splitter.InsertLine(line); } for (int k = 0; k < outer.VertexCount; ++k) { Line2d line = new Line2d(outer[k], Vector2d.One.Normalized); splitter.InsertLine(line); } for (int k = 0; k < outer.VertexCount; ++k) { Line2d line = new Line2d(outer[k], new Vector2d(1, -1).Normalized); splitter.InsertLine(line); } GraphCells2d cells = new GraphCells2d(graph); cells.FindCells(); List <Polygon2d> polys = cells.ContainedCells(gpoly); for (int k = 0; k < polys.Count; ++k) { double offset = polys[k].IsClockwise ? 4 : 20; polys[k].PolyOffset(offset); } PlanarComplex cp = new PlanarComplex(); for (int k = 0; k < polys.Count; ++k) { cp.Add(polys[k]); } // convert back to solids var options = PlanarComplex.FindSolidsOptions.Default; options.WantCurveSolids = false; options.SimplifyDeviationTolerance = 0; var solids = cp.FindSolidRegions(options); SVGWriter svg = new SVGWriter(); svg.AddGraph(graph, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 5)); for (int k = 0; k < polys.Count; ++k) { svg.AddPolygon(polys[k], SVGWriter.Style.Outline("black", 1)); } svg.Write(TestUtil.GetTestOutputPath("cells_graph.svg")); }
// exports svg w/ different containments of point set (created by slicing mesh) public static void containment_demo_svg() { DMesh3 mesh = TestUtil.LoadTestInputMesh("bunny_solid.obj"); MeshTransforms.Scale(mesh, 4); AxisAlignedBox3d meshBounds = mesh.CachedBounds; Vector3d origin = meshBounds.Center; origin -= 0.2 * meshBounds.Height * Vector3d.AxisY; Frame3f plane = new Frame3f(origin, new Vector3d(1, 3, 0).Normalized); MeshPlaneCut cut = new MeshPlaneCut(mesh, plane.Origin, plane.Z); cut.Cut(); AxisAlignedBox2d polyBounds = AxisAlignedBox2d.Empty; List <Polygon2d> polys = new List <Polygon2d>(); foreach (EdgeLoop loop in cut.CutLoops) { Polygon2d poly = new Polygon2d(); foreach (int vid in loop.Vertices) { poly.AppendVertex(mesh.GetVertex(vid).xz); } poly.Rotate(new Matrix2d(90, true), Vector2d.Zero); polys.Add(poly); polyBounds.Contain(poly.Bounds); } SVGWriter svg = new SVGWriter(); var polyStyle = SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 1.0f); var contStyle = SVGWriter.Style.Outline("black", 1.0f); for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { double shift = (k == 2) ? 1.4f : 1.1f; Vector2d tx = (k - 1) * (polyBounds.Width * shift) * Vector2d.AxisX; List <Vector2d> pts = new List <Vector2d>(); foreach (Polygon2d poly in polys) { var p2 = new Polygon2d(poly).Translate(tx); pts.AddRange(p2.Vertices); svg.AddPolygon(p2, polyStyle); } if (k == 0) { ConvexHull2 hull = new ConvexHull2(pts, 0.001, QueryNumberType.QT_DOUBLE); svg.AddPolygon(hull.GetHullPolygon(), contStyle); } else if (k == 1) { ContMinBox2 contbox = new ContMinBox2(pts, 0.001, QueryNumberType.QT_DOUBLE, false); svg.AddPolygon(new Polygon2d(contbox.MinBox.ComputeVertices()), contStyle); } else if (k == 2) { ContMinCircle2 contcirc = new ContMinCircle2(pts); svg.AddCircle(contcirc.Result, contStyle); } } svg.Write(TestUtil.GetTestOutputPath("contain_demos.svg")); }
public static void test_min_box_2() { Random r = new Random(31337); bool write_svg = false; int contained_circles_N = 100; int test_iters = 1000; //LocalProfiler p = new LocalProfiler(); //p.Start("Hulls"); QueryNumberType[] modes = new QueryNumberType[] { QueryNumberType.QT_DOUBLE, QueryNumberType.QT_INT64 }; //QueryNumberType[] modes = new QueryNumberType[] { QueryNumberType.QT_DOUBLE }; foreach (var queryMode in modes) { for (int k = 0; k < test_iters; ++k) { int N = contained_circles_N; double scale = (r.NextDouble() + 0.1) * 1024.0; Interval1d radRange = new Interval1d(10, 100); Vector2d[] pts = TestUtil.RandomPoints2(N, r, Vector2d.Zero, scale); double[] radius = TestUtil.RandomScalars(N, r, new Interval1d(radRange)); double eps = MathUtil.Epsilonf; SVGWriter svg = (write_svg) ? new SVGWriter() : null; List <Vector2d> accumPts = new List <Vector2d>(); for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; ++i) { Polygon2d circ = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(radius[i], 16, radius[i]); circ.Translate(pts[i]); accumPts.AddRange(circ.Vertices); if (svg != null) { svg.AddPolygon(circ, SVGWriter.Style.Outline("black", 1.0f)); } } ContMinBox2 contbox = new ContMinBox2(accumPts, 0.001, queryMode, false); Box2d box = contbox.MinBox; if (svg != null) { svg.AddPolygon(new Polygon2d(box.ComputeVertices()), SVGWriter.Style.Outline("red", 2.0f)); svg.Write(TestUtil.GetTestOutputPath("contbox.svg")); } foreach (Vector2d v in accumPts) { if (box.Contains(v)) { continue; } double d = box.DistanceSquared(v); if (d < eps) { continue; } System.Console.WriteLine("test_min_box_2: Point {0} not contained!", v); } } } //p.StopAll(); //System.Console.WriteLine(p.AllTimes()); }