private void loadFontToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfttf; *.ttf;*.otf|" + "Binary Cafe True Type Font |*.bfttf|" + "True Type Font |*.ttf|" + "Open Type Font |*.otf|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (Utils.GetExtension(ofd.FileName) == ".bfttf") { BFTTF bfttf = (BFTTF)STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(ofd.FileName); var font = bfttf.ToFont(editTextTB.Font.Size); UpdateFont(font); bfttf.Unload(); } else if (Utils.GetExtension(ofd.FileName) == ".ttf" || Utils.GetExtension(ofd.FileName) == ".otf") { PrivateFontCollection privateFonts = new PrivateFontCollection(); privateFonts.AddFontFile(ofd.FileName); var font = privateFonts.Families[0]; UpdateFont(new Font(privateFonts.Families[0], editTextTB.Font.Size)); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (var arg in args) { if (Directory.Exists(arg)) { string folder = Path.GetFileName(arg); string daeFile = $"{arg}/{folder}.dae"; var importModel = (DaeFile)STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(daeFile); HSF hsf = new HSF() { FileInfo = new File_Info() }; hsf.FromGeneric(importModel.Scene); STFileSaver.SaveFileFormat(hsf, $"{folder}.new.hsf"); } else if (File.Exists(arg)) { string folder = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(arg); if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } var file = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(arg); Console.WriteLine($"file {file != null}"); DAE.Export($"{folder}/{folder}.dae", new DAE.ExportSettings() { ImageFolder = folder, }, (IModelFormat)file); } } }
public void LoadCostume(string fileName) { List <BFRES> bfresFiles = new List <BFRES>(); var FileFormat = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(fileName); if (FileFormat is SARC) { foreach (var file in ((SARC)FileFormat).Files) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.Key); if (ext == ".bfres") { bfresFiles.Add((BFRES)STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(file.Key, file.Value)); } } } if (FileFormat is BFRES) { bfresFiles.Add((BFRES)FileFormat); } if (editor == null) { editor = new ObjectEditor(); LibraryGUI.Instance.CreateMdiWindow(editor); } foreach (var bfres in bfresFiles) { editor.AddNode(bfres); bfres.LoadEditors(null); DiableLoadCheck(); } }
public void BatchRenderFile(string fileName) { ClearWorkspace(); var format = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(fileName); if (format is IArchiveFile) { if (OdysseyActor) { RunOdysseyActor((IArchiveFile)format); } foreach (var file in ((IArchiveFile)format).Files) { if (file.FileName.EndsWith(".bfres")) { var fileFormat = file.OpenFile(); BatchFileFormat(fileFormat, fileName); } } } else if (format is IRenderableFile) { BatchFileFormat(format, fileName); } }
private void OpenFile(string fileName) { if (File.Exists(fileName)) { SaveRecentFile(fileName); } IFileFormat file = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(fileName); if (file == null) { return; } ReloadFileMenus(file); if (ActiveMdiChild is ObjectView && Runtime.ObjectEditor.OpenInActiveEditor) { ((ObjectView)ActiveMdiChild).LoadFormat(file); } else { ObjectView view = new ObjectView(); view.MdiParent = this; view.Text = CheckTabDupes(file.FileInfo.FileName); view.LoadFormat(file); view.Show(); } }
public void LoadCameraFile(Course_MapCamera_bin camera, MK8MapCameraEditor editor) { MapCamera = camera; ParentEditor = editor; CameraPoints.Add(new CameraPoint(camera.cameraData, true)); CameraPoints.Add(new CameraPoint(camera.cameraData, false)); //Try to load the mini map var folder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(camera.FilePath); if (System.IO.File.Exists($"{folder}/course_maptexture.bflim")) { var fileFormat = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat($"{folder}/course_maptexture.bflim"); if (fileFormat is BFLIM) { MapCameraTexture = fileFormat as BFLIM; } } if (System.IO.File.Exists($"{folder}/course_maptexture.bntx")) { var fileFormat = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat($"{folder}/course_maptexture.bntx"); if (fileFormat is BNTX) { MapCameraTexture = ((BNTX)fileFormat).Textures.Values.FirstOrDefault(); } } }
static IFileFormat OpenFileAsync(string fileName) { return(STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(fileName)); /* var file = await Task.FromResult(STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(fileName)); * return file;*/ }
public void LoadFile(string fileName) { GLContext.PreviewScale = 1.0f; var fileFormat = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(fileName); //Set filename as workspace tab name Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName); ActiveFileFormat = fileFormat; var wrappers = ObjectWrapperFileLoader.OpenFormat(fileFormat); if (wrappers != null) { Outliner.Nodes.Add(wrappers); } if (fileFormat is IRenderableFile) { AddDrawable(fileFormat); } string dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName); TryLoadCourseDir(dir); }
private void SearchBinary(IFileFormat FileFormat, string Folder, string Extension) { if (FileFormat is SARC) { string ArchiveFilePath = Path.Combine(Folder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileFormat.FileName)); if (!Directory.Exists(ArchiveFilePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ArchiveFilePath); } foreach (var file in ((SARC)FileFormat).Files) { var archiveFile = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(file.FileName, new Type[] { typeof(BFLIM), typeof(BFFNT), typeof(PTCL), typeof(BFRES), typeof(SARC) }, file.FileData); if (archiveFile == null) { continue; } SearchBinary(archiveFile, ArchiveFilePath, Extension); } } if (FileFormat is BFFNT) { foreach (STGenericTexture texture in ((BFFNT)FileFormat).bffnt.FontSection.TextureGlyph.Gx2Textures) { texture.Export(Path.Combine(Folder, $"{texture.Text}{Extension}")); } } if (FileFormat is BFRES) { var FtexContainer = ((BFRES)FileFormat).GetFTEXContainer; if (FtexContainer != null) { foreach (var texture in FtexContainer.ResourceNodes.Values) { ((FTEX)texture).Export(Path.Combine(Folder, $"{texture.Text}{Extension}")); } } } if (FileFormat is PTCL) { if (((PTCL)FileFormat).headerU != null) { foreach (STGenericTexture texture in ((PTCL)FileFormat).headerU.Textures) { texture.Export(Path.Combine(Folder, $"{texture.Text}{Extension}")); } } } if (FileFormat is BFLIM) { ((BFLIM)FileFormat).Export(Path.Combine(Folder, $"{FileFormat.FileName}{Extension}")); } FileFormat.Unload(); }
public override void OnDoubleMouseClick(TreeView treeView) { TreeNode node = STFileLoader.GetNodeFileFormat(Text, DecompressBlock(), true, this); if (node != null) { ReplaceNode(this.Parent, this, node); } }
public override void OnDoubleMouseClick(TreeView treeView) { TreeNode node = STFileLoader.GetNodeFileFormat(FullName, Data, true, sarcHash, this); if (node != null) { ReplaceNode(this.Parent, this, node); } }
public static void LoadCubemap() { Scenarios.Clear(); string path = $"{GlobalSettings.GamePath}\\ObjectData\\CubeMap{Stage}.szs"; //Load the cubemap (archive -> bfres textures) var file = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(path) as IArchiveFile; var cubemapArchive = file.Files.FirstOrDefault().OpenFile() as BFRES; if (!Directory.Exists("TextureCache")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("TextureCache"); } foreach (var texture in cubemapArchive.Textures) { if (texture.Name != "Default_") { continue; } if (!File.Exists($"TextureCache\\{texture.Name}.dds")) { texture.SaveDDS($"TextureCache\\{texture.Name}.dds"); } } foreach (var texture in cubemapArchive.Textures) { if (texture.Name != "Default_") { continue; } var dds = new DDS($"TextureCache\\{texture.Name}.dds"); dds.Parameters.UseSoftwareDecoder = true; dds.Parameters.FlipY = true; //Cubemaps load into areas and have presets from render info in materials string sceneName = texture.Name.Split('_').LastOrDefault(); string cubemapType = texture.Name.Split('_').FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sceneName)) { sceneName = "Scenario1"; } if (!Scenarios.ContainsKey(sceneName)) { Scenarios.Add(sceneName, new CubemapArea()); } Scenarios[sceneName].Cubemaps.Add(cubemapType, GLTextureCube.FromDDS(dds)); } }
public override void OnDoubleMouseClick(TreeView treeView) { FileHandler = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(Name, data, false, true, this); if (FileHandler != null && FileHandler is TreeNode) { ReplaceNode(this.Parent, this, (TreeNode)FileHandler); } }
public virtual IFileFormat OpenFile() { var data = FileData; var file = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(DecompressData(data), FileName, new STFileLoader.Settings() { ParentArchive = ParentArchiveFile, }); return(file); }
public virtual IFileFormat OpenFile() { Console.WriteLine($"FileName {FileName} OpenFile() {FileData.Length}"); var file = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(DecompressData(FileData), FileName, new STFileLoader.Settings() { ParentArchive = ParentArchiveFile, }); return(file); }
public override IFileFormat OpenFile() { var FileFormat = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat( IOExtensions.RemoveIllegaleFolderNameCharacters(FileName), FileData, true); if (FileFormat is DDS) { ((DDS)FileFormat).SwitchSwizzle = true; } return(FileFormat); }
public override void OnDoubleMouseClick(TreeView treeview) { if (GetASSTData(this) != null) { TreeNode node = STFileLoader.GetNodeFileFormat(FullName, GetASSTData(this), true, this, true, IsCompressed, CompressionType.Zstb); if (node != null) { ReplaceNode(this.Parent, this, node); } } }
private void OpenFileBackground(string fileName) { if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { return; } SaveRecentFile(fileName); // settings = STFileLoader.TryDecompressFile(File.OpenRead(fileName), fileName); var file = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(fileName); //Check if the file has compression or not //Load compression format only if the file is not supported /*if (file == null && settings.CompressionFormat != null) * { * if (ActiveMdiChild is ObjectView && Runtime.ObjectEditor.OpenInActiveEditor) * { * ((ObjectView)ActiveMdiChild).LoadFormat(settings.CompressionFormat, settings.Stream, fileName); * } * else * { * ObjectView view = new ObjectView(); * view.Text = CheckTabDupes(Path.GetFileName(fileName)); * view.LoadFormat(settings.CompressionFormat, settings.Stream, fileName); * view.MdiParent = this; * view.Show(); * } * return; * }*/ if (file == null) { MessageBox.Show("File format is not supported!"); return; } ReloadFileMenus(file); if (ActiveMdiChild is ObjectView && Runtime.ObjectEditor.OpenInActiveEditor) { ((ObjectView)ActiveMdiChild).LoadFormat(file); } else { ObjectView view = new ObjectView(); view.Text = CheckTabDupes(file.FileInfo.FileName); view.LoadFormat(file); view.MdiParent = this; view.Show(); } }
public override IFileFormat OpenFile() { byte[] Data = FileData; var FileFormat = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(new MemoryStream(Data), IOExtensions.RemoveIllegaleFolderNameCharacters(FileName), true); if (FileFormat is DDS) { ((DDS)FileFormat).SwitchSwizzle = IsSwizzled; } return(FileFormat); }
public MessageEntry(Stream data, int index, string type) { stream = data; Text = $"{type}.msbt"; var chunkFile = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(data, Text); if (chunkFile != null && chunkFile is FirstPlugin.MSBT) { msbt = (FirstPlugin.MSBT)chunkFile; } }
private void btnCollisionPreview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = Utils.GetAllFilters(typeof(KCL)); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var fileFormat = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(ofd.FileName); if (fileFormat != null && fileFormat is KCL) { LoadCollision((KCL)fileFormat); } } }
private void OpenFile(string FileName) { object file = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(FileName); if (file is TreeNode) { var node = (TreeNode)file; treeViewCustom1.Nodes.Add(node); } else { STErrorDialog.Show("Invalid file type. Cannot add file to object list.", "Object List", ""); } }
public override void OnDoubleMouseClick(TreeView treeView) { IFileFormat file = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(FullName, Data, false, true, this); if (file != null && file is TreeNode) { sarc.OpenedFiles.Add(FullPath, Data); ReplaceNode(this.Parent, this, (TreeNode)file); } else if (file != null && !SuppressFormDialog) { OpenFormDialog(file); } }
static void ExportImage(string fileName) { var bflim = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(fileName) as STGenericTexture; if (bflim == null) { return; } var swizzle = bflim.Platform as Toolbox.Core.PlatformSwizzle.CTRSwizzle; Console.WriteLine($"tex {bflim.Name} {swizzle.Format} {swizzle.SwizzleMode} {bflim.Width} {bflim.Height}"); bflim.GetBitmap().Save($"{bflim.Name}.png"); }
public override void OnDoubleMouseClick(TreeView treeview) { string filePath = GetFilePath(); if (!romfs.FileDict.ContainsKey($"/{filePath}")) { return; } var text = treeview.SelectedNode.Text; var file = romfs.FileDict[$"/{filePath}"]; var stream = romfs.OpenFile(file).AsStream(); object fileFormat = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(text, stream.ToArray(), false, true); if (fileFormat == null) { return; } Type objectType = fileFormat.GetType(); bool HasEditorActive = false; foreach (var inter in objectType.GetInterfaces()) { if (inter.IsGenericType && inter.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEditor <>)) { MethodInfo method = objectType.GetMethod("OpenForm"); var form = (STForm)method.Invoke(fileFormat, new object[0]); form.Text = text; LibraryGUI.Instance.CreateMdiWindow(form, true); HasEditorActive = true; } } if (HasEditorActive) { return; } //ObjectEditor is for treenode types. Editors will be on the right side, treenodes on the left ObjectEditor editor = new ObjectEditor(); editor.Text = text; LibraryGUI.Instance.CreateMdiWindow(editor, true); editor.treeViewCustom1.Nodes.Add((TreeNode)fileFormat); }
private void PokemonLoaderSwShForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string gamePath = Runtime.PkSwShGamePath; if (Directory.Exists(gamePath)) { string IconPath = $"{gamePath}/bin/appli/icon_pokemon"; if (!Directory.Exists(IconPath)) { return; } Thread Thread = new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(IconPath)) { if (CancelOperation) { break; } if (Utils.GetExtension(file) == ".bntx") { var bntx = (BNTX)STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(file); string name = bntx.Text.Replace($"poke_icon_", string.Empty); //All we need is the first 8 characters name = name.Substring(0, 7); Bitmap bitmap = null; try { var tex = bntx.Textures.Values.FirstOrDefault(); bitmap = tex.GetBitmap(); } catch { bitmap = Properties.Resources.TextureError; } AddTexture($"pm{name}.gfpak", bitmap); } } })); Thread.Start(); } }
private void TryLoadCourseDir(string folder) { if (System.IO.File.Exists($"{folder}\\course.bgenv")) { var archive = (IArchiveFile)STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat($"{folder}\\course.bgenv"); LightingEngine lightingEngine = new LightingEngine(); lightingEngine.LoadArchive(archive.Files.ToList()); LightingEngine.LightSettings = lightingEngine; LightingEngine.LightSettings.UpdateColorCorrectionTable(); } if (System.IO.File.Exists($"{folder}\\course_bglpbd.szs")) { //ProbeMapManager.Prepare(EveryFileExplorer.YAZ0.Decompress($"{dir}\\course_bglpbd.szs")); // DataCache.ModelCache.Add(bfres.Renderer.Name, bfres.Renderer); } }
public virtual IFileFormat OpenFile() { if (FileFormat != null) { return(FileFormat); } if (FileDataStream != null) { return(STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(FileDataStream, IOExtensions.RemoveIllegaleFolderNameCharacters(FileName), true, true)); } else { return(STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(new MemoryStream(FileData), IOExtensions.RemoveIllegaleFolderNameCharacters(FileName), false, true)); } }
public override void OnClick(TreeView treeview) { if (LocFile == null) { LocFile = (NLG_NLOC)STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(DataStream, "", true, true); } TextEditor editor = (TextEditor)LibraryGUI.GetActiveContent(typeof(TextEditor)); if (editor == null) { editor = new TextEditor(); LibraryGUI.LoadEditor(editor); } editor.Text = Text; editor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; editor.FillEditor(LocFile.ConvertToString()); }
private void PokemonLoaderSwSh(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Runtime.PkSwShGamePath)) { var result = MessageBox.Show("Please set your Pokemon Sword/Shield game path!"); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { FolderSelectDialog ofd = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Runtime.PkSwShGamePath = ofd.SelectedPath; Config.Save(); } } } PokemonLoaderSwShForm form = new PokemonLoaderSwShForm(); if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (form.SelectedPokemon != string.Empty) { string path = $"{Runtime.PkSwShGamePath}/bin/archive/pokemon/{form.SelectedPokemon}"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { var file = STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(path); var currentForm = Runtime.MainForm.ActiveMdiChild; if (currentForm != null && currentForm is ObjectEditor && Runtime.AddFilesToActiveObjectEditor) { ObjectEditor editor = currentForm as ObjectEditor; editor.AddIArchiveFile(file); } else { ObjectEditor editor = new ObjectEditor(); editor.AddIArchiveFile(file); LibraryGUI.CreateMdiWindow(editor); } } } } }