Exemple #1
         * @fn     public WriteableBitmap CannyEdge(WriteableBitmap wImg, ST_INSPECTION stparam)
         * @brief	Canny Edge Processing
         * @return	WriteableBitmap : 결과 이미지
         * @param	WriteableBitmap wImg    : 입력 이미지
         * @param	ST_INSPECTION   stparam : 입력 파라메터
         * @remark
         * -
         * @author	선경규(Kyeong Kyu - Seon)
         * @date	2020/10/6  9:56
        public WriteableBitmap CannyEdge(WriteableBitmap wImg, ST_INSPECTION stparam)
                IntPtr?ptr = wImg.BackBuffer;
                if (ptr != null)
                    int width   = (int)Math.Round(wImg.Width + 0.5);
                    int height  = (int)Math.Round(wImg.Height + 0.5);
                    int channel = 1;
                    int Stride  = (width * channel + 3) & ~3;

                    SetRoiRectangle(new Rect(stparam.ROIX, stparam.ROIY, stparam.ROIW, stparam.ROIH));

                    IntPtr rtnptr = libCanny((IntPtr)ptr, width, height, channel, stparam.Sigma, stparam.LowThreshold, stparam.HighThreshold);

                    WriteableBitmap wb   = new WriteableBitmap((int)width, (int)height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Gray8, null);
                    Int32Rect       rect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, (int)width, (int)height);
                    wb.WritePixels(rect, rtnptr, (int)(Stride * height * channel), (int)width);
            catch (Exception ex)
                fn_WriteLog(this.Title + " : " + ex.Message, UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);
Exemple #2
         * @fn     public bool EPDResult(WriteableBitmap wImg, ST_INSPECTION stparam, re ST_ALIGN_RESULT result)
         * @brief	EPD Processing (Edge Point Detect)
         * @return	bool : EPD 결과.
         * @param	WriteableBitmap     wImg    : 입력 이미지
         * @param	ST_INSPECTION       stparam : EPD Parameter
         * @param	ref ST_ALIGN_RESULT result  : 결과 구조체
         * @remark
         * - EPD는 이미지 상단부터 구간을 정의함.
         * - Y값이 작은값부터 순서대로 index 부여.
         * - index 0 - 1 1구간.
         * - index 1 - 2 2구간.
         * - 상단부터 2구간의 조건만 확인함.
         * - DLL에서 Image Log 저장.
         * @author	선경규(Kyeong Kyu - Seon)
         * @date	2020/10/6  10:28
        public bool EPDResult(WriteableBitmap wImg, ST_INSPECTION stparam, ref ST_ALIGN_RESULT result, bool bAuto = true)
            bool bRtn = false;

                int StartY = 0;
                int EndY   = 0;
                int CY     = 0;

                int nCount = 0;
                CannyEdge(wImg, stparam);

                IntPtr ptrParam = IntPtr.Zero;
                ptrParam = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(stparam));
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(stparam, ptrParam, false);

                int nSecCount = libProcMeasureLen(ptrParam, bAuto);
                if (nSecCount > 0)
                    fn_WriteLog(this.Title + $" : Detect Section ( {nSecCount} ).", UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);
                    nCount = nSecCount < result.stResult.Length ? nSecCount : result.stResult.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
                        libGetMeasureLen(ref StartY, ref EndY, ref CY, i);
                        if (result.stResult != null)
                            result.stResult[i]         = new ST_RESULT();
                            result.stResult[i].dWidth  = 200;
                            result.stResult[i].dHeight = EndY - StartY;
                            result.stResult[i].dX      = stparam.ROIX;
                            result.stResult[i].dY      = stparam.ROIY + StartY + result.stResult[i].dHeight / 2.0;
                            // dScore = cy
                            result.stResult[i].dScore = stparam.ROIY + CY;
                        if (StartY == -2 && EndY == -2)
                            fn_WriteLog(this.Title + " : Index Out of Range", UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);

                    double dResult1 = result.stResult[1].dScore - result.stResult[0].dScore;
                    double dResult2 = result.stResult[2].dScore - result.stResult[1].dScore;
                    dResult1 *= UserClass.g_VisionManager._RecipeVision.ResolutionY / 1000; // mm scale
                    dResult2 *= UserClass.g_VisionManager._RecipeVision.ResolutionY / 1000; // mm scale

                    bool bResult1 = false;
                    bool bResult2 = false;

                    if (stparam.Section1 == 0)//result <= target
                        bResult1 = dResult1 <= stparam.RefDistance;
                    else if (stparam.Section1 == 1)//result >= target
                        bResult1 = dResult1 >= stparam.RefDistance;

                    if (stparam.Section2 == 0)//result <= target
                        bResult2 = dResult2 <= stparam.RefDistance2;
                    else if (stparam.Section2 == 1)//result >= target
                        bResult2 = dResult2 >= stparam.RefDistance2;

                    switch (stparam.Condition)
                    case 0:    //Only 1
                        bRtn = bResult1;

                    case 1:    //Only 2
                        bRtn = bResult2;

                    case 2:    // Or
                        bRtn = bResult1 && bResult2;

                    case 3:    // And
                        bRtn = bResult1 || bResult2;
                else if (nSecCount == -1)
                    fn_WriteLog(this.Title + " : Please Set ROI Image.", UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);
                    fn_WriteLog(this.Title + " : Can't Detect Section.", UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);
            catch (Exception ex)
                fn_WriteLog(this.Title + " : " + ex.Message, UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);