internal string buildAddRecordStatement(AbstractCredentials creds, string encryptionKey)
            string phoneNum = "No phone";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(creds.SubjectPhone))
                phoneNum = creds.SubjectPhone;
            string result = "INSERT INTO " + _tableName +
                            " (SessionID,SSN,Name,DUZ,SiteId,SiteName,Phone) VALUES (";

            if (_encrypt)
                result += "'" + escapeString(SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(creds.AuthenticationToken, encryptionKey)) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(creds.FederatedUid, encryptionKey)) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(creds.SubjectName, encryptionKey)) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(creds.LocalUid, encryptionKey)) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(creds.AuthenticationSource.SiteId.Id, encryptionKey)) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(creds.AuthenticationSource.SiteId.Name, encryptionKey)) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(phoneNum, encryptionKey));
                result += "'" + escapeString(creds.AuthenticationToken) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(creds.FederatedUid) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(creds.SubjectName) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(creds.LocalUid) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(creds.AuthenticationSource.SiteId.Id) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(creds.AuthenticationSource.SiteId.Name) + "'," +
                          "'" + escapeString(phoneNum);
            result += "');";
Exemple #2
        public static string strLogPath;    // Log file path

        /// <summary>
        /// Static function to write log
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inText">String to log in the file</param>
        /// <param name="strKID">Kiosk ID of the machine from which message received</param>
        /// <param name="strMSN">Serial number of the machine from which message received</param>
        public static void Write(string inText, string strFoldername)
                string strPath = "";

                //if (strClient != "")
                //    strPath = strLogPath + "\\" + "Client- " + strClient + "\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM yy");
                strPath = strLogPath + "\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM yy");

                // Create directory if not exist
                if (!Directory.Exists(strPath))

                if (!File.Exists(strPath + "\\khaoPiyoLog_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + ".txt"))
                    if (bEncryptLog)
                        File.WriteAllText(strPath + "\\khaoPiyoLog_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + ".txt",
                                          SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + "\t***** Service started V" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + " *****\n"));
                        File.WriteAllText(strPath + "\\khaoPiyoLog_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + ".txt",
                                          DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + "\t***** Service started V" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + " *****\n");

                // Create or map file objct with append mode
                StreamWriter swFile = new StreamWriter(strPath + "\\khaoPiyoLog_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + ".txt", true);

                // If created or mapped
                if (swFile != null)
                    if (bEncryptLog)     // If write encrypted log
                        swFile.WriteLine(SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + "\t" + inText));
                    else                // Normla log write
                        if (strFoldername == "nt")
                            swFile.WriteLine("\t\t\n" + inText + "\n");
                            swFile.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + "\t" + inText);
                    // Close the file
            { }
Exemple #3
        public static string strLogPath;    // Log file path

        /// <summary>
        /// Static function to write log
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inText">String to log in the file</param>
        /// <param name="strKID">Kiosk ID of the machine from which message received</param>
        /// <param name="strMSN">Serial number of the machine from which message received</param>
        public static void Write(string inText, string strKioskIP)
                strLogPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogDirectory"].ToString();
                string strPath = "";

                if (strKioskIP != "")
                    strPath = strLogPath + "\\" + "KioskIP- " + strKioskIP + "\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM yy");
                    strPath = strLogPath + "\\Server\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM yy");

                // Create directory if not exist
                if (!Directory.Exists(strPath))

                if (!File.Exists(strPath + "\\LipiRMSLog_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + ".txt"))
                    if (bEncryptLog)
                        File.WriteAllText(strPath + "\\LipiRMSLog_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + ".txt",
                                          SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + "\t***** Service started V" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + " *****\n"));
                        File.WriteAllText(strPath + "\\LipiRMSLog_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + ".txt",
                                          DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + "\t***** Service started V" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + " *****\n");

                // Create or map file objct with append mode
                StreamWriter swFile = new StreamWriter(strPath + "\\LipiRMSLog_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("dd_MM_yyyy") + ".txt", true);

                // If created or mapped
                if (swFile != null)
                    if (bEncryptLog)     // If write encrypted log
                        swFile.WriteLine(SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + "\t" + inText));
                    else                // Normla log write
                        swFile.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + "\t" + inText);

                    // Close the file
            { }
Exemple #4
        public override MdoQuery buildVisitRequest()
            VistaQuery vq    = new VistaQuery("XUS SIGNON SETUP");
            string     token = SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(creds.AuthenticationToken, VistaConstants.ENCRYPTION_KEY);

            token = UserValidationDao.escapeString(token);
            string arg = "-35^" + VistaUtils.encrypt(creds.SecurityPhrase + '^' + token);

            vq.addParameter(vq.LITERAL, arg);
 internal string buildDeleteRecordStatement(string securityToken, string encryptionKey)
     if (_encrypt)
         return("DELETE FROM " + _tableName + " WHERE SessionId ='" +
                escapeString(SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(securityToken, encryptionKey)) + "';");
         return("DELETE FROM " + _tableName + " WHERE SessionId ='" +
                escapeString(securityToken) + "';");
Exemple #6
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext Context)
            if (Context.Session["profileFriendID"] != null)
                string memberId = Context.Request.QueryString["id"]; //get the querystring value that was pass on the ImageURL (see GridView MarkUp in Page1.aspx)
                memberId = SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(memberId);

                Member aMember = new Member(memberId);

                if (memberId != null)
                    MemberInfoDAL dal = new MemberInfoDAL();
                    aMember = dal.GetAllMemberInfo(aMember);

                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    aMember.ProfilePicture.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                    byte[] file = ms.ToArray();
                    ms.Write(file, 0, file.Length);
                    Context.Response.Buffer = true;
                Context.Session["profileFriendID"] = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
                string memberId = Context.Request.QueryString["id"]; //get the querystring value that was pass on the ImageURL (see GridView MarkUp in Page1.aspx)
                memberId = SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(memberId);

                Member aMember = new Member(memberId);

                if (memberId != null)
                    MemberInfoDAL dal = new MemberInfoDAL();
                    aMember = dal.GetAllMemberInfo(aMember);

                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    aMember.ProfilePicture.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                    byte[] file = ms.ToArray();
                    ms.Write(file, 0, file.Length);
                    Context.Response.Buffer = true;
Exemple #7
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Properties.Settings.Default.serverAddress    = textBox[0].Text;
     Properties.Settings.Default.serverPort       = textBox[1].Text;
     Properties.Settings.Default.databaseName     = textBox[2].Text;
     Properties.Settings.Default.databaseUsername = textBox[3].Text;
     Properties.Settings.Default.databasePassword =
         SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(textBox[4].Text, Properties.Settings.Default.databaseUsername + "as56afs65qer3g654afg");
     Properties.Settings.Default.reportUNC      = textBox[5].Text;
     Properties.Settings.Default.useWildcard    = checkBox1.Checked;
     Properties.Settings.Default.limitResults   = checkBox2.Checked;
     Properties.Settings.Default.limitResultsTo = (int)numericUpDown1.Value;
Exemple #8
 public void RememberMe(string username, string password)
         if (Request.Cookies["login"] != null)
             HttpCookie getCookie = Request.Cookies.Get("login");
             HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("login");
             cookie.Values.Add("username", username);
             cookie.Values.Add("password", SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(password));
             cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1);
     catch (Exception e)
Exemple #9
        public IHttpActionResult ExternalAuthRegister(RegisterModel model)
            ResponseModel       obj          = new ResponseModel();
            string              errorMessage = string.Empty;
            HttpResponseMessage response     = new HttpResponseMessage();

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    errorMessage = String.Join(",", ErrorHelper.GetErrorListFromModelState(ModelState));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ExternalAuthType))
                    return(BadRequest("External Auth Type is required."));

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ExternalAuthUserId))
                    return(BadRequest("External Auth User Id is required."));
                bool isEmail = ValidateEmail(model.Email);
                if (isEmail == false)
                    return(ResponseMessage(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Please give a valid email id.")));
                var userDetailsByEmail = _userService.GetUserDetailsByEmail(model.Email);
                if (userDetailsByEmail == null)
                    return(ResponseMessage(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "This email is already taken.")));

                var        trevoId = PasswordAndTrevoHelper.GenerateTrevoId(model.Name);
                TrevoUsers user    = new TrevoUsers();
                user.Address    = model.Address == null ? string.Empty : model.Address;
                user.Country_Id = model.CountryId;
                user.DeviceId   = model.DeviceId;
                user.Dob        = model.Dob;
                user.Email_Id   = model.Email;
                user.Gender     = model.Gender;
                //user.UsersLanguageId = model.Id;
                user.Interests             = model.Interests == null ? string.Empty : model.Interests;
                user.LagLevel_ID           = model.LanguageLevelId;
                user.Name                  = model.Name;
                user.Password              = string.Empty;
                user.PasswordHash          = string.Empty;
                user.QR_Code               = string.Empty;
                user.Self_Introduction     = model.SelfIntroduction == null ? string.Empty : model.SelfIntroduction;
                user.TravelDestination_CId = model.TravelDestination == null ? string.Empty : model.TravelDestination;
                user.TrevoId               = trevoId;
                user.IsVerified            = 0;
                user.ImagePath             = string.Empty;
                user.CreatedTime           = DateTime.UtcNow;
                user.ExternalAuthType      = model.ExternalAuthType;
                user.ExternalAuthUserId    = model.ExternalAuthUserId;

                //insert the user language first
                var isSuccess = _userService.InsertUserDetails(user);
                if (isSuccess.IsSuccess)
                    UsersLanguage userLanguage = new UsersLanguage();
                    userLanguage.User_Id             = Convert.ToInt64(isSuccess.Message);
                    obj.UserID                       = userLanguage.User_Id;
                    userLanguage.Learning_LanguageId = model.LearningLanguageId;
                    userLanguage.Native_LanguageId   = model.NativeLanguageId;
                    return(ResponseMessage(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "There is some error.")));
                //send mail after successfull registration
                StreamReader reader   = new StreamReader(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Content/EmailTemplate/RegistrationActivation.html"));
                string       readFile = reader.ReadToEnd();
                string       mailBody = "";
                mailBody = readFile;
                mailBody = mailBody.Replace("$$UserName$$", model.Name);
                string otpCode           = PasswordAndTrevoHelper.CreateRandomNumber(5);
                string encryptedUserName = SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(model.Name, SSTCryptographer.Key = "Activation");
                mailBody = mailBody.Replace(" $$OTPCode$$", otpCode);
                ReturnMsg mailResult = SendMail.SendEmail(InfoMail, model.Email, "Account Activation", mailBody);
                obj.Email = model.Email;
                obj.Name  = model.Name;
            catch (System.Exception e)
                return(ResponseMessage(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e.Message)));
Exemple #10
 public void testEncrypt()
     Assert.AreEqual(ENCRYPTED, SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(SECRET));
Exemple #11
        protected void LoginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Member_Status member_Status;

            dal = new LoginDAL();

            string username = LoginUser.UserName;
            string password = LoginUser.Password;

            //Validate the Credentials against the active directory
            userInformation = new ActiveDirectoryDAL(username, password);

            username = SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(username);

            bool isValid = userInformation.ValidateCredentials();

            if (!isValid) //Invalid Credentials
                failureText       = "Incorrect username or password.";
                ErrorInfo.Visible = true;
            else if (dal.GetMemberStatus(member_Status = new Member_Status(username)))
                failureText       = "Your account has been suspended.";
                ErrorInfo.Visible = true;
            else //Valid Credentials

                if (IsSchoolOfICTMember())
                    //treat the case where we set the remember me check box
                    if (LoginUser.RememberMeSet)
                        RememberMe(username, password);

                    dal = new LoginDAL();

                    //save data into db if first time login
                    Member member;
                    if (!dal.MemberExists(member = new Member(username)))
                        //add member to database
                        member = new Member(username, userInformation.GetFirstName(), userInformation.GetLastName(), userInformation.GetDisplayName(), userInformation.GetEmail(), userInformation.GetThumbnailPhoto(), userInformation.GetDescription(), userInformation.GetCompany(), ValidateMemberType());

                        //assign member to groups

                    Session["memberID"] = username;
                    // Server.Transfer("~/Home.aspx");
                    Response.Redirect("~/Home.aspx"); //Redirect to home page if the user is a memeber of the faculty of ICT
                    //Display error message if the user is not a memeber of the faculty of ICT
                    failureText       = "Sorry. You need to be a registered school of ICT member in order to gain access to this site";
                    ErrorInfo.Visible = true;
Exemple #12
        public void GeneratePendingManualdata()
            string FileExtension = "EXCEL";

            string server = f.IniReadValue("PendingRecords", "Path");

            directoryname = server.ToString();
            if (!Directory.Exists(directoryname))

                bool         mailsendflag  = false;
                int          count         = 0;
                int          day           = 0;
                string       monthnumber   = string.Empty;
                int          year          = 0;
                DBConnection db_connection = new DBConnection();

                DataTable filtered_data             = new DataTable();
                DataTable manual_entry_pending_data = new DataTable();
                DataTable overtime_pending_data     = new DataTable();
                DataTable out_of_office             = new DataTable();

                    from_date, to_date, final_date, first_date, initial_date, managerorhrcode, managerorhrname, managerorhremail, ismanager, ishr,
                    where_clause, current_user_id, companyname, managernHRfetchquery, dayname, currentdayname = string.Empty;

                DateTime  last_date         = new DateTime();
                Hashtable filter_conditions = new Hashtable();
                monthnumber = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM");
                year        = DateTime.Now.Year;
                //day = Convert.ToInt32(f.IniReadValue("Daynumber", "number"));
                dayname        = f.IniReadValue("Dayname", "name");
                currentdayname = DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString();
                final_date     = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
                to_date        = DateTime.ParseExact(final_date, "dd-MMM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                string firstDay = string.Empty;
                last_date    = Convert.ToDateTime(to_date);
                initial_date = last_date.AddDays(-6).ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
                from_date    = DateTime.ParseExact(initial_date, "dd-MMM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                managernHRfetchquery = "select emp_code,Emp_Name ,  emp_email , ismanager , ishr from employeemaster where emp_status = 1 and ( ismanager = 1 or ishr = 1 )";
                DataTable managerHRlist = new DataTable();
                managerHRlist = db_connection.ReturnDataTable(managernHRfetchquery);
                if (dayname.ToUpper() == currentdayname.ToUpper())
                    foreach (DataRow row in managerHRlist.Rows)
                        managerorhrcode  = row["emp_code"].ToString();
                        managerorhrname  = row["Emp_Name"].ToString();
                        managerorhremail = row["emp_email"].ToString();
                        ismanager        = row["ismanager"].ToString();
                        ishr             = row["ishr"].ToString();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(managerorhremail))
                            string query, file_name, company_name, exportPath = string.Empty;
                            string messageBody = string.Empty;
                            company_name = db_connection.ExecuteQuery_WithReturnValueString("select companyname from companymaster where companycode in ( select emp_company from employeemaster where emp_code  ='" + managerorhrcode + "')");

                            #region Manual Punch
                            query = "select p.empcode as EmpCode  , p.workdate as WorkDate , p.inpunch as InPunch , p.outpunch as OutPunch , md.status as Status  from punchforapproval p  join MASTERPROCESSDAILYDATA md on  p.WorkDate = md.PDate and p.EmpCode = md.emp_id  where p.approve = 1 and p.empcode in  (select EmpID from [FetchEmployees] ('" + managerorhrcode + "',''))";
                            manual_entry_pending_data = db_connection.ReturnDataTable(query);
                            if (manual_entry_pending_data.Rows.Count > 0)
                                messageBody += "Dear " + managerorhrname + ",<br/>" + "<br/>";
                                messageBody += "Please find pending approval records for your reportee employee. " + "<br/>" + "<br/>";
                                OpenFileForWriting("Your Pending Manual Entry Approval :    " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"));
                                OpenFileForWriting("Employee ID" + "     " + "Date" + "     " + "In Punch" + "    " + "Out Punch" + "     " + "Status" + "    " + "Access Link");
                                messageBody += "Pending Manual Entry Approval List as on : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
                                messageBody += "<br><br>";
                                messageBody += "<table border=1>";
                                messageBody += "<tr><td>Employee ID</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>Date</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>In Punch</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>Out Punch</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>Status</td>";
                                // messageBody += "<td>Access Link</td>";
                                messageBody += "</tr>";

                                foreach (DataRow pendingmanualrow in manual_entry_pending_data.Rows)
                                    Location   = f.IniReadValue("Location", "value");
                                    encrypt    = SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(managerorhrcode, "SampleKey");
                                    managerurl = "?MP=" + encrypt + "";
                                    Location   = Location + managerurl;
                                    Location   = ConvertUrlsToLinks(Location);

                                    messageBody += "<tr>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingmanualrow["EmpCode"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingmanualrow["WorkDate"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingmanualrow["InPunch"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingmanualrow["OutPunch"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingmanualrow["Status"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    // messageBody += "<td>" + Location + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "</tr>";

                                    OpenFileForWriting(pendingmanualrow["EmpCode"].ToString() + "   " + pendingmanualrow["WorkDate"].ToString() + "   " + pendingmanualrow["InPunch"].ToString() + " " + pendingmanualrow["OutPunch"].ToString() + " " + pendingmanualrow["Status"].ToString() + " '" + Location + "'");

                                messageBody += "</table></br>";
                                messageBody += "<br><br>";

                                messageBody += Environment.NewLine + " " + Environment.NewLine;
                                messageBody += Environment.NewLine + " " + Environment.NewLine;
                                ErrorLog.ErrorLogfile(@"" + directoryname + " ", "No pending manual entry record found for employee under Manager/HR ID :'" + managerorhrcode + "' and name '" + managerorhrname + "'", "");

                            #region Overtime
                            query = "select ot.EMPID as EmpCode  , ot.OTDate as WorkDate , ot.OTHrs as OTHours ,  md.status as Status  from overtime  ot  join MASTERPROCESSDAILYDATA md on  ot.otdate = md.PDate and ot.EMPID = md.emp_id  where ot.Flag = 1 and ot.EMPID in  (select EmpID from [FetchEmployees] ('" + managerorhrcode + "',''))";
                            overtime_pending_data = db_connection.ReturnDataTable(query);
                            if (overtime_pending_data.Rows.Count > 0)
                                OpenFileForWriting("Your pending OT approval :    " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"));
                                OpenFileForWriting("Employee ID" + "     " + "Date" + "     " + "OTHours" + "   " + "Status" + "Access Link");
                                messageBody += "Pending OT Entry Approval List as on : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
                                messageBody += "<br><br>";
                                messageBody += "<tr>";
                                messageBody += "<table border=1>";
                                messageBody += "<tr><td>Employee ID</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>Date</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>OTHours</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>Status</td>";
                                // messageBody += "<td>Access Link</td>";
                                messageBody += "</tr>";

                                foreach (DataRow pendingotrow in overtime_pending_data.Rows)
                                    Location     = f.IniReadValue("Location", "value");
                                    encrypt      = SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(managerorhrcode, "SampleKey");
                                    managerurl   = "?MP=" + encrypt + "";
                                    Location     = Location + managerurl;
                                    Location     = ConvertUrlsToLinks(Location);
                                    messageBody += "<tr>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingotrow["EmpCode"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingotrow["WorkDate"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingotrow["OTHours"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingotrow["Status"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    // messageBody += "<td>" + Location + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "</tr>";
                                    messageBody += "</tr>";

                                    OpenFileForWriting(pendingotrow["EmpCode"].ToString() + "   " + pendingotrow["WorkDate"].ToString() + "   " + pendingotrow["OTHours"].ToString() + "  " + pendingotrow["Status"].ToString() + " '" + Location + "'");

                                messageBody += "</table></br>";
                                messageBody += "<br><br>";

                                messageBody += Environment.NewLine + " " + Environment.NewLine;
                                messageBody += Environment.NewLine + " " + Environment.NewLine;
                                ErrorLog.ErrorLogfile(@"" + directoryname + " ", "No pending OT record found for employee under Manager/HR ID :'" + managerorhrcode + "' and name '" + managerorhrname + "'", "");


                            #region OUTOFFOFFICE*/

                            query = string.Empty;
                            if (ismanager == "1")
                                query = @" select Emp_ID, Emp_Name,OOO_type_name,FromDateTime,ToDateTime from outoffoffice O join OOOType OT on O.OOO_type=OT.OOO_type_id where Manager_Status=1  and 
	                                    Emp_ID in (select EmpID from [FetchEmployees] ('"     + managerorhrcode + "',''))";
                            if (ishr == "1")
                                query = @" select Emp_ID,Emp_Name,OOO_type_name,FromDateTime,ToDateTime from outoffoffice O join OOOType OT on O.OOO_type=OT.OOO_type_id where HR_Status=1 and
                                        Emp_ID in (select EmpID from [FetchEmployees] ('" + managerorhrcode + "',''))";

                            query        += " and Emp_ID!='" + managerorhrcode + "'";
                            out_of_office = db_connection.ReturnDataTable(query);

                            if (out_of_office.Rows.Count > 0)
                                messageBody += "Dear " + managerorhrname + ",<br/>" + "<br/>";
                                messageBody += "Please find pending approval records for your reportee employee. " + "<br/>" + "<br/>";
                                OpenFileForWriting("Your Pending OUT OF OFFICE Approval :    " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"));
                                OpenFileForWriting("Employee ID" + "     " + "Employee Name" + "     " + "OUT OF OFFICE Type" + "     " + "From DateTime" + "    " + "To DateTime");
                                messageBody += "Pending OUT OF OFFICE Approval List as on : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
                                messageBody += "<br><br>";
                                messageBody += "<table border=1>";
                                messageBody += "<tr><td>Employee ID</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>Employee Name</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>OUT OF OFFICE Type</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>From DateTime</td>";
                                messageBody += "<td>To DateTime</td>";
                                messageBody += "</tr>";

                                foreach (DataRow pendingooorow in out_of_office.Rows)
                                    Location   = f.IniReadValue("Location", "value");
                                    encrypt    = SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(managerorhrcode, "SampleKey");
                                    managerurl = "?MP=" + encrypt + "";
                                    Location   = Location + managerurl;
                                    Location   = ConvertUrlsToLinks(Location);

                                    messageBody += "<tr>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingooorow["Emp_ID"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingooorow["Emp_Name"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingooorow["OOO_type_name"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingooorow["FromDateTime"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "<td>" + pendingooorow["ToDateTime"].ToString() + "</td>";
                                    messageBody += "</tr>";

                                    OpenFileForWriting(pendingooorow["Emp_ID"].ToString() + "   " + pendingooorow["Emp_Name"].ToString() + "   " + pendingooorow["OOO_type_name"].ToString() + " " + pendingooorow["FromDateTime"].ToString() + " " + pendingooorow["ToDateTime"].ToString());

                                messageBody += "</table></br>";
                                messageBody += "<br><br>";

                                messageBody += Environment.NewLine + " " + Environment.NewLine;
                                messageBody += Environment.NewLine + " " + Environment.NewLine;
                                ErrorLog.ErrorLogfile(@"" + directoryname + " ", "No pending OUT OF OFFICE record found for employee under Manager/HR ID :'" + managerorhrcode + "' and name '" + managerorhrname + "'", "");

                            if (overtime_pending_data.Rows.Count > 0 || manual_entry_pending_data.Rows.Count > 0 || out_of_office.Rows.Count > 0)
                                messageBody += "<br /><br /> Thanks and Regards.<br /> <b>";
                                messageBody += "<br /><br /> Please do not reply on this mail, because it is system generated mail!<br /> <b>";
                                mailsendflag = MailSender.SendEmail(managerorhremail, "", messageBody, "", managerorhrname, directoryname);
                                if (mailsendflag)
                                    ErrorLog.ErrorLogfile(@"" + directoryname + " ", "Mail Sending done successfull for Manager email ID :'" + managerorhrcode + "' and name '" + managerorhrname + "'", "");
                                    ErrorLog.ErrorLogfile(@"" + directoryname + " ", "Mail Sending failed for Manager email ID :'" + managerorhrcode + "' and name '" + managerorhrname + "'", "");
                            ErrorLog.ErrorLogfile(@"" + directoryname + " ", "EmailID is blank for Manager/HR ID " + managerorhrcode + " and name " + managerorhrname + "  ", "");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLog.ErrorLogfile(@"" + directoryname + " ", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
Exemple #13
        private void Login(Hashtable namedate, Hashtable dochash, Hashtable rephash, Hashtable slipshash)
                FileStream fs = null;
                moConnection.WaitTimeout = Static.ToInt(Static.RegisterGet(mstrRegPath, "Login", "TimeOut", 1));
                string   serverip  = Static.ToStr(Static.RegisterGet(mstrRegPath, "Login", "Server", ""));
                int      portno    = Static.ToInt(Static.RegisterGet(mstrRegPath, "Login", "PortNo", ""));
                int      userno    = Static.ToInt(Static.RegisterGet(mstrRegPath, "Login", "UserNo", ""));
                string[] tfilename = Directory.GetDirectories(Terminaldir);
                if (serverip != "" || portno != 0)
                    moConnection.Connect(serverip, portno);
                    if (moConnection.Connected)
                        string cas = "";

                        Result res = moConnection.Call(userno, 224, 100003, 100003, new object[] { namedate, dochash, rephash, slipshash });
                        if (res.ResultNo == 0)
                            Hashtable hash = (Hashtable)res.Param[0];
                            if (hash.Count != 0)
                                if (!Directory.Exists(@Terminaldir + @"\temp"))
                                    Directory.CreateDirectory(@Terminaldir + @".\temp");
                                for (int j = 0; j < hash.Count; j++)
                                    ArrayList array = (ArrayList)hash[j];
                                    byte[]    bytes = (byte[])array[1];
                                    fs = File.Create(Terminaldir + "\\temp\\" + Static.ToStr(array[0]));
                                    fs.Write(bytes, 0, Static.ToInt(bytes.Length));
                                    cas = cas + SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(Static.ToStr(array[0]), "SampleKey") + " " + array[2] + " " + Static.ToStr(array[3]) + " ";
                                    Program.updatefiles = cas.TrimEnd();
                                    Program.selfupdate  = 1;
                                    selfupdate          = true;
                            if (res.ResultNo == 9110135)
                                Program.updatefiles = res.ResultDesc;
                                string[]  name = res.ResultDesc.Split(' ');
                                Hashtable hash = (Hashtable)res.Param[0];
                                if (hash.Count != 0)
                                    if (!Directory.Exists(@".\temp"))
                                    for (int j = 0; j < hash.Count; j++)
                                        ArrayList array = (ArrayList)hash[j];
                                        byte[]    bytes = (byte[])array[1];
                                        fs = File.Create(Terminaldir + "\\temp\\" + Static.ToStr(array[0]));
                                        fs.Write(bytes, 0, Static.ToInt(bytes.Length));
                                        cas = cas + SSTCryptographer.Encrypt(Static.ToStr(array[0]), "SampleKey") + " " + array[2] + " " + Static.ToStr(array[3]) + " ";
                                Program.selfupdate  = 1;
                                Program.updatefiles = cas;
                                MessageBox.Show(this, "Шинэчлэгч өөрийгөө шинэчлэсэн тул хуулах үйлдэл дууссаны дараа дахин шинэчлэх үйлдлээ хийнэ үү.", "Мэдээлэл", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                                MessageBox.Show(res.ResultNo + "  " + res.ResultDesc);
                        MessageBox.Show("Серверт холбогдож чадсангүй");
                    MessageBox.Show("Тохиргоо буруу байна.");
            catch (Exception ex)